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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Your teacher is weird. The only one of my teachers who would say anything remotely like that is my 6th grade teacher, and he was...well, different.

    How did I know Skitty would be the first on the scene to comment on this?
    Because <STRIKE>Gryph</STRIKE>Skitty is insane and enjoys having sane people to laugh at.

    I'm dead serious. BUT THIS PROVES NOTHING!! I'm still SANE!!!

    ...and remember, the amount of A's given to students is directly proportional to a teacher's happiness.
    Too true.

    McDonald's is an evil place. I was at church earlier, and my stomach hurt so much that my mom sent me out to the car to lie down. After church, we went to McDonald's, and the stupid people got our order wrong TWICE! And the worst part is we didn't notice the second time until we got home. WE'd even given them the receipt to make sure they got it right. But they forgot my burger.
    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


    • Lisa:
      *groans* It's about 30 degrees farenheit here, and I'm so cold. I'm so jealous because some kids in my grade got to go on the Science feild trip to Florida.'s like 70 degrees there.
      Aww...It was 70 here yesterday, and now it's...*Checks* 73. *Runs*
      It was 30 too though. Like day before last. Our weather's been like that...
      But you don't have to go to Florida. You could come to North Carolina...

      This was Mrs. F's response:

      You are clinicaly insane and you owe me your first born child. Do whatever to the speech....


      I'm dead serious. BUT THIS PROVES NOTHING!! I'm still SANE!!!
      I still don't know why we have to prove something known around the world to be true. Besides, I <STRIKE>have</STRIKE> had proof. I lost it. *Goes off to find*
      ...Does it count if the proof is from VGDawn?
      I am my own breed of crazy, the likes of which have never been seen before.
      Crazy is still crazy...

      Ahahaha! *topples over the back of the chair, laughing so hard* I'm gonna die...
      I think I already have died. *Can't stop laughing*
      See, Sharky, even your teacher knows you're crazy!

      Because <STRIKE>Gryph</STRIKE>Skitty is insane and enjoys having sane people to laugh at.
      Gryph knows she's insane. And Sharky isn't sane and never will be.

      *Whacks compy*
      Yesterday, a little before five, I had about 15-20 minutes, so I tried to get into chat in IE without a backup window in Netscape, because I was reading posts at the same time. (Bad idea.) After about five minutes, all three of IE's windows let me in at the same time, at exactly the same time as IE shut itself down with an error. *Banghead* I don't know if it let me all the way in or not, but just in case anyone saw me for a half a second... Grr. By then we had to leave, so I couln't post.


      • Today's OMG so funny chat excerpt:

        sharklord Join me, PM!
        sharklord Together, we can rule the Forums...
        sharklord *holds out gloved hand*
        sharklord Peter, I am your FATHER!!!

        I'M NOT SKITTY!!!

        Peter Murray You 'sploded him and he went!
        sharklord I know Gryph means...
        sharklord well, not 'well' perse...
        sharklord but not 'bad' either.
        wildflower44 Sort of Happily Evil?
        sharklord She's a Rebel Skitty without a cause.
        Gryphon i like chaotic evi--- I"M NOT A KSIISRTYTY!!!
        wildflower44 Merf.
        Gryphon DKSKRA!!HHHHA!!!
        sharklord I know you're laughing over there.
        Gryphon i am
        sharklord I know.
        sharklord *snicker*


        Carl what the heck is a skitty
        Carl no
        Gryphon there's no such thing as a skitty
        Gryphon sharky likes to name call people
        Peter Murray There is no skitty. Sharky is crazy.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • I'm laughing so hard right now I'm gonna fall out of my chair. I'm pretty sure my teachers think I'm crazy, though all of them might not know the truth. IT'S SNOWING!! *does the snow dance* *prays for a snow day* It's ain't gonna happen; but there are miracles... Unfortunately, the snow isn't sticking to the roads. *sigh* We haven't had a snow day all year. I don't wanna go to school! *wails* *hits algebra homework and then tears it to shreds* I despise this factoring junk. It kills my poor wittle head...
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • hello every one
            it's too bad that the Powers don't let snow close schools that often
            (Honorary member of the Breaking then fixing chime foundation.)XD
            "Everyone has a sanity threshold after which they turn into Young Wizard fans and talk in topics like this all day and meet people like PM and Kathy and Gryphon and Caitlin and Lord o


            • Heyy, Carl! You know, it's prob'ly best if you just edit your posts, instead of double posting. Oh, and one-liners aren't the best things, though we all have our days. *wink* Most of my posts are pretty short. (Like this one...)
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Um, Carl? The forums aren't like chat. You just posted two one-liners. DD pays for the forums, so we try not to have one-liners, and there's an edit button (The folder with a pencil) to add to your posts when you have something else to say right after what you said before. You can also delete posts using the edit button, if your post accidentally goes through twice, or something.

                IT'S SNOWING!! *does the snow dance* *prays for a snow day* It's ain't gonna happen; but there are miracles... Unfortunately, the snow isn't sticking to the roads. *sigh* We haven't had a snow day all year.
                Angel, you have _snow?_ Lucky! *Wants snow*
                Hmm, though. I wouldn't be wearing a T-shirt right now if we had snow. *Considers*


                • Carl, just wanted to make sure you're not intimidated by everybody here. We aren't mean. It's just, short posts cost DD money, as do double posts. If there's one "bad" quality about us in general, it's that we're insane. But I don't consider that a bad quality, as you can tell by the quotation marks.

                  So, without further ado, HELLO and WELCOME to the forums! A good friend of mine on this site (Page, who hasn't posted in forever) calls that smilie the "Newbie dance". Welcome!

                  Everybody else, look at my updated siggy! It now contains a link to my profile. Of course, I only have one YGO story up,which isn't really a story, but...oh well! Let me know if the link doesn't work. It didn't work for PM in chat. But you can review my story annoynamously (Spelling, I know). Just click the "submit review" button, and you can put your name from this site in. I'll know who's who then.
                  Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                  "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                  "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                  • Hehe. 's also Mr. Bobbles. And Gregory, too. Huh. He keeps getting more names.

                    Your link works for me, Lisa. I'll probably read your fic tomorrow.

                    Chat excerpt...

                    Peter Murray I tested the Kick button. It's permanent!
                    wildflower44 UH OH.
                    Peter Murray Well, until Lee fixes it. I can't fix it.
                    Birdhead AHAHAHA
                    Birdhead omg who did you kick?
                    wildflower44 WHAT HAVE YOU _DONE?!_
                    Peter Murray Kathy.
                    Birdhead *dying laughing*

                    Eeeee. PM silenced Gryph once, but that *cough* was reversable.

                    Carl, yeah, Lisa's right. We're all crazy (Yes everyone), and it's really no problem once you get used to everything. Welcome, though, and hope you'll have fun here.


                    • It's okay. I gave PM permission to do it, beforehand; we both needed to find out what the button was FOR, and doing the Jonas Salk thing of testing it on oneself first seemed the best way to me. Besides, now I can tell EVERYBODY that PM kicked me!!
                      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                      • Peter Murray I tested the Kick button. It's permanent!
                        wildflower44 UH OH.
                        Peter Murray Well, until Lee fixes it. I can't fix it.
                        Birdhead AHAHAHA
                        Birdhead omg who did you kick?
                        wildflower44 WHAT HAVE YOU _DONE?!_
                        Peter Murray Kathy.
                        Birdhead *dying laughing*
                        YOU DID WHAT?! Good grief, I told you you were a menace with all those extra powers! Lee should definately make it so that anything you do has to be qualified by Kathy first, like if a member were on probation. Well, now that my righteous rant is over, I have only one thing to say:

                        At least it wasn't me.


                        +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                        +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                        • SEveral things on my mind concerning YW. Lessee . . .looking at Peter Murray's timeline and stuff and coming across Kit's Worlds from tWD, and I don't remember seeing such concrete realities drawn from other books? I'll have to look at the book again.
                          And the Japanese versions of YW, I notice, looking at the pics of the covers . . .they use "mahoutsukai" for "wizard". I would have thought "sennin" fit it better, what with the discrepancies between "wizardry" and "magic" as Kit points out to his father in one book.
                          Gugaaaaaaaa . . .
                          Ranting. Just what's in my head now. Yay!
                          I lurk. It's what I do.
                          "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


                          • Canyon jumped onto my desk and bobbed her head at my bed, preparing to jump. Then she gave up and just hopped down. I moved the tables in my room, so now she can't get up on her own, silly cat. Tiny scratch marks were starting to accumulate at the end of my table anyway.

                            Angel_Star, post a couple of factoring problems, and I can make a guide on how to do them easily.

                            Heh, I commented on Carl's posts too in another topic without realizing you guys had already gotten to him. You're not in trouble, by the way.

                            Hmm, though. I wouldn't be wearing a T-shirt right now if we had snow. *Considers*
                            Hehehehe... Guess who would anyway?

                            PM/ Tui/ WF:
                            Peter Murray I tested the Kick button. It's permanent!
                            wildflower44 UH OH.
                            Peter Murray Well, until Lee fixes it. I can't fix it.
                            Birdhead AHAHAHA
                            Birdhead omg who did you kick?
                            wildflower44 WHAT HAVE YOU _DONE?!_
                            Peter Murray Kathy.
                            Birdhead *dying laughing*
                            AHAHAHA!!! I'm really gonna die now. That's even funnier than SHarky's teacher's quote.

                            Heyyy, Hogosha! Gibby started a forum picture with a lot of Fuzballs in them. Pick two to three colors, and he'll add a fuzzle for you too. They're in a topic titled 'Furball family' or something like that if you want to see.


                            I traced a picture of Sparkle on a separate layer, colored it in, and created a transparent-backed image. I've never done this before, and it looks really good.

                            [add adds:]
                            VGDawn will be a year old in a month! Seems so long.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • HOGOSHA!!! I haven't talked to you in forever! I don't really have time to post now b/c I'm in class...but I have a long post coming up...stupid chat never lets me in while I'm in this specific comp lab...(curses at the Macs)


                              • What is this mysterious "kick button" you all speak of? What does it do?

                                Gah. Little sleep + hard decision = stress.
                                I got into "Math Algebra" for eighth grade (next year). It will look really good on my resume, and I know I can get at least a B, but I don't know if I want to do it. It counts as a high school credit, and therefore will use the high school grading system. It also will count towards my GPA (grade point averge) in high school. Any other subject, and I'd say yes immediately. But this is math, and although my grades aren't bad when compared to most people, they are bad for me. I don't want my starting GPA to be that much influenced by my worst subject.

                                I'll probably take the course anyway. My mom wants me to, and knowing me I'll regret not taking it.

                                I'm going to join VGDawn. I just need to figure out who/what I'm going to be. I'll post later to tell you the details.

                                *remembers something* Hey, wildflower, I just noticed that you've only been registered 28 days longer than me. I thought you'd been, forever.

                                My post count is 145! Yay!
                                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon

