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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Um, Gigo, Cress is a girl. Not a he. Just clarifying.

    Also, few "real" God cards are really real. People will sell fake ones online. And even if it looks like the real thing, it probably isn't. For one thing, they don't have normal backs. It's colored the color of the front of the card. And there's a lot of other details that have to be just right. I could list specifics, but I'm too lazy, and it would bore most people out of their mind.

    I'm not as senior as you might think...I've only been posting for 2 months.

    We got the God cards for about 1/3 of what they're really worth. They're selling for up to $150 some places, and we got them for $37, I think.


    Peter Murray Augh! I just lost a knife down the back of this furniture. I can't move it, I'll have to try hooking it out .
    Rad omg how did you do that?
    sharklord a knife...
    Lisa ...PM, why were you holding a knife?....backs away
    Rad pm is commandeering the cow!
    sharklord It was PM all along!
    sharklord MOOOO!
    Peter Murray There's a gap at the back where the skirting board is at the ground.
    Peter Murray The knife and fork were on a plate . I eat at my computer.
    Rad oh
    Rad geez
    Lisa Ah. I thought it was one of those really sharp knives...
    Peter Murray The knife was near the edge, so the fork didn't get knocked off, just the knife.
    Peter Murray No.

    That's just some of the randomnitity that was going on late last night/early this morning. At one point, there was 8 people there! But people left and then it was just me and Rad. At one point, I was being Gollum-ish to my God card. "my precious. *sees other people* MINE! My precious!" yeah...I was pretty weird.

    Yes, randomnitity is a made-up word.

    Oooh! Gigo! I've heard the Duct tape thing before! So funny!
    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


    • *sigh* Silly thing... now I have to wait another month for it...

      Peter Murray *reads through a catalogue of Role-playing books* Mmmm, map of Tokyo for your monsters to attack.
      alla "Oh look its a giant monster" "we'll let the japanese take care of it"

      There was a bit inbetween, but that didn't relate to the whole thing...

      "Tell the truth" ... "I work for the CIA and the director asked me at the last minute to come with him and help with a nuclear arms inspection" - quote of the moment from The Sum of All Fears



      • Gigo, at one point in time, the TOGR was actually SHUT DOWN! Over all of the weekend, and I thought I would die. It turned into this huge fight. DD had to close it.

        What's really funny is that the first post after it _reopened_ was Sportz or Danzr (don't remember which) saying, "What!? When does it close? Oh no!" That sort of thing.

        Hehehehehe. *is laughing at Lisa's spaz over YGO cards*
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • This place is the one place on this entire site where you have absolutley no idea what anyone is going to say.
          I mean it's crazy here.
          Well the world is crazy every day but my point still stands.

          You get rants, spazzes, complaints, arguments, weird people like me, (heh heh) and if i forgot any thing let me know.
          (Honorary member of the Breaking then fixing chime foundation.)XD
          "Everyone has a sanity threshold after which they turn into Young Wizard fans and talk in topics like this all day and meet people like PM and Kathy and Gryphon and Caitlin and Lord o


          • I am happy. hehe.....AHAHAHAHAH! That sounds so funny for some reason.

            hehe. Anyway...I had so much fun last night! My dad's girlfriend's son is in a band, and my family and a bunch of other people went watch them play. There was actually supossed to be a concert at some school, but it was cancelled for some reason. So we just went to one of da bandmembers house, and they all payed. It was so cool. It was like a personal rock concert in the basement!

            Dancing chocolates are all powerful...... f34r them
            Reality is for those who lack imagination.


            • Originally posted by Gigo:
              Lets all post an oxymoron.
              How about a non-self-contradicting oxymoron, just to make things interesting...
              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


              • Theres currently eight people on right now!
                Thats the most I've ever seen!



                • Ok, this is just so that everyone knows what I said to Carl in chat.

                  alla I mean none of this in a malicing way: Carl, I don't know if you've realised this, but sometimes your attitude really gets on some peoples nerves. I know that you're new around here, but there are some things that we all know, such as puns and so on. Many of them have been used before. And just because the discussion came up while I was typing this and there are FIVE H2G2 books, not seven. Some people are getting rather annoyed at your behaviour towards the rest of the members. Please, we know that you think you're funny, but if you took the opportunity to just listen to the older members and find out how things work around here before you - well - annoy people.

                  I was very calm when I was saying it.. well I was calm anyway. You can ask Rad, I was talking with her on Skype at the time.

                  Anyway, on a more random note... I scored at the market this morning!! *dances* I spent $10 and I scored three disney videos, a my little pony, four of the good Hardy Boys Casefile books and a Lanard Pony that I can practise customising on ... I'm happy

                  Brennick: Wait until April 2 during the DD chat The most I've seen is 20 on at once - that was in the first DD chat that I made it to. Apparently there were more people at the one before, but I wasn't there...

                  Well. I must write up my maths assignment



                  • wow...there's been drama whilst i've been away.

                    alla: there were 30-something at the first one (or mabye the second one, i don't remember), but i haven't made it to one since (read: continually grounded, by marking period, based on grades)

                    on the bright side, it's good to be back

                    on the not-so-bright side: my school just lost the state championship basketball game. poo.

                    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                    Follow the bouncing poot


                    • Hmm. . .

                      I used to play YuGiOh. I have a deck. . . it's a really crappy deck, but it's a deck. But then, I mooched most of the cards off other people and didn't buy ANY cards myself. And I still have some pretty powerful cards, like Red Eyes Black Dragon and a White Eyes and a Dark Magician. . . *shrug*

                      Speaking of cards, my friend Alastair taught me to play Magic: The Gathering last thursday. Interesting game. Now to see if I can go mooch some cards. . . from past players. . . nyow.


                      • Carl:I've never actually met you, but believe me, you DON'T want to be the annoying one. Because after a while it gets un-cute (if it ever was) and it just gets, well, annoying.
                        Hey! I have a post dedicated to me! I'd like to thank everyone who helped me to get where I am today *sniffles* I'd like to give a special shout-out to Nancy Drew, who asked me how long I could get a funfun post and inspired the board breaking post.
                        I'm listening to Once More With Feeling right now. It makes me happy, but I'm feeling kinda depressed right now, which doesn't seem right since I watched Buffy for like and entire day minus about four hours sleep. However I just realized how depressing that show is. I mean, nothing happy ever happens, and if something happy ever does happen, then they go and kill of whoever it happened to, or make them leave. Nobody ever has a happy relationship. Either someone dies, someone leaves town, someone dies, someone turns into a werewolf or someone dies. Oh, and did I mention how many people die?
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • I am dead tired right now. Even more so than last night. I just got back from the mall, and it's about 8. We left at around...oh, probably 4. I spent four hours at the mall, doing little besides picking out my Easter clothes. For me, that's heck on earth. I had to go into three or four stores before I found one that I didn't totally hate, Hechts. That doesn't mean I was comfortable; by all means, quite the opposite. I was literally scared. I think I have some sort of mental problem about being around new people/places, because I was almost hyperventilating at first, and on the verge of tears. But it wasn't as bad as the shoes will be...the worst part was...never mind. You don't want to know.

                          Yes, I did go the the ONE bookstore in the mall, Waldenbooks. But I only bought one book and one YGO manga. *mutters something about no selection* Really, they have SIX (6) manga shelves, and THREE (3) young adult shelves. It's not that I don't like manga, but this is ridiculous. Some of us want to READ.

                          Then I got to get my picture taken with the Easter bunny. Oh joy. The problem here was my siblings. They can't sit still, or smile right.

                          Then we found out my sister had left mom's bag somewhere, and we raced around the mall to find it.

                          What a great day.

                          Oh, and if you were wondering, my outift is NOT A DRESS! Hooray! It's a pale green/ light yellow/ white jacket, a very light yellow shirt, and a green skirt that goes down to a little above my knees.
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • Power to Lisa!!!! *happi dance*

                            So we had to make this business for Bible class, and our group made a commercial. I think I've already mentioned this before, so I won't go into detail...
                            Anywho, I wore this huge amount of looked like psychotic killer clown from was pretty funny...

                            The last scene was acted out in Barbies...hehe...

                            It'll be great when we show it on Monday. I have to make the credits...

                            Here's a bit of chat excerpt referring to Lord of the Undead/the kid formerly known as Carl:

                            LoveBird: What a horribly morbid title...are you calling yourself the king of zombies? or, since it's not the living'd be king of everything alive...
                            Telaldalin: lol
                            alla: meep
                            LoveBird: pardon the religious statement I'm about to make...that's God's job....
                            LoveBird: Unless it's referring to a sort of living dead...then that would be Satan...ish...sorta...*shuts up*

                            That's about it....

                            I'm too busy chatting to think of anything too's just get to the song of the day...

                            MORE PINK MARTINI!!!!

                            "The Gardens of Sampson & Beasley" Pink Martini

                            Under Orion's starry sky
                            I lie in the moonlit garden
                            Wondering where to cast my eye
                            For all that I see is heaven
                            Oh why does it have to end?
                            I wish we could still pretend
                            You're near-just around the bend
                            In the gardens of Sampson and Beasley.

                            Last time we were in this place
                            Your face had a certain sadness
                            And oh how I've wondered since
                            What you've done with all that sadness
                            Oh why did it have to end?
                            I wish we could still pretend
                            Our love was around the bend
                            In the gardens of Sampson and Beasley

                            Under Orion's starry sky
                            I lie in the moonlit garden
                            Wondering when I close my eyes
                            If I'll ever find my heaven
                            Oh why will it never end?
                            These days where I still pretend
                            You're near-just around the bend
                            In the gardens of Sampson and Beasley


                            • Hey, Lisa Power sounds like a good thing. Like, "We shall all take over the world using LISA POWER! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! And you shall bow before the magnitude of Lisa Power!" Sorry, I'm in a kind of morbid mood today, not sure why. I mean, I'm listening to my new Billy Joel, how on earth could I be feeling morbid?
                              The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                              I promise not to funfun anymore
                              Be happy cause life is good


                              • Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon

