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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Me:
    Y'know what, because we're a big happy family, I'm going to take you as a surrogate niece. *huggles niece*
    See! I didn't forget you! And Paige is a neice, like you said! And you're both my neices if I say so, so there! I'm 17, you work out the math...

    The Incredibles is a funny movie, you're right.

    +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
    +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


    • Awwww I'm left out of the family again. Curse me and my only posting in On-Topic forums. I should have known better.

      I'm getting my piano today!!! I'm SO happy!!!

      If anyone has anything against a Casio PX-100, too bad for you.
      "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


      • Sunstar:
        Awwww I'm left out of the family again. Curse me and my only posting in On-Topic forums. I should have known better.
        Oh, I'm sorry!! I don't know how I forgot you!! *huggles* Sorry Sunstar, my dear beloved...older sister. Yes, you'll be an older sister just for that. But I warn you, I get to pick on you till Mom or Auntie Lee stop me!

        +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
        +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


        • Errr.. stop picking on your sister? Snort. Too easy.

          BTW, for anybody who cares, the easter eggs on The Incredibles dvd are particularly elegant. Their appearances have nothing to do with pressing buttons, whatsoever. You just have to be patient...
          New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


          • Originally posted by Rad:
            *gives Gibby many huggles, and looks pointedly at Gigo*

            Hey, sharky! Twin sister, eh? Sorry I can't get into chat from this comp, but I hope I can talk to you later! I'm in class so I have to go for now...
            Hey, I'm not a drama type person. Life goes on. So stop looking at me like that. Of course Gibby needs some time to mourn. Of course, nobody cares that I just witnessed my grand-uncle's funeral. It doesn't matter to you people.

            Sharky: Whoo-hoo! I'm indirectly related to DD!
            Hi, auntie. *waves*. Hmm...Carl is older than me? It's true, but you seem to flip from saying titles like: Mom's brother, to titles like: Aunt (mom's side) so is that meaning YOUR aunt, and DD's sister, or DD's aunt? Methinks you need a slight re-do.

            Ignore sane people. Don't ignore Lisa.

            Edit: So Sunstar: WHAT gender are you?


            • Kathy:
              Errr.. stop picking on your sister? Smile Snort. Too easy.
              Hey, wait a second! *checks Kathy's rank* Darnitall! You're an Aunt too! Fine, well I'll listen to you, but only because of a technicality!

              Everything is in terms of me. So that would be DD's sis.

              +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
              +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


              • Salu't! How are all of you today? Good?

                We presented our video in Bible today. We were the only ones laughing b/c of all the inside jokes that only we knew...oh well...

                I really don't have anything to say except for apologizing to Gigo. Oh, Lord...what have I done...

                Moving on to todays song...

                "Let's Never Stop Falling in Love" Pink Martini

                I wish a falling star could fall forever
                And sparkle through the clouds and stormy weather
                And in the darkness of the night
                The star would shine a glimmering light
                And hover above our love

                Please hold me close and whisper that you love me
                And promise that your dreams are only of me
                When you are near, everything's clear
                Earth is a beautiful heaven
                Always I hope that we shine like the star and be forever floating above

                I know a falling star can't fall forever
                But let's never stop falling in love

                When you are near, everything's clear
                Eath is a beautiful heaven
                Always I hope that we shine like the star and be forever floating above

                I know a falling star can't fall forever
                But let's never stop falling in love

                Man...that song makes you really sad when you have no love life....

                That reminds me...the guy I liked stood in front of the place I eat afterschool with me and we talked for about 10 minutes!!!! *shrieks and faints* Wowww.....*dies*


                • Originally posted by sharklord:
                  Oh, I'm sorry!! I don't know how I forgot you!! *huggles* Sorry Sunstar, my dear beloved...older sister. Yes, you'll be an older sister just for that. But I warn you, I get to pick on you till Mom or Auntie Lee stop me!
                  When I said I wanted to be included, I didn't want you to assume what gender I was. I'm offended by your lack of thinking. You could have at least added in some sarcastic comment refrencing that I should be a genderless pet or something but you didn't even do that. Oh, Sharky I'm very disapointed in you.

                  But whatever I am, I was named after DD. How else could I get the initials DD in the same family without some intent of honouring me with the initials of our beloved mother. I already at one point referred to myself as the second most important DD on the forums.
                  "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                  • Sunstar:
                    When I said I wanted to be included, I didn't want you to assume what gender I was. I'm offended by your lack of thinking. You could have at least added in some sarcastic comment refrencing that I should be a genderless pet or something but you didn't even do that. Oh, Sharky I'm very disapointed in you.
                    Eep. Sorry, I was just trying to be nice. You are not in fact my sister. You're simply the ghost that haunts the house, noone is sure if you're male or female--your voice seems to hover right between the two. You first started popping up when we moved DD in with us. (we, is Me and some close family (sisters/brothers)) It was decided that you would be called Daine's Ghost. There. Now have a nice death.

                    +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                    +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                    • Eep. Sorry, I was just trying to be nice. You are not in fact my sister. You're simply the ghost that haunts the house, noone is sure if you're male or female--your voice seems to hover right between the two. You first started popping up when we moved DD in with us. (we, is Me and some close family (sisters/brothers)) It was decided that you would be called Daine's Ghost. There. Now have a nice death.
                      That's much better...I think. Anyway, at least I am a unique part of the family, not one of the endless brothers and sisters.

                      Some say I look a bit like this.

                      All the members of the YW family living in the large house at 241 East Clinton Avenue loves eggs and their friendly ghost who routenely prepares them.
                      "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                      • Gigo
                        Ignore sane people. Don't ignore Lisa.
                        That's right! Don't ignore me! I get enough of that at school. That's why I was depressed. No one sits near me unless the teacher tells them to. But now that Gigo admitted I shouldn't be ignored, I will rule the world with LISA POWER! Yay!

                        Sunstar, I just noticed your siggy! It's funny!

                        So this. I'm sad now.

                        Chat was great today! Frostykitten (I think it was her anyway) challenged me with a word puzzle. Here it is.


                        Then I wrote it out, because I was comfused.


                        Big "ger" and better! Yay! (bigger and better)

                        Then she put up one that went


                        I didn't get it at first, then she said "think math."


                        Square dance!

                        I'm so smart!

                        Yayness! HP6 is already #1 on the Yahoo! bestsellers list! Awesome!

                        There was more to chat...I revealed my Millenium Pen, and sent Gigo to the Shadow Realm...several times. Fun, fun, fun...
                        Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                        "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                        "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                        • Sharky:
                          DD: Mom.
                          Lee: Aunt (mom's side)
                          PM: (already established as son)
                          Kathy: Aunt (dad's side)
                          Wf: Sister (by her own unknowing choice)
                          Gigo: Nephew (Mother's oldest brother)
                          Rad: Twin Sister (but Sharky's a few seconds older)
                          Gryphon: Family <STRIKE>Skitty</STRIKE> Cat (age unknown)
                          Art: Family Wolf (enjoys terrorizing family cat in 'souped up' dog v. cat violence)
                          Nita: Younger sister
                          Gibby: Brother.
                          Aurie: cousin (Father's Brother's daughter)
                          Alla/Tui: Southern Hemisperian identical twins (have flown to a forgotten corner of Aussieland to commune w/ kangaroos)
                          meteorite: cousin
                          BiW: Aunt (Father's side)
                          Carl: cousin
                          leah: neice
                          Angel: Family Gaurdian (close friends with Michael and Gabriel)
                          Lovey: Sister
                          Cress: Family Parrot (repeats often what she knows, has only learned one word: fun)
                          Brennick: cousin
                          luv2read: cousin
                          Wilf: Son (Living in England, desperately trying to keep his brother, PM, out of trouble)
                          *dies laughing* Ahahahaha. This is great...
                          *has sudden overwhelming urge to make a graphic of this*
                          Except I can't figure out the cousins, neices, and nephews. Lesse...I'm a sister...does this mean I have kids? Eehehehe. *is having fun with this*

                          The Incredibles is a very funny movie. We watched Jack-Jack Attack, and everyone was cracking up.
                          Ooooh. *hasn't seen the DVD yet* the movie was really good, though.

                          Errr.. stop picking on your sister? Snort. Too easy.
                          Hehehe. I'm a younger sister. Does this mean I get to be annoying?

                          Frostykitten (I think it was her anyway) challenged me with a word puzzle. Here it is.


                          Then I wrote it out, because I was comfused.


                          Big "ger" and better! Yay! (bigger and better)

                          Then she put up one that went


                          I didn't get it at first, then she said "think math."


                          Square dance!
                          Word puzzles like that are fun. I used to have some of those...




                          Look You Leap


                          *shrugs* I don't know how hard or easy they are. I've known the answers for a long time, so I can't tell...


                          • I have a cousin on here? Huh, gofigure. well since this is the Topic Of Great Randomness or so I am told, I am going to go way way off topic.

                            In my state where I live called Minnesota there is a lady in the hospital who is comatose and is being kept alive by a feeding tube to her stomach. and her ex husband is trying to get the hospital to remove the tube and let her die. He says that she would've wanted to die. but the hospital doesn't buy it. They say that they can remove the tube on either a judge's order or when they recieve a written statement from the comatose lady. But the husband doesn't have one and the trial is not for a long time yet. And the cost of keeping his ex wife alive is quite a bit of cash. But hey can't have the tube removed just yet.

                            So do you think that anyone has a right to order this lady's death? Does she have a right to live?

                            I will not give my opinion on this I just want yours.
                            (Honorary member of the Breaking then fixing chime foundation.)XD
                            "Everyone has a sanity threshold after which they turn into Young Wizard fans and talk in topics like this all day and meet people like PM and Kathy and Gryphon and Caitlin and Lord o


                            • Gigo:
                              Hey, I'm not a drama type person. Life goes on. So stop looking at me like that. Of course Gibby needs some time to mourn. Of course, nobody cares that I just witnessed my grand-uncle's funeral. It doesn't matter to you people.
                              GIGO!! WHAT THE HECK!!! You as good as said your grandparent wasn't close to you. Gibbish is [really] suffering, and you can't see past that! You had the nerve to tell him to just get over it, and then you [complain] when people don't comment about your grand-uncle. Wow, you obviously don't care!

                              *grumbles* And I'm everyone's cat-in-law.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Hehe. WF, those are easy. Here are the answers (in white, in case you don't want to see them right away.

                                <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Man overboard

                                (a) walk in the park

                                backward glance

                                look before you leap

                                buckle up</span>

                                There. And I'm pretty sure they're right. we used to do these in GT. (Gifted and Talented, or Good Thinkers, whichever you chose). I love word games. Here are a couple I remember. Oh, and I know I have an old paper with some on it somewhere...*goes looking for paper* *comes back 15 minutes later* I couldn't find it! I kept all my papers from that class, except that one! Gah! But I did find a really cool picture I drew...

                                G ROSIE I





                                And that's all for now. I can't think of anymore.

                                DD: Mom.
                                Lee: Aunt (mom's side)
                                PM: (already established as son)
                                Kathy: Aunt (dad's side)
                                Wf: Sister (by her own unknowing choice)
                                Gigo: Nephew (Mother's oldest brother)
                                Rad: Twin Sister (but Sharky's a few seconds older)
                                Gryphon: Family Skitty Cat (age unknown)
                                Art: Family Wolf (enjoys terrorizing family cat in 'souped up' dog v. cat violence)
                                Nita: Younger sister
                                Gibby: Brother.
                                Aurie: cousin (Father's Brother's daughter)
                                Alla/Tui: Southern Hemisperian identical twins (have flown to a forgotten corner of Aussieland to commune w/ kangaroos)
                                meteorite: cousin
                                BiW: Aunt (Father's side)
                                Carl: cousin
                                leah: neice
                                Angel: Family Gaurdian (close friends with Michael and Gabriel)
                                Lovey: Sister
                                Cress: Family Parrot (repeats often what she knows, has only learned one word: fun)
                                Brennick: cousin
                                luv2read: cousin
                                Wilf: Son (Living in England, desperately trying to keep his brother, PM, out of trouble)
                                In that case, who is my parent(s)? I didn't think about that...*is going to create a family tree picture*

                                This reminds me: I once copied Bilbo Baggins' family tree in paint. It was horrifically long, and exhausting, but I did it! I can't post it though. Anyway, for some reason, it's really blurry.

                                LotU, if you go to Yahoo! you can see a lot of articles on that.

                                Wikipedia is a very good site. I just wanted to point that out. I like it. It has information on EVERYTHING. Here's the Diane Duane part of it.

                                Grr. Every time I try to post, it opens literally 45 more Internet Explorer screens. This is the second time it's done that.

                                Gryph, you're right. You really need to shape up, Gigo. Think about how other people feel. I can think of several instances where I think you should've been at least gently reprimanded. Please think about what you're doing before you post, even (especially) in chat.
                                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon

