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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • My sociology report is evil. I've spent exactly five hours on it. . . and I'm nowhere near finished. I'm not even HALFWAY finished. ARGH.

    *glares at monitor*

    Thank gods for coffee. . .


    • I'm a family guardian? That's cool. *grin*

      *growl* My dad's kicking me off the computer. *sigh* I had so much homework that I just now got online, when normally I'd have been on hours ago. I guess that's where procrastination gets you... Anyways, my dad's going to commit infanticide if I don't hurry it up, so buh-bye! *huggles from the guardian to everyone*
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Hey all,

        Wow I've missed a TON!

        Sorry I have been away for a while, but this weekend I've been extreemly busy eating wayyy too much pizza and watching cheesy movies with excluded friends, and eating the same amount of pizza and watching the same cheesy movies with some not so excluded friends... Any who... First things first.

        I am EXTREEMLY sorry Gibby, for your grandmum and my awful spelling. I havn't lost a grandparent, but I've gone through a few harsh times myself... I do recall talking when your grandmum had gone to the hospital, forgive me, I'm not totally fresh on details. But if it makes you feel any better, over the weekend the topic of you and your grandmum did cross my mind. She is in a better place, and we all know a certain, very special quote from ((I'm pretty sure. If not from another of the YW books)) WD, "Whats loved, lives." The way I see it, as long as one remembers a loved one, part of their loved one will always be with them. Sorry to hear about the unfortunate news... GET BETTER ASAP!
        Secondly, Gigo... I'm no expert... But I do know rude and inconsiderate when I see it. I'll tell you with confidence that telling Gibby to "lighten up." after her grandmother had just died was extremely inconsiderate. When someone looses a loved one, you don't tell them to "lighten up" if anything, it will probably make them feel worse! The death of your Grand-Uncle was probably very devistating to you, and I'm very sorry for you, but that means you should know even more what its like to loose, and you have even less of an excuse to tell Gibby to "lighten up"! And don't say we dont care about your Grand-Uncles passing, I feel just as sorry for you as I do for Gibby, its just that I know Gibby better. So I feel more relaxed and comfterble, since I know where and where not he's is sensitive, tough, etc... I think we've all been a bit tough on you because what you said. And I think that maybe you might wanna 'think before you type' not saying you don't already, just try to put yourself in the other persons shoes, and try to see if what your about to say will be reacted to positivly. Just a thought...

        Phew... That was a long post...

        Member Of the DDFQOTW foundation
        Comitted Fratcha-Bruta

        Forever and Always


        • This is a chat excerpt, from me. I wanted to let everyone know. I don't expect, nor do I want, pity. I'm over it, mostly.

          Lisa My dad is a complete idiot. He left for "overseas" more than a year ago. He said he'd be gone a year, then he sent us a letter on the exact date he left, and said he'd be gone six more months. But the worst part is, he chose to leave, and I think that it's my fault. My sibs and I hate going to his house, so we'd put up a fight every time he came to pick us up. And actually, the absolute worse part is that I don't want him to come back. He left, during the most important years of my life, and I don't want him in my life again. I never get to do what I want when I'm with him, because he lives about an hour's drive away, but it means I can't do sports. I love soccer, as Steph would tell you, but I can never do them because I'd be at my dad's half of the games. And he's gonna come back in May, when the tournament begins. Steph can tell you how upset I was that day when he should've come back. I didn't want him at home again, but I felt awful for that.

          Like I said, I don't want pity. I've dealt with this for five and a half years. I thought you might want to know.

          On a lighter note, I have my first soccer practice tomorrow! I can't wait! I love soccer! *checks time* Technically, it would be team isn't that good though. We came in almost last in the last two seasons. But I have fun! And Steph makes a fool of herself. Last time, she tried to steal the ball from the coach, and tripped over it, then did a somersault. And the first time I ever went to a practice, officially, I got hit in the face by the ball, by the strongest kicker on our team. I ended up with a bloody nose. Ah, funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun times.

          I WILL make that family tree! As soon as I have time...

          The world


          Hea rt

          <span class="ev_code_GREEN">DAY</span>

          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • Let's see: I guessed some of them.

            Broken heart

            Green day(st. Paddy's day?)


            Gold at the end of the rainbow.

            I don't know the last bit.

            Argh! I've placed it in Word, and I can't figure out what you typed! Hmph.


            • Edit: So Sunstar: WHAT gender are you?
              It's a bit of a mystery. When signing up I chose to not specify my gender and at that time I only wanted to come for the DD chats. But when I descided to start posting, I just continued to not mention my gender. There have been several discussions, matchmaking sessions, and other dialouges about what gender I am. The general concensus is that I'm female, but I warn you not to assume anything.

              I got and assembled my Piano last night! I'm SO Happy!

              The last one is Walking on Ice, or possibly on thin Ice, but its hard to know for sure.
              "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


              • Hah, Lisa, I got all of your puzzles. We've been doing a lot in Language Arts, and I hate it. Though I've only seen the pawalkrk before. Didn't get all of your second set.

                But you assumed Gibbish didn't! And there's always backlash when you say something so INSENSITIVE.

                *huggles Lisa* You're struggling.

                I dunno what Sunstar was either. At first you were male, then female, but now I"m sure you're male. So yeah. Well, no, I'm not sure but...

                It helps to think about other stuff. A lot of other stuff. *huggles all* I'm really out of shape over this. And I wish I could talk about everything, but I can't.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Lisa: Two other answers:
                  "I'm on top of the world"
                  Um - maybe "Lots of issues"? Probably not.

                  And there's no way I could know if Green Day is a band, since (as is well known) my interest in music stopped in the 1980s .
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • "Side Issues"
                    and "Walking on (thin?) ice" I get, along with the other ones that have already been said...

                    As for the issues one, it's killing me because I swear we had it at my school- the Philosophy/DGS lady used to stick them on a board once a week, so, er, I can't think of it. But perhaps "Side issues"?
                    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                    • I have very little to say....

                      Well, Friday is Good Friday, so today is Not Bad Tuesday.

                      Song Time!!!!

                      "Hang on Little Tomato" Pink Martini

                      The sun has left and forgotten me
                      It's dark, I cannot see
                      Why does this rain pour down?
                      I'm gonna drown
                      In a sea...of deep confusion

                      Somebody told me-I don't know who
                      Whenever you are sad and blue
                      and you're feelin' all alone and left behind
                      Just take a lool inside an you will find

                      You gotta hold on, hold on through the night
                      Hang on, things will be all right
                      Even when it's dark
                      And not a bit of sparkling
                      Sing-song sunshine from above
                      Spreading rays of sunny love-just

                      Hang on, hang on to the vine
                      Stay on, soon you'll be divine
                      If you start to cry, look up to the sky
                      Something's coming up ahead
                      To turn your tears to dew instead

                      And so I hold on to this advice
                      When change is hard and not so nice
                      If you listen to your heart the whole night through
                      Your sunny someday will come one day soon to you

                      This song is dedicated to someone who knows who they are, but if you're having a hard time, this song is yours, too.

                      I love you all, truly. *huggles everyone*


                      • I would like to take this moment to recognize the acievement of someone beloved to all. This person has entertained us in many ways on many television series and through many movies. His efforts to make the world a better place and do so with a smile on both his face and ours is a truly great act. So today on this day, his birthday, I would like to pay tribute to, the now 74 years young...

                        ...William Shatner
                        We love you
                        "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                        • Sorry to interrupt, but I have an announcement to make. I am not a tomato. Thank you for your time.

                          I don't know if I interpreted Lovey's correctly, but at school people like to call me Li'l 'mato. *sigh*

                          (Later, finally remembering that this window was open)
                          *sobs* I was in a chat with Lovey, a friend from out of state, and a friend from school. Two of them left me. *cries* I'm unloved. It's all your fault, Lovey. Without you, nobody wants to talk to me... *sigh*

                          On a brighter note...Oh. Nope, not brighter. Darker. I have a history test to study for, along with a Bible quiz. *wanders away*
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Hehehehe! Hello! I'm hyper, but tired. I was at soccer practice with Steph/Paige today.

                            Speaking of Steph/Paige, she is currently biting my knee. Don't ask why. She says she doesn't really know. But anyways, she gets to sleep over! Yay-ness!

                            Soccer was SOOOO fun! Steph is horrible, but I was so good that the coach paused the practice to single me out and said "We'll win the games if you play like Lisa." Really, he did. I was doing my absolute best in practice, because I didn't want everyone to laugh at me. (I'm a self-conscience perfectionest.) I'm defense, if any one cares. I get to be the "point" on the "diamond" because, according to everyone else, I'm bossy.

                            Steph is hurting me now. She says she's going to beat me. She's not a bad soccer player. I just wanted to make fun of her. Oooh! Steph says I'm the best player on the team!
                            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                            • Wow, I know this is random, but when I first saw Steph/Paige, I thought it said Steven Page. I realize most of you have NO idea who that is, but he's from Barenaked Ladies.
                              And someone stole my funfuns. I don't remember who, it was a couple pages back, but that's not cool!
                              Public Service Announcement-Buffy the vampire slayer is haunting me. Or at least following me.
                              The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                              I promise not to funfun anymore
                              Be happy cause life is good


                              • Cress
                                Wow, I know this is random, but when I first saw Steph/Paige, I thought it said Steven Page. I realize most of you have NO idea who that is, but he's from Barenaked Ladies.
                                And someone stole my funfuns. I don't remember who, it was a couple pages back, but that's not cool!
                                Public Service Announcement-Buffy the vampire slayer is haunting me. Or at least following me.
                                Oh, I'm sorry Cress. That was me. I found out the exact amount of funfuns that will fit on a line without breaking the board. Well, maybe not, because I had exclaimation points, but that's not important. Sorry! (Note: I am aware that I'm "not cool." That is a well-known fact that I take pride in.)

                                Haha! None of you are right about the "issues" thing. But you got the other ones. I don't know who did what, but they're right. Oh, and I thought of the "Greenday" thing myself. It's supposed to be the band, even though I've never heard one of their songs. It's kinda hard to go to my school and NOT know who Greenday is.

                                Does anyone want the answer to the "issues" word puzzle? (And no, Steph, I told you the answer already. Don't cheat and say you got it.)


                                Gack! My Internet connection was broken all day today! I couldn't handle it! My brother didn't get home until pretty late, (around eight) so he couldn't help! And mom. She's probably the one who messed it up. It wasn't just my computer, either. It was both! *cries* It's so good to be back. *sees people staring* No, I'm not addicted, I can quit any time I want to! *glances at supply of "internet patches", which are like nicotine patches but for people who are addicted to the internet* Okay, so what if I am? *she says defensively*

                                Yes, Paige is still here. She watched "Finding Neverland" (good movie: I highly suggest it) And we were so...strange...afterwards. It's like we were drunk....probably the soda.

                                *Lisa hands Steph the key board*

                                Why helo my good friends..... I dont know most of you. If any of you remember last night when lisa typed the big long box and I said "go Lisa type type" then i started miss spelling things and bad grammar and i said it would annoy her. well guess what??? It did!!!! hehheeheEven now while I'm typeing this shes a bout to kill me with all the mistakes I'm making. She feels she must edit this or type for me....*thinks to self for a moment* muhahahaha I shall never let her do it hahahaha.

                                *Steph hands keyboard back to Lisa...thankfully*

                                God, it's painful watching that girl type. She's so SLOW! And all those mistakes that she won't let me correct...*cries* I'm a spelling/grammar freak. I can't let things be spelled wrong. *ignores her frequent misspellings in this forum*

                                Later: *considers editing post, seeing as Steph can't, but doesn't because Steph is using her pitiful voice and sniffling* Awww, okay. Because you asked so nicely.

                                Hehehe. We got into the soda. And we're so gonna be dead tomorrow. Why? My mom's gonna kill us. We snuck into the kitchen, but my mom (who was sleeping in the family room, which we had to walk through/by) heard us and semi-woke up. Steph covered for us and said she needed medicine for her stuffy nose. We got the soda out of the fridge, then took it and two glasses back to our room. But since my mom has very good hearing, we had to be careful. She can hear a fresh bottle of Pepsi (which is what we had taken) opening from a mile away. I used a trick that my brother taught me. (This is useful information, for all you kids who like to break rules.)

                                1. Take the soda into the bathroom.
                                2. Turn on the faucet/Flush the toilet (at the same time.
                                3. While the faucet/toilet are running, open the soda, thus masking the sound of the soda bottle.

                                *applause* Yes, yes, thank you very much. We'll be here forever. (If you can't tell, I'm running on caffiene.)
                                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon

