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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • OMG that was soooo close! I left my disk in the library comp lab last night b/c they were practically kicking me out at closing time. I came back now, hoping that it would still be here, and the comp I was on was stuck booted halfway b/c of a "non-system disk" or whatever, which happened to be my disk. I am sooooo happy to know I didn't lose it! So yes, now that I have missed breakfast, I have to go take a math test. I might not be on later b/c today I get off for Easter Break. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get home...I need to call my dad back. He might not be able to take me, so I also need to try to get ahold of my mom to see if she can come get yeah I gotta go...


    • Sitting here, with Sean (weredragon54). About time to leave here, but I have a question. Anyone ever seen the movie Gattaca? I heard about it in Bio class, it looks really good.

      Gah, I have to leave for my appointment. I'll be on at about 7 o'clock EST.

      "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
      "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


      • I finally got the YW family tree picture done! (it didn't actually take that long to do, but hosting it took a while to figure out.) Lesse...I just hope I did this thing right...

        In that case, who is my parent(s)? I didn't think about that...*is going to create a family tree picture*
        Hehe. You ended up with Lovey, I think, on mine, but you should make a piccy too...mine's really confusing...
        Heh, I know my puzzles were easy. I got a few of yours, but nowhere near all...XD

        1.) Carl (or Lord of the Undead) is now officially called: Lord of the Undeniably Obnoxious (kudos to Lisa for thinking this up).
        *falls over laughing* Ahahaha! Funny...and, unfortunately, true...

        Anyone ever seen the movie Gattaca? I heard about it in Bio class, it looks really good.
        Huh. Never heard of it. I'll keep it in mind though...


        • GAH! Gigo's my BROTHER?!? And HOW can Sharky be my uncle? No one in my family denies their insanity. Hehe. DD's a grandmother. What do you think she's thinking as she reads about this?

          To all you people : two newsflashes.

          1.) Carl (or Lord of the Undead) is now officially called: Lord of the Undeniably Obnoxious (kudos to Lisa for thinking this up).

          2.) Several people in the chatroom have taken up several other languages. I advise that you take a online translator window with you if you see: Me, Lisa, and some other people in chat.

          What, Lisa? It's true!!! Fine. *takes back kudos*
          When did I think this up? I don't remember that...unless it was two days ago. I didn't go in chat at all yesterday, because no one was there.

          Gigo again
          Oooh.....I'm still trying to figure out the issues thing.

          A stack of issues? (I'm wondering if this is important: there are 10 'issues' in the stack.)

          *for some reason I'm thinking of TISSUES for no reason*

          Lisa, you are either a.) very lucky or b.) your mom is a deeper sleeper than you thought. Ever heard the washroom flush at midnight? It's incredibly loud. The tap idea is good, though. *evil grin*
          Mom is NOT a deep sleeper. It's just the bathroom is almost soundproof. And thank my brother for the idea. He's always teaching me that sort of thing, then insists he's not a bad influence.

          And you're getting close with the issues thing. Not tissues, but the other thing is important.

          Steph and I didn't get to sleep until past 6. Then my sibs got us up at 11. I was SOOO mad, because they put cologne on my nose, moisturizing cream on my hand, and water on my bed. But after breakfast, I went back to sleep until 2 p.m. I'm still tired, though.

          About the family tree pic: I don't know if I'll be able to use the avies or anything, b/c I'm not good at it. But I'll try. (Even if I do get it done, I won't be able to post it, seeing as I have no webspace.)
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • Lovey calls everybody obnoxious. Especially me. *sigh* I'm used to it, though.

            There's a Beta Club field trip tomorrow. I get to miss the last half of school for it. We do a service project, then we go bowling. (Might I say that I bowled better when I was six than what I bowl now...)

            I can't wait till Spring Break. All this school work is killing me. *sigh*

            *huggles to all from the family guardian*
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • Gah! I had a post, and then my compy went a little bit nuts and tried to post it at the same time as I was typing, so I had to close the window. *whacks*

              Lovey calls everybody obnoxious. Especially me. *sigh* I'm used to it, though.
              Except that when Lovey calls Carl obnoxious it's true...I don't find you annoying. Carl shares the post of first person to be ignored by me in chat with Gigo, though. (Sorry guys. You went a bit overboard in chat yesterday.)

              GAH! Gigo's my BROTHER?!? And HOW can Sharky be my uncle? No one in my family denies their insanity. Hehe. DD's a grandmother. What do you think she's thinking as she reads about this?
              Hey, lisa, I'm not exactly thrilled with Carl being my Uncle. And leah and page being my other sisters.
              Hehehe...blame Sharky for the relations you don't like, he wrote it up...I just made the picture. I did sort where some of the cousins and neices/nephews went as far as parents go. So a _little_ bit of that is my fault, but I did ask in chat, and got answers for some of the neices. The rest was kinda random.

              Extra kudos to WF for making the family tree picture. It's my desktop wallpaper now.
              Hehe! Glad you like it.

              About the family tree pic: I don't know if I'll be able to use the avies or anything, b/c I'm not good at it. But I'll try. (Even if I do get it done, I won't be able to post it, seeing as I have no webspace.)
              I used Imageshack for mine. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't letting me host it at first, but it was mad at me because the file was too big. So whatever you do with it, saving as .jpg might be a good idea. (I had .bmp at first.)

              Hehehe. Last night we went over to my mom's fiddle teacher's house and played Super Scrabble with him and his wife...we ended up staying really late, but it was fun...a little crazy, but fun.


              • Ciao!

                Yes, yes. Gigo and I have decided that English is waay overrated. *grins and huggles Gigo* rock on high.

                Ah yes, Little 'Mato...*laughs at her misfortune*

                Let's see...oh! It's So-So Wednesday!


                Yes...yes, I came up with the LotUO...hehe...'cept...he changed his name again!!!! CURSE YOU CARL/LOTU/CRAZYMAN!!!!
                *maniacal shriek*


                "Veronique" Pink Martini

                Black is the night
                Black as my heart
                Dark hours since we've been apart
                A voice in the wind
                Keeps calling your name...

                November came
                And with it dies our love
                Leaves fall down
                Clock's chiming
                Don't leave me my darling...
                One love

                The letters I write
                I never will mail
                The world is gray
                Wrapped in a veil
                No step on the stairs
                No one rings the bell
                For Veronique...

                Sono molto triste perché sono solo in questo mondo crudele. Gigo, probabilmente sarete quello unico per tradurre questo... pozzo dell'OH... Sono in modo da ora depresso... * grida *

                *sigh* Power to foreign tongues...


                • Translated it.

                  Hail to foreign tounges. Lisa, you seem to be favouring Italian lately! Better change that.

                  I'm wondering if Lee gets tired of changing tLotUO's name.

                  I'm too tired to copy a song from a lyric website...

                  Talking in another language is the 'in' thing in chime. Be cool. Talk in another language.

                  I'm so tired I'm going to post a extremely old song that I have had driven into my head by my little sister insisting I watch a certain video.

                  My friend the doctor said/ the stars are made of lemon drops
                  The bigger ones of lollipops/and ice....
                  Maybe what the doctor tells me/isn't altogether true
                  But I love every tale he tells me
                  I don't know any better ones: do you?
                  My friend the doctor says/the world is full of fantasy...
                  and who are you and I to disagree?

                  *continues rambling*



                  • Originally posted by Artemis Wolfang:
                    Anyone ever seen the movie Gattaca?
                    I saw it at someone's house, and thought it was Ok. I suppose it depends if you like the conflict, and the challenge facing the main character. (Unspoiler version - besides, I can't remember many of the details now.)

                    The main thing I do remember is realising about halfway through that A, C, G and T are the only letters that are used in the title. (For those who don't know, the four different amino acids that make up any DNA chain are abbreviated to their first initials, ACGT.)
                    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                    • Gigo
                      Hail to foreign tounges. Lisa, you seem to be favouring Italian lately! Better change that.
                      Gigo, you mixed up me and Lovey AGAIN. *sigh* You're actually beginning to ACT like my brother.

                      I'm so evil. ( ) And smart. ( ) My mom unplugged my computer because I was online instead of doing my chores, and said I wasn't allowed to plug it back in until further notice. I was so worried I wasn't going to be able to post for a long time, but I became smart! I realized that my computer is the one my mom has all her files on. After three hours, she said to plug it in because she wanted to check her e-mail. *.*' That's got to be the shortest grounding ever.

                      I'm happy now. I changed my library schedule from every week to every other week. Now, I only have to do half the work!

                      Carl changed his name again? Wow, a lot happened in 3 hours.

                      Heh. I just saw PM's post. The four letters stand for:

                      We're working on DNA stuff in science. Fun!

                      EDIT: I am outraged that my government could allow this. A brain-damaged woman is being starved to death because her husband says she would want to die. It's horrible.
                      Here's the latest news.
                      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                      • An opposing voice: You know, I don't know if the guy is paying for this-but he shouldn't be, and if he is I have even more sympathy for him wanting to take the feeding tube out. But listen up.

                        I am opposed to euthanasia, in the general sense. But I feel that this case has to be looked at in a different light for a number of reasons.

                        First of all, look at what it says in that article (if you even trust Yahoo! which I don't, sorry.)
                        Court-appointed doctors say she is in a persistent vegetative state with no hope of recovery.
                        So Ms Schiavo has no hope of ever waking up (and don't talk to me about the "neurologist" who said she might wake up. He didn't even conduct and examination. I, personally, would challenge the idea that, having been in a persistent vegitative state for fifteen years, Ms Schiavo is really alive. I don't think that's her, and I don't think her husband thinks that either.

                        More importantly though I think we should look at it from the husband's point of view. He knows his wife, presumably, better than you or I do, and he thinks she would not want this to happen to her. I'm willing to take his word for this, although her parents are not- but hey, they're religious. If she does die, surely she'll go to heaven? It would happen sooner or later, after all- this is simply sooner.

                        And speaking of sooner: her husband, who loves her, has had to deal for fifteen years with his wife lying in a hospital bed not responding to anything. I cannot imagine it and I bet you can't. Fifteen years is a long, long time. It's longer than some of you have been alive, for Pete's sake. If he's had to pay for this the whole time- which frankly is disgusting- I somehow don't think he's chosing to take her off now because he wants to save money, or because he wants to kill his wife. Think SENSIBLY. God.

                        Basically, I think after fifteen years, if her husband says she would not want to be kept "alive", we should take him at his word. After all, Ms Schiavo is not, as you seem to think, the only person involved. So is the rest of her family and her friends (including, of course, her parents.) I blieve it must be terrible for them to have to deal with this reality. At least death is final; you are able to grieve and continue with life. This is denying people closure and putting unnecessary stress on everyone. Ms Schiavo is not thinking or feeling and, after all, she'll be going to a better place, if you happen to think like that. Her husband and her loved ones are stuck here- and apparently they have to pay for it? I have more sympathy for them than I do for her- not that I don't have sympathy for her; I just don't know whether she still exists (frankly I doubt it) and even if she did, I think fifteen years is a long enough time that if she was ever going to "wake up" she would have- if she's in there, she's stuck, too. Surely she deserves release as well.

                        *sigh* I don't know. Listen, after things like a stroke, which may have happened to some of your grandparents perhaps, family has to make the decision whether or not to turn life support off. This happened to my best friend's grandmother, and eventually they chose to turn off the life support because they believed that, if Dora was still in there, she wouldn't want to be stuck there. This was a really difficult decision for them to make. But people make this decision every day and there's no court order about it. Isn't this a similar thing?

                        I have seen Gattaca- I studied it last year. *wry* Want to know about the symbols? Spiral staircases, showers, the ocean, I got them all. What to know about shooting? Low angle cuts, high angle cuts, blurring, no problemo. Got verbal techniques? I do. :P GTCA? Hah, that's NOTHING.
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • GATTACA: saw it, read it, LOVED it. Most notably when we watched it at the end of CTY (my second summer, i took genetics, and it was the perfect way to end the session...even thought we didn't have any popcorn) It was kinda unfun though, because I had to explain all the ATGC stuffe to my roomate. Oh well. I got it on VHS for $4 at FYE. That made me really happy. Tui, you're right about the symbolism. But I do reccomend the book too. It's quite good. (Apparantly, the next time my school offers AP Bio, the class will have to read it over the summer...we don't offer AP Bio every year... I guess our school's too poor or summat.)

                          Terry Schiavo: I don't think that the government should get involved in this. It's a family dispute. Next thing you know, it'll be like the coffee cups... one moron means that now all coffe cups must say: "caution, beverage may be hot" (no duh it's hot, IT'S COFFEE. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HOT!) If her husband wants to remove it, it should be his decision, not the supreme court's. This whole shebang is just one big waste of money. If her parents want to keep her alive, they should take over all the care. Remove all burden from Terri's husband. But what will happen once her parents are dead? Who will take care of her then? Have they though of those ramifications?

                          Also disturbing: the government passing legislation that pertains to only one person.

                          "Morons. I've got morons on my team." -Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid

                          PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                          Follow the bouncing poot


                          • Oh, oh, Lisa (or was it wf? I'm only just catching up)! I have a guess for the issues. Gigo mentioned there were ten, so I think it's...
                            Tennish Shoes!


                            *squints at family tree* I see something crossed out under Gryph, and I wonder what it might be. *whites it out*

                            EDIT: I am outraged that my government could allow this. A brain-damaged woman is being starved to death because her husband says she would want to die. It's horrible.
                            You're outraged? It's sick, but what other choice do they have? By brain damaged, they mean she's in a vegetative state. There's nothing left of her that's really human, no thoughts. And there could've been a recovery, but how long has it been? There's next to no chance left now. She's as good as a vegetable.

                            Outrageous. The guy just wants to save his money by taking her off the expensive feeding tube! It's indirect murder, that's what it is. Murder.
                            You too!? Of course he wants to save his money. There's not a person left, and the cost is draining all that he has.

                            She's his ex wife, I beleive.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • They're still married, and he's been taking care of her for fifteen years. She's been in a vegetative state for fifteen years. The only part of her brain that isn't liquified is the basic reflexes part. She's not conscious. She's not ever going to be. And removing the feeding tube is not going to cause her excruciating pain: that's a myth. Experts say it's a totally peaceful death. And if anything's sick about it, I hold that it's Congress butting in on a personal family matter and thinking that they can make decisions for that family. All of the nonsense that the politicians are throwing out is pure politics. That's what's sick.

                              So, hi! I have been on an apparent hiatus due to busyness and my new discovering of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. It has restored my belief that good television exists. My friend put me on to it and we like to watch over the phone...don't ask.

                              I'm missing newbies! I HATE missing newbies! But I'm back now...hi everyone! And all newbies! Call me Ella. And what is this family tree thing? I feel so out of the loop...*groans at self*
                              "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                              There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                              And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                              What could mean more than this?"
                              --Bright Eyes


                              • heh.... i like Law& Order SVU too. some kid from my school was on it last season. although we never saw him, he was out for like a monh. oh well.

                                hi ella!!!! ::waves::

                                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                                Follow the bouncing poot

