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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • AHAHAHAHA. Muffins... heh, on the day of the DD chat, we were talking about muffins before DD got there, and then Gryph posted some excerpts in togr... and then what? The window quit, and you lost the muffins?...
    Anyway, I think I said I'd post it, because I was still logging the chats then. I forgot though, but now that we're talking about muffins...might as well...

    Rad mmmmm muffins!
    Gryphon muffins? do they have blueberries in them?
    LughTheOne'sChampion and yes Leah, it was that funny
    LughTheOne'sChampion blueberry muffins!
    Angel_Star I like chocolate chip
    leah ooo lol im glad to kno i have a sense of humor lol
    leah i LOOOOVE chocolate
    leah nything chocolate ill go nuts 4
    leah i love ntus too'
    LughTheOne'sChampion Lemon Poppyseed!
    Gryphon lugh: mmm
    leah mmmmmmmm
    leah mmm oatmeal oats
    wildflower44 Banana nut muffins are good....
    leah mmmhm
    Gryphon and ones with apple bits!
    Josh chocolate chocolate chip...
    Gryphon just about all muffins work for me; i love my carbs
    Gryphon chocolate chip, of course
    wildflower44 XD, this has got to be the most random discussion ever. Muffins!
    leah sry rad
    leah mu mum ius here
    Rad dill-flavored chips and prok rinds!
    Rad thas ok Leah
    Rad and wild cherry pepsi
    Gryphon naw, we've have more random
    Rad the pop machine gave me one for free
    Rad *pork btw
    Gryphon _wild cherry pepsi_ flavored muffins!?

    ...oh. Muffins has morphed, somehow, into song lyrics. If I wasn't typing this half-asleep I'd post some, maybe...
    *is really bad at singing*

    Whee!! Useless blobs are fun. (People from chat who narrowly escaped groan/yell to RUN)
    Heh. I went a little overboard with them...they're fun though... Adopt a useless blob!
    And on the same site, a useless quiz! It's really, really random. I am a fatigued ladybug resting on a tacky floral throw pillow, or so it seems to think.

    And edited because I posted at the same time as Alla: I'm going to try to log the DD chat. Again. Last time it didn't work, but I'll see what happens. *huggles*


    • I'll just be the backup's backup, then.

      Lisa: I copied it off a lyric website.It's not my fault that I don't want to type out the whole song. Besides: even a person with memory loss-type thingy would remember the lyrics to SOTR in MY class.

      Thingy. How odd. It just sounds weird. Stuff. Thingy. Stuff.

      Doesn't it strike you odd?

      Ooh, Alla: you have an iPod??? Lucky. Although I don't have a need for one. I don't listen to music, except Youth of the Nation, which was drilled into my head by Gryphon posting a link to the music video during chat. I can still hear the echos of 'We are we are'......*screams* Get out, voices, get out.

      WF: It's at times like these that I wish that I found this site earlier. *pounds head into desk*

      I miss all the good stuff.

      Muffin song lyrics? Spare me. Muffins are scary. (why do I always seem to be able to worm that sentence into every one of my posts in TTOGR?)

      I adopted a useless blob. How fun. Now to decide where to put it...

      Lets play a game called: go to chat. The idea of the game is to enter Chime, and start chatting!

      What a wonderful game.

      I could make up a random song about marbles, but I don't feel like it, because it's 12:30 AM.

      I'm not tired.

      I'm rambling.

      Don't read this sentence-too late.


      • Fine then, Gigo. BE THAT WAY!!!! *shriek of fury*

        Sorry....had to get that out of me. If you're really so displeased with the French language, I'll post one of their Japanese songs which, yes, I do fluently speak. To make this point even clearer, and, therefore, determining that a) I have some intelligence or b) I'm a weirdo with too much free's probably c) all of the above...oh well...

        Is anyone (in the U.S.) watching the NCAA tournament? Well, since I live in Kentucky, you MUST watch it. If you aren't a die-hard basketball fan, then you're likely to be exiled.
        *hides due to fact that she likes football better*

        There is nothing on TV at *checks imaginary watch* 7:35 am!

        Once again, sorry. *sigh*

        Let's see...hmmm....hmmmmmmmmm...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm. I had something interesting to say, but I cannot remember for the life of me.

        Oh yeah! Chime hates me. There. That's it. *throws block of tofu at chime*

        Song time!

        "Kikuchiyo to Mohshimasu" Pink Martini

        Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu
        Shiroi unaji ni yurete ita
        Nazeka kanashiku, nazeka kanashiku

        Her name was Kikuchiyo
        Across the nape of her porcelain-like neck
        The night-club's blue light swayed
        I held her as we danced
        I felt her gentle shoulders tremble
        Why this sadness...why this sadness?

        Kono mamade itsu made mo
        Futari sugo****a Akasaka no
        Kiri no, hoteru no, koi no yoru
        Moeta anata no itoshi hoho ga
        Itsuka sabishiku

        I wish it could've gone on forever
        Together passing time in Akasaka
        In a hotel on that misty night
        And then...the blush in her tender cheeks
        Turned to tears...lonely tears

        Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu
        Minna wasurete hoshii no to
        Tatta hito yo de kieta hito
        Amaku setsunai utsuriga dake o
        Sotto nokoshiite, sotto nokoshiite
        Kiri no naka...kiri no naka

        Her name was Kikuchiyo
        Telling me to forget everything
        Our only night together
        She vanished
        Leaving only her sweet scent lingering softly
        In the the fog

        Kikuchiyo to Mohshimasu

        Her name was Kikuchiyo

        There...done with that. It's a pretty song, except the man who sings it isn't really all that talented. He doesn't usually sing Pink Martini's stuff though. Usually China Forbes is the one to sing it. Oh well.

        *sticks tongue out at Gigo* I may not be very good at Italian, but I CAN speak foreign languages!!!! *ish proud of herself* I really got into learning foreign languages when I realized that the majority of songs on my iPod are in foreign tongues. *pats Sunshine* Sunshine is my's also the name of my dog...whose pictures I have on my iPod...but I was referring to my iPod...just because it has my name and "You are my sunshine." Engraved on the back. I think my mum put that on there so that I wouldn't get into any trouble. You know? Like, I look down at my iPod (which goes everywhere with me) and then I'm like, oh, yeah, what would mum say...whatever...I'm rambling now.

        Happy Make-Up-Your Own Holiday Day!

        And, if you live in the U.S. like moi:

        Happy National Waffle Day!

        (and I didn't make those up )

        Whew...better make my coffee decaf today...


        • So...there isn't a music thread in ChatterII anymore, is there? I mean, there hasn't been for a while.
          There is exactly one half-decent alternative rock station in my area. It is sad. But it's pretty good most of the time; it plays Green Day a lot, which I love, and some Jet, Garbage, Straylight Run. That sort of thing.
          And so I was thinking, everyone has a soundtrack to their life. It's true. When you hear a song that really clicks with you, maybe the tune just feels right or the lyrics make you smile because you know it's true, that's part of your Life-Right-Now soundtrack.
          Of course, that led to thinking--what's on mine right now?
          Probably Jimmy Eat World's Praise Chorus, Three Doors Down's When I'm Gone...Thornley's So Far So Good most definitely. And Social Distortion's Reach for the Sky.

          Before I forget--am I the only one who listens to Fatal Mambo?
          <deafening silence>
          Yeah, thought so.
          My art place thing -
          OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
          --Douglas Adams, HHGG


          • WORK WITH US
            WORK WITH US
            WORK WITH US


            Someone must be desperate. I got like five e-mails with "WORK WITH US" in the subject in my junk e-mail folder thing. *snort*

            Maybe I'm weird and strange and all that, (yes, we already know that...) but I really don't care about sports. Any sport. *shrug* I live in my own little world...

            I've never heard of Fatal Mambo. Of course, I'm pretty much out of the loop when it comes to music. I used to listen only to country music, but now... I listen to pretty much anything. Though, it's still mostly country on Yahoo! Launchcast.
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • Sports are for those not in touch with their inner geek.
              Fatal Mambo's pretty esoteric; it's a French salsa group that does some really fantastic stuff.
              My art place thing -
              OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
              --Douglas Adams, HHGG


              • Dai, ppc. Haven't seen you or your posts before. I now "Ph33r" you.

                Lovey: Well, at least Japanese evolved from Chinese WAAAY back, so I can understand Japanese. That, and my mother taught it to me.

                Leet's see: you are a.), because you posses ENOUGH(maybe JUST enough?) intelligence to type out a post and send it. You are b.), because you watch the NCAA tourny, which I have never heard of, and you are c.), because you are all of the above.

       posted at 4:30 AM my time. (Pacific, GMT - 5)

                *dances* Canadians rule, and Vancouverites more so because the DD chat is at noon for us. *wants to put Canadian useless blob here but can't figure out how*

                Well, if it IS national waffle day, I sure as heck am glad I don't live in the U.S.A. I've never eaten a waffle in my life, and I'm sure I'm not going to start now.

                Papercrane: Ooh. Lets start a music thread right now! Somebody else start it. I'm too busy.

                Heh: Green Day, Garbage, Eminem...these bands all sound alike. Well, actually, they don't. But I don't listen to them, except for Youth of the Nation, which was pounded into my head by Gryph sending me a music video.

                Muffins are scary .

                I'm just the average person. Brings home good grades, is quiet, always invisible in the hallways. I like it that way, and in 6th grade, it's excellent to avoid people who pick on you.

                Or maybe I'm just a loner. I don't know.

                *drinks Expresso* I'm not feeling hyper. I have no idea why I'm drinking coffee when it has no effect on me except to make my stomach feel like it's in zero-g.

                *shouts* STOP TALKING ABOUT THE 'CUTE LITTLE ROBOT' IN SPACE CAMP!!! I'm almost smothered by people talking about the robot. Thank you.

                *hums Yellow Submarine*


                • Hm. Hm. Hm.

                  (The above was a random message from the Forum Intelligence Agency.)

                  Something interesting about my day: I heard Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" today for the first time. It was at a church Easter thingy. (Oh yes. Thingy is a funny word.) It wasn't even Green Day singing it, though. It was the church's band.

                  Sports are for those not in touch with their inner geek.
                  Not entirely true. I love soccer, but I'm a geek. But it's generally true.

                  Angel Star
                  I've never heard of Fatal Mambo. Of course, I'm pretty much out of the loop when it comes to music. I used to listen only to country music, but now... I listen to pretty much anything. Though, it's still mostly country on Yahoo! Launchcast.
                  Same here. COUNTRY is the best! But I don't like the newer songs that are out. They're just...not good. Boring stuff.
                  Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                  "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                  "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                  • Yesterday was my b-day!!!

                    It was weird...I'll sum it up:
                    -my mom and Kelly and Gidget came up Thursday evening, and we were going to go stay with one of my mom's friends a few towns over, but the car broke down and mom and Kelly and Gidgie ended up sleeping in my dorm with me
                    -I got a few presents from Kelly (A nano puppy, a picture she painted for me, a huge mug with a stuffed puppy in it)
                    -We went to visit my mom's friend for a bit, but since the car had to be fixed we didn't get there in time to really do anything
                    -My dad came by and took me out to eat and to the mall, but it was a little weird b/c he brought his girlfriend who I don't particularly like
                    -My dad and his GF gave me a little totem pole that they found at a huge flea market (and yes it is real, it's an Alaskan totem pole...I'm not sure how it got down here though...)
                    -My dad was going to buy me whatever I wanted, but I really couldn't think of anything and we even walked through the mall but it was mainly clothing stores and I hate clothes shopping...
                    -Later my mom's friend's son was going to another b-day party where they were going to meet at a laser tag place. He took me and Kelly with him, but he couldn't find parking except a place that was kinda far away (several blocks)...let's just say it was "interesting" to walk several blocks in downtown Nashville on a Friday night. We got to the party a little late and they had already gone in to play so we just left b/c it was getting late and we didn't have enough money anyway.
                    -I had called a few people, including Sharky and Leah and my roomie for a little while before I went with the guy to lasertag
                    -I called Leah again and I talked to her and jen26 for a long time, and then when they had to go I finished reading WIzard's Holiday and finally went to bed at like 3:30
                    -This morning my dad was back in town to pick up some big thing he'd bought at the flea market. He called me at like 9, and I was so wrecked that I just told him to go to the flea market without me. (I didn't get any sleep when mom was here b/c I had to sleep on the floor and I was holding Gidget, and she was fidgeting all night) So after he was done with that, at like 11:30 he called again and I got up and went with him. He didn't have time to go back to the flea market, which is a shame b/c I wanted to go...they have huge corndogs and funnel cakes, not to mention a million things I would probably anyway my dad had noticed an Adventure Science Center, so we stopped in to look. It was kinda interesting and we might go back to have a closer look sometime. It was mostly kid stuff, like science exhibits that you can play with (still lots of fun even though I'm not a kid) and also there was a planetarium there.
                    -I ended up getting some burger king and going back to my room b/c my dad had to go

                    ((I posted this in the b-day thread too))


                    • Gigo: *sweatdrop* Yeah, I think the last time I was really active here was about a year ago. I've been in and out since, but not actually kept up with culture around here.
                      I'm not a fan of the old Green Day stuff, just American Idiot. Garbage...the main singer annoys me sometimes, but it's generally good stuff. Eminem I am not a fan of in any way, shape, or form. I do not buy into the gangsta culture, sorry.

                      Lisa: They, um, do drop the F-bomb once. In BoBD.
                      Heh, sorry. I was making generalizations and stereotyping. Of course, it depends on how much geek cred you have to flash to be considered a geek in your social circles.
                      My art place thing -
                      OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                      --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                      • I'm angsty again. Yay.

                        I wrote an angsty song!

                        Angsty song goooood... Another Way

                        Feel free to leave comments there.

                        EDIT: Oh... yeah. There's some language. Just a warning.
                        "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                        "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                        • I got a PSP today. The Best Thing Ever!

                          It is SO cool! I have a one game, one movie, and already have put 60 songs on the memory stick. The Graphics/details on screen are amazing! It's like having your own LCD screen a few feet from your face.

                          Now, the memory stick that is included with it is pretty crappy (only 32MB) but its good enough for saving games. I bought a 256 card and have a few hours of music on it.

                          It was such a good decision for me to get it. It ended up costing about $500 Canadian (about $400 US) with taxes (Canada has far too much taxes) but it was well worth it. On top of everything, it looks Really Cool. I would advise others to get it too.

                          So Happy!
                          "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                          • Can't stand PSPs. Nothing against you AT ALL, I just think it's annoying how whenever there's a new game thing everyone wants one and could care less about the last one. I don't really want an Ipod either. What's wrong with a CD player? For some reason, I just can't see having all my music on one little thing. I'd keep thinking I'd lose it or something and then have a mental breakdown, because without music, I'm nothing. I seriously live for music.
                            My current soundtrack to life includes Barenaked Ladies, Once More With Feeling, The Lilac Time, Moxy Fruvous, The Arrogant Worms, Phantom of the Opera, Buffy the Vampire Slayer:Radio Sunnydale, and Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog. I have extremely random music tastes.
                            In other news (I love saying that) I adopted a useless blob! Actually, I think I adopted three. They're on my livejournal, which no one actually reads, except for one of my best friends. Everybody go read it now. Just kidding, I'd probably end up scaring you guys even more than I do anyway.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • Ehh.

                              PPC: no comment, as there's nothing to talk about.

                              Arty Wolfy : You call that a song? It's a GREAT SONG!!! Amazing. Eyepopping. That emotion says it all.

                              Sunstar: *wheezes* The only thing I have is a flat screen PC, and my dad is sure as heck not going to give me $500 bucks to spend on a Playstation portable. I don't like playing games. I LOVE watching other people play games expertly, and talking about the games. Especially Halo/ Halo 2.
                              This picture is funny.

                              Cress: Rock on. One tiny little thing: I don't need music. Why do people need music so much? But, after a lifetime listening to Classical, I guess I don't have much of an opinion on heavy metal, or anything remotely like it. I like Jazz, though.

                              *Saxophone plays the blues*

                              Where IS your 'livejournal'???

                              Okay: I'm going to give this my shot while I'm still relatively new here. 13 days is lucky.


                              1.) People are friendly.Dare I say it? Believe it or not, we actually (well, most of us) go out of our way to make newcomers feel welcome. Then again, I just barged in here, made myself welcome, and started meeting people. You gotta admit, it's a lot easier approach than timidly running up to people and asking questions.

                              2.) People actually enjoy other books!
                              Amazing, innit? We read LoTR and HDM and HP and Diskworld. All wonderful books, and we admit it! Any so-called 'true' Potter fan would supposedly die before reading LoTR. Well, suprise! We're here. The reason other people don't read other series is that they think it's an insult to their favourite author(s). Bull. We're supposed to READ. I can't think of anything else to say.

                              3.) We actually talk about the books! DD's unpreference for fan fiction is a blessing in disguise, if you viewed it as a curse. Nothing DD does could be a curse (well, apart from creating the LP, but: she'll make sure that the Good Guys 'win' ). We actually discuss the books in great detail, and we notice stuff we wouldn't have independently.

                              Whew. I'm exhausted. Everyone come up with another thing to add in their posts.

                              REALLY RANDOM BIT FOR THIS POST: If you click 'quick reply', and drag the window down so at least part of it is below the bottom of the screen, and you a.) scroll down by pressing that little arrow on the side, b.) scroll down with your mouse wheel, or c.) something else. If you do that, you'll notice that you can continue downwards, eventually making the screen white except for the quick reply box.

                              Wow. What a huge post. *yawns* Night, all. It's 11:30.

                              Edit: OOH!!! Someone broke the board!!! I'll leave you to figure out who did it. *hint* Look at the signature...



                              • Hmph. Notice the DATE on the post, too. I was a newbie. I didn't actually start posting until...late January. And that was...Valentine's day? Strange..I thought I posted that earlier. Anyway, it was before I went back and edited my posts, so nyah. *sticks toungue out a Gigo*

                                *looks at post in link*'s not broken now...someone edited it maybe? *looks again* Hey, it doesn't say it was edited! *glares at Gigo* Did you set this up? It's got the same number of "Thankyoualla"s in both the post and the picture.

                                And I'm not the second one. Many other people have too.

                                ThankyouallaThankyouallaThankyouallaThankyouallaTh ankyouallaThankyouallaThankyoualla Thankyoualla!!!!!!!!!

                                See? That didn't break the board, at least not on my screen. And that's what's in the picture. So there.

                                *sees Gigo's post, right after mine* I swear it's not breaking for me! Wah!
                                *notices nothing about editing shows up on this post either* Hehe...?

                                Art, love the poem. It is very expressive.

                                PPC, I wasn't being mean or anything. Just pointing that out. And I'm such a geek that no one will sit next to me in science. (But I'm not anywhere near as bad as my younger brother...he scares me.)

                                It's 3 am on Easter Sunday. I'm so gonna be wrecked tomorrow. Ick.
                                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon

