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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Awww art. I FEEL SPECIAL! lol.

    TOP is at my house.....SHE'S TRyING TO KILL ME WITH HER EVIL TOPNESS! Actually, she's trying to kill my brother more...but that's OK! HAHA!

    one plus one is 2!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHHA
    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


    • Hello, my dear friendly friends who are friennnndly! (Only Angel will get that...inside jokies...sorry...)

      I won't be on April 1st-10th ish...I'm going to Vegas with one of my friends for Spring Break.

      *screams* OMG!!! YELLOW SUBMARINE!!!!

      *begins singing Yellow Submarine* In the town where I was born... *gets grounded by father* parents hate that song...

      So...let's see...

      Well...I can't remember what to say so...SONG TIME!!!!

      "Lilly" Pink Martini

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly-stay!

      One day she passed him by
      A twinkle in her eye
      He said "she was meant for me!"
      But when he turned around
      He lost what he had found
      Oh where can his Lilly be?


      He searched the city streets
      He tempted her with treats
      But nobody stopped to taste the
      Some are in his pocket
      Some are in a locket
      (He couldn't bring himself to waste them)

      Ever since she's gone
      Some days he can't go on
      She ruined him for another
      Pressed up against the glass
      He prays the she will pass
      (Now he's living with his mother)


      Oh I 'member! I Phantom-ized my avi! (Or, moreover, attempted to...)


      • Wow, now I seriously feel like I haven't been on here for ages. But HAPPY 400!
        I've been in Paris for a week and it's the most beautiful place on earth, I love it dearly. (And the guys there are very hot too!)
        Anyways I just wanted to stop in and say hi!
        penguins will rule the world.


        • Heheheh 400!!! Been here since page one... yeah.... *basks*
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • La la la la lal lala lakm al kll ;/sdaj flkahg iauwrg laiuedgvu *cough* sorry 'bout that....

   y'all might have noticed...I feel obligated to make some fanart...(see fanart forum for more details*

            Help me brainstorm...


            • Well, if we're doing song lyrics from A Little Night Music...
              Perpetual anticipation is good for the soul
              But it's bad for the heart.
              It's very good for practicing self-control,
              It's very good for morals, but bad for morale.
              It's very bad.
              It can lead to going quite mad.
              It's very good for reserve and learning to do what one should.
              It's very good.
              Perpetual anticipation's a delicate art,
              Playing a role,
              Aching to start,
              Keeping control
              While falling apart.
              Perpetual anticipation is good for the soul
              But it's bad for the heart.
              Yes. I want W@W, now.
              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


              • Heh. But Agent M: Have you read it???

                (actually, I dunno. You might have, but that doesn't make a difference)

                Ack. Gag. Barf. Girls always think that French guys are hot. Ack. *clutches throat* Bleuurgh.

                AHhh....I'm too bored to make a music thread. Plus, I don't think many people would post in it. *cries* So lets all post music in here!

                *sings loudly on purpose so that Lisa's dad would hear )

                In the town where I was born
                Lived a man who sailed to sea
                And he told us of his life
                In the land of submarines

                So we sailed up to the sun
                Till we found the sea of green
                And we lived beneath the waves
                In our yellow submarine

                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

                And our friends are all on board
                Many more of them live next door
                And the band begins to play

                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

                As we live a life of ease
                Everyone of us has all we need
                Sky of blue and sea of green
                In our yellow submarine.

                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
                We all live in our yellow submarine,
                Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

                I don't think I've missed anything...have I?

                Lovey: I'll look at your fanart in a minute. I'm just too busy humming Yellow Submarine. Be there in a minute!


                • Gigo
                  *sings loudly on purpose so that Lisa's dad would hear )
                  Gack! You mixed up me and Lovey AGAIN! GAH!

                  Hey, do any of you read Lemony Snicket? Well, even if you don't, here a link to a very fun game.
                  The Slippery Slope Game Click on "game" when you get there.

                  It's addictive. My high score is...357,000. Roughly. Here's some tips:
                  1. You can jump over the stumps.
                  2. You can't jump over trees.
                  3. You can get lots of points by doing combos.
                  I actually first found this game a year ago, and almost beat it. Almost because it's unbeatable. You'll see what I mean if you get to level five.
                  Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                  "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                  "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                  • Ooh, Yellow Submarine is a song I've actually heard of. And I've seen the film, which I've got on DVD.

                    Hmmm. What else? I know - I can't find Pez around here unless it's packaged with a dispenser. However, I found a packet of "Pez clones" today, which almost fit the dispensers (they're just a bit tighter than real Pez is).

                    And Gigo doesn't know what Pez is.
                    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                    • Well, now I do.

                      Grr, you got on 401. I wanted to do that. *cries*

                      Oh well, nevermind.

                      Pointless thing for the day: *Thinks*

                      *stands neck deep in de nile* PM is in no way associated with Sailor Moon, and is not called that either.


                      • Wow, I have been getting behind on this...

                        Art: Gattaca is an AWESOME movie! I watched it last semester with my roomie, then I watched it again this semester in my Seminar class

                        I have a stupid cold...*snifflesnort* I HATE COLDS. My nose is always runny or stuffy/runny when I have a cold and it is SO annoying. So far it's only in the runny stage...I am dreading the stuffy/runny stage...and then when the nose finally behaves itself, I'll have a cough left over from sniffling...uh yeah...

                        I can't think of anything else to say...

                        *huggles all*


                        • Yayayayaya! My temperature is still 99-100.

                          In the chat, we had a lot of fun at Gigo's expense. Hehehe. Poor Gigo. Oh, but he started it. As good as started it. He mentioned that girls thought that french guys were cute. So I quoted him in chime.

                          Mighty Mod Kli also found a link that listed a lot of martial arts weapons that were illegal. It said that others were only illegal in certain situations, but the ones that they listed were really cool. Poor Gigo can't have nanchakus. XD Prohibited in Canada.

                          Wooh, I got books signed by Jane Yolen & daughter. My oh so unbeleivably rich public elementary school (I wish I went to a rich public school now) paid to have ... dunno the name of her daughter ... come and read books, and Jane Yolen came too.

                          I have a story!

                          This morning, well, it's still morning...

                          Earlier today, I was playing solitaire on the computer. Mom was just sitting around, and grandma had the TV on, but had left the room to go to the kitchen. Grandma just went through surgeory because she had breast cancer and she's taking pain killers. Luckily they caught it at an early stage. All of the time that she's been home, mom has been taking care of her. Well, on TV, they were talking about different pain killers and some of the pros and cons and newer kinds and also what it'll take to get you addicted to them. So when grandma comes back, mom says, "if you've been on [name of grandma's pain killer] for more than five days, you're screwed." Grandma: "!" And then mom started cracking up because they never said that, and it wasn't true.

                          Heh. My mom is evil.

                          I'm on VGDawn right now, attempting to update my character profile. As in, actually have a character profile. Wow. There's even a place for my "YW name."

                          Oh, and why having a 99-100 temperature is a good thing. That's because I've been at 102-103 for the last three days.

                          I only had three jelly beans on easter. No, not true, because one was a black jelly bean so I put it back. Two, and they were both green.

                          If I go another day without washing my hair, I'll have dread locks. This is really really gross. Wooh, and today I can stand up long enough to take a shower! Hopefully. When I was walking down the hall, I was bouncing off walls again, but at least it wasn't every other step. I think having so much water that I nearly through up really helped.

                          300 pound chocolate egg. Oooh, I wish.

                          My hair is really gross. Gah.

                          Hehe, I remember the muffins. Cherry Pepsi muffins! Oh, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm several pages behind in TOGR, and I'm just now catching up.

                          On the useless blob website, I think I was an angry spork-throwing wildebeast.

                          For Gigo: We are we are the youth of the nation!

                          For Kli: I've become so numb/ I can feel you there/ I've become so tired/ so much more aware/ I'm becoming this/ all I want to do/ is be more like me/ and be less like you

                          I want an iPod. I probably have 3-4 gigabytes of music on my computer. On my iTunes, I have one gigabyte, and I have several times that on Windows Media Player. And I have several more CDs that I haven't put on my computer like Greenday, Papa Roach... Oh, my birthday is in May! Whee.

                          Oh, just remembered. Kli is a scary madthing, and don't listen to her! SHe just told me to drink sugar loaded gatorade to help me get better. Not only that, but WARM sugar loaded gatorade. Gahhh.

                          XD *huggles.... nooo... you really don't want to catch whatever I have.

                          Wooh, got sidetracked. PPC's fuzzies rock my socks. *huggles wolfish and okapi*

                          Aww, Sparkle just came over and started purring. She never does anything like this. And she did the same thing yesterday. Sweet kitty. Her purrs are LOUD.

                          Dai, ppc. Haven't seen you or your posts before. I now "Ph33r" you.
                          She's not a newbie! And you say you've read the TOGR...

                          Sparkle is back again! She's shedding like crazy. Must be her winter coat.

                          Oh, and what's this about waffles? Why're they bad? And they're an American thing? ??? Waffles are good, anyway, but pancakes are better.

                          Heh: Green Day, Garbage, Eminem...these bands all sound alike.
                          Green Day and Eminem sound alike how!? How!??

                          Forum Intelligence Agency. FIA.

                          Lisa: They, um, do drop the F-bomb once. In BoBD.
                          I was thinking that... but then I thought it might've been American Idiot I was thinking of.

                          It is SO cool! I have a one game, one movie, and already have put 60 songs on the memory stick. The Graphics/details on screen are amazing! It's like having your own LCD screen a few feet from your face.
                          Wow. *wants* Wowww. Do they have any final fantasy games for it yet? See, I've been dieing for final fantasy. FF: Crystal Chronicles for GameCube isn't the same.

                          I LOVE watching other people play games expertly, and talking about the games. Especially Halo/ Halo 2.
                          I love watching my dad play Half Life 2. Only, he just beat it! *sobs* But that game was really long. It was awesome. Everything about it was awesome. I'm gonna have to get out the older Half Life games and play them myself; the ending to HL 2 was kinda creepy, and I don't remember what happened in the other ones. If you have a good graphics card, I really think you should get it. The graphics card, btw, doesn't have to be the latest. In fact, they started using HL 2 in advertising for the graphics card well over a year ago when they thought it would come out. Then it got delayed. Such a great game.

                          Cress: Rock on. One tiny little thing: I don't need music. Why do people need music so much? But, after a lifetime listening to Classical, I guess I don't have much of an opinion on heavy metal, or anything remotely like it. I like Jazz, though.
                          You obviously aren't a music person. XD

                          1.) People are friendly.Dare I say it? Believe it or not, we actually (well, most of us) go out of our way to make newcomers feel welcome. Then again, I just barged in here, made myself welcome, and started meeting people. You gotta admit, it's a lot easier approach than timidly running up to people and asking questions.
                          Especially Gryphon who can tolerate all of the most ignorant, post abusing newbies who NEVER EVER explodes, not even after having to warn newbies thousands upon thousands of times over the same mistake. Emm yeah.

                          *looks at post in link*'s not broken now...someone edited it maybe? *looks again* Hey, it doesn't say it was edited! *glares at Gigo* Did you set this up? It's got the same number of "Thankyoualla"s in both the post and the picture.
                          It depends on what browser/font size it's set at. Just cuz it's not broken on yours doesn't mean it isn't on someone else's.

                          Okay, I'm gonna end my post here. I have a page and a few posts left, and then I'll be caught up. Unless I don't get back to reading before you all post like crazy.

                          Like I said, any post shorter than Gibby's or mine is a short post.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • doritos = crunchy fried starch + salt
                            potato chips = crunchy fried starch + salt
                            uncooked ramen noodles w/soup base = crunchy fried starch + salt

                            Why is it so hard for non-Asians to make this mental leap?

                            And I only drink gatorade hot when I'm sick. If gatorade was good enough to save the lives of the baby lion-tailed macaques at the zoo when they were running high fevers, it's good enough for me.
                            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                            • *destroys evidence* Why, officer, I'm just going to practice with these sai! No, I am not taking them to a duel, and I'm not going to kill anyone with them. No, I am not a ninja. Good day.

                              Grr. I'm still getting my sai. Lucky that my Sensei has a permit.

                              *stares at 'Lissa, Kathy and NKoD* You are evil.

                              *to the rest of you* You really don't want to know what happened. That means you too, WF. You're the one who said that French guys are 'hot'.

                              NOBODY calls me Gigish. <span class="ev_code_RED">NOBODY.</span>

                              Hey! Despite my incredible CPU capacity, not even my memory banks are good enough to remember every single post in TTOGR.

                              I LOVE Music. Just not heavy metal or anything like that.

                              ...Gryph, I've seen you explode before.

                              GASP! That means: by your standards, KATHY made a short post!!!

                              Never drunk Gatorade. I've actually tasted good ol' coca-cola and 7-up, though. Never Pepsi.


                              • Whee...I'm playing In The End on the compy, and my brother closed the door between the rooms. Hehe. *refuses to turn it down* it's not even loud, he just doesn't like it.

                                You really don't want to know what happened. That means you too, WF. You're the one who said that French guys are 'hot'.
                                You're getting someone mixed up again. I never said that...No, that was Z, I think. Heh.

                                To the people who have colds: *huggles* and get better soon!

                                Especially Gryphon who can tolerate all of the most ignorant, post abusing newbies who NEVER EVER explodes, not even after having to warn newbies thousands upon thousands of times over the same mistake. Emm yeah.

                                I was going to say something else, but I think I forgot...

                                Oh, and Happy Two-days-after-Easter, and Happy Page Four-hundred-and-one.

