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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Gryphon: ...fuzzies?
    And yeah. 'Read between the lines / What's <radio edited to 'smurfed' for some reason> up and everything's all right...'

    Kli: It's the anime fangirls/fanboys. Also their fault is California Rolls masquerading as real sushi. Although I really have no right to say that, considering my preference for non-traditional sushi...

    Gigo: Heh. Don't blame ya. But I am about a hundred posts away from Very Senior Member...
    Heavy metal is basically a bunch of dudes shouting about how much they hate everything. Alternative rock, on the other hand, is a bunch of dudes whining about how they wish they had their girlfriends back. I much prefer the latter.
    My art place thing -
    OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
    --Douglas Adams, HHGG


    • Heavy metal is pure evil. The only thing that I hate more is rap. It isn't even music, it's some guy talking over drums and a bass line. How can anybody think it takes talent for that? (sorry if I'm offending anybody here) Plus, the stuff they sing about (in general) is EVIL!
      I personally like comedy music. Intelligent comedy music. Anybody here heard of Tom Lehrer? He's hilarious.
      Yellow Submarine is one of the BEST movies in the history of the universe. I love it, but none of my friends had even heard of it. So annoying.
      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
      I promise not to funfun anymore
      Be happy cause life is good


      • Gigish:
        NOBODY calls me Gigish. NOBODY.

        GASP! That means: by your standards, KATHY made a short post!!!
        Dunno what this is about. Nobody did. Ah well...

        And so did you.

        I *think* my first post was on page 107 unless I can find an earlier one. So on 407 I'd be 300 pages old! XD

        The DS has a stylus? Why!? But that'll mean they'll make games that use the stylus only, and you can't play games with a stylus...

        Heh. But Agent M: Have you read it???
        Well, I would think so. I mean, how can you reply to the posts that come after yours and not read them?

        The slippery slope game is like something I used to play on the old computer a long time ago. You'd ski and try to beat the record time until you passed the finish mark. If you kept skiing, the abominable snowman would come eventually and eat you. Then he'd start dancing up and down. He was fast, but you could evade him for a little.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • [quote]Originally posted by Cress:
          Heavy metal is pure evil. The only thing that I hate more is rap. It isn't even music, it's some guy talking over drums and a bass line. How can anybody think it takes talent for that? (sorry if I'm offending anybody here) Plus, the stuff they sing about (in general) is EVIL!
          I personally like comedy music. Intelligent comedy music. Anybody here heard of Tom Lehrer? He's hilarious.

          I completely agree with your opinion on rap. Totally. HATE! It's the only kind of music I refuse to listen to.

          The slippery slope game is like something I used to play on the old computer a long time ago. You'd ski and try to beat the record time until you passed the finish mark. If you kept skiing, the abominable snowman would come eventually and eat you. Then he'd start dancing up and down. He was fast, but you could evade him for a little.
          Yes, but this game is different. How? It's unbeatable. On level 5, you have to get a score of 999,999,999 to pass it. My current high score is 421,299. That's my personal best! Yay-ness!

          Steph/Paige and I had soccer practice today. Except, we didn't. The fields were too wet. So we just went and got our uniforms. They're <span class="ev_code_PINK">HOT PINK!!!</span> (I know that's not "hot pink", but it's the closest there was.) Of course, the other choices for uniform colors were white, which we were last year, and lavender, which we were last season. So pink is okay.

          Forum Intelligence Agency. FIA.

          Lisa: They, um, do drop the F-bomb once. In BoBD.

          I was thinking that... but then I thought it might've been American Idiot I was thinking of.
          Is there really a Forum Intelligence Agency? I had no clue. I just made it up because I was being random. And what is this "F-bomb"?...

          *stares at 'Lissa, Kathy and NKoD* You are evil.

          *to the rest of you* You really don't want to know what happened. That means you too, WF. You're the one who said that French guys are 'hot'.
          I want to know! And who is this "NKoD"?

          And I only drink gatorade hot when I'm sick. If gatorade was good enough to save the lives of the baby lion-tailed macaques at the zoo when they were running high fevers, it's good enough for me.
          My younger brother is convinced that Gatorade makes you super-athletic. He drank one of the big bottles (I don't know how big, though) before he went to Boy Scout camp, and he got "near the middle of the plate", which was their target in archery.

          Steph/Paige and I chose our electives for next year today! We both applied for the "Advanced Mixed Chorus", which you have to audition for, and I applied for "Literary Arts: Journalism." Both classes require an application/audition or recommendation. I'll probably get into the Chorus one, because I'm in advanced chorus now. And I really hope I get inot the Literary Arts thing, because it's Yearbook Publication! I might, because it says you need to be in Honors English, which I am, with an A/B average, which I have, and display a portfolio of your work, which I happen to have. (I'm obsessed with writing.)
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • Are we playing the "My first post in TTOGR" game?

            'cause I'm pretty sure my first post here was on the original first page... it may even have been the second or third post in ToGR EVER, although I couldn't swear to that because my memory isn't that good, also, the pages were deleted. At any rate, even on the current page my first post is the third response. So you know, heh.

            Plus happy 400th page, peoples.

            And, um, nothing more relevant to say here, I'm afraid. So I will leave you with a very brief lyric:

            Gracie takes the bottles from the porch where you have left them
            they are age-old dregs of wine and wishin';
            Driving down the monorail with all the best intentions
            she's the picture of perfection with her cut and coloured hair...

            From Gracie by Bic Runga. No, you haven't heard of her, but she's on the American Pie album, she sang the song Sway and besides that she's totally talented and gorgeous AND SHE'S TOURING WITH THE FINN BROTHERS IN EUROPE. *wails* Why don't good NZ artists ever tour in new zealand???
            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


            • Originally posted by Cress:
              Heavy metal is pure evil. The only thing that I hate more is rap. It isn't even music, it's some guy talking over drums and a bass line. How can anybody think it takes talent for that? (sorry if I'm offending anybody here) Plus, the stuff they sing about (in general) is EVIL!
              Ok, I agree with you on rap, but not heavy metal! No. nonononoonono.

              SPRING! IT'S FINALLY SPRING!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH! Spring is GOOOOOD. Yeshyesh. *jumps out window* I CAN FLY!
              Reality is for those who lack imagination.


              • *waits for class to start*

                Photoshop is AWESOME once you figure it out...oh wait class is gonna start...

                I HATE COLDS! Gryph, did you contaminate me? Hehe, prolly not...but anyway I have to go now, ttyl...


                • Well, I haven't posted in here for a couple of days, so I might aswell post.

                  In response to Fox in another forum: Yep, I'm at uni, but the thing about Queensland Unis in particular is that most people - if they come straight out of school - are not 18 yet. Well, that doesn't exactly stop them from drinking, but it makes it harder to get the booze.

                  Ahh, holidays . The wonders of a week off where I can do nothing but bludge and am meant to be doing nothing but study . Well, I'll get around to the study bit 'ron.

                  The story of my week so far starts now...

                  On Monday, I was still down the coast and very little happened.

                  Tuesday, however was probably the higlight of my week. I had another MedSoc meeting, this time it was all day though and then me and four other people headed off and watched - and sang along to - ... wait for it ... The Phantom of the Opera!!!. *dances* It was so much fun And I realised that I am not the worst singer ever At least I'm in tune. I also began to learn why outsiders think that MedSocians are so weird, and its great! There is noway known that I am going to give up on this society. Anyway, that was my Tuesday.

                  Yesterday I worked, which was alright. I was blowing up ballons for the most part . This morning, when mum gets up and is ready to do it, I'm going to - well mum is going to - be making my costume for MedSoc . And somehow I have to modify one to use as a jedi costume for Supanova... thats going to be interesting. I will post pictures when I have them .

                  I think theres this new strain of the Cold that can be passed through internet groups. Cos I have a cold now, and I can't think how I would have got it!

                  Anyway, now to respond to other people's posts.

                  Ohh, Lovey I like your new avatar If you look through my posts in the TOGR, I did that to a few of the others' avis shortly after I phantomitised Spot I would go looking, but I can't be bothered right now. It'd be somewhere around the 350 page mark. EDIT: here's the page

                  Hmmn... there's not that much to say



                  • *screams at the top of her lungs* I'm back!!! (I was grounded from the computer for a day) An evil snake has an evil plan to fulfil its evil vendetta against me! BUT I HAVE FOILED ITS EVIL PLAN!! (I chased it into the woods with a stick) It might be back...but I shall be ready! *holds stick close by* Heyy, I got some extra credit for ICP, so hopefully my grade will come back up.

                    I have horse-back riding tonight, so this will have to be a short post. I have to get ready in...*looks at clock* about ten minutes.

                    *dances around excitedly* The BEST Language Arts and Literature teacher EVER is moving to the high school! I might have her next year! *more dancing* I had her in 6th grade. She's the awesomest person ever!!!

                    Edit: Wow. No one posted after me... Well, I played outside for a bit earlier 'cause it was above 70 degrees F. lol. It was so hot in school. I couldn't hold still in Bible class. I was prob'ly driving everyone crazy. All we did was talk about stuff. We didn't write anything down. While that's nice, we've done the exact same thing since Monday. I HAVE to do SOMETHING. *sigh* My binder is full of doodles I did when I was bored in that class. (Which is about every day) I love the teacher, but... Sometimes I just have to do something with my hands.

                    More edits: I completely forgot to talk about my horse-back riding lesson! I rode Gordo, my friend's pony. He was soo fun, besides the fact that I had to hold him back so much that my arm still doesn't feel normal. On the other hand, I didn't have to push him at all. The problems came when we (this 6th grader who rode with me and me) were TRYING to take off his tack. (note the key word "trying") He was being such a brat. He kept jerking his head up and trying to bite. *rolls eyes* I finally slid his bridle off without unbuckling it, 'cause it just wouldn't come undone.

                    My friends and I are trying to plan a party for one of our friends who's having a tough time. It was her birthday on...Monday, I think. That reminds me, I need to make a phone call. I'll do it later though.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • My first ToGR post was way back on pg 80. It was two lines. Kinda like this post if I don't think of something constructive to add...

                      OH! I searched for my name w/ the find feature. It's like being famous and googling yourself. My name was actually mentioned somewhere by someone other than me!! This is giving me an amost dangerous case of egotism. But I'm fine now. I can stop the ego trip whenever I want.
                      <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Who will be smart enough to read this?</span>
                      Yep. Whenever I want.
                      <span class="ev_code_WHITE">The first person to point out that I have whited out text...</span>
                      WORSHIP THE GROUND I WALK ON, YOU WORM!!
                      <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Will be declared the second most (in)sane person on the boards.</span>
                      Ehhehheheh... whoops. Let's pretend you didn't, er, read that at all, shall we...

                      [EDIT]: Someone have M read this too... I have changed my sig! My post is also changed. The first person to tell me how gets a prize which you will be informed of.

                      +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                      +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                      • "Heh. But Agent M: Have you read it???"

                        I'm hurt. I used to be one of (if not THE) most frequent posters. How do you think I got the tite "Possibly posts too much" ??? hmmm???? I contributed and read A LOT of TOGR. nah, I'm just kidding. I deserve to be forgotten and put into the days where 100 pages was a lot and it took DAYS to even get 2 pages.... that was way back in 02 though... But I will be remembered!!! I will go down in YW history!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                        "I could live


                        • Someone have M read this too... I have changed my sig! My post is also changed. The first person to tell me how gets a prize which you will be informed of.
                          In your Signature you got rid of "Welcome to the Young Wizards Discussion Forums, Please check your sanity at the door"

                          I don't know about your post though, maybe I deserve half a prize.
                          "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                          • No M, you don't deserve to be forgotten. At least not like that. You deserve to be forgotten as the crazy person who kept running away from the non-insane zombie treatment.
                            I would like to say that going around speaking in a British accent for no reason is THE most fun thing in the world to do. Especially when you start scaring your friends.
                            Wow. I've actually heard of the Finn Brothers, which is truly amazing since I never listen to the radio and the only place I hear of music is movies. I like soundtracks. A lot.
                            Right, I have to go now since I'm supposed to be in bed in like two minutes.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • Tui: I do not doubt thee, o revered oldbie. ^_^

                              Agent M: You're already in YW history for bristling at newbies because they called you...ahem. I don't think you can be crossed out now.

                              Originally posted by Cress:
                              I would like to say that going around speaking in a British accent for no reason is THE most fun thing in the world to do. Especially when you start scaring your friends.
                              Only it starts being annoying when your friends start to giggle and you're all like, 'What? What is it? Oh crap, I've got my British accent on again haven't I.'
                              Have I ever told you guys?... Mi madre had a strong Brit accent left over from England during my linguistically impressionable years. So I have this on-again, off-again accent. The general effect is a bit weird, I'm told.
                              My art place thing -
                              OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                              --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                              • Sunstar:
                                <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
                                Someone have M read this too... I have changed my sig! My post is also changed. The first person to tell me how gets a prize which you will be informed of.

                                In your Signature you got rid of "Welcome to the Young Wizards Discussion Forums, Please check your sanity at the door"

                                I don't know about your post though, maybe I deserve half a prize. </div>[quote]

                                Sorry, Sunny, but that isn't it! My signature was changed long before to what it *appears* to be. Keep looking, and claim the prize. (here's another hint: The sig and the post have been modified in the same way.)

                                +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                                +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)

