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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I just woke up. Wow, I was asleep on the floor for over an hour with Cass licking my hand. She's such a sweet kitty.

    Kaiba, you might be able to understand a little of what she's saying because French has a few cognates. I don't know if it has as many as Spanish does with english. Like madre is mom in spanich, and they sound similar. And medicina and that stuff. Also, she might know a lot of English. People in Europe usually grow up learning a lot of different languages. Well, think of all the countries over there that don't share languages. Like Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, French, English...

    Kinda sleepy.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • Kaiba; (Yu-Gi-Oh reference maybe? Please tell me if your name is.)
      Anyways I just went to Paris and most people their speak okay if not REALLlY good english. They teach it in the schools there and only the older people don't know.
      You'll find ways to communicate even if she doesn't speak english! I hope this helps and everything works out well. Keep me updated please!
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Hey guys! ^^
        I haven't been on in like 4,5 months, but I'm back.... ^^

        So... whassup?
        Comradely, Diego

        Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
        "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

        "Be a real


        • Zgirl
          Kaiba; (Yu-Gi-Oh reference maybe? Please tell me if your name is.)
          Yep! I'm sure it is! Considering that slightly random bit about Bakura and Malik/Marik, and Seto...and her location. Wait...Kaiba4ever, you are a girl, right? Or do you not want to say? Doesn't matter, but while I'm on the subject, do you live in Japan? Or are you just obsessed like me, therefore found out about Malik and Ryou? (Considering we never hear the name "Ryou" here in the U.S.) Zgirl, are you a Yu-Gi-Oh fan? If so, I'll add you to my sig.

          Haha! I finally got hold of "Uptown Local"! I"m gonna read it tonight! So happy!

          Edit: Looking at this post, I see it's all about Yu-Gi-Oh, except for one line. Including my sig. Any non-Yu-Gi-Oh fans can just skip this.

          Adds more cuz she's bored:
          I'm angry. School is bad. End of quarter=WAY to many things.
          My science teacher rocks. I mean, it was my favorite class. Before the evil student teacher came. Now, she's in charge of the class! All we ever do is sit and talk, or maybe take notes on a video. My other science teacher was actually fun.
          (This was a lot longer, but I accidentaly pressed some keys that booted me off. I don't feel like re-typing.)
          *sighs* Now that all the pressure's getting to me, I really miss elementary school. I had the bestest teacher in the world. I knew him pretty well, because he was my teacher for two years. I wasn't afraid to ask questions when I was confused. I had a chance to do extra credit in math. But I don't anymore. I don't ask questions, because I don't feel like it. Learning isn't fun for me anymore. (Wow. This is getting way weird. I didn't even know that until I typed it, but it's so true.) I'm not in a learning environment that I can handle. And I don't think I ever will be again. So does this mean I'll go through school without doing my best? Probably. But I hope not.

          Since you've finished reading this, I'm now going to tell you that it was unnecessary. This was totally random.
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • w00t, db!
            Um, yeah. I returned too.
            I thought I should post because I check here pretty much every day, but don't really have much to comment because I'm antisocial even online.
            Thus was this stream-of-consciousness post born. Ye have been warned.
            It's late, and I have a variety of homework due tomorrow, and I'm really going to fail my calculus class and be kicked out in disgrace. Yay for me. I was getting it all up to the Taylor series, too...
            Then again, it's probably mostly my fault, because I've just been incredibly more apathetic than usual of late.
            relientK is playing with Good Charlotte, according to my radio. This is a bit weird to me. I don't know, I guess they're the same genre and rK doesn't push the Xian point too much nowadays which is nice, but they still seem totally incongruous.
            If you don't want to stay up until four staring at the ceiling in the dark every night for a week, never read Past-watch, the book lying on my desk a couple meters away. It just tampers with your worldview. Makes you think really deep. I suppose that's a good thing in the long run for both individuals and humanity, but at the moment I'm doing my best to live life superficially. The coward's way? Perhaps. But it means I sleep at night.
            That's enough mock-philosophizing for one night. Back to calculus it is. I could play the 'it doesn't matter because in a million years it will all be forgotten' card with myself, but then I'd lose my temporal blinders and that's not worth it.
            <Paragraph deleted due to overwhelming emo-ness. Yeah, and you thought the others were bad.>
            My art place thing -
            OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
            --Douglas Adams, HHGG


            • ... I haven't posted in forever... I have around 15 pages to read, but I doubt I'll read them... I have no idea what the topic is right now, but I'm too tired to read them... Alrighty... So how has everyone been? All I did sice I was gone was get rejected by the baseball leage and sign up for a million things... There's this really cool website called rpg nexus. It's one giant rpg disscusion website. I don't know much about it because I just signed up... The address is It's fun if any of you want to sign up... I have to go, school is about to start...

              From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


              • WAHOO! I'm BACK! And this thing is only one page longer than it was about five days ago. How scary is that?
                I just had one of the best vacations ever. I spent three days straight skiing. For more on my obsessiveness, check out my livejournal, which is nenfea at It's uberly cool. Plus I got to miss school for almost an entire week. I'll regret it next week though, when I have to keep catching up.
                I didn't even know there was a new Artemis Fowl coming out. I am SO out of it when it comes to new books.
                Has anyone here every seen Bananas? The old Woody Allen movie? It is HILARIOUS! It's completely random.
                Also, has anyone ever heard of DaVinci's Notebook?
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good


                • I ran again. I loev this weather. AHAHAHHAHH!!! AHHHHHHH AHHHHAH YAYAYYAYYAYYAY!!!

                  Hey guys! ^^
                  I haven't been on in like 4,5 months, but I'm back.... ^^
                  AHHHHAHAHHA!!! You betcha, you've been missed. *smothers in huggles* 4-5 months is a loooong time.

                  A *little* bit of sugar, I admit, but most of it is air that I'm high off.

                  PLOIIIEEE!!! HEYYY!!! YAYYAYAYYA!! I', cjhayyomh with a newbie right now named Beiweitched. My hands are kinda flying, so I'll slow down. I'm chatting with a newbie right now named Bewitched (translation).

                  So, I guess I ought to post now because I don't really feel like typing up today's adventures. Something always happens in my life.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Cress (and wildflower)
                    I didn't even know there was a new Artemis Fowl coming out.
                    I didn't either. Not until I found it at the store.

                    Oh. My. Goodness. My favorite author on is "no longer an active member". Her name is LuvinAnime, and she had the best stories. They were like...20 chapters long, so I didn't finish them all in one go, and I went to read the last one, and she wasn't there! AHHH! Recently, one of her fics was reported and taken down for no reason at all so she reposted it, and now, she's gone completely! This is making me very mad.
                    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                    • *huggles* Diego. Hey, I just came back too so...

                      Kaiba & Lisa:Yeah I know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh but one of my friends has a bunch of pics in yugioh trying to convince me that every character is it? I'm pretty much convinced right now. She also has a bunch of yaoi yugioh fanfics too. Yeah she's pretty much obsessed.
                      (I have interesting friends.)
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • ::eeps::

                        DIEGO!! ::eeps again:: polie!! ::eep::

                        whoo and freaking hoo.
                        hey you guys, long time, no see!

                        i saw the ad for the new artemis fowl book inside the back cover of this month's pages (which i picked up cuz there's a great story on johnathan safron foer...i totally reccomend everything is illuminated!) i had fits when i saw it (of course, my english teacher has it at the moment... she wanted to read the article on foer too, aaugh)

                        and if any of you read & liked the divine secrets of the ya-ya issterhood, there's a new one of those out too!! ::sighs:: it's a good time to be a bibliomaniac. a very, very good time

                        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                        Follow the bouncing poot


                        • *huggles* ^^
                          I've been totally obsessed with my new XBox and cramped in homework. >.<

                          First Halo now Knights of the Old Republic... I'm not even a Star Wars fan... when willl this ever end!?

                          Anyway I'll try to post in here when I can... no school for me tomorrow... one of the good things of being in a catholic school, each time a Pope dies you get a day free. :S

                          ... It is strange what boredom can do to you... during the 2 weeks by school gave us on spring break my brother bought 6 Lemony Snicket "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books... I had read 2 of 'em and thought that they were not good... I read all six. (-.-)

                          Now there're no books in my closet... except a ****load of Agatha Christie novels... *starts reading about a decapitated maid* (O.o)
                          Comradely, Diego

                          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                          "Be a real


                          • Zgirl, Yu-Gi-Oh is not yaoi. In fact, there are no "real pairings" at all in the anime, unless you count Joey/Mai/Valon or Tristan/Serenity/Duke, neither of which has...developed. There's also a couple others...Rebekah/ the manga, Tea/Yami...that are just crushes. But no real pairings in the anime. That is, so far in the U.S., no one has actually admitted they like anyone. Frustrating. (I've almost given up on the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. There's never any new episodes on.) Fanfics? Cool! Does she have a Fanfiction account? If so, what's her name? I'm not against yaoi, in fact, I don't have a position, really. It's okay, and I'll read it if the fic's good.

                            On a semi-related note, on the official Yu-Gi-Oh site, they have a picture of Joey in a white trenchcoat. GAH! Why does everyone wear trenchcoats? First it was Kaiba with the gravity-defying coat, then Yugi with the mini-trenchcoat, now Joey! Gah!

                            *is still depressed from the loss of her fav fanfiction author*

                            For a kid who's considered smart, I'm sure stupid. It's past 10 and I have this huge project due, along with a couple minor things, and I'm just starting my homework. Bleh.

                            UPDATE: It's now 11:30 and I still have 2 1/2 more homework things to do. Good news: Made a music discussion in Chatter II.
                            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                            • Everything has turn out well so far.... I had a girl from France come to stay at my house for a school program (I get to go to her house and travel all over France later this year) and I have been FRIEKING OUT! Half the time we don't understand eachother...sorta.... but today with a group of 13 kids we went into town, half of us Americans, half French Penpals, went to tons of stores, especially for ice cream (J'aime les glace!), where we took ALL the tables in the whole resteraunt. We left right when they were about to kick us out... And then we ran around downtown acting all hyper (the guys in our group ran off and we had to chase them with our cameras) and we acted so crazy that it was what my penpal called "fou les tete" ^^... I was so tired after we got back... I'm just glad that we had fun! I was worrying that my penpal wouldn't like America... but what's not to like?

                              About Yugioh and Yaoi... (I HAD to comment) Yugioh doesn't have any REAL yaoi relationships between ANY character (its only the fans) but it's basically FILLED with it. As I read somewhere, it's a BREEDING GROUND FOR SHOUNEN-AI! First the hot bishies attract those insane yaoi-and-bishie loving fangirls like myself... fangirls usually obsess over certain characters, or yaoi, but some, like me, love both... though I hate Jou and Seto pairings. Anyway, TENDERSHIPPING ROX!! That's yaoi... it's the relationship between Ryou and his Yami... oh, I LOVE that pairing SOOOO much!! RYOU IS SO CUTE WITH HIS YAMI! AHHH! Opposites attract.... causing the angel-and-satan effect on them. If anyone is against Yaoi, or mary-sues, I am both. DON'T YOU DARE INSULT EITHER WITH ME ONLINE!!

                              Ok, to answer Lisa's question (earlier up on this thread page, her 2nd to last one). Yes, I am a girl *insulted that you dare ask* And I do not live in Japan (though I wouldn't mind visiting). I only know the Japanese names from attepting mllions of times to watch the Japanese episodes (with subtitles) on my computer, I read the manga (it's got the REAL names, as you know), and I'm so pissed at the dubbers that I don't do anything to support them. They RUINED Yugioh for the US! What I mean is that since I strongly dislike them, I don't stick by their names or basically anything that they dare do. (Though, I do not know the Japanese names for some of the minor characters). I'll admit it, I watch the dub, but I hate it. I'll shut up now, or "Firme ma bouche maintenant."

                              By the way, Lisa. Jonouchi actually wears that white coat in the Pharaoh's memory saga (when they visit Yami's past, you know). They posted something on Yugioh GX there too, and the female monster in red was ALREADY digitized...dubbed...they made the straps covering her thicker in certain areas (it's not like you could TELL, anyway) and GX won't be out for years at this rate... dubbing already...sickening.

                              Whoa, this post is long. Where I am in the world, it's like two minutes before midnight.... (Like Seto, I do not sleep, or know how to).... I'd better go... Anyone notice that not only my post but almost ALL the posts on this page are about Yugioh?


                              • ... Wow... Someone's happy I'm back... Happerz... Gorsh I gotta go... The bell's about to ring...

                                From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.

