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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Well, yeah, I gathered that. But why would anyone name a waterpark after a desert? That's like naming Alaalu ASmallWorldAfterAll! Or calling Ireland the Parched Land, rather than the Emerald Isle.
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • *sighing* We lost our first soccer game. It was one to zero. We never score. Ever. *points* It was all Steph's fault! Not really...but kind of. It could've been a tie, but she accidentally stood in front of the goalie and...yeah...

      Random: On Monday, some teachers from England are coming to my math class to observe us. Our school is kind of pen pals with them. Except, it's live. We have this TV system thing that transmits to their TV system thing, and we can see each other on TV. Next year, some kids get to go to the other school for a week, and some kids from over there get to come here. And the teachers from the school want to se how we do math class and stuff. It would be super weird if it was anyone from here...
      <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Sharky is crazy and Gryph is a Skitty. And there's a wild flower somewhere...</span>
      Next game is at 1:45! Only half an hour til we leave! Yay-ness!

      UPDATE at 4:27-
      I was really hyped up about this ssecond game. When I got there, our goalie was missing. She didn't show, and we had to put one of our semi-injured players in for her. (Several-three, I think-girls on our team have hurt ankles.) At halftime, it was 3-0, our team losing. I figured we had a whole 'nother half to get four goals. After all, if they could get 3 in one half, then why can't we get 4? Well, four goals were scored, but I was in goalie. Guess what team won? Not mine. We lost 7 to 0. I let in FOUR GOALS! I hate being goalie, because I know I'm not good at it. But everyone else refused being goalie. The ironic thing is, coach said he was putting me in because it would restore my confidence in my goalie skills. (First season I joined, I was goalie every game. Until I let 5 goals in in about the first 15 minutes of the game.) Yeah, this really made me feel good about myself.
      That was sarcasm.
      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


      • quote:
        I also got...(my hands are shaking with excitement)...Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception!!!! Haha! Yes! I have it!

        AJSDKJhsdkJ!!!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT WAS OUT!! *banghead*
        AAH! I am slacking off! I didn't even know it was out! Must get to bookstore...must get to bookstore...I have enough money, it's Saturday, I could probably get one of my parents to take me. NEED BOOK!

        Soo...weekends with nothing to do are fun. I have to solidify my research paper topic...I think I'm doing the ideas of Karl Marx and how they led to the development of Communism. Fun stuff.
        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
        What could mean more than this?"
        --Bright Eyes


        • All today I played outside. Nearly all day. G came over, and we played a little bit of soccer. I didn't do a lot of running though. I pulled 4+ muscles. I thought, at first, I only did two, but it's on both sides of my legs.

          Then we played Clue. I won, and that was right after G failed a guess, then my brother and I raced to the Hall. He got there first, but guessed wrong. Only because I never revealed that I had the wrench in my hand. Yahahha! My brother stomped my pencils into the ground until I couldn't pull them out... So I had no pencils for school (well, kinda... there were more, but they weren't sharpened. And all of my mechanical pencils are lost). We played a second game of Clue, and my brother sharpened three more. I claimed them, and my pencil problem was solved. Then canfield at G's house (we didn't have three decks, or at least three decks that we knew for sure had all 52 cards). Then bull. The second time we played, G didn't shuffle very well, and I got one of every card. Which meant I won without faking it. We ran around her backyard (which was covered in spikey balls) and front. G & T started trying to do bicycle kicks in the front yard with soccer balls where there were fewer spikey balls, and I left because I couldn't... could hardly run.

          My report will be on hurricanes. I didn't really have anything that I was interested in, so I picked that. It was off the top of my head. I've never been in one, but I've gotten out of school for a "wind day" when one came kinda close when I lived in FL. Also I've had power out for one. But that's it.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Kaiba4ever: I think the largest waterpark in the US is Noah's Ark, which says everywhere "The Largest Waterpark in the US". It is one of the most fun places I have ever been.
            I go to a private school, but I'm in Junior High.
            Today was uber fun. One of my friends came over and we practiced our song for this concert thing for school. We're doing a duet of Anything You Can Do from Annie Get Your Gun, and we both got really hyper because it's going to be majorly funny. Then we rode our bikes, something that I haven't done for a REALLY long time. And I'm wearing shorts. It's officially summer for me, although I think technically it's still spring, but I wore shorts for an entire day, that makes it summer *dances and sinces random stuff about the wonderfullness of summer*. I should probably go do some homework. Too bad.
            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
            I promise not to funfun anymore
            Be happy cause life is good


            • I'm in 8th grade, so next year I'll be in high school. I go to a Christian school.

              *dances around* I find out who I'm rooming with on Monday! I really really hope I'm not stuck with a certain person who drives everyone insane (especially Lovey) without even trying. Or knowing. Well, maybe she knows, but it doesn't affect her. *fumes* I try and try and try to be patient, but if I'm in the same room with her, I may explode. Wow, sorry about the rant. *sheepish grin*

              I watch YuGiOh every now and then, but only 'cause my brother loves it. Ever seen two six year olds trying to play the card game? It's quite funny. Except when one of them calls you names and is unceasingly rude and obnoxious. *fumes more*

              I was shopping most of the day. I only really like to shop when I'm not looking for anything in particular. Otherwise, it's just a pain. *sigh* I hate looking for swim stuffs. Now, if we had gone for jewelry, that would be different. I like jewelry. My aunt bought me a purty bracelet and earrings, then said that I should look for more stuff. Heh. I didn't take her up on the offer. That was enough for me.

              5:30 am.... *yawn* I do not want to be awake at that time. I prob'ly won't anyways, but that's when I'm supposed to be at the airport on Tuesday. *head-splitting yawn* That means I'll have to get up before 4:00 am! It's a long drive.

              This has turned out to be a pretty long post. OoOo. I forgot to welcome the newbie!

              Heyyyyy, Wizgal! I love to write stories, though I must admit I'm not very good at it. I think I'm a little bit more successful with poetry. *shrug* At least, my poems seem better than my stories to me.
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Angel Star
                I love to write stories, though I must admit I'm not very good at it. I think I'm a little bit more successful with poetry. *shrug* At least, my poems seem better than my stories to me.
                Heh. Same here. Stories are fun, but I can never seem to finish one in a satisfactory way. Poems, on the other hand, are fun and short. I've submitted least five to my school's literary magazine. My longest story is 11 pages, 5901 words long according to Word. If you want, I'll tell you the plot, but no details in case it's actually published someday. Maybe I'll put up an excerpt if you really want to see it.

                OWWWW!! Two soccer games + sun = SUNBURN! I have extremely painful sunburn on my face, neck, collarbone, arms, and the back of my legs where my shinguards weren't guarding me. It hurts. A lot.

                Angel Star (again)
                *dances around* I find out who I'm rooming with on Monday! I really really hope I'm not stuck with a certain person who drives everyone insane (especially Lovey) without even trying. Or knowing. Well, maybe she knows, but it doesn't affect her. *fumes* I try and try and try to be patient, but if I'm in the same room with her, I may explode. Wow, sorry about the rant. *sheepish grin*
                There's a girl like that on our soccer team. She's new, and that's a good reason to be a not-very-good player, but she stinks. The coach even said "Compared to (new girl's name), Steph is a World-Cup winner." Yeah. That's really bad. She just stands there playing with her hair. She stays within a four foot square of grass. She never moves to get the ball. I will stop ranting now because my sunburn hurts and I'm boring you.

                *brushing out wet hair* OWWIE! I have sunburn on my head! How in heck did that happen?

                Angel Star (for the third and probably last time this post)
                I watch YuGiOh every now and then, but only 'cause my brother loves it. Ever seen two six year olds trying to play the card game? It's quite funny. Except when one of them calls you names and is unceasingly rude and obnoxious. *fumes more*
                My brothers, who are barely-11 and 8-and-a-half, are so like that. They're truly good at the game (well, how would I know? I've never played anyone but them and Steph); sometimes they even geat me, but if I win (which I do a good deal of the time) then I cheated, or he wasn't ready for that move. Little kids just shouldn't play competitively. Nor should Steph play Duel Monsters. I completely creamed her. I passed my turn about fifty times so she could get a monster card, cut my life points by 2000, and told her what cards to play. I still won. ^^'

                Then we played Clue.
                Clue + Steph + Lisa + several other friends = very weird (and funny) times. At our friend K's party, we stayed up for like four hours playing that. Then, we played it at school with the counselor during a "Lunch Bunch". The school guidance counselor is evil. She took all the weapons out of Clue. (Not the cards, but the figures.) And she didn't believe Steph when we told her about the...never mind. I'm going on a rant again. Either way, Clue brings back some great memories.

                Gryph (again)
                Then bull.
                We call that BS, which we all know stands for Baloney Sandwich. Yeah. Riiight.
                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                • Tommorrow (the 11th) is the start of Trade Justice week and there is a fast in solidartiy for all the people who go to bed hungery in Third World Countires. Trade Justice week is part of Make Poverty History which is aiming to change the Free Trade Laws to Fair Trade Laws
                  If anyone wants more information on Trade Justice week or Make Poverty History then go to or

                  Corrected the URLs - PM


                  • Oww, sunburn doesn't sound fun. I've never had sunburn, but my mom gets it all the time, so...

                    I started typing up my part of the story for language arts. I dug around in the closet until I found Candyland. The king's name was King Kandy, in case anyone was wondering. That was the entire part of the search. XD I also started to read some of the books from the library about hurricanes. The one I'm reading is written by two guys who are very very enthusiastic about hurricanes. Like any scientist, I guess...

                    What, did she think you were going to kill someone with the weapons?

                    G calls it BS, but I just call it bull. Without the S.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • i am really bored. Boredom is the most evil thing on the planet! It makes people do stupid things like me posting here is stupid! But i am going to anyway because i am really bored! that all i had to say.
                      (Honorary member of the Breaking then fixing chime foundation.)XD
                      "Everyone has a sanity threshold after which they turn into Young Wizard fans and talk in topics like this all day and meet people like PM and Kathy and Gryphon and Caitlin and Lord o


                      • Nothing new in my life, same old life. School is evil and teachers are minons of the Lone Power!
                        "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                        Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                        • Wizgal, you're right. Teachers are evil. But try to avoid one-liners. DD pays for the posts herself.

                          Anyways, speaking of teachers and my evil guidance couselor, I worked at the Spring Fling at the elementary school today. Luckily, I only actualy had to work for 15 minutes.

                          What, did she think you were going to kill someone with the weapons?....Oww, sunburn doesn't sound fun. I've never had sunburn, but my mom gets it all the time, so...
                          The counselor is weird. She smiles constantly, even when she's mad. But even more so is the principal. He's evil. So at the Spring Fling, there was this place called Detention. You could pay 50 cents to put ANYONE in detention. Guess who I got? The principal (who really isn't MY principal anymore, because I'm in middle school now) AND the vice-principal, who's actually really cool.

                          Another fun thing was the cake walk. My family won five times. Then mom banned us from playing anymore, because we had gotten too much food.

                          <span class="ev_code_WHITE">I was kind of disappointed, because I thought the guy I like was going to be there. His mom works there, so I was hoping...ah well. He's a jerk anyway. But a cute jerk.</span> *clears throat* I didn't just type anything in white. Nope, not at all...

                          The sunburn REALLY hurts, especially on my face and neck. I can't smile at all without it hurting.
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • Ow. I get sunburned all the time. *wince* Ooo. I love this song! *goes to rate it* I didn't know Switchfoot sang it. It's Only Hope. Anyways, I don't tan; I burn. *sigh* It's really sad 'cause I have such pale skin. I'm a ghost. *makes ghostly noises* But you CAN'T EAT ME! Heh.

                            School isn't evil! It's just... well... Sometimes it can be evil, but other times it's fun! Like when we watched the Incredibles in band. OoOo. That reminds me: I need to practice my flute. Argh.

                            I need to get a card for my dad's b-day. *searches* I'll get a kritter card! If I can find the site... Oh. There it is. Yay! Lovely. Someone picked up the phone. *waits on AOL to redial*

                            Nope. Not using those birthday cards. They aren't very good. *searches more* Actually, his birthday was yesterday. My parents have the same birthday, but four years apart. Anyways, he's off on a bowling thing so I have extra time to find a card.

                            Oh goodness. Can't I get a card without installing anything? *starts to get irritated* *goes to search more* Ah hah! Maybe these will work. Cards on AOL. Little teddy bears playin' the sax. ... Maybe it'll work. Oh! I like this one. Maybe the cat will send a message. Like: "We need a cat! Go get a cat! Everybody likes cats!" Well, maybe not the last one. Oh. Nevermind. Dad doesn't like that language. Is there another kitty? Nope, just an overweight elephant.

                            Oh, well this one ain't so bad. It's simple, but it will do. *goes off to personalize and send* Well, I better hurry, so toodles!
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • I feel special, I am rading five of Shakespeares comedies.


                              • Heyy, Josh!
                                Originally posted by Lisa:
                                But try to avoid one-liners. DD pays for the posts herself.
                                I'm too lazy to write it out myself. (Especially after writing my previous post.)

                       back hurts. *wince* I have to quit slouching when I'm on the computer. I find out who I'm rooming with tomorrow... *prays* Anyway, I really hope that none of the teachers had a plan for punishment that included doing homework over spring break, 'cause I didn't do anything. *sigh*

                                Oh lovely! I completely forgot about practicing! ... Maybe I can practice in an hour or so... I'm not a procrastinator! I'll give you the proof later!
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

