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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Grawwrrr. I don't feel like reading the hurricane books. I mean, they're not short, and they're not... well, they are filled with facts and short narratives in an attempt to make it more bearable. But really, the story parts are boring, and they're riddled with facts that I'll need. So, yeah.

    Joe came by with B behind him, asking if my brother could play. I was outside reading. Now it definitely feels like summer. I haven't seen Joe very much at all all winter, and I'm glad. I gave up dealing with him because he's such a jerk. And he's so full of himself. So I as good as did everything I could to avoid him.

    My friends know how much I hate him, and I don't really care if he hears I talk about him like that. Unless he like likes me, in which case I'd kinda feel bad. But other than that, it shouldn't be shock; I've said I hated him to his face, anyway. And it's kinda hard to explain why I hate him so much.

    Chicken in a Bisket! I saw it on the back of a box a few days ago, and my reaction was as good as, "Oh my god, it's chicken in a bisket! Chicken in a bisket!!!" Now I really now what it is.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • I just noticed - April 9th, 2004 was the date of my first post here, so I've been posting here for just over a year. Not a senior yet, just a Senior on Duty .

      Dai stihó, Wizgal.

      Lisa said:
      The school guidance counselor is evil. She took all the weapons out of Clue. (Not the cards, but the figures.)
      Uh - wow. That'll prevent you running amok with the candlestick etc.

      Hey, try writing just one scene for Wizards On Call when the next round opens. You don't have to write the start, or the end, just the next bit of the middle. It ought to be easier that way.
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • If we're talking about sunburn, then don't get me started. When I went skiing I got burned so badly that it blistered and gave me a little bit of a fever. It is now in the stage of peeling and being insanely raw. Sadly the only place that burned was my face so I looked like I had a beard or something from far away and from close up...well it was not pretty.
        My longest story is something like forty or fifty pages. It was the beginning of a novel, but I stopped writing it for a while because I was on vacation or something like that and I never started again. It was pretty bad. Sort of Meg Cabot in style. Don't ask me why I was writing teen romance, I just had a craving.
        In other news, I bought the first season of Buffy today. WOOHOO!!!! I LOVE BUFFY! But my mom won't let me watch very much at a time. She says I get "strange" when I watch too much. That was only ONCE and I had had about three hours of sleep that night. I think it was the fact that I had been watching TV for almost 24 hours straight and the lack of sleep that made me "strange", not the Buffy, but that's just me.
        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
        I promise not to funfun anymore
        Be happy cause life is good


        • Comment

          • I usually have trouble sleeping in a hotel room the first night, but by the second night, I can zonk out pretty easily; partly from getting used to the room, partly from being tired from not sleeping the night before.
            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


            • Ciao, all!
              Oh, and welcome, Josh and Wizgal!

              So I got back from Las Vegas, Nevada/Wickenburg and Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday, but I still haven't adjusted to the three hour time difference back here.
              We left on the first and landed in Vegas that night. We stayed at the New York New York Hotel and Casino, and we ate at P.F. Chang's that night.
              The next morning we rode the roller coaster there. (It's really cool there. The inside is modeled like NY streets and Central Park.) We went around to the hotels and such. My favourite was definately the Venetian Hotel and Casino b/c of the canal that ran through it. We went on a gondola ride there and passed a wedding. ...mmm...gelato... Then we went to see David Copperfield (an uber-famous magician.) Our seats were touching the stage. ...wowww...
              The next day, we went to see the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel and Casino. We then went to see the Blue Man Group at Luxor Hotel and Casino. That was great. I am now a Blue Man Groupie.
              The next day, we left for Wickenburg, Arizona and we stayed at a dude ranch (Rancho de los Caballeros.) It was really sheltered though...When I think "western" I don't think twenty varieties of sushi. Oh well.
              The day after that, we went on an 8 mile horse ride, but the girl's family that I went with were novice riders, so we were stuck in the walking group. Snore. On the way back though, my horse, Tecate (which is a type of Mexican beer), bolted. A bit of excitement there. He tried it a couple times. It was because the riders in our group kept running their horses into Tecate.
              Next day: I requested another horse: Carbon. We went loping. Muuuuch better. That's what I'm used to! Then we did some team penning.
              We left the next day after more loping. Then we went to Phoenix, AZ and stayed at the Pointe South Mountain Resort. In the mini-fridge was Tecate. The beer. Not the horse.
              Our final day we spent nine hours at the resort water park. Funnn.

              I'll put in the song of the day later. Oodletoo, all


              • Well, I just dropped by to say I'm leaving tomorrow morning and won't be back until Thursday night. So, ta ta! *waltzes off*

                Oh. I forgot. I'm rooming with her. *grumbles and complains about her terrible misfortune* Well, I'll deal with it. Sorry for the short post... Bye! *huggles to all*
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • ooh, sorry about the room assignment Angel. I know the kind of person, except the person I know who drives everyone crazy knows she does it, and does it on purpose half the time. It's evil.
                  I can usually sleep in hotels the first day or two depending on how tired I am, but then when I've started to be lazy for a while it gets harder.
                  Wow, why is everyone going on vacation within about three weeks of eachother? I'm going to Washington DC next week. Yeah, I get to go on vacation twice, once for a class trip and once with my family. Hehe, life is good.
                  The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                  I promise not to funfun anymore
                  Be happy cause life is good


                  • Ya, Angel and mine's 8th grade leaves tomorrow and gets back Thursday. I'm not going though. Which is okay because:
                    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>It's not enough time to see anything<LI>It's $800 (waay too much for that trip)<LI>The guy I like isn't going either....*sigh* Every class with him...*swoon*[/list]

                    Sorry....moving on..

                    I'm in a PotO kinda mood!

                    "Think of Me" Andrew Lloyd Webber

                    CHRISTINE: Think of me
                    think of me fondly, when
                    we've said goodbye
                    remember me
                    once in a while, please
                    promise me you'll try

                    When you find,
                    that once again you long
                    to take your heart back,
                    and be free
                    if you ever find a moment,
                    spare a thought for me

                    We never said
                    our love was evergreen
                    or as unchanging as the sea...
                    but if you can still remember,
                    stop and think of me

                    Think of all the things
                    we've shared and seen,
                    don't think about the things
                    which might have been

                    Think of me
                    think of me waking, silent
                    and resigned...
                    imagine me, trying too hard to
                    put you from my mind...

                    Recall those days,
                    look back on all those times,
                    think of the things
                    we'll never do...
                    there will never be a day when
                    I won't think of you

                    RAOUL: Can it be?
                    Can it be Christine? Bravo!
                    Long ago, it seemed so long ago
                    How young and innovent we were
                    She may not remember me, but I remember her

                    CHRISTINE: Flowers fade
                    the fruits of summer fade
                    They have their seasons so do we
                    But if you can still remember
                    stop and think of me.

                    I looove that movie!


                    • Carl:
                      i am really bored. Boredom is the most evil thing on the planet! It makes people do stupid things like me posting here is stupid! But i am going to anyway because i am really bored! that all i had to say.
                      Carl, be glad we just had a discussion in the topic on censorship because otherwise I'd have a fit other that. And I guess you're entitled to your opinion, however tactless/offensive/stupid it may be. But here, I'll give you a great reason, or several, to post here, and they're the people.

                      I love my avie. It's so warm, fuzzy, and happy.

                      AYAYYA! I love hotels. I do.

                      Lovey is back!
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • I didn't get to tell you how the party went yesterday because my internet was down. Again.

                        There was this cute little hamster that the school was raffling off. He came with a cage, food, and everything. Guess who won? My brother. We brought him home and ooohed and ahhed over him. We even decided on a name. Chubbles the cute, adorable, wonderful, fuzzy...

                        EVIL VAMPIRE HAMSTER!!!!

                        I'm serious. The thing BIT my brother so hard he started bleeding. It was gross...gushing out everywhere...ick. Chubbles is cute, but mean! Gosh, it's just evil...

                        The guy I like isn't going either....*sigh* Every class with him...*swoon*
                        You actually have classes with him? Goodness...I don't have ANY classes with the guy I like. Only lunch on three of the five schooldays. And between Steph and one our friends, they have like...five classes with him. *sigh* I won't say anything else...

                        My sunburn REALLY hurt today. My shirt kept rubbing against my neck...and the sunburn. But I got to see everyone else (including Steph) on my team who got sunburn. Haha. I'm not the only one!
                        Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                        "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                        "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                        • So, I was coming into the locker room to change after soccer practice today, and my friend was coming out of the locker room after her tennis practice, and she was bouncing up and down, obviously very hyper, and she was saying....


                          I almost had a heart attack.

                          Those of you who have been around for awhile will know why...*shudders*

                          Eh. Nothing else happened today...pretty normal day...except this weird thing happened when I was watching TV. This has happened a couple of times before...I clenched one of the muscles in my leg (it's always the right leg) and it instantly--and very painfully--cramped up. Ouch. It does it seemingly without any rhyme or time I woke up in the middle of the night and the same muscle was cramped.

                          Anyway...I got my mom to take me to the bookstore on Saturday, got the new Artemis Fowl book, and finished it. Sooooo good! The part when (really, don't read this if you're a fan and you haven't read it yet: it's a big spoiler and I accept no responsibility for ruining the book for you if you highlight the following words!) <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Root died was so sad! I cried!</span>

                          "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                          There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                          And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                          What could mean more than this?"
                          --Bright Eyes


                          • Awww. *huggles all* I looked at Amber's kitties, and they're so cute. So I feel like everyone gets huggles today.

                            *Is melted for a day* Got a huggle IRL from N. He's a big football guy, and I don't really like like him, but today he's my best friend. And he probably has a girl friend anyway. And he's twice my height. But...

                            Guys who do hugs are awesome. *is in another world right now*

                            *great mood*
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Lisa: No, not usually. I only have classes with him because only 12 of our grade stayed behing from D.C., so we all changed classes was wunnerful... *swoon*

                              I'm moving on the song of the day so I can go on dreaming...

                              "Aspettami" Pink Martini

                              Aspettami-wait for me
                              I've been lost, adrift at sea
                              In your dreams, dream my way
                              Someday I'll find my heart
                              And come back to stay

                              Do you miss me my darling,
                              As I miss you?
                              Take my hand and pull me near
                              And never let me go again my dear

                              There was a time I was safe in your arms
                              And the stars fell away like diamonds
                              Then we were young and our love was younger still
                              Was it just an illusion?

                              Aspettami-wait for me
                              Close your eyes and you will see
                              I'm coming home
                              Every sky in my heart will be blue
                              On the day I come back to you


                              • Gryph: My kitties? Or another Amber's kitties?
                                So um. Because I'm a bad person and have a tendency to post pseudo-one-liners...

                                Someone's gonna ask you what it's all about.
                                Stick around nostalgia won't let you down.
                                Someone's gonna ask you what it's all about.
                                Whatcha gonna have to say for yourself?
                                I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go
                                Now all I need is just to hear a song I know.
                                I wanna always feel like part of this was mine
                                I wanna fall in love tonight.
                                --Jimmy Eat World, 'Praise Chorus'
                                My art place thing -
                                OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                                --Douglas Adams, HHGG

