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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Um..... I'm just butting in.
    This is random:
    My brother just puked in the car, and it got all over, and it was nasty.

    Sorry, I just had to tel someone.....



    • Comment

      • You mean you like saying my name?
        Hahaha.... I have that effect on some people... I've only ever gotten sick since I was baby, once. Its sooo werid. Not once. I've seen people get sick, heard them, even seen them, then other people, but me personally, never.

        Weird, huh?



        • Amber:
          Gryph: My kitties? Or another Amber's kitties?
          Yes, your kitties! They'rea neat.

          *miffed* And what's that supposed to mean? Naw, I love it to death. It's happy.

          I swear I'm gonna go over the smiley limit on this post. But I'm really happy.

          I got my course booklet and sheet. I also grabbed two "phase change" sheets. Our school works in phases, and all of my classes are actually either 4.1 or 4.2 because they're all above my level. I want to go up in science next year, and I got my teacher's signature. It was a 4.1, but if this goes through, it'll be a 4.2. Whoo! One fracture of a point difference, but it's not really the point that matters. The course is more in depth and harder. And I'm taking biology next year. I think that does a little bit with genetics, and I think genetics in viruses and stuff like that is really cool. 'Specially with the flu. Also, rocks... As I added in signature.

          Okay, just for the newbies' information, NONE of them are allowed to post short posts/ one liners. Just because some oldbies do doesn't mean you can too; they have the right to.

          I get carsick, but I've never thrown up from it. Well, I don't have it really bad like I used to. I can be in a car for a long while without feeling sick, unless I do something like read. The last time was actually when I pulled my muscles (and they still hurt). I was putting my hair up in the car.


          Didn't go over smiley. Ah well.

          [adds adds:]

          Because this chat excerpt is as important to the public as knowing that Bush has just declared all of the southern states of the US as testing ground for nuclear weapons.

          Peter Murray Hmmm. I want to post just one line. Is it cheating to edit someone's post to include that one line ?

          Well, if it's an answer to their post, and it stops me posting a separate one-liner, it's A Good Thing! - PM
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Yay! I'm out of jury duty!! I done my civic duty, and got excused after the whole voideur and shuffle. It only took eight hours. (ugh). The one-day/one-case limit rocks, compared to the old three-day duty.
            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


            • congrats brennick, for finally finding my old avatar. now all I have to do is remember that it isn't mine anymore and we'll all be good.

              today, i filled out two (count it: TWO) answer sheets for my AP tests. i also (multitasking!) mocked the instructions. i hate those instructions. you'd think that by the time you're in an AP class you'd be able to fill out a stinking bubble sheet without too many instructions. but noooo. aargh.

              also, i hate my internet connection.

              but i love my power point on the immune system for bio (we're all teaching a chapter in pairs so we can get through the book by the AP test)

              PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
              Follow the bouncing poot


              • Wow I haven't posted here in a LONG time hehe.

                Hey Ella, don't you know how to ease a leg cramp? I do, but it's a bit hard to explain: you grab your foot and bend it towards you, stretching out your calf muscle

                I get carsick when I read, too. I didn't used to when I was little, but when I was like 12, suddenly I couldn't read in the car for any length of time beyond like 3 minutes. I also found out I can't watch movies in the car. When I was coming back from spring break, my sis brought the portable dvd thing and I was watching Liar Liar but about halfway through I was sooooo sick I had to stop it and get out of the car. Luckily we had just pulled into a walmart

                I have a very simple question: doesn't the nightwish fan station on launch play any nightwish SONGS?

                I talked to Rysade on msn for awhile today, I don't think I'd ever talked to him before but I had heard of him

                Eep I should prolly be going soon....time flies sometimes hehe

                Oh and Lovey, I LOVE VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!


                • *winding up noise?* It's...GIGO!!! *bounces off walls* Whoo-hoo. I am happy for no reason.*tries to think of a reason* Nope.

                  Hey! You used ""! And according to Gigo's book of rules, which was written by Yours
                  Truly, ":d"'s aren't allowed. So there.

                  We had a nurse come in and talk about STUFF. The entire class was silent. Across the hallway, the entire grade 7 class exploded with laughter, assumingly from the video. Changes. You don't want to know.

                  *sits there silently*

                  *runs around the house*

                  Whee. Some of NKoD's energy must have rubbed off. I'm hyperactive.

                  Muffins are scary.

                  No-one can phantomize MY avvie.

                  I just read HW again. Whoo-hoo.

                  *stares* My piano teacher got pulled out to do jury duty. Huh. *imitates Peach* Don't be silly. You KNOW there are no accidents.


                  • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                    • Gigo said:
                      No-one can phantomize MY avvie.
                      Ok. But why would anyone want to?
                      I just read HW again. Whoo-hoo.
                      You just like reading that book because it's got your name in it, admit it .
                      And Kathy said earlier:
                      Yay! I'm out of jury duty!! I done my civic duty, and got excused after the whole voideur and shuffle. It only took eight hours. (ugh). The one-day/one-case limit rocks, compared to the old three-day duty.
                      When I did jury service, some time around 1990, here in England, you were expected to turn up for two weeks, unless released early, and in those two weeks I was on the jury for four different, unrelated cases.

                      Oh, and a note for Gryphon's next post: BAoYWB is Before Any of You Were Born .
                      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                      • Gigo:
                        Hey! You used ""! And according to Gigo's book of rules, which was written by Yours
                        Truly, ":d"'s aren't allowed. So there.
                        I've been using 's BAoYWB. Hehe, to steal PM's acronym, even though it doesn't make sense. So, Before You Joined the Forums, then! BYJtF.


                        OMG, it has been like two or three weeks since I last posted something here. I am so sorry on that behalf.
                        *huggles* Don't worry about it; school should be your priority anyway. XD As long as you come back to say hi sometimes. *more huggles*

                        Heyyy, that makes me a day older than Gibby's dog! (And four or so years)

                        Hehe. I started the Fuzzles.

                        [Correction; I put four years older than Gibby, but PM pointed it out in chat, so I fixed it. My birthday is May 13]
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • Has everyone heard about the Lego Star Wars video game? I went looking for pictures to link to and actually there is quite a lot of Lego Star Wars stuff on the web.

                          Don't know if you can play Dairine, though.


                          • *shakes fist threateningly at Gigo*

                            Curses upon you!!!!

                            Usually my posts aren't bad, but that was my second post that day.

                            So today was the last day the rest of my grade was in D.C. We had fun back at school...I hung out with mah luv and played ping-pong and soccer. We spent all day listening to his favourite bands: Flogging Molly, Slipknot, Slayer, My Chemical Romance, etc...
                            I got to sit on a loveseat between him and my friend (keyword) Andy so I could show him how to make a site. *swoon* And then he was rather pleased with me when I started singing along to the Helena music video we were watching online. He was all "I have yet to meet someone other than me and Zach at this school who likes MCR." I didn't really listen to MCR that much, but I like Helena and I'm Not Okay (I Promise.) So...*sigh* anyway.

                            Anywho...moving on TODAY'S SONG!!!!
                            This goes out to PM...rock on...*recalls chime today*

                            "White Rabbit" Jefferson Airplane

                            One pill makes you larger
                            And one pill makes you small
                            And the ones that mother gives you
                            Don't do anything at all
                            Go ask Alice
                            When she's ten feet tall

                            And if you go chasing rabbits
                            And you know you're going to fall
                            Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
                            Has given you the call
                            Call Alice
                            When she was just small

                            When men on the chessboard
                            Get up and tell you where to go
                            And you've just had some kind of mushroom
                            And your mind is moving low
                            Go ask Alice
                            I think she'll know

                            When logic and proportion
                            Have fallen sloppy dead
                            And the White Knight is talking backwards
                            And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
                            Remember what the dormouse said:
                            "Feed your head
                            Feed your head
                            Feed your head"


                            • Heyyy, that makes me a day older than Gibby's dog! (And four or so years)

                              Hehe. I started the Fuzzles.

                              [Correction; I put four years older than Gibby, but PM pointed it out in chat, so I fixed it. My birthday is May 13]
                              And now we know how old you are - you're five!

                              And you're five days older than DD, and several years younger.

                              And LoveBird played that song for me because I was the only one in chat who recognised it... also the only one who was born when it was originally recorded . Although I didn't hear it until the mid-to-late 70s.
                              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                              • Edit: Darn... try this.

                                Edit 3: If you can't see it at first, and you can't see it on the link, copy the link and paste it into your address bar.

                                Isn't that the cuddly-est bunny you ever saw?

                                Nothing can be cuddly-er than a bunny with pancakes on it's head!

                                I feel so hyper because of this picture. It warped space-time much more than any other picture I had to look at it. It's feeding me power.

                                PM: ookay...looks a bit phantomized, but...I dunno. Oh well. Looks...different. Yeah, that's my favourite word. Different.

                                I'm famous. I got on television. Three times! *accidently-on-purpose forgets to say that it was a year ago*

                                Oh well. I feel like doing nothing, but I've got a mountain of homework. *shrugs*

                                *pretends to be solemn and 'deep' and wise and not smiling* *fails at the not-smiling bit*

                                Sorry, Lovey. But it is the truth. Not that you do it more than anyone else.

                                Nothing to do...except homework. I'll have to tackle it sooner or later. I 'll choose later and sleep now. G'night, all. Dai!

