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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Why haven't I posted in so long? Okay, it's only been a couple days, but there's just sooooooooo much to reply to. Like two full pages.

    Does anyone of the Yugioh fans here, (and I know you're here, so don't hide, cause I know you're here!) know when they start playing episodes again on the WB? I MAY actaully get to watch them since my penpal is gone and all. So....when are they playing ANY episodes? I'll probably miss them anyway, just I like to know the schedual. Precious Schedual!! *hugs schedual and scares away any of the readers of this stupid post* On a more random note... and more importan tot me and the world...Seto is HOT and HEARTLESS!! ADMIT IT!!!
    They're playing on Saturday mornings, new episodes, which I WILL NOT SEE because I will be in New York City, with girl scouts. You can go to or something to find out when. (There's a calendar there somewhere.) I think it's next week, if you live near me.

    Gryphish's friendish
    E: No, no, can I have a unicorn? It's imaginary!
    *maniacal glint in eyes* No. Unicorns are real. Not imaginary. I will see one someday. When I meet the great dragon and talk to the wizard. Seriously, I believe these so-called "mythical" creatures are real.

    Sunstarish, a longish time ago
    WOW!, a B+ being a 93%! That's way higher than any school where I live. In our board of education, a B+ is a 77-79 and an A- is 80-84. The A is 85-89, and A+ is 90-100. Some teachers are crazy and make 95+ an A++. So, Bs are in the 70s, Cs are in the 60s, and Ds are in the 50s. Anything below 50% is an R=Remedial Help Required.
    WHAT??? That's just crazy! Even the elementary schools have to get higher than that! Elementary grades are this: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, and U is anything lower than 60. (U is the equivalent of F, but F means "Fail", and I guess it's supposed to hurt kids' self-esteem to "fail" at that young an age.)

    Oh. My. Gosh. We live in a zoo. My family went to PetsMart today, and we bought two hamsters. In addition to the one we already have. Plus my cat, which will eat them all eventually.

    Revenge of the Sith is in 28 days! Yay!

    My NYC trip is on Saturday! Double yay! I'm hoping the Broadway play we're goign to wil somehow be cancelled, and we'll end up going to Wicked instead, because the actress will take pity on us and let us have good seats. *glares* Don't you dare dash my dreams!
    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


    • Gryph: Unicorns are real. *crazy grin* Just like the gryphon on my shoulder. She's invisble, not imaginary. ROFL! I just realized that you're Gryphon and that I have an invisible friend that's a gryphon... Hehe... I'm a little slow.

      Yeah, Andy's cool.

      Our grading scales have always been uh... I don't know, actaully. I know that and A- is 93-94, A is 95-99, and A+ is 100. And F is below 70. At least, I think so. I wonder if it's on the school website? *goes to see* Hm...

      Oh, how do you change how things print out? Like, for some reason, things get cut off when I print things off the internet. I messed with the settings once, but now I can't find it.

      Shouldn't it be in the Academics section of the site? Oh, there it is. B (incuding - and +) is 86 - 92.99, C is 79 to 85.99, and D is 70 - 78.99.

      I thought the grades were rounded, but I guess I was mistaken. However, I'm on the High School part of the site. Maybe they are rounded in Middle School. Heyy, if you feel like going to the site, here's the link:Christian Academy

      LoL. As if you'd want to. Heh. I just felt like putting it there...
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Sometimes Page-Setup or printer options let you shrink a page by a certain percentage. I sometimes use that to get webpages to fit on a printout. It all kind of depends on your operating system and your browser.
        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


        • kaiba: Yeah, I remember the math wars...I don't remember whether I took part or what, though.

          Hey, imaginary numbers are an awesome part of life! Square it and it's not imaginary anymore. It is just like magic. Much like the multiple values of infinity thing. Math is just so cool.

          Incidentally, some class or other is doing this mural thing in the hall. Only it's more like a sculpture. They've got this big wooden (possibly stone or something. Not sure. Looks rather like stone.) pi on the wall, and have started putting the numbers up above it. They taped a piece of paper with 'To be continued' on the end.

          ...Well, I thought it was funny.
          My art place thing -
          OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
          --Douglas Adams, HHGG


          • School was awesome. We had a half day because no one was paying the lunch ladies, and classes were kinda slack. Lesse, first period was tech. The computer graphics program is kinda driving me mad. I put a move animation on my die (I slaved over it to get the dots perfect!), and it stretched weird. It wasn't supposed to distort at all. I can't undo it, and I don't know how to get it back, but I'm not gonna make a new die unless I really have to. Spanish was spanish. The quiz was really stupid, a lot easier than we thought. We go snail pace through everything, and rahhh...

            We watched The Day After Tomorrow in history while working on our math tests because it was Earth day and the teacher decided we should play a movie in which the earth gets back at humans. He skipped from different parts and played the bit where the reporter got killed with a huge peice of something in the wind. We also did a practice quiz to see how many countries of Africa we had memorized so far, and I had 16. He commented, while walking by, that I did very good... in my messy own way. My handwriting is a little wild.

            I asked my mom if she had anything else that she thought I might like. She had to have something, anyway, because she has so many CDs... though she got me onto rock, I don't like most of her rock. The oldest I like is The Cure. Symphonic Pink Floyde doesn't count. It's, well, symphonic. I got four albums out of her, and I'm listening to Seal (dunno if that's the artist or the name of the CD; it just says "Seal" on the front), and I think it's good.

            Chem... heh. Ni (hehe, Ni; I'll give him that title because he's not the only N-name in my school, and I'll talk about him more than once [Knights of Ni!]) asked the teacher if we could have a "free day" and she said, "yeah." (Wild the flower!?) But anyway, that class was fun. E commented that WL looked like her brother with her hair on top of her head and glasses on to C, and C didn't beleive her. So they borrowed my glasses. I'd never seen her brother before, so I don't know. Ni asked teacher who was hotter: him or B (B is cute ), and teacher said (she didn't know how to reply) you're both pretty hot. Ni is like that.

            Geos we played cards. A game of bull, and then three of Chem, which I'd never heard of before. It's a team game, and my team lost all of the times... XD

            Angel Bains:
            Gryph: Unicorns are real. *crazy grin* Just like the gryphon on my shoulder. She's invisble, not imaginary. ROFL! I just realized that you're Gryphon and that I have an invisible friend that's a gryphon... Hehe... I'm a little slow.
            Hehehehhee... XD

            Heyy, I recognize this song!

            Talking to Harakka. Harakka is cool.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Well...I talked to my friend Kerry today about the dates and times of the MCR concerts. I want to go to the one in Chicago, Illinois on the day before my b-day..but...well...we live in Kentucky and that's kinda far away...*cries* We'll probably go to the one in Cincinnati...We might have to stay overnight...ADJOINING ROOMS. all are sick. *shakes head* Gosh...what has the world come to.

              Anywho...Kerry burned me the FM iz all good.

              'Somebody Told Me" The Killers


              • WOOO I finally got skype to work on my computer! YAY. Who has skype??? HUH?HUH?

                Anywho....HI! OMG WOOOOO! I HYPER!!! I skilled warrior. Train with many weapons I do. Include broom in studies. Prove to be good ally. I great Warrior of the Broomcloset. FEAR ME.
                Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                • I had this whole post typed up, but well, HE came over, so I had to go out and talk to him. My dad clicked off of all my stuff, so I lost everything. *glowers*

                  Yeah, well one of the things I was going to say was that HE hadn't come over yet. Of course, I spoke too soon. He's a lot nicer in person than online. I think he just gets ahead of himself and tries to act mature and whatnot online. The only annoying thing he did in conversation was to ask me how long it would be until I considered us friends. I told him it was a weird question that I wasn't going to answer.

                  Anywho, Lovey called me while I was talking to him. He laughed at my frustration. Then Carissa, another friend, called. He laughed again. As did Carissa. *sigh* Heh. I talked to the guy for an hour. Oh, I have to say this. He kept asking if I wanted to go for a walk until I finally nearly shouted "NO!" So, my mom said I had to go get my brother from a few doors down. He comes with me. Then he says, "Do you know what we're doing?" I say, "Shut up."


                  My Bible teacher liked my testimony. *is very relived* I stressed over that thing really badly.

                  AHH!! MY BROTHER IS DANCING!! *dies*

                  It stormed here. It was cool. We stayed in the basement, 'cause my mom's paranoid like that. It was a tornado warning. S'okay. I understand my mom's point of view. There were weird noises. *goes big eyed* ALIENS HAVE LANDED! THEY WANT TO TAKE ME BACK!! DON'T LET THEM!!

                  Edit: Oh my. I was scanning my post when I caught the "is very relived". *snort* I meant "relieved". Heh. It's been over a year since I joined! Wow, time flies. *is shocked*
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • *is so psyched* New York City, here I come!!!!!!!!!!! I leave, seven hours, and I'm not asleep yet. I can't wait!!!!

                    Plus, my elementary school had a faculty vs. other school faculty basketball game, and for the first time in four years, we won! I got to see my sixth (and fifth) grade teacher. He's my favorite teacher ever, so that's really cool.

                    I'm hyper. No clue how I'll get to bed.

                    Yay! My fav fanfiction author came back! She's now under LuvinAniManga, and she's trying to repost all of her stories. *fainting with joy* All this good stuff keeps happening to me.
                    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                    • Hah. I made a BLT today! I know that's kinda trivial, like everything else I talk about, but that's a big accomplishment for me. I'm a slug about cooking, and BLTs take a lot to make. Toast bread, cut a tomatoe (it turned out looking like a lot of sorry lumps -- kinda felt bad for it), find lettuce, and the bacon. The bacon was microwavable, thank god. I live off the microwave, toaster, and tea kettle. The oven is scary, so forget that. And my chemist-mom haunts me wherever I go. Even though my mom wasn't around, and the browned-crust tastes like crap, I ate it anyway, thinking, "the maylard (sp?) reaction!"

                      AHAHAHA. headhurts.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • I will really try to read up on this forum heh heh, i promise. Not much has been going on with me though.
                        One of my friends is really upset because too many guys are asking her out. do you hear that? TOO MANY, TOO MANY. i'm so jealous of her. And yet happy for her. Even though she thinks she's gonna go to hell because to many guys like her (?)
                        I'm 'psyched' for summer I can't stand school anymore.really. i need to leave, i'm thinking of taking up photography over the summer. If anyone has some ideas of cool fun things to do please tell me!
                        nice to hear from you guys.
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • Well I just got back from DC, which was majorly tiring. And I'm going to a sleepover tonight. WAHOO!!!!!! I hope I don't make myself sick again, cause I was sick yesterday and I don't think staying up all night is going to be very good for me. Who knows?
                          I personally would not be sad if too many guys were asking me out. No one has ever asked me out, which isn't a big surprise since we don't date a lot in my school. I'm hoping in high school I won't be a dateless freak, but it's possible.
                          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                          I promise not to funfun anymore
                          Be happy cause life is good


                          • It's my hundredth post. So sue me.

                            Nothing to do here...

                            Let's see.

                            Wilson is not a blood-faced volleyball. (<span class="ev_code_WHITE">Rad</span>)

                            I am NOT called Sailor Moon. (<span class="ev_code_WHITE">PM</span>)

                            Yes, a 24 hour bus ride is a bit extreme.(<span class="ev_code_WHITE">Kathy</span>)

                            *reads other quotes* *decides that they should not be put up in this post.

                            A Midsummer Night's Dream...

                            Thing meets Thing

                            Thing loses Thing.

                            Helena meets Thing.

                            Demetrius loses Thing.

                            Thing meets thing.

                            Hermia meets Demetrius.

                            Thing meets thing.



                            • *growls* the computer clock died again.
                              In the kitchen, mom said to let the dogs out in about a half hour: she was going to bed. I glanced at the computer clock and went "What, at seven thirty?"
                              Ten after eleven.

                              Gryph (and PM):
                              OMG OMG OMG OMG~!~~~!!!!

                              Peter Murray I have a solution! I have a way to guarantee we don't delete it by mistake!
                              Peter Murray Delete it on purpose! That guarantees we can never delete it by accident!

                              That's SOOO NOT FUNNY!!!
                              XD or, if it was archived, then the mods wouldn't have a reason to be in the togr forum, and wouldn't have the buttons right there to click. And it wouldn't be gone, either!
                              [I'm not helping, am I...]

                              Badger thing? Whazzat?... Badger, Mushrooom, Snake? Or something? I dunno, I saw that a while ago, if it's the same thing. It was weird. *pokes it* I can't watch it now, though. *glares at Firefox*

                              Why haven't I posted in so long? Okay, it's only been a couple days, but there's just sooooooooo much to reply to. Like two full pages.
                              I have that problem. The pages seem like less as you're reading them as they appear, and then you go to reply, and find your last post so you have a vaugeish idea of where to start replying from, and look! four pages already?...

                              [and yes, I know, I'm not even replying to that many of them. Shortish post.]


                              • Good morning, friends of the forest!!! How are we all today? Good? That's wonderful.

                                I had an unnerving dream last you want to know? No? Too bad! I'm telling you! *raises hands to ears, waves fingers furiously, and cries, "neenerneenerneener"*

                                Well...I was on this farm with this huge amount of grass in the backyard. It felt like I lived there. My mom and I were going down an aisle of shelves that were outside along a tall chain-link fence that edged the yard. Mum points out a tall weed and says she was going to cut that, but didn't. We were looking at lightbulbs. Mum told me to put the lightbulbs in little boxes by themselves and to talk to them and encourage them. I went inside the house, noticing the large amount of pianos. My friend Kerry was with me. I came to one room with a "harpsichord" or however you spell it. only had, like, 20 keys. Kerry was like, play something. I was like, I don't have harpsichord music. I walked out onto the balcony and noticed that the owner of the farm was mowing the lawn with a very large, very fast moving mower. Suddenly, I found myself in a hotel room, with, of course, the guy I like and Kerry. I thought I heard music and so I opened the bathroom door and, lo and behold, the concert (which mind you Kerry, and the guy I like, and I, were going to together in the dream)has just started. Then, we're back on the farm and we're about ot go into the concert late, but I don't have my black wristband on, so I have to get mine out of the kitchen drawer, which is convienently located to my right in mid-air. We go into the concert and guy I like introduces me to his girlfriend. At this point, I am, in my mind, saying to myself, Gawd, I hope this is only a nightmare. Then I wake up (Thank the Lord above.)

                                Here is my analysis of where the components of this dream came from:
                                Well...I was on this farm with this huge amount of grass in the backyard. It felt like I lived there.
                                This is our new house. We have a larger backyard now with lots of grass.
                                My mom and I were going down an aisle of shelves that were outside along a tall chain-link fence that edged the yard.
                                and later...
                                We were looking at lightbulbs.
                                We've been going to the hardware store everyday. Our latest reason? To get lightbulbs...
                                Mum points out a tall weed and says she was going to cut that, but didn't.
                                This is about me pointing out very tall dandelions when we were at a furniture store.
                                Mum told me to put the lightbulbs in little boxes by themselves and to talk to them and encourage them.
                                I went inside the house, noticing the large amount of pianos.
                                Mum has been getting on me about practicing piano. As for the harpsichord me.
                                I walked out onto the balcony and noticed that the owner of the farm was mowing the lawn with a very large, very fast moving mower.
                                This is about why my dad told the guy who lives next door to me who just mowed my grass last week that my dad would mow the grass. He said that he mowed too quickly. That's why I was upset in the dream. I was like, oh and you don't mow too quickly.
                                Suddenly, I found myself in a hotel room, with, of course, the guy I like and Kerry.
                                This is about how I am going to a concert with a guy I like and Kerry and how we might have to spend the night up where the concert is. In the dream it was a Green Day concert, but we're going to a My Chemical Romance concert.

                                Thank goodness that it was just a dream. It'd be horrid if the guy I like had a girlfriend.

                                I left out a few minor get the point.

                                So, yesterday I went over to the guy who lives next door's house to give him an extra $10 for mowing our lawn. His dad answered and invited me in, so I talked to his dad for a while.

                                That's all that's going on in my life.

                                It's my hundredth post. So sue me.
                                I might. Honestly. I think you're headed toward M's status.

                                Badger thing? Whazzat?... Badger, Mushrooom, Snake? Or something? I dunno, I saw that a while ago, if it's the same thing. It was weird. *pokes it*
                                GAAAAH! *kills Andy for telling her about it*
                                Yes...that's the badgers.... DON'T CLICK HERE! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOO!

                                Anywho...Gigo...if this post isn't long enough for*harrumph*

                                "Hey Joe" Jimi Hendrix

                                Woww...this is really long... Sorry everyone....

                                Maleditevi, drogate utilizzo!

