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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • My bike came in today. It's awesome! Silver, black, and sleek. It's a hybrid-ish thing so that I can use it like a mountain bike but on road too, though it won't take the most extreme of off-road things. My mom's, which was the exact same down to every last detail (size and color; they only had one), was supposed to come at the same time, but it didn't. My mom's bike was a wreck because the brakes were messed up, and mine was too small, and had been that way. When I brought it home, and the neighborhood came biking by, I mentioned my new bike, and then it had a fanclub, the biggest fan being B. I think his enthusiasm was kinda because, well, he likes to have extreme reactions to things. What a very exciting world he must live in. He swore he was getting one just like it, the same style. XD The three took turns riding. XD XD

    So after T had left, a guy B, T, and BW play with because of skate boarding, B and T convinced me to go up to get waterice with them. When we were about to bike back home, I dunno what I did, but I messed up the gears. I freaked too, and my brother was joking about it the entire time. I swear I thought I killed it. I guess I hit the gears while I was staying still, and that's not a good thing. But anyway, I came home and put my bike away. My calf kinda hurt, and when I looked at it, I had this deep gash from an inch below the knee and down. It was really cool, and I have no idea what I did. I think it was when I messed up my gears and maybe jammed the pedal along my leg. My pants were torn just a little, and when I flipped the botton inside out, there was all this _stuff_ below the tear. And it was skin! How cool is that!? It wasn't really hurting then, and I guess it still isn't now either. But whatever. And I was laughing when my mom washed it out with soap. Mom was comparing her injuries to mine, too, and then I brought in the fishhook. Mom did a ton of crazy stuff and had to get stitches and fix broken bones, all of that. Along with picking gravel out of her legs. I've never broken a bone in my life. XD But the fishhook is pretty bad...

    Oh, we were up in the tree, and somehow, the topic got to creation theory. XD A highschooler, middle-schooler, and an elementary-schooler cannot possibly have a sane topic together about this. I tried to explain evolution, but B didn't get it. So he informed him about his theory, which doesn't invole God, he says, because he doesn't like god. (???) Anyway, some alienes from some galaxy came over with people and animals and put them on lots of planets. They come back everyone in a while to look at our technology, and those are the UFO sightings. Eventually they'll reveal themselves to us.

    *tosses Lisa band-aids* Use wisely, little one. XD


    I want to play four square, but G can't play, and neither of them want to get evil Joe either.

    Aww *huggles for Lovey*.

    I so should've been working on my Geo project... but at least I got the poster board and library book that I needed. Now I just need pressure.

    Listening to Evanescence. Ironically, I love life to death right now. And *huggles* for all. I hope no one has to go through crap; I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • I'm in school right now... we just got back from a music concert, where we went for a field trip. The music was from Mexico and was Latino, it was very good.

      Later, (presently it's 4th period) I get to miss even more classes because the people who played in the concert are coming to my school to do these learning work shops... since I'm in the silly school band, I'm being forced to go to the workshop, but I don't mind since I'm missing classes! Yay!

      Gryph: Yay for your new bike....Owww for the pain... I was riding a bike once and the seat flipped right off when I was speeding down the trail... ow, crashing really is painful!

      I'm missing alot of classes today, what fun! And I don't have to ditch band today because there is none because of the music work shops- yayness to the workshops!


      • *is elated* Do you know how great it makes me feel when people talk to me? *sighs blissfully* It's wonderful. Well, today Lovey had to take me to school 'cause we were having 8th grade chapel practice in the morning. The Chapel Lady was the last person there. *glower* Anyways, it was fun. We have five guitars and a bass. *snicker* Oh, and one drumset. Okay, so we're all randomly singing and playing and stuff when she comes in. (This is really just random info that has very little to do with the whole "bliss" thing) Yeah... I sang (like, with a microphone) for the first two songs. However, they changed it for the real thing so that five people sing for each song and switch off. *sigh* Andy and S and E and Z and Lovey were all saying how Chapel Lady was like Satan. Not nice. *shakes head*

        Anyways, in Bible class, the conversation drifted towards chapel stuff. I heard Z say, "Angel!" ('cept, 'course, I'm not really "angel") I just kind of ignore it, because normally people don't talk to me. *sigh* I didn't really think he was talking to me, even though I'm the only "angel" in the class. Then he says, "Angel" again. So I turn around and say "What?" He's like, "You don't have to worry about singing anymore because you can't hear the singers!" So, yeah...that made my day. *grin*

        Z is awesome. Andy is awesome. S is awesome to infinity. E is awesome. Yayy! People actually talk to me nowadays! *dances* Guys usually stay away from me. I guess I'm too "brainy". *glares*

        Oh. Lovey already mentioned S's real name. Heh. (Spencer)

        So...yeah. Hi!
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • So..yup Chapel thingy. We spent some time playing "Back in Black" by AC/DC. I was the only guitar (well...I'm actually playing bass) who didn't know it. So...what to do? Print out bass tabs of course! Whee!

          Spencer is more than awesome to infinity. He's gorgeous... Ha. Sorry. He has to go back to the mothership, which is Dani's (saying that is.)

          Anywhoozie koozie...

          So. The guy I like. "Bo." Shoe (Andy) knows about it. AND he's friends with him. He felt the need to disclose that I like "Bo." He said this to the worst possible person. "Bo." Not good. It was "Bo's" birthday today. Shoe said he smiled when he told him though... I don't want to get my hopes up though. That's all.

          "Back in Black" AC/DC


          • Ick. For the trillionth time, I'm procrastinating, and avoiding homework, at 10:35 pm. NOT MY FAULT though. Mom was in here for about an hour, when I was supposed to be doing my homework. Gr.

            So. The guy I like. "Bo." Shoe (Andy) knows about it. AND he's friends with him. He felt the need to disclose that I like "Bo." He said this to the worst possible person. "Bo." Not good. It was "Bo's" birthday today. Shoe said he smiled when he told him though... I don't want to get my hopes up though. That's all.
            *sigh* I've given up on my crush for a long time. There's almost no way he likes me. I found out last year that almost the entire school knew I liked him, including the guy himself. He's only noticed me on the following occasions:
            1. 3rd grade: Gave me a piece of Dark Chocolate, after a party. (After going through the whole class asking people if they wanted it.)
            2. 4th grade: I was playing goalie at recess, and blocked a goal. He gave me a thumbs up from down the field. (Actually, he might've been waving to one of the guys next to me.)
            3. 4th grade: Same day as above, weirdly, but I wasn't in goal. I was dribbling down the field, and I passed to him, then he passed it back. NO ONE ever passes back to anyone at my school.
            4. 4th grade: Talent show. I sang. He told my mother (who he was sitting next to. EEP!) that I sang good.

            That wraps it up. Oh, except for one time when his friend randomly asked me if I ever cussed out my parents. But that's all. *sigh* Stupid boy problems. Stupid boys. OOH! That made me think of something. Stupid boy problems are caused by stupid boys. That sounds funny to me for some reason. Hmm...birthday, birthday...I know his birthday. And his address. And his phone number. And everyone in his immediate family. And his brother's birthday. And...No, I am not a stalker! I have a perfectly good reason for knowing all of this. Most of it can be found in the school directory, his siblings went to our school, and they announced birthdays on the morning announcements last year.
            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">That still doesn't explain how I know his license plate number. Don't ask, either, cuz I don't even know.</span>
            Yes, the only reason I'm doing this is to keep away from homework. It's a valid reason, too.
            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


            • cream sundae...very yummy.

              Today was...just okay, I s'pose. Z and I had as much of a conversation as possible with two unsocialable people such as ourselves this morning before school. That was cool.

              Mr. W (the band teacher) isn't very happy. *sigh* We stink, to put it lightly. We can't play the music that we've played before. It's really sad. He was beside me when we were getting lunch. He grabbed a package of donuts and thwacked me on the head, saying, "They just don't get it, do they?" I said, "Nope," shaking my head. *sigh* I feel bad for him. He's worked so hard for us, and we're letting him down. Nobody practices. Well, a few people do, but the majority don't.

              Homework is evil. Algebra is evil. We had to do 10 questions on one page, then 9-54 or something on another. *dies* It was torture!

              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Mr. W likes those cinnamon buns. He had a long conversation with me about how you select the perfect Otis Spunkmeyer sticky bun.
                <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>They can't be hot.
                <LI>The icing should be opaque white rather than clear.
                <LI>There should be an ample amount of icing.[/list]
                You should also peel them apart and eat them. He's thought too much about this.

                I can play my part in band! I can play it as soon as he hands it to me!! IT'S ALL THE OTHER IMBECILES!!!

                I had a 20-min convo with Spencer today during band...*sigh* He's so gorgeous...I'm still not giving up on "Bo" though.

                "Immigrant Song" Led Zeppelin


                • Angel-starry
                  Homework is evil. Algebra is evil. We had to do 10 questions on one page, then 9-54 or something on another. *dies* It was torture!
                  DID YOU?? AHHH!! NOOO!!!" I'm so wierd, I frieked out over nothing. But it is OSMEHTING, because now my door is all shiny and silver and I LIKED the pretty white wood!!

                  The stupidest song ever, is "Candyshop." *Its on the iTunes radio right now... MUST. CHANGE. CHANNEL!* My sister, in 6th grade, LIKES the song. I bet that she does't even know what they're reallly saying... I wish I didn't...


                  • Lovey, dear, hate to burst your bubble, but the beginning of Chorale Prelude doesn't sound so purty. *smirk*

                    Kaiba: *twitch* Me no like that song. Rubber frogs? Neat!

                    Harumph. So... Spencer is just awesome. *sigh* Lovey, wouldn't it be <STRIKE>just awful</STRIKE>hilarious if he came on this site and saw everything we've posted? Heh...
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • My brother's baseball team won. I was the score-keeper until the 4th inning when I started to zone out -- baseball isn't _that_ interesting, my opinion -- and let some other kids take over. T made an awesome play at the very end, but I wasn't watching. XD I had head phones on, and I had pulled out a book. Anyway...

                      Every other post is a Lovey or Angel post!

                      Lisa _is_ a stalker. XD

                      Oh, in case you were wondering, I only had two hot dogs.

                      I have a door-length mirror _by_ my door, if it comforts you any. XD It's been there since we moved here, and it's, well, tall. People will just come into my room to see how they look. Canyshop, I know that song. Have heard it before, at least. I'll take you to the candyshop... something like that. Anyway, it's really dirty, but it's only implied. I don't like it. But the one that goes, "just a little bit" is really bad.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • wow, 419 pages!! it's been awhile... glad to see some familiar faces!!

                        Hi all, back (hopefully for awhile now). For people I do not know, hello I am Abby. been part of here for awhile but I tend to come for awhile and then disappear at random quite often.

                        I've taken my AP bio test. relief that it's done. all though don't know that I did super well on it. *shrugs* oh well, don't really care at this point, just glad that it's over. and don't even have to worry about results until July. actually August cos I'll be gone when results come in. they're so paranoid about AP tests. you have to sign something saying you won't talk about the multiple choice questions (and they imply ever... does that mean even on your deathbed you're not allowed to? haha... although not that people actually follow that anyways). and you have to wait 48 hours to talk about the free response.

                        bleh, tired.just had swim championships today. I'm missing so much school this week. AP test took up Monday. today got out early for the swim meet, and tomorrow I'm gone the whole day because my moral theology class (required cos it's a Catholic school) has a retreat to San Francisco to work with the homeless. should be fun/interesting. I may even end up working with transvestites or people who have had sex changes! heh... anyways, overall, should be interesting.
                        Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

                        "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
                        -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


                        • YOU SWIM?! SERIOUSLY! I swim too. Actually I hate it. I have no friends on the team since I just moved up a group, so all I do is sit in the corner and no one will talk to me. Although, I did manage to have the faintest beginnings of a conversation with someone today and I didn't get any weird looks like "who are you and why do you exist?". I'm hoping that's getting somewhere.
                          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                          I promise not to funfun anymore
                          Be happy cause life is good


                          • do you think DD will make a mini series or a bunch of movies because that would be so awsome or movies and than a mini series to show what goes on after the movies that would be so cool wouldn't it if you reply to this mesage thank you


                            • DD is apparently thinking about a TV series. This gets asked regularly in the online chats with her . She will insist on writing the first draft, and will have a veto over later drafts, so that she can make sure nothing goes too wrong with the story.

                              However, there will be changes needed to make books into a TV series. They will be her choices though.
                              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                              • HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!!!!! *does little midnight faerie dance* I love today... Yay!!!! I have to go cuz school is going to start... Dai. I'll post on Sunday...


                                From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.

