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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Our chaplain, Father Pershing, is really funny. Aside from coming up with his homily on the spot yesterday during the may crowning (a Mary thingus), his homily was, well....

    "Think about what Mary would say. 'Never run out of wine...'" That "never run our of wine" bit was the last line of his sermon, too. I appear to be the only person who noticed it. Then, when Fr. Cawley acknowledged him (for being both a pastor AND our school chaplain), he gave a royal wave at eveybody. hee. I want the nazi flags from the sound of music that are still hanging up in the fly space to fall down during mass and land on him. He's such a ham, I really want to know what he would do.

    Hey guess what everyone!!! I'm free of the eevil college board exams until next may!!!! (Last weekend I took AP US History & AP Bio and the SAT's and I am doooooooooooone!!!! whoo and hoo!!!)

    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
    Follow the bouncing poot


    • Umm hi!

      I just wanted to introduce myself. I registered two years ago and then real life conspired to sidetrack me in a major fashion. Add in a change of computers and I "lost" this site for quite a while. Happily, I rediscovered it during some spring cleaning on the old computer, so here I am

      I discovered Diane through her Star Trek novels and "My Enemy, My Ally" is still one of my most re-read books. I'm now on my third copy, having worn out two previous versions

      The Wizard books (both YA and cat versions) are a total joy and I'm so glad I found them. My favourite to date is A Wizard Abroad. My least favourite is probably "A Wizard's Dilemma".

      Anyway, I'm glad to be here and hope to participate a bit more now. *wavies to all*
      Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps


      • Ciao, then. The same dealio happened to me. 'cept...I lost mine months.

        Anywho...I'm going to run for freshman class treasurer. One of my friends is running for President, but I persuaded this one popular (the only nice one) to run and I'm going to vote for the pop. My friend's a ditz. Quotes from ditz:
        "Illegal immigrants don't harm the economy, besides the fact that they're illegal." -on a research paper
        "Who's Bon Jovi?" -After asking about my Jesus beltbuckle and receiving a sarcastic 'It's Bon Jovi with a beard.'
        "WOW! That's why they call them corndogs!" -after being informed that corndogs are hot dogs covered in cornbread.
        Yeah. I'm definately voting for nice pop who's intelligent...most of the time.
        She rode our bus "Bo," her, and I had some actually interesting convo.

        My history teacher assigned us a project due...Wednesday? It's on WWII. I'm honestly tired of learning about it. So...I was like...I'll do something on strategies and maneuvers. Today, I thought about it...and that would be hard to I like Italian why not do Benito Mussolini? (axis power as he was...whatever) teacher said I should do something on the Enigma Machine. (Look it up) I think it will be kinda interesting.

        I also have an ICP video on chemical bonds. It's a soap opera. It features D as the " sea of free (hippie-boho desgin covered) electrons." White Rabbit is playing in the background. hee hee.

        That's all for now...ooh...wait... here's a convo with a friend...The close and closer thing...heh heh...the marrying thing...she says she's going to become a nun.

        E: so...are u and ________ finally believing andy for once yet?
        Scoob5000: I am...he isn't...
        E: he doesn't think you like him?
        E: weird.........
        Scoob5000: I know...
        E: least you are finally believing andy
        Scoob5000: ...what? about what?
        Scoob5000: That he ["Bo"] likes me?
        Scoob5000: nooo
        Scoob5000: Don't believe that.
        E: goodness rachel...
        E: you r gonna grow up to be a nun with me...PLEASE DON"T DO THAT! lol
        Scoob5000: NOOOO~
        Scoob5000: *!
        Scoob5000: I'll brb
        E: k
        E: rachel!
        Auto response from Scoob5000: Uno momento por favor...

        I'll be right back!
        Scoob5000: back
        E: cool
        E: "a" gave me a lecture the other day on why people get was missed it
        Scoob5000: Darn...
        Scoob5000: (Not sarcasm)
        E: it was hilarious
        E: so u and "bo" need to hook up! come on rachel!
        Scoob5000: totally...
        Scoob5000: I had this thought on the bus
        Scoob5000: It was funny
        E: yes!!!!! cool
        Scoob5000: Do you want to know?
        E: what thought?
        E: yes!
        Scoob5000: So C had a few exposures left on her camera. M's sister started taking random pictures. She was like...I want to get a funny picture of you all....what can I do?
        E: o no...what did you do rachel?!
        Scoob5000: (thought in my head: heh heh..."Bo" and me making out?)
        Scoob5000: Didn't say that though.
        Scoob5000: I just laughed.
        E: rachel!
        E: control your perbutary gland
        Scoob5000: She instead took a picture of the Worthington Fire Department sign
        Scoob5000: Not as exciting.
        E: remember...close and closer talk? lol
        Scoob5000: what? no...
        E: umm.... ok remember when spencer got sick?
        Scoob5000: yup
        E: o goodness...that was hilarious! you remember the conversation now?
        Scoob5000: It's vaguely coming back...but I can't remember...
        E: it was quite interesting
        E: let's not revisit
        E: that was so funny...but rachel, just control yourself especially in the bus...ewww
        E: wow rachel.i didn't expect that coming from you
        Scoob5000: You don't want to hear the other convo I had with "Angel"
        Scoob5000: NVM rule!!!
        E: no..spill...
        E: get over it rachel
        Scoob5000: The whole "feeling I get when I pass him at his locker at school" thing?
        E: spill
        E: i missed ity
        Scoob5000: The whole want to just grab his face and start making out with him thing?
        Scoob5000: Nah. You don't want to know.
        E: no spill..
        Scoob5000: That was it.
        E: that' about couldn't be a

        Heh...I don't have the guts to do that...heh. No. that y'all are completely creeped out by me...Arrivederci!

        "Down in the Boondocks" Kenny Loggins


        • yup,I do swim!! awww, wish it went better for you, I completely know what you mean though. The other people on your team or that you play and compete with/against can really determine a lot of your attitude towards a sport or how enjoyable it is for you. during the season I moved up a level too and was sad because I had been with my best friend and didn't really know anyone that well in the new level but ended up making great friends and got to know people really well. So hopefully you'll make some new friends in that level.

          Friday the 13th!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO. I still haven't decided whether these are good or bad luck days for me. nothing super out of the ordinary seems to happen actually.... or so far . haha

          wow, hi Mitchy! Nice to meet you!! I was in the same situation. I joined, and posted like 2 or 3 times, disappeared, and then came back, but you joined close to the same time as me I think (I'll have to see after this post goes through... I always forget). I still tend to disappear and reappear a lot though...

          Caitlin.... your church has Nazi flags in it????
          Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

          "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
          -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


          • <3
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • Comment

              • I wasn't on at all yesterday, but I haven't been a lot lately. For the better, because I really need to focus on school for the next final weeks.

                But it was my birthday! XD And I'm a year older... wow. hehehe.

                I haven't had breakfast, and I feel stuffed. It was crazy. Only two out of three friends could come, but that's okay. I really didn't want that many people. Raven, who I haven't seen in maybe a half a year, talked nearly nonstop, but that's normal whether there's been a huge gap between the last time I saw her or not. Japanese resteraunt (eh... y'know, I'm a failure at the word, so nevermind)... unbeleivably good. XD And there was so much food. We couldn't eat anymore. Then movie. On the way there (we hadn't decided until), I guess we were going to see Hitchhiker's Guide. I didn't think either would want to see it, but they were thrilled. But... it wasn't playing anytime soon. I suggested Interpreter, but it was two hours long. So it was Fever Pitch, which mom and & Tronas had been pushing for the whole time. While we waited (really early), we played at the arcade. DDR! I've never played it before, but it was so much fun. It's really hard to get used to the timing... and then the doubles! Both aisha and raven were avid fans of it. Also did air hockey in which I slaughtered Aisha... it was really sad, though, because the puck got stuck in the border nearly every hit. Fiverpitch was pretty good, I guess. I didn't like the girl too much, but whatever.

                HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!!!!! *does little midnight faerie dance* I love today... Yay!!!! I have to go cuz school is going to start... Dai. I'll post on Sunday...
                *squee* Ayayaa, I'm a year older. And a day.

                Heyyy Mitchy!

                Hehehe. lyrics.

                Quote from school. We were planning a party for Chem, and Ni asked, "how does pizza sound?"
                J: Is it a circle pizza?

                Hehe. Lovish the anti-nun.

                PAPA ROACH SO ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!


                Monotonous work. I will *turns off papa roach* talk about that. XD I've been living my life minute by minute because of school... where being on time to the next class or taking notes depends upon a smaller unit, but not seconds. But... as soon as I get home, I take off my watch, forget about the time. It's stress in a different sort of way.

                Music is playing in another room... maybe I'll write out my thoughts on paper and share.

                Love to swim.


                I think it was a really lucky day for pagans, but then Christian church made it unlucky to give pagans a negetive look. I always thought it was unlucky before. XD

                I LOVE SLIPKNOT. Most of it's metal, but some, like Circle and Vermillion Pt. 2 aren't.

                XD A while ago, la listened to Duality and liked it. Then I sang Papa Roach. I don't know how Papa Roach was creepy and not Slipknot...

                Oh, and Brennick is awesome. PMed a happy birthday.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • for once nothing bad happend to me on friday the thirteenth did i spell that right oh well any way i am so happy nothing bad happend to me on friday the thirteenth yay!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • just curious but dos any one know how to change the name that shyows up?

                    ok people i am more than likely the only blonde on here so PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                    • 1.) Don't double post, please. There's a magical thing called the edit button, which looks like a pencil eraser, which can change the text in your posts. Weild this mighty tool with care. XD

                      Edit: TRIPLE POST! Read above.

                      2.) What name? If you mean YOUR name, send a Private Message to Lee to request a name change.

                      3.) Err....what does being blond have to do with anything?

                      Crap. I love Friday the 13th. I was born on a 13th. But not a Friday. XD

                      There's no such thing as luck.

                      Congrats, Caitlin.

                      Hello, Mitchy.

                      Oooh....nasty, Lovey. Bon Kovi with a beard! *bursts out laughing*

                      Hello, Abby.

                      Did I ever tell you about the time that I had a friend who's dad was a Jew?

                      It's nothing against Jews.

                      Well, me and my friends were going to see a movie, and one of my friend's dad (who was coming along to watch us) was a Jew. He had some kind of experience with the Nazis. I dunno what.

                      Anyway, we walked past a buddhist temple. Well, the Buddhist's symbol is like the Nazi's 'crooked cross', but reversed. I think that either the Nazis reversed it, or the Buddhists reversed it to mean 'good'.

                      Well, my friend's dad saw it, and he froze there on the spot, staring at the flag thingy.

                      We were all like: are you okay?

                      He didn't respond for the next 15 minutes.

                      Well, he finally responded to us, and walked us all quickly to the movies.

                      It was very weird.

                      Don't flame me, I'm not putting down Jews or anything. It was just a strange incident that I witnessed.

                      Fishies! Look at the little fishy....I like fishies.

                      Happy birthday, Gryph.

                      Hello, Morph. USE PUNCTUATION AND CAPITALS! Thank you.

                      Hello, billybobjr.



                      • Hi guys I need the Anti-Zombie shock treatment can ne1 help me?


                        • billybobjr:
                          just curious but dos any one know how to change the name that shyows up?

                          ok people i am more than likely the only blonde on here so PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          HELP ME I AM BLONDE AND DO NOT KNOW CERTAIN THINGS!!!!!!
                          Hi! I see you're new... and you triple posted three oneliners. (Well, not anymore. Heh, thanks PM.) One thing: Diane Duane pays for these forums, so we try not to post short posts, and there's an edit button (folder with pencil) on your post if you want to add anything. And you might want to capitalize, punctuate, and avoid chatspeak, out of respect and because it's easier to read, but I'm not gonna kill you or anything. Welcome to the YW forums! (XD and because I'm not typing all this again, pretty much same for Morph. *waves* Hi!)

                          Ok, to the question: D'you mean screen name? You can't change your screen name yourself, but you can email the administrator, Lee Enfield-Burke, and ask her to change your name for you.

                          (Oh, shoot, Gigo got there first. Heh. Might as well leave the welcome/explanation-thingy up...)

                          PAPA ROACH SO ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!
                          Hehehe. I love Papa Roach now... I'd only heard a couple songs until recently, when I found Infest in a whazzat-called, a used- stuff- store.
                          Ooh, and Getting away with Murder just came on on Window Media Player.

                          *squee* Ayayaa, I'm a year older. And a day.
                          HAPPY (slightly late) BIRTHDAY!!

                          Friday the thirteenth is supposed to be unlucky, right?
                          XD I forgot all about it, and failed to notice if it was or not.

                          I just wanted to introduce myself. I registered two years ago and then real life conspired to sidetrack me in a major fashion. Add in a change of computers and I "lost" this site for quite a while. Happily, I rediscovered it during some spring cleaning on the old computer, so here I am
                          Hi! Welcome to the forums. (Heh, saying 'welcome' to someone who's been registered since way before I was here feels weird. But I'm glad you rediscovered your account. )

                          There's a magical thing called the edit button, which looks like a pencil eraser, which can change the text in your posts. Weild this mighty tool with care. XD
                          XD you'd only need to wield it with care if you had power enough to delete stuff that wasn't only your posts, stuff like The Topic of Great Randomness... nah, I'd say wield the Post Now button with more care than the edit button unless you do have the power to edit other people's posts, which is as good as having the power to make people paranoid enough to try to copy-paste a certain topic into a WordPad document. *goes to continue with that*


                          • Heyy, billybobjr! *puts on teacher face* Please use correct puntuation and spelling here in the forums. *takes off teacher face*

                            Anyways, I'm a blonde through and through. Please do not insult blondes because we are who we are. *smirk*

                            *sigh* It rained. We were shopping. It rained. I got wet. Normally, you do get wet when you're out in the rain. I just thought I'd point that out. I'm babysitting tonight. Fun. Not really. Well, at least I get money.

                            Please disregard the following if you are tired of hearing me rant about my "stalker".<span class="ev_code_WHITE">I talked to him yesterday. I hadn't talked to him or seen him for about three days, so all was well. Anyways, he starts talking about his "wonderful day". So, I'm like "hooray for you?". *sigh* Well, he says that he got a girlfriend, a person that he had liked for two months. *vaguely recalls a conversation in which, when asked, "stalker" says that he didn't like anyone at his school* So, yeah. Then he's all "you weren't the right person to tell, because...blah blah blah *insert random insulting comment*. So yeah. That's how it went. Sorry for taking up space with this useless information. Actually, I'm not really sorry, 'cause it feels good to write it out. *smirk*</span>

                            I got a cross necklace for my homeroom teacher. I hope she likes it. I have to go make my bed before I'm slaughtered by a raging herd of freakish animals. Toodles!
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Long weekend. Loooooong weekend. And it's only Saturday night.

                              I went to camp Friday night. We're working it, cause we're the older Girl Scouts, but our leaders did NOT say we'd be making lunch for EVERY GIRL in camp. That's like 300 people. More on that later. But when we got there, the lady in charge was really bad at organizing, and there was almost no where to camp. We took 20 min digging up rocks to put our tent down. We got up at 6:45, went down to breakfast at 7:30, (hehe...we refused to get up) then ate until...9:30? Yeah...then we made sanwiches from 10:30 to 12. 1 1/2 hours of wrapping sandwiches in foil. Ick. (I was at the end of the assembly line). My hands hurted.

                              Oh, yes. My sister was SUPPOSED to come too, but after I left on Friday...the 13th...she ran into a mailbox. Mom and Sis spent the ENTIRE night in the ER. Waiting to get examined. Really, they got there at 7:30 p.m. and didn't get checked up until like 3 in the morning. Sis's okay though. Just a nasty bump, and she's not allowed to be hyper...(how can we stop her?)...or run around.

                              Then, at 3 in the afternoon, it rained at camp. Stormed. Thundered. However you want to say it. We left two hours early because it was raining so hard. Ugh. We ended up following the storm home. And when we got to our meeting place, our leader wouldn't let us out because it was raining so hard. We were directly under the lightning, and it was fun! For me, anyway.

                              Y'know the annoying girl G I've talked about before? The weird one? Who's almost a stalker? She's started following us again. We even completely rejected her the other day, and she yelled and said we were the worst friends in the world, and I was like, maybe that's cause we're not friends. But she came back and apologized on Friday. I just refused to speak to her. She waited for Steph and me after school, across the street. She was following us home, and since Steph is actually KIND OF her friend, she didn't notice I was silent for a while. When I wouldn't talk to Steph, she noticed. Then she asked why I was acting like I hated her. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Acting? Who said anything about ACTING?</span>
                              Nighty night.
                              EDIT: Billybobjr, where did you get that name? Cause my sister has/had several pencils with very similar names. (Billybobjoe Jr.)
                              Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                              "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                              "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                              • Hee! I just saw an ipod commercial, the one with all the rollerskates and people dancing? Well, I had showed the 'Wizpod' thing to my sister, and when the commercial thing came on, she was like: Wizpod! It's a wizpod! I bet you it's a wizpod commercial.

                                It was funny to see her when the word 'ipod' appeared on the screen. Poor C.

                                I'm in Master's swimming class! Oh my gosh! I didn't expect to make it! I feel SOOO lucky. The letter was dated yesterday. XD Who says Friday the 13th isn't lucky?

                                You WENT TO E.R. because your _sister_ BUMPED INTO A _MAILBOX_??? Wow.

                                Pencils with names? I'm worried now.

                                Heehee!!! Lisa's in the Girl Scouts.

                                Hmm...what's so funny about that? I dunno. *laughs some more*

                                On Friday, on the school bus, me and my friends were bored, and we played this silly game. The objective is to get the other people to laugh. Well, L., somehow got an idea into his head that he should 'laugh and get all the laughs out of his system'. So when someone is 'it', the rest of us all laugh. It is very weird. Especially when you see someone laughing when they don't want to. Try it. It looks VERY weird.

                                WF, you're supposed to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! XD

                                *dies* Sorry, guys...


                                Thank you.

                                XD I'm the resident spelling freak. *tilts head from side to side on each word* Freak freak freak. XD

                                Oh, Lisa, I know someone like that. Except that he's not weird, he's actually ******** (I'm not saying it as an insult. He truly is, he admits it, and he takes concentration pills. Or whatever they're called.) and he's a little.....what's the word...(is astonished because he's a walking dictionary)....strange. Yes. He's 'strange'. He does almost anything to have interaction with the 'outside world'. He would pick up a water bottle with his mouth after it fell in muddy water, mud, sand, and who knows what else. He runs among the 'popular girls', and.......*shifts side to side nervously*....*sweats*....I shouldn't tell you. Let's just say that several of the nastier boys tell J. (because that's his name) to do stuff, and it involves J., several of the more popular girls, and touching. No, you sick pervert, not _that_! But almost as bad. I've said too much already.

                                The long and short of it is: J.'s been suspended. When he comes back, he's on 'probation'. He'll be watched for the rest of his school life. *shivers*

                                Poor J.

                                *shifts nervously* Don't look at me!

                                *a little glass turtle scuttles out of the TOGR*

