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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Happy late birthday Gryph!! (again )

    billybobjr - well, everyone has already talked to you about punctuation, capitalization, etc. but yes, please listen to that, makes it easier on everyone. I am blond too. wooo.

    Actually, I think you can change the name that shows up without Lee doing it... or you used to be able to at least. If you go to My Space : Profile and then click the View/Edit Complete Profile, it does seem to give the option of changing your username, although not sure if that actually works.

    Also, your name you post with can be different then your username. for example, my username is sweaterdestroyer, but everytime I post it shows up as Abby because in the beginning when I first came there was an option for having your displayed name be different from your username I think. Not sure if it is still available without contacting Lee though. *shrugs*

    erm, Anti-Zombie shock treatment? *is confuzzled*

    Hi, Gigo. ah yeh, I've heard something about the Nazi sign (swaztika... sp?) reversed. Whatever happened to your dad's friend though was probably pretty bad (especially if it dad involve Nazis) because it seems to still have some effect on him... probably pretty traumatized. *shudders* the Nazis did horrible things though. *wonders about the cruelty of people in this world*

    geesh, sounds like you had quite an experience Lisa!!

    rats, I had something to say earlier. Now I've forgotten again.

    ah, now I've remembered. One of my best friend's brother is going to Iraq in June. Since the war still isn't over. it's scary though. I hope he'll be ok, but really, just... gah. I hate war.
    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


    • Gigo asked Lisa:
      You WENT TO E.R. because your _sister_ BUMPED INTO A _MAILBOX_??? Wow.
      No. Lisa's sister went to E.R., with their mother . Lisa went to Girl Scout camp to have fun without her sister.

      I don't suppose a WizPod commercial would stress dancing as much as magic use .

      Anyway, we walked past a buddhist temple. Well, the Buddhist's symbol is like the Nazi's 'crooked cross', but reversed. I think that either the Nazis reversed it, or the Buddhists reversed it to mean 'good'.
      The symbol is much older than the Nazis, so I suppose the Buddhists have been using it so long they don't make the connection your friend's dad did.

      Apparently the Boy Scouts used to use the swastika on one of their badges, until the Nazis' use of it made that suddenly a bad idea.

      Lisa: It doesn't sound as if you were having that much fun until the lightning! So, how many kids on the bus or whatever were scared of thunder and lightning?
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.



        *huggles newbies* I'm Gryphon aka Gryph. Resident ninja kitty of doom and all of that. There are a few rules to the forums, but they're not too hard. To run through, you could check out the Newbie Help zone where we tried to summarize everything, including a lot of the forum injokes.

        For posting, the biggest are to try to keep it looking clean: avoid chat speech, use capitalization and punctuation. Also, no short posts or double. DD pays for the forum; if she's paying for your post, at least make each worth it. XD Billybobjr, it's okay. You can ask anything; we'll help. For the username, you can e-mail Lee, who is our forum admin. Or tell one of the Mighty Mods (Peter Murray aka PM or Kli) to tell Lee. After you've messaged, it may or may not be changed right away, but that doesn't mean she hasn't gotten your request.

        Double posts/ etc... these are when you posted multiple times in a row in one topic, and your posts are uninterrupted by other people's. If it could've been one post, it should be. If you've posted already and have more to say, click the edit button. It looks like an eraser in front of a folder.

        Crap. I love Friday the 13th. I was born on a 13th. But not a Friday. XD
        I wasn't born on a Friday either. I was born on a Sunday. Mother's Day. XD

        *backspaces* I was singing. To Circle, beautiful song.

        Naw, I beleive the Nazi's stole the symbol from something else, possibly Buddhists. It actually symbolized some good value, but I forget what.

        Happy birthday, Gryph.
        Oh, by the way, in case anyone took it like that, I wasn't putting everyone else down by commenting on Brennick. I wasn't saying, "oh, look, Brennick said Happy B-day, and you should've." XD Y'know you could've told me it was your birthday the day before your B-day, and I would've forgotten to say anything the next day.


        *eerie* dunn dunn di di dunn... */eerie*

        I think I'm repeatedly what everyone else has said about forum rules. WHatever, I always do that. XD I typed before reading everyone's posts.

        WF, I like Infest better than their Getting Away with Murder album, but that's just me. It has songs like Last Resort. But no Getting Away With Murder... :/

        I went shopping yesterday. I have summer clothes!

        *huggles Angel and Brains*

        Abby, that doesn't work; it changes the username you use to log in. Which is different from the viewable username.

        erm, Anti-Zombie shock treatment? *is confuzzled*
        Newbie must've read some really old stuff that was resurfaced in a new topic. THat's before your time. Before my time too. XD
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • *twitch*

          [momentary pause where screams are heard in the background]

          *rubs hands together* KILL YOU, KILL YOU ALL! WHICH IS NOT A THREAT! WHICH IS LOVEY'S!

          Sorry 'bout that. *glares at computer* I have never seen so many stinkin' popups in my life! *kills computer with a butter knife*

          The babysitting wasn't bad at all. The kids could take care of themselves. I just huggled the kitty. Poor kitty. She's crazy. *sigh* I guess two little boys would do that to you.

          So we're sitting at the table, watching tv and playing some game or another, when I hear this crash. I look down, and the cat is on the floor, crammed up against the chair with the rug like five feet away from where it should be. Oh dear. *sigh* Crazy kitty. She jumped around the entire time, crashing into random objects.

          Gryph: no comment
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • Ciao!!! How are we all? Good? That's dandy. What? You aren't good? Even better for me!!! (heh, sorry...I'm okay now)

            Well, howdy to all new members...

            Happy (belated) Birthday to Gryph!
            Happy (today) Birthday to Dani (mah friend)!
            (does little happy birthday dance)
            A Birthday E-card for Gryph! Fwee!

            Anywho...I spent afterschool on Friday with my friends Emily (yes, that one), M, A, and Kerry. Kerry and I kept walking next to each other because we were talking. Everyone else decided to make a point of this. We were, in fact, talking about going to the My Chemical Romance concert this summer with "Bo." Then, we all sat outside at the tables by the ice cream place. Kerry and I ate there, but everyone else was going to eat at the fund-raiser for the band concert, so they headed back early and we stayed there. They also made a point of this. Then we were listening to My Chemical Romance on my iPod, so he had one earbud and I had the other. They made a point of this. Goodness.

            We finished up our ICP video today...We filmed the last bit in front of the waterfall in my backyard...There was a copperhead down there. It was cool. That's about it.

            Fwee! No song today! A happy little site though! Hoops and Yoyo!

            Angel, did you use a butter knife, or was it a case knife?!?!


            • Well, as I have not been around for a while, I guess I had better make this a rather lengthy post.

              Happy belated and otherwise birthdays to all on the boards. And Merry Unbirthdays to all those who are not a year older in the past few days. There, said and done.

              Welcome to all the newbies around the place. Just to let you know, I am the current resident Australian, although I hope to change this soon, as I wish to recruit some of my uni friends. I have at least six of them reading the series at the moment, although copies of the later books (well, from Deep Wizardry onwards) are rather hard to come by on a student's budget. Especially a student like me, who has just bought a sword, but more about that later.

              Well, my weekend has been eventful and TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I know thats a lot of exclaimation marks, but thats how many I need)!!!!!! Last night I returned from my time travel (sort of) into the past for the weekend, also known as the Brisbane Medieval Fayre (hereafter shortened to BMF). It was bloody brilliant, mates.

              I left home on Friday night, and caught the bus into Brisbane City (or Southbank to be exact. Some of you who are old enough and care for such things might like to know that that is where WorldExpo 88 was held), and then walked to the park where everything had been set up. At this point the weather was looking a tad ominous, but the weather report had said that it should have been clear, so we all had our fingers crossed that it wouldn't rain too much that night, or indeed for the entire weekend.

              Unfortunately this wasn't the case, and it wasn't long after we got the last tent up (ok, it was a massive dome that isn't exactly period, but we needed something dry to sleep on, as it turned out), it started to bucket down. One of the TV stations was also going to do the weather report from there, but me and the other girl who got changed to head over, decided that it wasn't such a good idea, as we had nothing waterproof. Instead we sat inside the tent and watched as the weather got in on the periodness of the weekend and turned a bit more than half the park into a mud puddle. Thankfully it cleared up after that and the rest of the weekend was sunny.

              Saturday morning dawned bright and clear and we set about breaking the more modern part of our encampment, ready for when the public arrived. Being a newbie to the Society, this was my first BMF and apparently we did this part in the fastest time ever - well until Sunday morning came along anyway. Once that was done, we had a briefing as to what we were doing for the day and as soon as people started coming in, most of us wandered off into the crowd to sell raffle tickets. The group I was with sold over 100 in a bit over an hour, and then, after returning to the campsite for a little while, headed off to explore the Fayre.

              This is when I found my newest favourite item that I own. My sword . As some of you know, I have fenced for ages, but this was like overly cool. There were so many swords around the place, but most were out of my budget. That is until I found the stall with the cheaper ones. I now have a single handed sword, that is roughly the same size as a fencing epee, but its balance is a little off. I'm not complaining though, as it was only $49, and well within my $70 budget for the weekend I will post a decent photo of it, when I can take one . I'm happy though, as the oldbies to the society thought it was a great buy .

              After that, I settled down to make chainmaille, as this is the 'skill' that I have decided to specialise in . Lacking the patience and time to make a full suit, I settled on vambraces, as the piece I was making got bigger and bigger. By night fall it was nearly done, and I decided to keep going so that I could focus on making the other one the next day. It ended up taking me longer than I had thought. I think people were getting sick of me saying to myself 'just one more row... nope, just two more rows..' but I got it finished . It took about five hours to do all up. My task for the next holidays I have planned is to cut enough links to start on a shirt. Or at least the sleeves of a shirt. It will be a work in progress for a while, though, as I can only truly work on it over the holidays, and I have to decide whether I will make it for me, or if I will make it to sell. It would be nice to make two of them, one to sell and one to wear, but I grimace at the amount of time that this would take. I'm thinking - and hoping that I will have a lot of time on my hands over the summer, but thats a long time away. I think I will create the links first, then I can work on it as I feel like.

              Anyway. Sunday dawned even brighter and clearer - and besides that it became bloody hot! I spent most of the day in the encampment making the other vambrace, which is slightly smaller than the one for my right hand, but then again, the one for my right hand is a little on the large side, so I am thinking of trimming it down a little and the spare links can be joined onto the other one. I left to watch the jousting, and boy was it awesome. I want to learn how to do it, but first I need to learn how to ride properly.

              Ok, theres my recount of my Medieval weekend . Just as a note, Gryph (Happy B'day by the way ), if a character of mine turns up at VGDawn at sometime with a short sword and chainmaille vambraces . Now you know the reason why

              Have a great week, I don't know when I can get here again.

              UPDATE: Well, I have not much else to do at the moment, so I'm going to extend this a little bit. My friend, who I am going to see Ep. III with came over just before and we were mucking around with lightsabres. Its amazing fun when you actually know a little about fencing. We were choreographing a bit of a fight scene. It was sooooooo much fun. Now I want to film it just so that I can actually see what it looks like XD ... I'm getting excited about it ... hehe I will write a review, for you guys after I've seen it. G'night, g'day or g'morning, whatever the time is by you when you read this!


              P.S. To all the newbies: This is an example of a post of a good length <span class="ev_code_WHITE"> I'm not trying to scare you or anything.</span>


              • Mmm... Spaghetti... uh, well I haven't been here for a while... but uh... I've nothing to do since vacations... I swear, I've spent 2 days watching TV, I've read about 4 books in 6 days... and I memorized the whole schedule of TNT and WGN...

                So I finally planned to go to the mall with some friends and watch a movie, but my mom'll be working and she doesn't let me... she thinks that we'll cause trouble and the guards will call Social Services and I'll end up in an orphanage...

                Basically, I'm SO BORED!!!


                Quote of the day:
                Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.
                Comradely, Diego

                Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                "Be a real


                • Gahh...

                  Well. They kicked me out of that rp.

                  I made my characters do things that I wish I could do. Or have the courage to do.

                  They tried to talk to me about it, but all that I could say was "I can't deal with you people!"

                  So... they've decided not to deal with me. And you know what? I don't even care anymore. I don't.

                  ...But I still do.

                  I realize that this is probably neither the time nor the place to talk about it... but I'm pretty sure that none of them come here, and I want to get an opinion, or at least talk to someone, who's not involved.
                  "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                  "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                  • Thanks for the welcomes, everyone

                    I've had a quiet weekend. Saturday was cancelled due to lack of interest - my antihistimine tablets hit me hard and I spent most of the day snoozing. I did surface to watch some baseball though.

                    I'm so glad I upgraded my connection to broadband. It's enabled me to do cool things like register with and have access to every day's baseball game live! So I can choose what game to watch and sometimes manage to fit two games in at a time. Not every day, of course, because otherwise I'd burn out. The best thing is when there's a game on that my NYC friend Jenni can watch too and we comment about it to each other over AIM.

                    Also started re-reading the Wizard books from scratch. I finally, for the first time, have all of DD's books in one spot on a shelf so I can actually FIND something when I look for it! *g* I've read SYWTBAW for the first time in, umm, well let's put it this way: I couldn't remember some of the plot details! It was like reading it for the first time in some ways.

                    Now I have DW up next and this is not a book I've ever re-read so I'll be interested to see what I make of it a second time around. Maybe I'll have a more positive reaction to it this time. I'm not exactly looking forward to reading it but I'm telling myself that it's been so long, I should give it another chance. I keep seeing folks here posting about how much they love DW and I figure you can't all be wrong!

                    Artemis - I run a World Of Darkness website and frequently have to mediate problems between players and STs regarding what they can and can't do with their characters. Without knowing the details of your issues with the site you've left, I can't really comment further but if you want to run something past me, I'd be happy to listen.
                    Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps


                    • Originally posted by db_pr:
                      Mmm... Spaghetti... uh, well I haven't been here for a while... but uh...
                      *tackles* Hi! I was starting to think you were abducted by aliens!


                      GryphGryph: I'm soooo sorry. I keep forgetting to put a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in my post. (Even belatedly...) *sigh* Again, I'm sorry. So, happy extremely belated birthday.

                      Lovey: Isn't "belated" a vocab word?

                      Oh dear. "White Christmas" is playing on Launchcast. Something's not quite right about that.

                      *munches on a cookie* Toodles!
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • totally and completely randaom: pickles


                        • Alla:
                          P.S. To all the newbies: This is an example of a post of a good length

                          So I finally planned to go to the mall with some friends and watch a movie, but my mom'll be working and she doesn't let me... she thinks that we'll cause trouble and the guards will call Social Services and I'll end up in an orphanage...
                          I can still laugh about the alkaseltzer (sp?). *HUGGLES*

                          Art... *huggles* Was it the WP rp? I haven't been visiting outside of the OOC boards there.

                          Some girl started spreading a rumor that she had stomach cancer. She didn't, and everyone's mad because it was a stupid thing to do, and they were concerned. Before this came up, I knew she had been having stomach problems such as ulcers from stress (yesh, the younger generation won't live so long). When this came up at lunch, K suggested we spread a rumor that she was a man. XD XD XD

                          Mitchy, I didn't like Deep Wizardry. :/ But then my favorite was Wizard Alone. What's the link to your roleplay? I'm the head of VGDawn aka Dawn of the Conqueror's Age *points at siggy*.

                          Billybobjr, Alla was joking about post length, but yours is a little short. Plus no umm... grammar or punctuation. So have a little respect for the forums. If you honestly don't know capitalization or punctuation, someone here would be willing to teach.

                          So... <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Aren't you proud? Normally if I felt like someone had just ignored everything I told them, I'd be seething. Seething, fuming, screaming, biting, all of that... maybe it's too early. Whatever. We just had a lot of good newbies come in, and now we have an insolent brat. RAWWRR. ("I was a creature before I could stand/ I will remember before I forget/ Before I could forget this"-Slipknot's Before I Forget. Which So totally rocks!)</span>
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Mitchy, I didn't like Deep Wizardry. :/ But then my favorite was Wizard Alone. What's the link to your roleplay? I'm the head of VGDawn aka Dawn of the Conqueror's Age *points at siggy*.

                            I would have posted it but I wasn't sure if it was polite to plug your own sites but seeing as you do, I guess it's all good.

                            The RP system is World of Darkness. We support Shifter, Vampire, Mage, Wraith, Demon, Changeling and Mummy.


                            And to my surprise, I'm enjoying DW much more this time around.
                            Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps


                            • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                              I can still laugh about the alkaseltzer (sp?). *HUGGLES*
                              Oh, you mean this?

                              Some girl started spreading a rumor that she had stomach cancer. ... When this came up at lunch, K suggested we spread a rumor that she was a man. XD XD XD
                              Go for it . Or, every time you see her, ask her "I thought you died of cancer?" Every time. I mean, assuming it was actually her that started it.

                              So... Aren't you proud?
                              Aw, the little Gryphy is all growed up now .

                              I ought to collect these Gryphyglares, I get so many of them.

                              Oh! Zgirl, are you still out there? Guess what I saw at the supermarket today? Toblerone-flavoured ice cream! (That was you that kept mentioning Toblerone, wasn't it?)
                              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                              • Comment
