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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Well, it's been a while since I've posted...I've been uber-busy with graduation. So, let's start on Sunday...

    Sunday: So, I went to this party at my friends' house. Angel was there, along with Spencer (*swoon*), Andy, E, and a bunch of other peeps. I played basketball with Spencer...hee hee...It was fun. I wore my jeans that I'm having people sign. It would be awkward to ask a guy to sign them, so I just asked girls. Katie had just finished signing them and I was sitting a a har next to Spencer. He was like, I'll sign them. I was like, sure. He grabs the flare of my left leg of my jeans and puts my leg across his lap. *swoon* Then he drew an anarchy symbol. A BIG anarchy symbol. It took him about 5 or 6 minutes. I was happy.

    Monday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHOOT! I went to a graduation party that night..there was dancing and stuff...I was literally feeling around in my purse for a knife. Thank God I didn't have one...might have done something I would've regretted. I don't show emotion well...except fury...that comes across loud and clear.

    Tuesday: Graduation. So, I went to practice that morning for the ceremony. I had on a lot of eyeliner, my nails were black...I was not happy. Everyone was kind of scared of me. I love intimidating people. So, yeah, I looked scarier than normal.
    Then, I went to a friend's house. Funfun. I went to get a haircut at 4. They (drumroll please) STRAIGHTED MY HAIR!!!! It's an unthinkable task, honestly, if you've ever seen me haven't...I'll show y'all hair is a big poofball of a curl-like something. It was down past my shoulders..perfectly
    My, I loved it...I had to keep tightening the halter so as not to have one of theose "awkward moments." The populars kept coming up and talking to was weird...random popular guys would come up and be like, you're hot. My response: ...
    I introduced myself to "Bo's" mum. And, I met his baby sister...sooo cuuute. "Bo" spoke to me more than usual. hee hee.
    Then, the friends that I went to the house of on Sunday invited me to go eat at Cracker Barrel with them. I said sure. Andy was coming, and, somehow, Kerry found out. Hm. Whatever. I took the liberty of waltzing right up to Spencer and asking him to come with. He did. Hee hee. I sat basically across from him. Mr. W asked me to play bass in jazz band next year. It makes me happy. Not as happy as Spencer, but happy.
    I also learned that not only did Andy inform "Bo" of my taking to him, but Kerry did also. Great. Just great. Kerry then felt the need to inform me that it made "Bo" awkward to know I like him, so he was trying to forget about it so we could continue being friends. Super. My will to live dropped even lower than the night of the dance. BUT THAT'S OKAY, because I was center of attention with the populars, and lots of guys randomly wanted their pictures with me...It was creepy. So, our school's shallow, but, hey, I'm not deserting my friends. It was nice to feel...liked...for once. is awkward when someone comes up to you and says you're sexy...

    This morning: THERE IS NO MORE SCHOOL! *sings* It's ooooovverrrr...It's oooooooverrrr....It's over it's over it's ooooovverrr. IT'S OOOOOOOOOOOOVERRRRRRRRRR!*end singing*

    So, yeah. My hair is still straight this morning. I woke up, looked in the mirror and screamed. At first glance, I looked exactly like Laura, the queen bee on the social ladder. Then I looked again and noticed my large nose. Yup. I'm still homely little Rachel. Oh well. I'll probably get it chemically relaxed this summer. Fwee! I got caught up on all my RP sites. Queens (sort of), VGDawn(as much as possible), The Opera Populaire (sorry I haven't done much, but it's up and running now), Eegnir (nothing...the stupid admin haven't been on in months), and Greystone (there's always somewhere to reply.)

    So, yeah.

    I'm going to have songs for yesterday and today.

    Yesterday's Song:"Graduation" Vitamin C

    Today's Song:"School's Out" Alice Cooper


    • CHEM SUCKS. I hate the chem teacher now, and she won't accept WL's test. Said it was, "late." And look, if you lose someone's test, and they have to retake, how is that late!? Doesn't matter what it is, tests aren't late AT ALL. Unless someone is an idiot and doesn't take the test. But even then, not late, just a complete fail.

      I sat through my brother's awards ceremony. Well over an hour...

      Kaiba: OW. I don't think I've had any serious burns. Just a few things from me being an idiot such as touching the (NOT ELECTRIC) tea kettle to see if it's hot. By the way, how many people have electric tea kettles? Just curious.

      Ah. Spanish. I swear, if I die, blame it on the teacher and her dry erase markers. We colored today, which is normal. And the teacher passed out a box full of markers to the four of us. T commented that they were, "bad markers," and then noticed that they were dry erase for the white board. "That's... stupid." People commented that their eyes and noses burned, and I felt sick all day after, like I had breathed stuff in. And earlier, when someone was writing on the white board, someone asked if they were new; they had a strong smell. Everyone started cracking up when teacher sniffed it.

      Pain exists. I notice on it, and I can comment on it. But unless it's really serious, I don't care. Do you?

      Reading No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. I like it .

      *huggles Lovey*
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Electric kettles got mentioned in chat, because I've got one, and don't have one of those old-fashioned ones. Gryphon was amazed at the whole concept of electric kettles. (I think Mitchy had mentioned having one earlier.)

        Was JK Rowling's Professor Snape based on your chem teacher, Gryphon?
        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


        • Award Ceremonies: I love 'em. Last year, Steph's mom counted how many times Steph and I went up to recieve awards, or stood up to acknowledge something. Steph got like...six (most of hers were standing up) and I got about 13, many of which were walking up on stage. I even made a speech thing, which only 4 people got to do. (Then, of course, in my best picture I'm holding an award packet--upside down XD.) I got stuff for being a patrol captain, and Award of Academic Excellence, and something for being on the SCA, and a trophy (Yay!) for musical talent (singing), and several other random things I can't remember right now.

          Burns: I'm such an idiotic klutz, so I have two major burn scars. One's about two inches down parallel from my wrist, so it looks like I cut myself, and another parallel to the inside of my elbow. The wrist one I got from an iron; I tried to wrap my arm around to the side I could pick up. The other was when I tried to get something out of the oven.

          Cool new Rec Center opened up recently, and we went swimming. There was an awesome slide that went OUTSIDE (indoor pool) because it was so huge. It was dark, and sooo fast.
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • PM:Was JK Rowling's Professor Snape based on your chem teacher, Gryphon?
            Not at all, but that doesn't mean she's better than him. See, Snape had it out for Harry and a few other students. Chem teacher is all around bad. Not entirely unreasonable, but bad in general. See, she's just not there. Not there whether she's in the class or not, and she has trouble understanding people's problems. And trouble with the fact that the book is terrible at explaining, and that she isn't if she would just _teach_. But having no teacher/ teacher who assumes you know what you couldn't possibly.

            And besides, people at too unique to fall into an author's mold.


            The spanish teacher spazzed again. SHe said, "Say 'hola, papel'." [Telling us to say hi to our paper] And J said, "This is going to be a looong period." Then the teacher started freaking. *shudders*

            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • *dances* I have a copy of AWH now If I don't respond to one of you talking to me, its cos I'm reading it ... I read too quickly. I'm already nearly halfway through. I keep getting these people approach me at uni asking if I want to do a speed reading course, but if I read any faster, I wouldn't really need to open the book...

              Wow, that went off on a tangent.

              Say 'hola, papel'." [Telling us to say hi to our paper]
              People are looking at me strangely... I started laughing in the library and yeah...

              Yay! new Dr. Who episode tomorrow night . I've now started watching the older ones, and I'm going to get some of the DVDs (or vids if I can find them) at some stage.

              *looks back over previous page*

              Kaiba: Ouch, that must have hurt. How is your hand now?

              "No, Luke, I, am your MOTHER!"
              AH! more strange looks...

              Electric kettles got mentioned in chat, because I've got one, and don't have one of those old-fashioned ones. Gryphon was amazed at the whole concept of electric kettles.
              I find the stove ones novel... they're so cool when they whistle and that. We had one once when we were camping that if you bumped it slightly it sounded exactly like a group of violins from my old school trying to tune ... ok, maybe <STRIKE>the violins are</STRIKE> not that bad...



              • Or we could just go Spaceballs style. "I am your father's brother's cousin's mother's former roommate."
                And don't get me started on going swimming. I went swimming today. I went swimming yesterday. I'm going to go swimming tomorrow. I'm going to go swimming on Tuesday and on Wednesday. My life is swimming. I hate it. NO MORE!!!!
                In other news we had a really fun teachers/8th grade volleyball game today. The entire grade got hyper and stuck finger paint all over our faces and sprayed our hair green and hot pink. We were screaming so much it was actually kind of funny. Plus we got to do scenes from Shakespeare as our final test for Romeo and Juliet. I don't think mine was that great, but some of them were hilarious.
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good


                • Hola everyone!

                  Heh, thats pretty funny. What was funny? Well, all that Alla aid got her funny looks was funny. So, how are yall? Its been a while since I've been here in TOGR, it's good to be back.

                  YES SUMMER IS HEUH! I still cant get over it! Me so HAPPY!

                  Okay, gatta go eat so I will finish my post later! BYE BYE PPLS!


                  CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                  Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                  • So I've finished my re-read of all the YW books. And now there's none left *wail* WoW can't come out soon enough

                    Conclusions of my re-read - AWAb and AWH are superb and I have new appreciation for DW and AWD.

                    Guess I should start the cat wizards books now

                    In other news, I had an informal interview in the City on Tuesday. It went well, the lady is keeping my name for future reference and passing my details on to another friend who works at JP Morgan. Who knows, something may yet come from that. In the meantime I have to try and get some temp work or I'll gonna be broke.
                    Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps


                    • Hey all,

                      Haven't been here for a while. SOOOO pooped. I had all these dance rehersals this week including last night, tonight... Then I have 2 shows on sat. sun. and mon. woooow this is nuts.

                      Mitchy: I feel the _exact_ same way when I finnish the re-read of the yw series... I think I'm going through my 4th reread now. On TWD... sooo sad...

                      Ugh... My teacher wants us to bring in all our HP books... Ngggg. Why not YW I ask? So much better writen. *Kudos to DD.*

                      Gotta Go. I'll post later.

                      Member of the DDFQOTW foundation.
                      Founder of the SINI foundation.
                      Clueless member of the motsbrotmibtsmcwyw foundation
                      Commited Fratcha-bruta
                      Forever and Always


                      • Wow! Only 2 posts since last night? I 'memebr a time when you couldent go 3 hours without 5 posts on the TOGR. That was wayyy back.

                        I have a job this summer so I am gonna buy all the YW books and re read them all. I have 2 of 'em so thats 2 less to buy. I am gonna go into Borders in a few weeks and spend like 5 hours and $100 on books.

                        The other day my home boy and I watched the movie Amnityville Horror. Very good but the ending was HORRIBLE. If the ending was diffrent then I would be scared. So then I watched The Ring the next day (yes, I havent seen it) and I wasent that scared. In case you havent figured it out, me and scary movies dont work out!

                        There was supposed to be a llama at the library! But there wasent one and it was really sad!!



                        Okay, I ran out of things to say. So, I will be back later.
                        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                        • I too am working this summer and I should be making somewhere around 3000!! And 3000 dollars means ALOT of books. But I'll also probably buy some video editing stuff to make movies!

                          Its been a long time. But I'll be around alot more !!! untill i go off to england for a while.
                          "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."

                          "Even if love does not dawn,
                          The sun also rises,
                          The day goes on."


                          • I'm too young to get a job this summer, so in preparation for when I actually can get one, my mom has decided to force me to volunteer. At least it's at the library, but as I've said before, just being around the books doesn't do much. I can't exactly just suck up what's in the books by touching them, so it probably won't be much fun anyway. If you're not having fun during the summer, I feel you should at least be paid for it. Plus I have to get up at like 6 in the morning to go to swim practice every weekday morning. I'm going to die.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • Originally posted by nitafan211:
                              I have a job this summer so I am gonna buy all the YW books and re read them all. I have 2 of 'em so thats 2 less to buy. I am gonna go into Borders in a few weeks and spend like 5 hours and $100 on books.
                              Yay! Does that include the two cat books? We should demand that publishers commission Big Meow* and Short Circuit** .
                              There was supposed to be a llama at the library! But there wasent one and it was really sad!!
                              Do you mean the llama was sad because it wasn't there, or you were sad because it wasn't there?

                              And, more importantly, why was there supposed to be a llama at a library? This is not a combination which readily comes to mind.

                              * The third in the series of Feline Wizards books.
                              ** The first in the series of Adult Wizards books, with Carina from Wizards On Call.
                              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                              • I found another avie. *grins* Grim Reaper penguin! I was very tempted to use this, though. Or this. Or maybe this, or this... Or, in honor of Revenge of the Sith, this.

                                The spanish teacher spazzed again. SHe said, "Say 'hola, papel'." [Telling us to say hi to our paper] And J said, "This is going to be a looong period." Then the teacher started freaking. *shudders*
                                Your Spanish teacher is weird... and I'm getting the feeling that this isn't the first time I've said this.
                                My Spanish teacher is mostly sane. But she's not very good at teaching... (just because the directions on the homework are in English doesn't mean I can understand them. English isn't her first language, so I can't ask her to explain...)

                                OOWWWWWWWW!!! I just burned half my hand off with hot glue in art class a few hours ago. *Swears colorfully.* I can barely type. There's a blister going down my hand and palm and it's all puffy and white... the rest of that area on my hand is just bright red...the fingertips on my other hand are burned too!
                                Owww. I've never burned myself badly. But that's another reason to fear hot glue.

                                Ah. Spanish. I swear, if I die, blame it on the teacher and her dry erase markers. We colored today, which is normal. And the teacher passed out a box full of markers to the four of us. T commented that they were, "bad markers," and then noticed that they were dry erase for the white board. "That's... stupid." People commented that their eyes and noses burned, and I felt sick all day after, like I had breathed stuff in. And earlier, when someone was writing on the white board, someone asked if they were new; they had a strong smell. Everyone started cracking up when teacher sniffed it.
                                Were they new? I think it's only the new ones that smell really bad... we had the same problem in Latin, with the smell, but only after we got new markers (the old ones wouldn't come off the board). It's a small classroom, too, so even if you were at the end of the table you could smell it.

                                And we have to "translate" our scene into plain English. SHAKESPEARE IS PLAIN ENGLISH!
                                Ergh... I think it's universal, or something, that you're not supposed to be able to understand Shakespeare. I don't remember much of our copy of Romeo and Juliet, because I just glanced through it before going to see it at the park last summer, but my copy of Hamlet has footnotes not only on the bottom of the page, but notes along the sides too, to explain all of it...

                                Cress again:
                                I love my new hair. My mom says is looks like the Garnier Fructis commercials where they all throw their hair around and it looks all shiny and stuff. It's really fun to do, and so I spent most of last night swinging my hair around and being called the Fruity Garnet person.
                                Dunno why, but I started laughing at that...
                                I thought I'd never cut my hair again, after cutting sixteen inches off the other summer and not really liking it shoulder-length, because it's nearly back now and I like it... but it's not even summer yet, and it's already entirely too hot to have it down. I have a feeling I'm going to be breaking a lot of pencils this summer...

                                Can I have a animated siggy? A SMALL animated siggy?

                                Ehh... are we even supposed to have images in siggies?

                                I'm too young to get a job this summer, so in preparation for when I actually can get one, my mom has decided to force me to volunteer. At least it's at the library, but as I've said before, just being around the books doesn't do much. I can't exactly just suck up what's in the books by touching them, so it probably won't be much fun anyway. If you're not having fun during the summer, I feel you should at least be paid for it.
                                I wouldn't mind volunteering at our library. I don't think they have a volunteer program, though. I might ask... otherwise, I'm probably not doing anything for the summer.

                                There was supposed to be a llama at the library!
                                Llama llama cheesecake llama llama llama duck... I've driven everyone insane singing that. It starts running through my head every time I hear "llama"... *cough* right. Sorry.

