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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • You should do the mask, tumbleweed, _and_ scarf
    You know what the scary thing is about that comment? I was thinking of it as I went to sleep last night. . I am also going to try to do a Darth Spot, but I don't know how well that one will work - I tried it quickly last night and its gonna take more time to draw than the scarf.

    Alla: You have towns around you with names like "Indooropilly" and "Woolongabba"?? Where the heck ARE you? Those are very strange names...
    I live in Terra Australis There are a few stranger ones, I just can't think of them right now...

    *tries to remember Australian names* Queanbeyan, Woollongong (probably a typo), Woomera, Alice Springs , Brisbane .
    Yeah, Brisbane's just the strangest of the lot



    • A phantomized darth mask! You have to, you have to!!

      The video is getting funnier...

      I think next weekend, I might go insane over VGDawn. Or maybe I'll cram and go insane the week after that. Today I added avatars and played around with some weird things. I've started plotting a different layout. (Muahahah!) Billybobjr has assigned me a smiley. I'm not (*that*) evil, honest. Billybobjr can't make up her mind about it either. So...

      At least I know for sure I'm not a man. I was starting to get a little concerned... Yet another thing to blame on BBJ.

      Kinda bored. *miff*

      Ayaya, I love Z's avie XD XD XD !
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Ah, thankies gryph for liking my avie, (i notice that the insane kitty is back on yours. *yes!*) I'll make anyone an avie if they ask! I can even make animated ones! (But not for YW because you can't use them.)
        Gah! French is hard, I'm learning Habanera, and it's very hard for me. (Habanera is like 'Lamour et enfant de boheme il na jamais jamais connu del loi Si tu ne maimes pa jetaime si jetaime pren guard a toi.' <--of course i probably spelled all of that wrong so it probably doesn't make any sense. But it's an aria from Carmen.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • "'Lamour et enfant de boheme il na jamais jamais connu del loi Si tu ne maimes pa jetaime si jetaime pren guard a toi."

          *raised eyebrow"

          The love and child of _______ he had never never known ___ ____ if you don't like me I love you if I love you take _____ at you?

          The HECK?


          • AHHHHHHH!! I'm LOSING MY MIND! I realized about half an hour ago that I have no idea when I bought a bunch of books. I have NO memory of picking them out at ALL. And it's scary. If I mentioned any of the following books, please tell me when, and in what context:
            Shaman King #1 (Steph could help me on this, but it's midnight...)
            Moon-Flash by Patricia A. McKillip
            Jumper (dont' know author)
            The Oathbound Wizard (don't know author)
            Wyrd Museum (don't know author)
            Outcast: The Un-Magician (don't know author)
            Secrets of the Jedi by Jude Watson

            I'm freaking out here. (inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale) Okay...they're all new books, no wear-and-tear, so they can't be from my local used book store. I only bought 3 books on Friday, none of them were the above. I don't remember going to the bookstore before that. Oh, God, I'm going insane. Plus, the "Outcast" one is missing, and I haven't a clue where it is. I went through all my books on Friday, organizing them, nad it's NOT where it should--or could--be.

            Pool was FREEZING! Icky, icky icky.

            Now back to homework.

            Has anyone else noticed that Sharky hasn't posted since April Fool's Day? That's almost two months ago...where is he?
            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


            • For those who care, this is an update on Spot as The Doctor... I'm still debating whether or not to give him hair. Any opinions?

              PM, if you thought that that Spot looked confused, check out this one:

              That one will be my avi for a little while, I think... but now I'm starting to think that its a little too cluttered... Nah, you guys can have a good laugh, but I think I resize the first one for my new avi.

              Must go and hang washing out now... in the dark, cold... *sigh*



              • Memories. I have a lot of those.

                I tilted the basket of my candy hoard so I could see into it. I found a... warhead! If you don't know what warheads are, they're sour candies with a sweet sour. They come in many different flavors, and the one I found was blue rasberry. My brother commented that that was the most sour. Warheads make me think of... skating. In elementary school, on some Wednesday, the school would receive part of the local skate rink's profit if the students went there. I loved to skate, and I'd go with friends. You could buy warheads, and we usually got so many that we could rank them by sourness. Also, in the morning at school, we'd watch a few minute's of a "newstation" set up by the school, done by students. In one, they video taped people's faces as they sucked on the candies.

                Two more days of class.

                We're doing a review final in chem. No one is getting more than half the questions, so I'm going to bring my book home and figure out all of the things I'm not getting. The teacher sure as heck isn't going to help. Today, everyone was asking her about the mols, and then she got mad, saying, "look, I know I taught you this. Stop saying I didn't. I know I did. I remember distinctly writing it on the board. Someone, show me your notes." And no one had the notes, no one remembered doing that. We didn't. XD But we can't argue...

                No hope.

                I remember the Shaman King (dunno which) and you said you bought it in ToGR. DUnno 'bout the others.

                I saw Sharky online yesterday. No posts, and I didn't see him in chat. :/ Members dissapear sometimes. But...

                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Warheads make me think of...bad memories.
                  Sorry Aurie, yes my french sucks. It's supposed to say 'love is like a gypsy child' or something like that. I know spanish and I plan to stick to spanish until the end. (Or until I start to learn Japanese.)
                  Today at school my friend made a comic about our assistant principal and his lovely wife. It wasn't very nice but it was very funny. Perhaps this is why I'm always getting in trouble at school, my friends are such bad influences in a good way. (that doesn't make any sense does it?)
                  I'm getting the 6th Hana Kimi today! *dances around*
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • Tries to choke self with Alla's scarf around Spot. *gah!* I haven't been on here for a long time!!! (I keep saying that.)
                    Ugh. I echo your sentiments. WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN COMING ON HERE MORE???

                    Ah well. It will most likely improve when school is over. I'm in eighth grade, and I go to a private school, so there are only about 50 kids or less in my grade, and we're all really tight. And I'm getting so depressed because some people that I've become really close with are leaving the school to go to high school other places. My favorite teacher is moving to New England. There are *counts* 6 days of school left, and one of them is Field Day, and one of them is Graduation, which is just a half day. And I'm ready for summer, and I'm ready for no more schoolwork, but I don't want to let go of this year for good yet. I'm ready to move to high school, but I'm not ready to let eighth grade go. But I'll have to, of course, and I'll have to let the people who are leaving move on, no matter how much I don't want them to.
                    "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                    There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                    And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                    What could mean more than this?"
                    --Bright Eyes


                    • Ugh. How can you people have such short school years? Ours doesn't end until the 24th. Icky, icky, icky. But that's cuz this week we have Monday and Friday off, then next week we have Monday off. So it's all good.

                      Have I mentioned how much I hate projects? My History teacher is gone for 2 weeks, and we get our stupid SCIENCE student teacher as a sub. Mr. S NEVER gives projects in history, but Ms. W has been here a week and we're already on our SECOND project. In addition, she's NOT giving us enough time, because we have a HUUUUUGEEE project in English, and a kinda small one in Science. That reminds me...we had a project for history due today, AND 3 worksheets, but I forgot to do the worksheets. I should be doing them now...

                      Argh! Still don't remember where I got those books.
                      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                      • Originally posted by Lisa:
                        Ugh. How can you people have such short school years? Ours doesn't end until the 24th. Icky, icky, icky. But that's cuz this week we have Monday and Friday off, then next week we have Monday off. So it's all good.
                        Lol... my school ended about a month ago...
                        Comradely, Diego

                        Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                        "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                        "Be a real


                        • Originally posted by EWizard11:
                          I'm in eighth grade, and I go to a private school, so there are only about 50 kids or less in my grade, and we're all really tight. And I'm getting so depressed because some people that I've become really close with are leaving the school to go to high school other places.
                          50 KIDS?! We have 1300 kids in our school with only 3 grades! It's really horrible. I'm so jealous of you, it's kind of hard to make friends in my school because their are so many kids, but then again there is always somebody you like. I'm getting really sad because I've made a lot of 9th grade friends and they're all going to high school next year and I probably won't see them again or for a very long time. eh, so sad. *pats Ella on back*
                          Wow my school lets out on the 8th. I think we have our school let out earlier because it starts earlier. I think my school starts on Sept.2.
                          I'm so jealous of you Diego, you also get to live somewhere warm.
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • Ok, 50 kids is nothing. My school has about 30 kids in my grade. Yeah, we're all pretty close. We have to be, otherwise we would go crazy. I'm kinda sad too because I'm in eighth grade and I'm going to a high school where no one else from my school is going. It's really sad. I think I'm going to vomit or faint or both on the first day of school. There will be WAY too many new people there. I'm not horribly good with new people.
                            I LOVE THE HABENERA! I love Carmen in general. I saw this amazing production of it...last summer I think. It was SO good. I only saw it twice, but I really wanted to see it more times.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • When I was in sixth, I went to a little montessori school and there were only 6 kids in my grade, now however, there are 107 in my grade. :S
                              Comradely, Diego

                              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                              "Be a real


                              • AHH! Looklooklook! So many penguins. Kli linked to the page in chat the other day, and now I want to use all of them. So how do I solve this? I go and make another avie in Paint. I'm hopeless.

                                Update: The result of me being bored, discussing fanfic and fanart with Tui and watching Doctor Who at the same time follows:
                                Hehe. Hehehehe... Spot looks really cute like that. (I've never seen Doctor Who, but I end up getting half the references anyway. Heh, forums do that to you...)

                                Alla: You have towns around you with names like "Indooropilly" and "Woolongabba"?? Where the heck ARE you? Those are very strange names...
                                Even stranger than the town I live in. They went and named it after a hat. But it is a sort of... well, at least it doesn't sound like it's named after a hat. XD Aussie town names are just plain weird.

                                That sounds more like a goal for giving up .
                                Yeah, it does, doesn't it. *sigh* I've never been able to go to a library without them going "Getting into some heavy reading, aren't you?" (That was what she said last time, when I had about eight books [which isn't a lot for me], but the thickest was the first in the Wheel of Time series.)

                                Anything in French is fun to say. Or at least I think so. There's a part in a Billy Joel song with a line in French, and it's my favorite line in the entire song, just because it's so fun to say.
                                Um. I think French sounds neat too, but it's a good thing I don't know anyone who speaks French, because all I can say is hello, goodbye, and assorted curses and insults. Not anything any good to get off to a good start with.

                                Ah, thankies gryph for liking my avie, (i notice that the insane kitty is back on yours. *yes!*) I'll make anyone an avie if they ask! I can even make animated ones! (But not for YW because you can't use them.)
                                Hehehe. I like your avie too... can't really tell what it says though. zgirldiva?

                                I am also going to try to do a Darth Spot, but I don't know how well that one will work - I tried it quickly last night and its gonna take more time to draw than the scarf.
                                See, this is a good way to use every avie you want to. You just pile them on top of each other, and then you don't have 356 Spots you want to use, like me with the penguins. I can't draw though, and penguins are smaller than Spots are.

                                At least I know for sure I'm not a man. I was starting to get a little concerned... Yet another thing to blame on BBJ.
                                O-kayy... so now... not only are you 5, 15, 16, 17, and 23, living in Maryland, Italy, Maine, and Vermont, but you're a guy and a girl at the same time too...

                                AHHHHHHH!! I'm LOSING MY MIND! I realized about half an hour ago that I have no idea when I bought a bunch of books. I have NO memory of picking them out at ALL. And it's scary. If I mentioned any of the following books, please tell me when, and in what context:
                                I don't recognize any of them. That's weird, though. I have the opposite problem, I buy things and can't find them afterwards. But that's slightly more normal, I think. Just me being unorganized.

                                <span class="ev_code_white">Look, more white that you can hilight, and I still don't have anything to say in it!</span>
                                School posts. Don't exactly have a lot to say about any of this...

