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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hungry asked:
    why am I called hungry?

    Because in the shoutbox you said 'I'm Hungry' and I felt like being really lame and giving someone a nickname at the same time. So now your nickname is Hungry.

    Hmmm. Rad's sent me a Nightwish remix of Phantom of the Opera - its different, I'll have to say that, but rather cool at the same time .

    *bounces* DD chat tommorrow morning and I'm going to the market afterwards, and the third new Doctor Who episode is on in a little over an hour! I am not obsessed with that, just 'mildly' interested . (ok, so I've bought three of the DVDs in the past week, and I've borrowed three videos of it from the library, but that doesn't make me obsessed ) hehe

    *looks at 'online' list* ... wow, someone is actually around when I am... Hmm. Dai LRaven! Come to chat if you read this in time!



    • Wow Kaiba, I just went to ValleyFair (an amusement park) yesterday! I had so much fun, last year I was scared of every ride but this year I went on almost every rollercoasters except the ones with big drops. I like the upside down ones a lot! There was this one ride were you sit in something that looks like a gigantic ship and it would swing from side to side and then swing you upside down. It was really fun! I went on it 8 times.
      But on the bus ride back we were in really bad traffic. So one of the girls in the last seat of the bus started talking to a guy in a white van driving beside us. He gave her his phone number and then she started talking on her cellphone to him. I really couldn't believe it, how stupid can you get?
      I need to study for my finals now.
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Ooh, I'm really happy now. I get to watch Phantom at my choir party tomorrow. I offically love whoever went to the meeting thing to decide what we were going to do. They ROCK!
        Yeah, it's a good thing someone mentioned Phantom, or I'd still be all depressed. Yesterday was the last day of school, and I'm just now getting sad that I'll never see most of the people in my class again, or my uber cool teachers. I am never going to have Mrs. Wagner teaching Shakespeare again, and that was hilarious. And then I put a whole bunch of depressing music on my playlist. Sadly I don't have that much depressing music, or at least I couldn't think of anymore. So I didn't have anything to go with my mood.
        In other news, I'm really happy because I got the complete works of Shakespeare for my graduation present. Yes, I'm going into 9th grade and I'm excited because I got Shakespeare. I'm a geek and I don't care. I have something to do all summer now. I can read my beautiful Shakespeare. It's really pretty too, it has gold on the edge of the pages.
        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
        I promise not to funfun anymore
        Be happy cause life is good


        • seabiscut: Never get me on the computer when I'm bored. I do weird things like make Sims eat so much they get fat.
          Lol. My sister has that game. I ended up killing every single person. I made them all go swimming, forgot to the put ladders so they could get out, and they ended up dying! The others died other stupid ways. Seriosouly, can't they CLIMB out the pool without a ladder?

          Chime is not working today. Neither is the forum...

          I picked out my graduation dress today! It's very pretty. Basically black lace over very pale pink, very plain, but I like it anyway! I'm very picky when it comes to clothes, so it's fortunate we founda good dress so fast.

          A week from today I'm going to France for my exchange-program! Ahhhh! We first go to Paris, then Strasobourg (across a river from Germany), then Con (spelled wrong!) an Nice on the Mediterranean! The teachers told us (specifically my school) that we can't wear short skirts, low-cut or revealing shirts, or anything like that because supposedly in france, the men don't look, they TOUCH! Ewwww! I wouldn't wear such a short skirt anyway, but other girls at my school sure would... and on the beaches in Nice... eww, to an American's mind, it's very gross!   


          • Yeah, my French teacher told us that her daughter turned around and decked a guy when she was riding the Metro in Paris because he put his hand on her butt. The way she puts it is, "They're very appreciative of women there." When she was taking a high school group of girls on a trip, men would watch them go by in their Catholic school uniforms and make comments like, "Oh, the pretty girls," and that's just the way it is there. It's a little scary, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

            Ugh, roller coasters. I'm afraid of them. And so I'm not a big fan of amusement parks. There are less scary places to go. But water parks are AWESOME...I love water rides.
            "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
            There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
            And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
            What could mean more than this?"
            --Bright Eyes


            • Hmph. I had this huge post typed up, almost ready to post, and my compy went all weird. So, here's my updates from the past week or so.

              Kids at school: I'm from an uberly overcrowded area. A high school was built a few years back (to lighten the load off of the others), and it's already several hundred people too many. Our middle school has two grades: 7th and 8th. How many kids? over 1100. It's seriously messed up. I mean, I can see why. We're a "suburb" of DC (meaning we're about an hour away), and it's a pretty well-off area. Well-off, in my definition, means our middle school has three computer labs, at least one computer in each room as well as a TV and DVD player, and we get to use laptops in Science. (Elementary school has one computer lab, with about four computers in each room.) Yeah...I think they Elementary School just bought a bunch of new stuff. There's a lot more than I remembered.

              Amusement parks: Oddly, I went on a school trip to Hershey Park yesterday. It was miserable, because it rained the WHOLE TIME. But I met some new 8th grade friends (They're not strangers; Steph knew them...then again, maybe they were strangers). We had sooo much fun. I went on the Ski Lift ride, and one girl was kicking her legs and shaking the car. That was my idea of a roller coaster. I was screaming. --' Then, we went on a swinging ship. Y'know, the ones that are like a pendulum? We were so high the very back, because Steph insisted. She's got no sense of fear. (Or maybe she lacks common sense.) As soon as we got off, the people announced that the swinging ship thing was broken and everybody else would have to wait. THAT makes me feel secure. (Sarcasm.) We went on the River Rapids ride, without the waterfalls because it was COLD and RAINY. We went on this spinny thing that was scary, but okay. I slowly developed my confidence as the trip went on. We went on the spinny thing twice, then I threw up in my throat. Ick. Steph and V got this idea to go on the Sidewinder. The Sidewinder is kinda like a skateboard ramp: It goes up, you go on an upside-down loop or two, then up to another side, and roll back down again. Here's a picture. River Rapids thing. Spinny thing. So, yeah. Then, halfway through the Sidewinder, we could hear Steph screaming. Then it stopped. The entire ride stopped in the middle of the track. No one was upside down, although the back was pretty close. Luckily, Steph was up front. It took close to 20 minutes to get her out. I was terrified, and Steph and V were both hyperventilating. V had been crying. (Instantly, though, Steph wanted to go on the Claw.) I didn't go on any more rides after that; I just bought stuff. (Steph eventually went on the Claw.) We played arcade games, too, which was so fun. We played Whack-A-Snake, when you hit snakes as fast as you can on the head with a mallet. We played four times. I won three times. (First to 150 points wins.) I gave 2 bears (the prize) away, though. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">And I lost on purpose one time, because if I won, I would've had to choose between two people.</span>
              I went on the Chocolate Tour at the very end. (Our chaperone said 7:00. I was there at 7:05. She didn't show up until 7:18. I was mad.) It smelled sooooooooooo good. You could see real chocolate being mixed up, and ground up, and wrapped up, all only a couple feet from your hands.
              Oh, and I SWEAR that Hershey is MONOPOLIZING the candy industry. Which, in the U.S., is illegal. They ARE! At the end, the show you some kinds of candy they make. Did you know they make Bubble Yum and Icebreakers and Jolly Ranchers, as well as York Peppermint Patties and Reese's Cups? It's TRUE! Scary...

              We had soccer games today! Two of them! Tournament games! The first one, we won 3-1. Annnndddd...I scored one of our goals! My first goal EVER!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY! Then we lost the second one...5-1. Against a really mean team. (They've always been mean. They curse on field, some use elbows, and some are more subtle--they just body slam you.) Tomorrow, we play for 3rd place.

              LOONG post. Good night.
              Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
              "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
              "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


              • My head hurts like heck.

                Cress: Youth of the Nation by POD.

                It's really pretty too, it has gold on the edge of the pages.
                I have a book like that, or actually it's my mom's, but the gold shinies are more interesting that the book itself. Dun dun dun. Who can guess the author? Actually, I've talked about the book with the shiny, gold edges before.

                Heh, I put some avies to chose from up at VGDawn if you don't feel like getting your own. You'll have to see... My favorite is the <span class="ev_code_WHITE">one with the "sane" shark.</span>
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


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                  • I just had my choir party. I offically love Phantom again. I really want it now, but I don't have too much moolah, and I want the James Marsters CD more, so I'll have to wait for a while before I can get it.
                    I have piano tomorrow, and I haven't practiced for like two weeks. I am SO dead. I'll have to get up earlyish and practice before I go or I'll be really majorly bad and it will be really really really hard.
                    I haven't been on roller coasters for ever. It stinks because I love them. I used to be terrified, and then I went on the biggest one at the amusement park near where I live and now I love them.
                    Water parks are even more fun than roller coasters. has anyone here been to Noah's Ark in the Wisconsin Dells? That place ROCKS! And it has fudge. I love fudge.
                    The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                    I promise not to funfun anymore
                    Be happy cause life is good


                    • Warning: Short post

                      Gigo, if you search around my posts, I think it's in the "Random talk" forum made by Carl, you'll find the same thing, or something similar. It's really strange.

                      Lost my 3rd place game. 2-0. We stink. But then, it was like ninety degrees (Farenheit, and I don't know the real temperature, but it sure felt like it) outside. I think I have sunburn on my legs and face, because right after the game we went to the pool for five hours. Steph said she would come, but she never showed. She NEVER does. Grrawr.

                      Just a book report, Gigo? I'd give anything if that's all I had to do. I have to do a twelve-step project, called the "Circle Project" on a historical fiction book. The one I read is pretty good, but The Project is horrible. It WAS due on the second, but a few...special...people, myself included, got an extension until Tuesday. I haven't even finished the first step.

                      Gigo, your post was really random.

                      And the chat was this weekend? I completely forgot. That makes it...what, five chats?...I've either missed or was present for 5 minute of since I got here. Oh, wait--six.
                      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                      • I am officially done with choir, science, geometry, and english for the summer! graduations are so weird, and sort of sad, but that's okay. It's always fun to figure out how much people have changed over the year, or the years at the school. That's where yearbooks would come in handy...grrr, the company that makes ours said it wouldn't be ready until August. I'm almost done with all my finals, and my birthday's friday, so I'm a little on the weird side today.
                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • That stinks! Ours were done like two weeks before school ended so we could get people's signatures and stuff. Plus we had this really cool thing where we all wrote our emails and IM usernames down and gave them to one person who sent them to everyone. So now I have the email address of pretty much everyone in my grade, which is cool.
                          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                          I promise not to funfun anymore
                          Be happy cause life is good


                          • AHHHH did I miss the CHAT? RATS! At 3 on Saturday I think I was doing yard work...

                            I'm at work at my summer job right now. I'm the guidance secretary at my old high school for the whole summer! I don't really like being a secretary, but I guess it's a lot better being summer b/c not a whole lot of people come around. Today I...oh rats! I was going to say I sent some transcripts out, but I forgot to send them! *runs off for a few minutes to put them in the mail*

                            Ok I'm back. Sheesh, I'm glad the mail hasn't been picked up yet! Anyway, I copied some transcripts and mailed them off, and also faxed some records (that fax machine is tricky! It's SO tempermental...). I'm now working on entering some Gateway scores into the database. I took a small break to stop by here for awhile. Hopefully I can chat with someone today.

                            I love amusement parks! I went to one last Saturday with my dad and Kelly. It was more of an oversized carnival than an actual amusement park, but it's cool! (It was Lake Winnie btw) My fave rides are the Genie, the Orbiter, the Conestoga wagon, the Alpine thingie, the waterslide, and the Paratrooper. The WORST rides that should be avoided at ALL COSTS are the Wild Lightning and the Fly-o-Plane. *shudders at the memory of each*

                            Anyway, I should be getting back to work, but I'll be in the chat for most of the day (until 3 at least (it's 11:35 now) so TTYL)


                            • I am DONE with my history and chem finals! No more studying, and I can't worry about what I got; can't change it now! But anyway, I think I did good enough. On the chem, I actually only guessed on a few. It was almost the exact same as the review final, anyway. I didn't get half of the review final's questions, but I went through the book and figured out all the things I didn't know. 'Cept for the scientists... they'd be a heck of a lot of cramming for only a couple of questions, and there turned out to only be one on the exam anyway.

                              The history one I'm kinda proud of. There was an essay section to the test. Before, we were given a review guide (which, umm, was scary -- it just pointed out half a billion chapters in the book to look at) and at the bottom, it had a list of essay questions that you could chose from. I did one on urbanization and picked different examples from units in the book. Ayaya, it wasn't the most eloquent thing, but it definitely got a 100% -- the essay at least.

                              Listening to Parachutes by Coldplay. Kinda miffed. B said, "You used to like Coldplay and now you listen to Papa Roach and Slipknot!!!" Who said I didn't still like Coldplay? I just like a bigger variety now. And anyway, B hasn't heard anything by Papa Roach or Slipknot, so what's he talking about?

                              Just geo just geo just geo!

                              And I saw sparks.

                              LINKIN PARK RULES!

                              POST POST POST POST POST

                              Hah. Like all those one-liners?
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • I finished my history final too!! Finally!! FReedom from the 20 lb history book!!!
                                Sorry, had an extremely good day! My history teacher shortened our test because the other class took too long to answer it. And I didn't have to show my stupid final project movie in front of the whole class, just in front of the teacher. Oh yeah, and in front of the guy I like. Sorry, it's the beginning of summer. I tend to get guy crazy around this time of year. It'll go away once I start my summer job. Hopefully.
                                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

