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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I have a Frech final tomorrow, and a Science final on Friday, and a Math final on Monday. I have to go studay now... Grrrrrrrrrrrr... I hate french.

    NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

    School's out! :bouncinghappy:

    Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


    • Notifications: - ? *page loads* Notifications: Off. *blinks* that was odd.

      I keep making new avies. And now I want to use them all. *looks at penguin* Scything Chime if you have a YW-quote-avie isn't the same. Ish. But dragoning Chime... *thoughtful look*

      My ring broke... it was silver, with turquoise (my birthstone), and the silver band part of it broke. It was sterling silver, too, and I don't know what I could've been doing to break it.

      *grinning* my mom wants to read SYWTBAW. I told her she'd like it (which is what I tell everyone about YW; I've just never expected anyone to actually listen >.> ), and now she wants to read the series and join the forums and go to the DD chats and everything... it's kinda surprising. She likes Nightwish, too, which was also surprising. I lent her my Once CD. ^^'

      Listening to Franz Ferdinand. And singing it in chat, too. Blame it on billybob. She said, "billybobjr *lays out in pain*" so I said, "Broken, shattered I lie," and Nita tried to guess it, guessed Evanescence, and it was FF's Take Me Out!
      Heh. I would've guessed Evanescence too, even though I love Take Me Out.

      I'm so bored, I was just playing Sims for about 3 hours as a result of being bored. Never get me on the computer when I'm bored. I do weird things like make Sims eat so much they get fat.
      o.O you can do that? I never knew you could do that! I'll try that on my game tomorrow... I keep getting on and then forgetting to try it. And when/if/depending on whether/this isn't making any sense I do remember, it's about 2am. Sorta like it is now, which is why I'm not loading the Sims now.

      I don't like roller coasters either. Not just the fear-of-heights (and death), but yeah... and motion sickness (DIE twisty bumpy roads in a truck with rotten suspension) doesn't help a lot.

      Lol. My sister has that game. I ended up killing every single person. I made them all go swimming, forgot to the put ladders so they could get out, and they ended up dying! The others died other stupid ways. Seriosouly, can't they CLIMB out the pool without a ladder?
      *blinks* you mean, after you give them ladders, they're supposed to get out when you tell them to? Huh. Mine are currently missing work because they've decided they don't like the two ladders they have. Mine must be stupider than yours.

      XD I went and looked it up on, just because I wanted to see which it was (and because I was laughing at it for no reason, something I seem to be doing a lot lately). It seems to think all of the above are correct. I could've copy-pasted the entry, but I just liked the thingy at the bottom... the "From Middle English something, from something something, something, meaning 'to smear'"... which got me laughing all over again, which still makes no sense, and... something.
      And now it's 2:30ish am, so I should probably save this someplace and post it when I'm better at stringing two words together...
      Or something.

      Uh... yeah. I saw my ring on the table, thought it was a rubber band, picked it up, and almost threw it at the computer screen. And I have no idea why.

      I should go to bed before I kill something. And definitely not try to make muffins right now, even if it's an odd time to be remembering to. I took down the post-it notes in colors I didn't like to remember the DD chat, but I had one up for muffins too, with "muffins!" written on it. And I took that down, because post-it notes in colors you don't like, even if you did them on purpose, are annoying, and even if you'll forget to make muffins without them.

      Added (since I'm more or less awake now): I have next-to-zero memory of writing that...


      • and now she wants to read the series and join the forums and go to the DD chats and everything...
        Er. How terrifying would that be, d'you think? To have your actual mother actually watching you actually spork Chime? *amused*

        I have all my mid-year finals coming up soon. >.> Yeah, just thought you all would like to know. Unfortunately I won't be going on summer holiday any time soon, it not being summer but rather a particularly miserable winter.

        Uh, and finally? ((DD, COVER YOUR EYES. ))
        I am kind of sort of possibly running a YW fic challenge on LJ and I need challenge submissions. If oyu guys are bored, and want to help a sister out, you can totally submit anonymous comments with challenges here.. Uh, there's information all over here. Uh.

        DD can open her eyes now, if she's reading this.
        PS: If you all think Indoorpilly and Woollongong and Wooloomooloo are funny place names (I Did Not Make These Up, by the way. ) try Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu. It's the second longest place name in the world.
        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


        • *grinning* my mom wants to read SYWTBAW. I told her she'd like it (which is what I tell everyone about YW; I've just never expected anyone to actually listen >.>, and now she wants to read the series and join the forums and go to the DD chats and everything... it's kinda surprising. She likes Nightwish, too, which was also surprising. I lent her my Once CD. ^^'

          Wow. That is really interesting...btw, when did you get the Once CD? I only introduced you to Nightwish not too long ago... I want that CD, and I'll get it sooner or later, even if I have to burn it myself. Of course, I'd rather get the real thing, so we'll see about that.

          Tui! *tacklehuggle* I haven't talked to you in forever! Maybe someday we can catch each other in the chat or something.

          I had better start entering MORE Gateway scores now...yesterday turned out to only be the ENGLISH ones, and there's still Algebra and Biology left. I should be in the chat most of the day though, so TTYL! *huggles all*


          • I Graduated from junior high last night! It was the sweatiest day of my life. I mean, in the humidity, in our robes, on that stage, not being allowed to move... the grade was soaking...

            We had a dance afterwards. In was actually suprisingly fun! The gym was plastered in colored paper with graffiti that described the granduating class and bright lights! Every thought (this always happens when I go to partys with good friends) that I was high or something because I was singing so loudly and dancing and yelling like a mad person. I wasn't even drinking a coke! WATER doesn't get people DRUNK... does it?

            During one song one of my friends said that I needed to get a boyfriend to dance with him like "that." Grrr, I can dance like however I want! Two of the "wierd" girls across the gym were grinding, eww, so I pointed that out and prooved that I wasn't awakward compared to them...

            For once, I did something with my hair! Two words to describe my hair: unruly and uncontrollable. It's a pretty color(s) and the wavy-ness and curls makes it look like I go it crimped, but It's thick, it's very long. Anyway, I wanted my hair to look like it did on my Bat Mitzvah in seventh grade, plaster straight but with coils on the last eight inches, but this time the people used really wide curling irons so it barely had curls at all! How dissapointing. Oh well, it's not like it won't curl as soon as I take a shower anyway...

            Yeah, my French teacher told us that her daughter turned around and decked a guy when she was riding the Metro in Paris because he put his hand on her butt.
            I'm going to France for a school exchange program this summer. The teachers told us that we weren't allowed to wear short or skirts below a certian height because there they don't LOOK, they FEEL.

            Tui: Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu. It's the second longest place name in the world.
            *blinks* Uh... and where is Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu? Near where you live? And if that's the SECOND longest place in the world... where's the FIRST?

            WF: *blinks* you mean, after you give them ladders, they're supposed to get out when you tell them to? Huh. Mine are currently missing work because they've decided they don't like the two ladders they have. Mine must be stupider than yours.
            You have to elave them in for a while. Like days. Fast-forward time of course. eventually they really want to come out and end up drowning...

            *Acts like Gryph and writes random one-liners for the sake of it:*

            OMG, it's a bird! It's a plane! It's A GIANT PAPAERCLIP!!

            Seto is hotter than you. Duh.

            Yaoi ate my socks. Oops, I mean Yaoi rocks my socks!....Yaoi is yummy...

            And then Nita married the Lone One.

            J'aime beacoup le lizard dans mon chambre.^^

            (Whoa, I usually write longer posts, but is this one long or what?)


            • Unfortunately I won't be going on summer holiday any time soon, it not being summer but rather a particularly miserable winter.

              Winter, it's JUNE!!! Unless it's winter where you live, but I don't know where you live so I wouldn't know! I'm so very confused!!!! Here it's actually sweltering hot and I am about to die on my keyboard. Well, I gtg to school now! AHHHHHHHHH... French finals!

              NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

              School's out! :bouncinghappy:

              Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


              • Whoa. O.o Either all of you are up very, very late, (like I was) or you're all skipping school (like I am) to post.

                Why was I up late? I don't like projects. I had one due today, and I was up til 2:30 a.m. and I didn't quite finish it. There is no way I'm going to school with four hours of sleep. So, I told mom I had a huge stomachache last night (I really did; it's just not what kept me up) that woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep. Would anyone like tips on how to get your parents to let you skip school?

                Uh, and finally? ((DD, COVER YOUR EYES. ))
                I am kind of sort of possibly running a YW fic challenge on LJ and I need challenge submissions. If oyu guys are bored, and want to help a sister out, you can totally submit anonymous comments with challenges here.. Uh, there's information all over here. Uh.
                I keep forgetting to tell you guys this...I have an LJ! I've only had it for a week or two, and I have no clue what to do with it. My name is anadarth. If you guess why I chose that name, you get a free virtual candy! (Or Respect, as my science teacher says.)
                Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                • Originally posted by wildflower:
                  *grinning* my mom wants to read SYWTBAW. I told her she'd like it (which is what I tell everyone about YW; I've just never expected anyone to actually listen >.>, and now she wants to read the series and join the forums and go to the DD chats and everything... it's kinda surprising.
                  But do you have enough computers and Internet connections for both of you to be in chat at once, or will you have to take it in turns at the DD chats?
                  Originally posted by Kaiba4ever:
                  I'm going to France for a school exchange program this summer. The teachers told us that we weren't allowed to wear short or skirts below a certian height because there they don't LOOK, they FEEL.
                  Now I have this mental image of the shortest girls in the class having to wear "pants" instead of skirts...
                  Originally posted by ross_harden:
                  Winter, it's JUNE!!! Unless it's winter where you live, but I don't know where you live so I wouldn't know!
                  Tui/Birdhead's in New Zealand, just over to the right of Australia, so she's in the Southern Hemisphere with all the seasons backwards. And (at the moment) DD's chats happen at 7am on Sunday for Tui... poor sleepy Kiwi...
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • My name is anadarth
                    Anakin Darth Vader?

                    PM: Tui/Birdhead's in New Zealand, just over to the right of Australia, so she's in the Southern Hemisphere with all the seasons backwards. And (at the moment) DD's chats happen at 7am on Sunday for Tui... poor sleepy Kiwi...
                    Oh to be in New Zealand (they're two hours infront of Brissie) ... and our seasons aren't backwards, yours are!

                    *watches another Doctor Who DVD* - I really have to stop buying these ... *grins*

                    Now I need to stop procrastinating. Must get back to studying...


                    • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                      Now I have this mental image of the shortest girls in the class having to wear "pants" instead of skirts...
                      I got that idea too. Hmmmmm. Tomoroww is my last day of school and I won't see most of my friends until 3 years because they're all going to the high school. But today is good because it is 90 degrees! (Fareinheit to the people who use Celcius.)<--I'm sorry but I don't know how to spell Fareinheit or Celcius.
                      I think I failed my math final, but that's okay because it doesn't count for our grade. *giggles*
                      ^.^ see you guys later!
                      penguins will rule the world.


                      • I'M FREE!!!! Just got home from my friend's house, where we had this huge water fight. Very fun. I now have sunburn on my shoulders because I was wearing a tank top. Hungry is stupid sometimes. She forgets that she needs to wear sunscreen so she doesn't turn into a lobster. Yeah, I'm that color.
                        Hmm...kind of forgot what I came here to write about...hold on a sec. Oh yeah, rollar coasters. I hate them very much wildflower. I loathe them. At Cedar Point in 8th grade, we saw that weird one, Top Thrill Dragster, fall backward three times in a row. (Cedar Point is this big park in Ohio that has about 14 coasters and a bunch of other stuff. Very fun place if you like rollar coasters.) Oh yeah, Sims. Sometimes I make whole families and kill them off. Or get the dad pregnant by aliens. Then you get a weird little alien baby.

                        Sooo....It got really quiet here...Pokes alien baby in the side....

                        That's sad about your ring wildflower. If I ever broke this one ring that I have with hearts on it, my mom would kill me. Not because it was that expensive, but because the thing is literally indestructible.

                        Okay, I'm going to go find the aloe vera for my sunburn...Is anyone else sunburned? Just wondering.
                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • Uh... and where is Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu? Near where you live? And if that's the SECOND longest place in the world... where's the FIRST?
                          It's. Uh. You know, I'm not entirely sure, but I have been driven through it, and if I could find places on a map (beyond, you know, major countries and cities?) I would definitely know where it is. I think it's on the North Island somewhere...

                          (NB: yaoi ate my socks too. Like the Shoebox Project.)

                          And, yes, I'm in New Zealand Aotearoa and it is SO COLD and WINTER because I'm in the wrong Hemisphere. Like Alla. Except where Alla lives it's probably still hot enough to be considered summery where I live. Minor suckage there, although the Crusaders beat the Waratahs... I'm sure that helps somewhat...
                          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                          • Random school babblings.

                            Stupid grade nine kid who's my boyfriend-not-boyfriend dude. The guy I make out with. He hasn't asked me out, nor does he spend a lot of time with me anymore *pout*

                            My school is implementing the stupidest dress code in the world next year. No chest, no back, and no midriff. But they don't say anything about skirts. We were asking our teacher in class. . . my friend asked "So, is THIS chest, or is THIS chest?" *lowers the neckline of her tanktop* The teacher pointed at the girl that sits behind me. Then I asked about skirts and she said "Well. . . we don't have a policy on skirts." So I've been wearing my shortest skirt to school because I know I'm allowed to. It's really short. If I bend over in it, you can see my butt. Oh yeah. I love that skirt.

                            I skipped my law class today. I really don't care, and what are they going to do about it anyway? Call home? xD. Besides that, the teacher never showed up. So there was no point in staying. I can find better things to do with the time, seriously, than sitting in a portable with nothing to do waiting for a teacher to show up. So I left after 20 minutes.


                            • *is feeling slightly nauseated* Err...thank you, Aurora, for 'kindly' sharing that piece of information. *makes mental note about Aurora's posts*

                              Hungry, I was slightly confused about your post. Where did it say that WF broke her ring? I've read these two pages three times and I can't find anything that says that...

                              Water fights are cool. I got in trouble yesterday for having a water fight with my friend with my mom's plant sprayer, which is filled with ORDINARY WATER. It's fun to have two of them in hand, and it feels weird. Like a gunfighter. XD

                              The longest place name in the world? *gets out Guiness book of records*

                              Well, if you're interested, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch is a name of a town in Wales, which has now become the 3rd longest name in the world.

                              The longest name in the world is...*drumroll* Bangkok. XD

                              It's actually...

                              Krungthepmahanakonbowornratanakosinmahintarayu dyayamahadiloponoparatanarajthaniburiromudomra jniwesmahasatarnamornpimarnavatarsa****akattiy avisanukamphrasit

                              in Thai. So 'Bangkok' in Thai is this. ^


                              Well, ultimate practice was nothing new today... see ya!

                              Gigoalsoknownasqwertywhoisacertainamountofyears oldandisahumanincaseyoudidn'tknowthatandtypesrando mly tomakethisanotherlongname sothatsallthereisandimplayinghalotwonow.


                              Edit: Oh no! I broke the boards! ....

                              The starred out part is 7. 1. 7.5 , useing 1337.


                              • So I've been wearing my shortest skirt to school because I know I'm allowed to. It's really short. If I bend over in it, you can see my butt. Oh yeah. I love that skirt.

                                I have a skirt like that, it's my favorite one! Unfortunately I can only wear it on weekends because my school DOES mention skirts and shorts. They have to go all the way down to where your middle fingers touch your thighs with your arms straight at your sides. Though, I usuallly hunch up my shoulders so as to wear shorter ones! Dress codes are so evil... and I have the worst Vice Principal ever, we can't even wear tank tops and if you see even a bit of skin on your stomach she flips out and gives you these ugly shirts that hang down to your knees!!!!!!!!! My french exam was so easy!!!!

                                NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

                                School's out! :bouncinghappy:

                                Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:

