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The Topic of Great Randomness

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    Anyway... oh while I'm on the topic of Gigo... I've regenerated??? But I still look the same.

    I really really really should be studying. *goes off to study*



    • So I've been wearing my shortest skirt to school because I know I'm allowed to. It's really short. If I bend over in it, you can see my butt. Oh yeah. I love that skirt.
      Today I wore a skirt too. It's not that short though... though it's pretty short... but I like it anyway. It's black velvet-like material and has these frillies and is a Juicy (Juicy being the brand -.-;; )...

      Now that school is over, I'm bored, how pathetic is that?! VERY!! At least I only have to wait a week before France...

      I went to the mall all day and now I'm dead exausted. I wasted all my money on three pairs of earrings and a movie... I used my friend's money for lunch and ended up forgetting to repay her... oh well, I bought her the purse she was using today, it's only fair.

      seabiscuit: Oh yeah, Sims. Sometimes I make whole families and kill them off. Or get the dad pregnant by aliens. Then you get a weird little alien baby.
      .... I do that too. I once killed a neighborhood, not entirely accidental. Then another time I trapped someone in a room with stoves to see if the Grim Reaper would come with the fire... You got a dad pregnant? Wierd! *Must. Try. That.*

      Now I have this mental image of the shortest girls in the class having to wear "pants" instead of skirts...
      Um... why would you think that? I'm the definately the shortest person in my class and I wear skirts all the time. To me, that's a very strange thing to believe.


      • Originally posted by Kaiba4ever:
        Um... why would you think that? I'm the definately the shortest person in my class and I wear skirts all the time. To me, that's a very strange thing to believe.
        It's because you wrote:
        The teachers told us that we weren't allowed to wear short or skirts below a certian height because there they don't LOOK, they FEEL.
        Not that you couldn't wear skirts shorter than a certain length, but below a certain height.

        I knew what you meant, I just like to turn ambiguous phrases into jokes. Z said she read it that way, too.
        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


        • Oooh. I wore a skirt too! How out of character for me! How coincidental! Yeah...I wore a white shirt with a very, very low neckline (I had to pull it up a couple times cause you could see my bra) and then I saw a girl from school. A VERY popular girl. (Remember, I was "sick" today.) She came up to me and said "You look really pretty today!" Which kinda freaked me out, but hey, it's a compliment! No one outside my family has said that to me.

          Alla guessed it! AnaDarth is my personal word for the stage Anakin goes through when he's listening to Palpatine, but hasn't made the choice yet.

          Annnd....another riddle!

          What's short enough to gain interest but long enough to barely cover the subject? (I got this from some riddle website.)

          (Answer in white): <span class="ev_code_WHITE">A miniskirt.</span> Lol.

          Yeah...skirts can be EVIL. We do have a dress code, the no midriff/back/cleavage one, and the fingertip rule, but I don't care. No one really follows the rules except a couple people, and I'm just glad I don't have to wear a uniform. I did wear one a long time ago, back in Kidnergarten through 2nd grade. The colors were horrible. I was the ONLY kid they worked semi-well on, and even then it looks awful: Brown and yellow plaid jumpers for girls, with a few small black and white stripes, and a pale yellow blouse underneath. For boys, it's the same color shirt with a brown tie and brown pants. Spring/Fall uniforms are the same for boys and girls: Tan shorts and collared yellow shirts. P.E. uniforms were orangey yellow.

          Yes, I should be doing homework. No, I don't want to.

          Just read the stupidest book: Nothing But the Truth by Avi. Terrible ending.
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • Gigo, I apparently posted that one in the wrong forum....oooops. Anyway....

            Skirts. I never wear a skirt. They don't make them long enough here....then again, they don't make pants long enough either. I'm really tall, so I have a hard time shopping for pants and stuff. Actually, I have a hard time shopping for any clothes. They don't make any that fit me.

            For the last couple of days I wore a tank top and a pair of shorts to school...very out of character for me. I hate tank tops because they show my lack of, um, yeah. But the air conditioning broke, and it was just finals. All the people who would have made comments about it didn't come.

            We're getting a new dress code next year (I heard someone mention dress codes up above somewhere.) No flip-flops (I LIVE in flip flops) mini skirts, tank tops, t-shirts with any writing on them, jeans, and I forget the rest. I'm wondering how they're going to enforce this, as we have over 2000, almost 3000 kids at my school, 900 in my grade alone. There's only about 200 teachers, and 20 odd security guards. How are they supposed to enforce that?!?
            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • Heh, at my old high school the principal was always threatening to go to uniforms. There is a semi-strict dress code, but apparently this and only one other school in the COUNTY are the only ones without uniforms (and I mean public schools ) I grew up with uniforms all my life (only 5 years out of the 12 didn't have uniforms: 2 years when I homeschooled and 3 of my high school years) and I can say that the dress code here is NOT TOO BAD. People never listen though... At my college, there isn't a dress code, and people can wear whatever they want...mostly. Since it's a Christian school, most people would be at least fairly decent. But as far as I know, as long as you didn't show anything explicit, the school wouldn't care. If you DID show anything, they might get on you only b/c it would offend people.

              Last night was SO FUN! I had a conference call with Sharky, Neets and Kelly (younger sis), and Lissa was there for a bit too. It was GREAT I hope we can do it again sometime. I'm going to try again tonight, and hopefully Leah can join us this time.

              So anyway, I will again be in and out of chat today, so TTYL! *wanders off to go see what I need to do today at work*


              • I hate skirts. I think I've worn two skirts in the past year. Possibly three. I never wear them. And I never have issues with dress codes since I dress like a nun...actually I dress like my brother sometimes but that's beside the point. And because my old school had a uniform and I didn't care about tucking in my shirt which is what they always got mad at people for.
                I didn't know you could make alien babies in the Sims. Or do you have one of the newer versions?
                I just found out that this song I really like from Buffy is actually by Michelle Branch. Who would've thunk?
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good


                • Today was my last day of school, and I'm relieved. And tired. We watched movies and ate candy and hugged, said goodbyes. That just makes me tired. Sad. But I'm glad it's warm. This morning my mom brought me to my eye appointment early to find out that it wasn't scheduled for June 8th but for July 8th. Which is my birthday (at 7:00 AM I might add.)
                  Originally posted by Aurora:
                  Then I asked about skirts and she said "Well. . . we don't have a policy on skirts." So I've been wearing my shortest skirt to school because I know I'm allowed to. It's really short. If I bend over in it, you can see my butt. Oh yeah. I love that skirt.
                  Aurie, you so rock. You remind me of one of my friends who wears a kimono and cat ears and enjoys cosplay a lot at school. Short skirts are cool but I like shorts better. (BTW, I got my first pair of shorts this year, I know it's weird.)
                  Originally posted by kaiba4ever:
                  Today I wore a skirt too. It's not that short though... though it's pretty short... but I like it anyway. It's black velvet-like material and has these frillies and is a Juicy (Juicy being the brand -.-;; )...
                  I want a Juicy skirt! (And purse but they're all way too expensive.) I actually do love skirts. I just don't wear them very often, I don't feel very comfortable in them...when I'm at my school. *needs higher self esteem*
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • The grade nine boyfriend-not-boyfriend dude thinks I'm hot.

                    I think he'd delusional. But it's better than him thinking I'm just "cute."

                    Maybe I can get him to buy me stuff.

                    Actually, I already got him to buy me stuff.

                    The above comments are not made seriously. I'm not that mean. He bought me a five dollar Anime North Convention pin.

                    Might I mention Anime North ROCKED MY WORLD.

                    Originally posted by Zgirl
                    Aurie, you so rock. You remind me of one of my friends who wears a kimono and cat ears and enjoys cosplay a lot at school. Short skirts are cool but I like shorts better. (BTW, I got my first pair of shorts this year, I know it's weird.)
                    I've done that before. Repetedly. People think I'm nuts when I cosplay as a japanese schoolgirl. And I wear foxy ears, but. . . they look the same.


                    • We're getting a new dress code next year (I heard someone mention dress codes up above somewhere.) No flip-flops
                      NO FLIP-FLOPS??? What kind of crazy rule is that, what's wrong with feet? They're just feet! That is awful, I love flip flops. You have security guards at your school? OMG I love juicy purses, I have three! My dad gets so mad at me for buying purses and shoes that cost anywhere from 60-180 dollars, something about me spending all my money or summat like that. Grrrrr... I love shoes... and purses! I have twelve purses that I coordinate with my outfits that are mostly pink. Somehow I make it seem like I have a lot of money, but actually I don't, occasionally I get a large amount and go and spend it right away!

                      NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

                      School's out! :bouncinghappy:

                      Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


                      • *hyperventilates*

                        See my post in 'Nita's phone number' for the reason why.

                        *stares worriedly at Hungry* 200 teachers? 20 SECURITY GUARDS?

                        Jeans? T-shirts with WRITING?

                        That's just seriously out of line.

                        As for enforcing...a couple of kids got suspended for a day in one of my old schools. The next day: no more 'problems'.

                        /headdesk *Thud. Thud. Thud.* I don't want to talk about it.

                        Today is apparently a big day for, with 'Ascension' coming out.

                        *shrugs, then leaves.*


                        • Hmm...this high school doesn't allow "flip flops", but recently they decided to allow "backless shoes" and sandals, b/c those Birkenstock clog things were popular...and also they don't allow band t-shirts, but they don't care too much about writing on the shirts (and they don't allow writing on the shirts if you write it yourself, but with a few exceptions, such as sports team signatures and on "blue and gold day" of Spirit week (homecoming week; each day that week is a theme and people can come dressed up to school then, but they don't let us come dressed up for halloween...)...uh I lost my train of thought...).

                          *whacks chime* It won't let me in! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

                          *waits for boss to get here so he can tell me whatever I need to do so I can get it out of the way*


                          • Rising from obscurity, a famed hero of the YW forums steps forward. Wielding a mystical blade and the ability to turn into a shark at will, he has come to the Forums to set the right right and the wrong left. The rumors of such a man cause every evildoer to shudder, and every non-evil doer to sigh (particularly girl non-evildoers--guys are "too cool" to sigh, apparently). But the real question is, can the Forums be saved? Can the wrong be set right? Can Gryph be properly referred to as a/the Forum Skitten, Scat, Skitty, or Pet? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

                            All these questions, and more will never be answered. Except that I can tell you that the Forums are not in need of saving, except from the power-playing fiendish Forum Moderator who goes by the alias Peter Murray, who used, coersion, blackmail, and English puns to force DD and Lee to instate him. As of now, the only one of us with enough power to keep him in check is the brave and daring kli6 (aka Agent Kathy of the FIA--the Fooseball is Awesome club...wait a minute. That's the Forum Intelegence Agency...whoops.). Though still in double digits (PM will be turning 1,000 years old this year), Kathy has been an invaluable asset to the Forums and has been able to save anyone who has been "accidentally" kicked by PM from Chime.

                            That being said, I can also confirm that "Gryphon" (if that's her real name) is, in fact, a Skitten, of the scientific name Scatius skittens. These creatures have been known to have ferocious temperments, especially when referred to by any one of thier scientific names. It is believed that consistant training of a Scat will make it docile to such a referring. Thus, help the Forums by training Gyrphon whenever you see her by calling her either a "Skitty," "Skitten," or "Scat." Thank you.

                            Now, to the topic: Our high school has a dress code, but not a uniform.

                            **If the above post seemed unusual to anyone at all, just know that you were either before my time, or I was before yours. Those of you that know me will know that I'm being entirely serious.**

                            **Especially about the "Skitty" thing.**

                            +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                            +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                            • I want to say that I agree with you sharklord- but I don't. Not really. I mean, you're putting the label of a cat who likes getting dragged around by the ears on someone who has the temper of a griffin/gryphon and that cannot be good.

                              *runs and hides before someone finds out*
                              -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                              • HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!






                                Oh, and for all of the newbies out there, I will rip out your inards with my TEETH if you repeat ANY of those names. I'll spear you on the eiffel tower, blast out your brains with grating and screaming music, and force ever inch through a paper shredder, a cheese grater, an ice shaver, and a smoothie blender. And then I'll stick a flag through your sorry remains.

                                I AM NOT A SKITTY, SKITTEN, SCAT, OR ANY VARIATION WHATSOEVER!!!!

                                I AM NOT A SKITTY, SKITTEN, SCAT, OR ANY VARIATION WHATSOEVER!!!!

                                And ATM, I will eatchu brains!!!!!!!! Before the shredding, grating, blender, shaving part. I mean, ewww for the afterwards. Do you do that to steak? Noooooo...

                                And Chime is getting the same treatment as the rest of you speaker-of-false-names.

                                I AM GRYPHON AND I HAVE SAI!

                                I would've kept my avatar longer, but I had to change it for the occaison. I saved the link, though.

                                What does "(Or I'm Bobbi from Italy)" mean? And can admins change what you put for location...? I just changed my location again 'cuz that's what it said. :/
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

