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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *sigh* So this is what happens when Chime won't let anyone in.

    fiendish Forum Moderator who goes by the alias Peter Murray
    Nope, it's not an alias.
    Please. That's "coercion".
    Kathy has been an invaluable asset to the Forums and has been able to save anyone who has been "accidentally" kicked by PM from Chime.
    So far (hint?), that's only been Kathy, you know; and I never claimed it was an accident.

    So, if the school has a dress code, do you have to wear a dress?
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • I'm going to guess this is something like the M/Marniebrown thing. So I shall do what I did then.
      How's life been treatin ya Skitty? Anything new Scat? Hope it's going good Skitten. *Runs and hides, but keeps popping out of random hiding places, sticking out her tongue and yelling "How's it hanging Skitty?"*
      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
      I promise not to funfun anymore
      Be happy cause life is good


      • HEHEHE! SkityKittyGrphypoo!! (I luff ya!!!!!)
        Hhahhahaha, and I know that Gryphypoo will do it. So you better watch out newbies!!!

        We have a dress code but no uniforms. It would be cool to see how people would take having uniforms.. I so knwo all my friends would petetion it.

        I have a few skirts like that Aurie. I just dont go around telling people that their that short lol.. and I dont bend over.

        It's okay Gryphy. *huggles* hehe, I'm on ur side anytime againts Sharky. (I luff ya too Sharky.)

        Well, I'll see yall later. Hopefuly chat will be better tomorrow and I'll see yall there!
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • *nearly falls out of chair laughing*
          If you want to know, Gryphon, or are sane enough to realise I'm saying this (just kidding), I side with the winning side. Or the funniest side. Or rather, my side. And before you rip my innards out and all the other forms of torture you have devised, first you have to figure out where I live, bundle up, trudge north through snow and ice and flooded soggy basements, and figure out where my house is among all the other flooded soggy houses in Canada. So too bad.
          And I can borrow the Invisible Scythe Of Doom from wildflower. Uh, you will let me, won't you wf? It's only for self defense...*glares at Gryphon*
          And, Gryphon, if I ran away, how did you find me?
          And Gryphon, I didn't call you Scat or Skitty or any of those names this time...*puppy eyes*

          Extra post: By the way, what's Sai?
          -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


          • Heyy! I'm back! *dances around* I'm soo happy to be home. *sigh* Even though my computer is being exceptionally slow at the moment... Anyways, I need to go catch up on the posts!

            *pause where pages are read*

            The following are random comments made when reading posts:

            1) SMITTEN! OoOo... *smirk*

            2)Amusement parks...I don't really like 'em. I mean, it's waiting and waiting and sweating and waiting. Disney World was neat, I guess, but I hate waiting in line out in the hot hot hotness. Actually, it's more the humidity. *sigh*

            3)ROLLER COASTERS! Those are fun, but I'm much to scared to go on any that loop or anything. Space Mountain in Disney World was fun.

            4)Skipping school. Not an option, even if I wanted to. I hate missing school...all the make-up work.

            5) *sigh* We have uniforms. Skirts have to touch to top of your knees. Shirts must be tucked in, 'cept for the girls' chapel shirts, which you can't tuck in. Supposedly, dress code is a lot less enforced in high school, though. Oh, and socks have to be worn and shoes have to have toes. We get jeans days. *shrug* And there are pants that girls can wear, but... AHH I'M TALKING ABOUT SCHOOL! *dies*

            6)SHARKY! *tacklehugs*

            7)Newbie gonna die...*snicker*

   is everyone doing today? I'm doing just dandy!

            Plane ride back: fairly uneventful. Get to parking lot. Find out that some idiot dented the front of the car. Nice. *taps fingers on keyboard irritably*

            I lost my fan that we walked all the way to Japan to get. *fumes* My fault, but still. Highly annoying.

            Having the attentions of a six-year old boy-child. Slightly less annoying, with a bit of amusement.

            But I'm skipping around now, aren't I? The first day we got there, we stayed at the hotel. They had us in the wrong room, but that was fixed the next day. Everything is insanely expensive there. I got a Tinkerbell pin that says "Faith, Trust, and Fairy Dust". Me like.

            Animal Kingdom. Hot. Neat little safari ride. Um... Oh wait. We went to Epcot first. As Z put it when I called him that night, "the big golfball". Yeah. That's where Space Mountain was, along with...uh...whatcha call it...Oh goodness. Mission Space, I think.

            Oh dear. I'll talk more later, but I have to go now before a raging monster comes and eats me... I mean, before my mom comes and pulls me off the computer. Toodles!
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • Talk more? I've never spoken that much ever! Unless you count any of my in-class stories that go on for twice the amount everyone else writes.
              I've never been to Disneyworld, only to Disneyland once. And we were on this tour whose guide rushed us everywhere so I didn't really get a good look at things. It was still fun, though, somehow.
              By the way, I'm not going to die. So there. Unless you were talking to someone else. And I'm not exactly a newbie I?
              And why isn't anyone on the chat? This is a first, even though I've only been here 5 days.
              Ok, that just contradicted the last line. Old habits die hard, I guess.
              What's Sai? Or is that just a Grphon thing?
              -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


              • I just got back from the NC symphony, which was neat. The last time we saw them playing, it was aimed at kids, which meant the conductor was the "And aren't we all happy to be here today?" kind of person through the whole thing, enough that I felt like yelling, "I was happy until you decided we couldn't think for ourselves." Anyway, it was worth it. And they played a track off the Harry Potter soundtrack, which was neat, even if half the people we knew didn't come because they were Christian. One track from a HP movie, and they can't come?! It's ONE SONG, and it's a SYMPHONY, and you're not going because of the HP thing.
                ANYWAY. Today was really good, and considerably less annoying, mostly because it wasn't aimed at kids. XD and they played a bit of Phantom of the Opera, which was cool.

                Er. How terrifying would that be, d'you think? To have your actual mother actually watching you actually spork Chime? *amused*
                *laughing* I'd only thought about the terrifying part, and not only because of sporking Chime. But she still has seven books to read.

                Wow. That is really interesting...btw, when did you get the Once CD? I only introduced you to Nightwish not too long ago...
                Interesting... definitely.
                I got Once toward the end of May (28th? Ish?). The same day as I got Evanescence: Fallen.

                You have to elave them in for a while. Like days. Fast-forward time of course. eventually they really want to come out and end up drowning...
                Er. XD pools are bad things to give Sims with jobs, then?

                Winter, it's JUNE!!! Unless it's winter where you live, but I don't know where you live so I wouldn't know! I'm so very confused!!!! Here it's actually sweltering hot and I am about to die on my keyboard.
                XD I had a lot of fun randomly yelling "Happy first day of Winter!" at people on June 1st. Even though I can definitely relate to the sweltering heat...

                But do you have enough computers and Internet connections for both of you to be in chat at once, or will you have to take it in turns at the DD chats?
                Fred is a wireless connection, and mom has Bob (the Windows XP). I'm on Harry, the '98. And having two people on one account is incredibly confusing, anyway...

                Hungry, I was slightly confused about your post. Where did it say that WF broke her ring? I've read these two pages three times and I can't find anything that says that...
                *goes back a page* "My ring broke... it was silver, with turquoise (my birthstone), and the silver band part of it broke. It was sterling silver, too, and I don't know what I could've been doing to break it." <--there.

                Now that school is over, I'm bored, how pathetic is that?!
                I'm bored every summer... which might be because we've always spent the summers in a really small house (we're still trying to figure out exactly how someone once raised nine kids in it) in upstate NY, seven miles from a really small town. Which means seven miles from a really small library, even if the library has the best catalouge ever... (NC libraries: *rants about, again*)

                **If the above post seemed unusual to anyone at all, just know that you were either before my time, or I was before yours. Those of you that know me will know that I'm being entirely serious.**
                Entirely serious, yes... I can believe that. And "unusual" doesn't have the same meaning as "completely insane"... And as for "scat"... :no comment AT ALL besides laughing really hard:
                XD And I like the Fooseball Is Awesome club better than the Forum <STRIKE>Insanity</STRIKE> Intelligence Agency.

                I AM GRYPHON AND I HAVE SAI!
                Fine print on side of sai: please specify that you are in fact using a sai sai, and not a rubber one, as they're virtual and the newbies can't tell.

                You have to admit, it's fun to call you that, if only to see all the different ways you're gonna die...

                What does "(Or I'm Bobbi from Italy)" mean? And can admins change what you put for location...? I just changed my location again 'cuz that's what it said.
                I thought you had it like that on purpose. It changed after the chat where you were living eighteen different places, and we went and landed you in Italy and started thinking of Italianish names, and Bobbi was the short version of one of them...

                And I can borrow the Invisible Scythe Of Doom from wildflower. Uh, you will let me, won't you wf?
                And why isn't anyone on the chat?
                Because It (yes, with an I instead of an i) DIED. It died in LITTLE BLOODY PIECES ALL OVER, and It WON'T LET ME IN. Or anyone else either, except you, judging by the recent shoutbox posts.

                What's Sai?
                These. The non-rubber kind.

                A dress code like no jeans... wow. I hadn't really thought about dress codes, but it sure sounds like they can suck sometimes.


                • Aww! I'm so sorry for you, WF.

                  Hello, ATM Machine! (Automatic Teller Machine Machine. XD)

                  ATMM, yup, those are sai. And I really own a pair. I'm not totally sure if Gryphon has a pair too. *polishes his sai*

                  *sighs* People, just don't call Gryph those names. XD

                  Or, should I say, NKoD? *laughs* I like that name.

                  Angel, just your fan? Aww. Poor you. But I can't say I'm as sorry as I normally would, because I just found my 2000 bucks worth of cello. *breaths sigh of relief, and sweats all over* You don't want to know how I lost it.

                  Missing school? *gasps* The HORROR! I never miss school. I never. But I have to miss the last day of school because my FRIENDS from HONG KONG are flying over HERE to VISIT ME! *is so excited* *huggles his friends*

                  *looks at the word 'Grphon'* Uh-OH.


                  • My friendly evil uni twin said:
                    And, yes, I'm in New Zealand Aotearoa and it is SO COLD and WINTER because I'm in the wrong Hemisphere. Like Alla. Except where Alla lives it's probably still hot enough to be considered summery where I live. Minor suckage there, although the Crusaders beat the Waratahs... I'm sure that helps somewhat
                    Of course its still warm enough here for it to be considered summer where you are. This is Queensland we're talking about . Rugby wins only help if you actually follow them - I don't.

                    Ross: NO FLIP-FLOPS
                    No thongs? Well, its not an Australian school then *sits back and waits for the newbie questions about 'thongs'*

                    Hot Pink Fluffy sharky said:
                    What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
                    African or European?

                    Gryph: Wow, I don't think a newbie has taken to calling you that so quickly yet... now all I need to do is get her calling our friendly hot pink and fluffy Sharklord insane...

                    The forum'skitten mewed: I HAVE SAI
                    hehe KNoD - shouldn't that be NKoD? - has weapons... *keeps sword beside the computer for good now and will remember to type with her vambraces on*

                    Angel: SMITTEN
                    I've got this mental image at the moment of a silly kitten with mittens with mittens (and a stripy scarf, suprisingly like Gryph's avvie...)

                    Angel again: Newbie gonna die...*snicker*
                    hehe poor Gryph *huggles* we have to stop teaching the newbies that particular name, don't we?

           is everyone doing today? I'm doing just dandy!
                    Well... now that you ask, I'm not sure whether you're meaning your 'today' or my 'today' ... when you posted that, it was actually my yesterday, but now (I think - yeah it should be right) we're actually on the same day... hehe I'm confusing myself - and probably everyone else at the same time XD. My day (today) was alright... very tiring... Work called me yesterday afternoon and asked if I could come in today (a 7am - 3pm shift). I never thought that I would want soo much to be on reggies again... I had to price check every item (not for customers, just for the store) and the manager was being grumpy because it was meant to be his day off and I didn't end up getting lunch until like 1pm... after silly me hadn't had breakfast, because I had planned to ride to work and get something from the bakery on the way, and then it started raining... so yeah... I'm really tired at the moment, but I'll keep posting...

                    ATM: I've never been to Disneyworld, only to Disneyland once. And we were on this tour whose guide rushed us everywhere so I didn't really get a good look at things. It was still fun, though, somehow.
                    Theres a difference? Hold on... I did know there was a difference XD lol... Oh! while I'm on the topic of Disney stuff, my Disney Collector Card set is now complete - after nine or ten years of chasing three of the rare cards I'm happy *huggles Ebay*

                    Winter, it's JUNE!!! Unless it's winter where you live, but I don't know where you live so I wouldn't know! I'm so very confused!!!! Here it's actually sweltering hot and I am about to die on my keyboard
                    Tis Winter for me and Tui.. although not many of you [i] would actually call my winter winter Ah the wonders of a subtropical climate ... I wish it did get colder here though, its fun rugging up against sub zero temperatures - and running around in thongs (THE SHOES!) in the snow... (I have done that by the way)

                    *practises knitting some more* I'm getting better. In *counts* 38 rows I have only dropped two stitches ...



                    • Hungry hates this. I'm sitting in a LIBRARY 70 miles from the campsite. If that isn't weird enough, guess what I'm doing. I'm setting up my iPod when I should be camping! ARGH!

                      Okay, so what have you guys posted...

                      Okay Gryphon...whatever you say....

                      Did you guys know today, June 10 is my birthday! I'm super crazily weirdly happy, because there's only 1/2 a year until I can drive!

                      Back to topic...Um, I want a sai! I know some good uses of them...or at least of rubber ones.
                      Dress codes stink big time. POLO SHIRTS AND KHAKIS?!? We got the list yesterday. I DESPISE KHAKIS. I ALWAYS DROP STUFF ON THEM. *sits in a corner and fumes at school administration*

                      I never skip school. Never. I have a 4.0 gpa. I'm not messing that up to do the stupid stuff people do when skipping.

                      But I can't say I'm as sorry as I normally would, because I just found my 2000 bucks worth of cello. *breaths sigh of relief, and sweats all over* You don't want to know how I lost it.
                      Gigo, how did you lose a cello? (It'd be interesting to know)

                      I'd say that's about it...did I forget anything? Oh well. Happy birthday to me!

                      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                      • Gigish:
                        Or, should I say, NKoD? *laughs* I like that name.
                        Me too. PPC came up with it. KNoD looks more spikey because the K is in front. (A plus!) :/ Do I want to be a ninja kitty or a kitty ninja?

                        Disneyworld is in Florida, and Disneyland is in California. The Florida one is bigger. I haven't been to Disneyland, so Disneyworld is better. XD Ohhh... did you hear? They're going to sell shark fins at the new amusement park in Hong Kong. I beleive they just slaughter the sharks and keep the fins only. Anyway, they promised to pass out a brochure about the "cruelty of shark fin dishes" but they'll sell it anyway. That's sick.

                        I think if someone taught me to knit over the summer, I wouldn't have to cut bagels when I'm bored.

                        Happy Birthday Hungry!

                        I never skip school. Never. I have a 4.0 gpa. I'm not messing that up to do the stupid stuff people do when skipping.
                        I don't really skip-skip. If the class sucks, and we're not doing anything, I'll ask to go to the bathroom and then take a walk around the school. If I'm down a floor, I'll run. HAH!! MY GPA IS 4.1!! I'm not quite sure how GPA's work, but 4.0 is the best, so 4.1 has to be something. XD I wonder what I got on my midterms. Oh, and I sure as heck didn't have straight As. *shrugs*

                        North Korea... *shudders* Now they're really freaking me out. *goes off to see how else the world is screwed*
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • I'm happy because i'm not grounded anymore!!!!! so I can get on here more and now i can come to DD chats again!! happy me!
                          Dai stiho cousins


                          • Disneyland is SO better. Ok I only think that because I'm a firm supporter of California over Florida since my grandparental units live there and I've been to Disneyland a ton of times. But if you want the cooler amusement place (read more rollercoasters and not for five year olds) go to Knott's Berry Farm. It rocks, even if I was too scared to go on most of the rides the last time I went.
                            I would never fake sick to skip school. I'm far too much of a goody two shoes for that. Plus I hate having to catch up on work. However if I'm really sick I will milk it for all it's worth and see just how many swim practices I can get out of from it.
                            MITTENS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a mitten. So would a smitten be a combination of me and Skitty?
                            Hehe, and I managed to call Gryph Skitty, Scat and Skitten without getting disemboweled or tortured in any other form. *checks limbs* Yep, they're still all there.
                            Good gravy you people write way too long of posts.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • You are too great Sharky. (And I love your avie) *huggles and laughs*
                              I don't skip school. School is something to do,I have no where to go if I skip school.
                              I'm in big trouble. My dad got mad at me for not looking him in the eye and replying to him in a complete sentence when he asked me a question. He says he's not driving me anywhere or helping me with anything all summer. Which really sucks because I won't be able to see my friends unless I bike to their houses. I also won't be able to go to YMCA Camp unless I bike. I think I will bike to the Y though because it's only 10 miles away, the only problem is it is up hill. He also changed the password to my computer, so I won't be able to scan anything to put on my deviantart!!! *cries* I'm lucky we have 2 computers. This summer is gonna be screwed.
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Happy Birthday, Hungry!

                                *keeps quiet, smiles, and waits*

                                On an online game, my character is called Gigo. I accidently moved my left hand a key to the right. Hiho. XD

                                Gryph: ninja kitty rolls off the tongue better. *goes around saying ninja kitty for the rest of the day*

                                'Ey: any of you seen the new coke commercial? ME LUVS IT! *So, let me get this straight: you put the lime in the coconut...*

                                XD XD XD

                                Hungry, I AM SO NOT TELLING YOU! Or anyone else, for that matter.

                                Smite! Smitten! Smote!


                                alla: 'friendly' is right...but HOT, PINK and FLUFFY?!?!?!?!?!

                                Y'all shall be SMITTEN, SMOTE, and QWERTIED. XD

                                Ross: do I REALLY need to answer that?

