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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Happy belated birthday Gigo! *huggles Gigo*

    Bathing suits...I still despise them. I guess I could wear a bikini if they made one with wide shoulders and a small bust. Ha, they don't even make bras like that, why would they even think about making a bathing suit like that?

    Random thought: I just ate half a carton of cookies and cream ice cream. I feel sick, but I still am hungry.

    Last night I went horseback riding for the first time in 6 months. I missed it so much. I sound like I'm sick or something when I talk out loud.

    AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Stupid piano recital...I messed up so much on something I practiced for so long on, especially on a part I could have skipped without anyone noticing- except I didn't realize that until 20 minutes after I finished.*grinds teeth*
    I quit piano at the beginning of 9th grade because I didn't have time for it. I wish I'd kept at it, but I wasn't that dedicated to it, and wasn't that good. I'm better at singing, so I joined choir. Don't worry, most people can't tell if you made a mistake unless you act like you made a mistake.

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • *huggles for Gigo!*
      I love swimsuits! My only problem is I now have marks on my back that look funny but what can I do???
      A lot of my friends go horseback riding, and a lot of them own horses. I think it must be really fun to take care of those big animals. But truthfully I wouldn't really want to for a long period of time.
      Piano is fun for me. Everybody always says "i hate piano." and then I go NO! You should lub piano!
      I got a xanga account, (which is an online blog/journal thingy.) If you guys want to see mine go to
      I haven't really done much on there though. It's cloudy and yucky outside...
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Oh my Lord I haven't been here in forever. I've been so busy lately. But luckily, the last day of school is tomorow, and the boards will be seeing a lot more of me. I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED THE JUNE DD CHAT! Oh well... Whats new everyone?

        Member of the DDFTQOTW Foundation
        Committed Fratcha Bruta
        Forever and Always


        • Hey, it was Gigo's b-day! Happy belated birthday Gigo! I wonder if anyone will remember my birthday if I tell it to them... Well it's September 11th. God I hate those terrorists, they ruined my birthday for me! Before it happened it was my birthday, no special occasion or anything, just my birthday!!! It was my tenth birthday, and I went to school expecting the usual birthday party that my class would throw on someone's birthday. Instead I sat down and the teachers talked about the tragedy that befell the victims of 9-11... I hate it, I just want to have a normal birthday again!

          Now I'm getting boring... Oooh, we were talking about swimsuits? i have a little bit of a gut, but a good plan (For me anyways.) is, suck what gut you have in while you are out of the water, no one will notice in the water... although that hasn't worked for anyone else... just for me. Oh well, I don't suggest taking my advice anyways, i know I wouldn't!

          I just learned sign language, I'm so happy, I can't do a lot, but I can do the alphabet and a few actual words (Spaghetti, bacon, rough, roar etc.) It's so fun, my friends an I sign to each other during class (When I'm not reading!)

          NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

          School's out! :bouncinghappy:

          Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


          • I ride horses, or, more accurately as of late, ponies. Er...a pony. I don't own any horses, though. Mostly, I ride Gordo, this cute pony that belongs to one of my friends, at our riding stables. He's lots of fun. I also ride the Saddlebred horses there every once in a while, like Bo. Bo doesn't like many people. He does pretty well for me, but he did his best for Ally (who now owns Gordo). Poor horsie. He felt rejected when Ally got Gordo. None of the horses are particularly stubborn with me, but they don't do extraordinarily well, either.

            *has flashbacks*

            My first show. And so far, my only show. I rode Whinnie. Or however you spell that crazy mare's name. First class. We got into the show ring...and she didn't move. Wouldn't get her big butt moving. *sigh* Second class. In the practice ring, she breaks out into a canter. Goodness. I had never cantered before on her, or any other horse, except for the time I rode western at a friend's house. Yeah. Wasn't good. She stopped eventually.

            I have a journal on AOL. It's icky. Heh.
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • I used to take riding lessons once a week, but then the friend that I did it with moved away and so we stopped hanging out and so I didn't anymore. It was really fun while it lasted though. I cantered some, that was my favorite.
              Swimsuit wise...well I spend a lot of my life wearing a swim suit. I always have tan lines. I never wear bikinis though, since I swim competetively, and you know, that just really doesn't work very well. I never really go swimming other than practice and meets though, so there would be no time to wear one. I mostly buy my suits at meets where they have cheap grabbag suits from last year. We really can't afford a couple $60 swimsuits every three months.
              I have bad thighs and a bit of a gut, however the gut's going away since I moved up in swimming and started doing lots of abs workouts. *groans* they hurt so much. Maybe I wouldn't have so much of a gut if I didn't eat so much chocolate.
              I used to hate piano, mostly because I had been playing for like seven years straight and I was SO sick of having to practice every single day. Then I missed it a lot, so now I've started again and it's a lot more fun. I love rags, jazz, and Russian rhapsodies. Plus really fast stuff that sounds extremely hard but is really just a bunch of broken chords. And then adding in harmonies to a melody line. THAT is fun. And transposing.
              Oh, and Ross, you got it right. That was We Didn't Start the Fire, by Billy Joel. Wow, you're good. My class was obsessed with that song for a while, and I got really sick of it since I already knew it really well, but now I like it again.
              The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
              I promise not to funfun anymore
              Be happy cause life is good


              • I love horseback riding. Although I'm really sore now, from that and from running cross country that morning and today.

                I ride a...let's see, if my memory's correct, a saddlebred arabian mix gelding named Cavalier. Very sweet horse, except that when he starts trotting, he always goes for the butt of the horse in front of him, but that's ok. We have personalities that click. I've never felt like that on any other horse. He's so much fun to canter on, as his is really smooth. Not so much fun to jump on. He doesn't like the poles. *Reminises (is that spelled right?) about refusing jumps and being very mad*

                My family went swimming last night. By family, I mean my dad, sister, and brother. Mom and I stayed home and made blueberry banana muffins and tacos. I love tacos.

                I have bad thighs and a bit of a gut, however the gut's going away since I moved up in swimming and started doing lots of abs workouts. *groans* they hurt so much.
                I don't think I could grow a gut. I have been trying to put on weight, as I'm being told by people that I'm too skinny. Not too much, just a couple of pounds so you can't see my ribs. Just kidding, I'm not that skinny. But close. I just can't gain weight. It's annoying.

                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                • Azen:
                  Isn't this supposed to be random?
                  Well, we talk about anything... it doesn't have to be 100% random, but it doesn't have to be related to anything anyone else said.

                  Heh. My brother turned around and asked me, "can you talk with your hands?" And then he said, hurriedly, "I mean, can you type without looking at the keyboard?" Heh, I was laughing so hard. XD

                  Gryphon, I can't knit at all. It's weird, I just can't make the needles do what I want.
                  Then we can cut bagels and fingers together. XD We're living proof against gender roles.

                  Hey, it was Gigo's b-day! Happy belated birthday Gigo! I wonder if anyone will remember my birthday if I tell it to them... Well it's September 11th. God I hate those terrorists, they ruined my birthday for me! Before it happened it was my birthday, no special occasion or anything, just my birthday!!! It was my twelfth birthday, and I went to school expecting the usual birthday party that my class would throw on someone's birthday. Instead I sat down and the teachers talked about the tragedy that befell the victims of 9-11... I hate it, I just want to have a normal birthday again!
                  *HUGGLES* :/

                  Bathing suit suggestions: go one peice. If the gut is more muscle than fat (ehm...), go two peice. XD 'Cuz then it's not noticed.

                  I umm... don't ride horses.

                  My toe is broke. Actually, I don't know what it is, but I kinda crushed it between the floor and, umm, my foot, and it really hurts. I caught it on video, too. XD I was doing kata, and I had the camera positioned so I could see what I looked like. I don't think I look as bad as I feel I'm doing, but my punches are low. The crushing of the toe wasn't during kata -- I was doing kumite drills for fun then.

                  Kata: Almost like a dance. The steps can range from... a really big number to a really small number. Because of all that's involved, they're near impossible to be perfect at. I know three, but I've done six, and I'm learning Nahanchi (sp!!!). You do katas over and over again; it's muscle memory. You don't think, you act. I can do all three of my katas without thinking. I can start from any part and continue on, too, though it does have a beginning and an end.

                  Bunkhi (sp): Using a move (or a series of a few) from a kata as an attack/defence.

                  Kumite: Actual fighting. There are different forms of this such as block/counter where the attackers take turns. It takes a lot of energy, but that's excusable seeing how fast karate is.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • I think I might just be paranoid about my gut because all of my friends are sticks. I'm not kidding, out of my...oh, seven really close friends, three of them can't gain weight and no one is fat at all. So although I'm really not fat or overweight I feel like I've got a belly.

                    I like mittens.

                    At my school people like to post locker signs when it's people's birthdays. I got two made in homeroom written on looseleaf the day of my birthday. One of my friends got about twelve, and some of them were really nice and obviously people had spent a lot of time on them. I felt so unwanted.

                    Does anyone here listen to Tegan and Sarah?
                    The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                    I promise not to funfun anymore
                    Be happy cause life is good


                    • hi! this is pretty random.. im new here, love the books and stuff.. am a main hp fan though, so sorry if i go off topic onto hp stuff.. really want hbp to come out... srry, but yeah, in new, woooo


                      • Hola Tatiana! Welcome to...well for me it's the realm of insanity, no idea what it might be to you. Make of it what you will. You might want to check out the newbie sections. Don't ask me where they are, someone far more intelligent and informed than me can tell you. Anyway, make yourself at home and BE HAPPY! Many people forget to do that too often, don't ask me why.
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • The ToGR is for randomness!

                          Welcome, Tatiana! (Wow. Am I actually the first person to welcome a newbie? Wow...) I'll let others give you the full welcome, but anywho, please use capitalization and all that jazz. Makes it a lot easier on the eyes. Trust me on this one.

                          I rode Fox for the first time at horse-back riding. He's fun. *grin* So tall...'specially after riding Gordo so much. He doesn't like to walk, though.

                          Um...Oh yeah. *throws sharp objects at Lovey* She has all the fun! For goodness sakes... She. Is. With. Shoe. and. Z.!! Goodness. *faints* *breathes* I'm okay. Sorry. *walks off muttering*

                          Edit: Oh, goodness Cress, you had to go and ruin my happiness. I thought I was first... Heh. S'okay.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Story of the day

                            Flashlight Tag and Joe
                            Rated T (for teen) for language and immaturity

                            It was just the four of us; B, T, BW, and I; because Chris couldn't play, and BB and Joe were going on some trip tomorrow, and they had to go to sleep early supposedly. Anyway, we played for a while, and it came to a lull when BW was It. T was caught, and so was B, but I was lurking behind a tree and ran out and freed them. Instead of recounting, BW shined the light up into Joe's window (we play FL tag at his house and his neighbor's). BW shouted that he was checking himself in the mirror, and Joe cracked open his window and leaned out. BW pointed the light at Joe's face. Then he said, "you can't blind his fashion sense; it's already blind!" B commented, "what color is that shirt? Is that brown? That's the color of my poop!" BW said, "No, it's yellow, the color of _my_ poop. With blue in it!" And T said, "It's green with white stripes. That's the color of my poop!"

                            For the following paragraph, please, use your judgement. If fowl language bothers you, don't read. Thanks.

                            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">So Joe came downstairs. He walked up to an inch in front of B, trying to intimidate him with his height, and he was like, "huh, what are you saying?" And he did the same thing to BW, but he looked at the trio's haircuts and said that they were all mullets. They weren't, and B tried to explain in the way that he explains stuff and failed, but it didn't matter. [Language ahead] Because BW next said that his hair was curly like his s***. And they started saying it was a s*** poodle. Joe said, "well, my s*** poodle is a babe magnet." BW was like, "Once I had a s*** poodle, and a girl slapped me and kicked me in the balls." As Joe was walking back inside, BW shouted, "and that s*** poodle was you!" Then they started making up more names for the hair like s***tsu and poopsi. The entire time, we were laughing our guts out.</span>

                            Heyyy, Tataina. I already welcomed you in chat, so... And you know we're all nice people with only a few rough edges.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Well, its been a page or so since I posted, this is going to get hard to keep up with now that you guys are mostly on holidays XD... *shrugs* I'll be on hols too in a week or so.

                              I had my chem test this afternoon. Wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too good either Two tests down, two to go

                              Horse riding: Funfunfunfunfunfunfun . I love it, although I don't get to go too often. I can canter, sit trot and rise trot to some extent. My favourite horse that I've ridden is Tex at one of the local riding schools (there are two around here, both about the same distance apart. While I'm in the mood to play with stuff on the boards, here's a pic of him.
                              He's so nice to ride, and really friendly too .

                              Hmm... looking at that website has made me want to ride there again. I'll have to look into that.

                              I had something else that I was going to mention, but I can't remember what it was... hmm...



                              • Ooh Alla, that horse is CUTE

                                Dai Tatiana! *waves* Welcome to YW

                                After today it's the weekend for me. I just have to spend most of the day assigning homeroom teachers...actually, it doesn't really take all that long, but when I'm in the chat all day and also web surfing, I get somewhat distracted. Not enough to make mistakes, but enough for it to take longer than it should. Of course, my boss assumes it will take awhile, and he'll prolly be surprised if I finish it today.

                                *wanders off to do my work and maybe try to listen to some music*

