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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Thank you guys for welcoming me, I can already tell im addicted to this site. I always wanted to do horseback riding, but I don't know how, and don't have a horsey . But he's a pretty horse.. This is the first day of summer (not really, but first day without school) and what do I do, I get up at 6:30 am.... I'm so pathetic, I can't even sleep in like a normal person.. Oh well, the thing that worries me is that just an hour after waking up, I immediately get on chat . So, now I have yet ANOTHER website on my favorties list, sigh, well, its better than all those HP sites I have, no one there is really crazy.. You guys are all insane, and thats why this place is soo fun/cool!

    Sighage, I'm usually totally random, but I can't think of anything today.. Sorry, must be the whole, its early in the morning, and I should be in school thing... Both my old first classes (we have block schedule) are kinda serious, Spanish 2 and ROTC <-- best class EVER! It's soooo fun using rifles and marching!!! And we go on all these AWSOME field trips! yay!!

    Well... I read wizard holiday in like one day... And am now reading the newest Artemis Fowl book, but after that im gonna have to read summer assignment books *shudder*. At first I thought it would be cool to read Catcher in the Rye, with the whole thing about the FBI keeping tabs on you if you buy it with a credit card (wich I didn't do)... But so far its just this stupid college boy who repeats everything twice and curses alot... Oh well.... Better than history, my Dad brought out three extra history books to help me do it, one is like 1136 pgs long, and then it has appendices... Well, I guess I did end up posting random stuff.. Sorry if it bores you guys!


    • I think I might just be paranoid about my gut because all of my friends are sticks. I'm not kidding, out of my...oh, seven really close friends, three of them can't gain weight and no one is fat at all. So although I'm really not fat or overweight I feel like I've got a belly.
      Ugh, my best firend, she has such a fast metabolism and she was anorexic for a while... (Until I fixed that *Polishes fingernails on pajamas*) Though she hasn't gained any weight, she can eat all day long and never gain weight! Same with like 4 of my other friends who are also sticks! It bugs me a lot that I'll never be as skinny as them, even if I'm as light as them, I have my dad's bone structure, I hate it! I keep in shape though, Pilates and Yoga (REALLY good for your abs!) as well as my beloved sport of basketball!

      I freaked out when I showed up to practice one night and my coach told me that the season was over! I nearly cried. I do what sports I can, even though I can't play sports where you have a stick and have to hit a ball. When there is only a ball, I am really great at it!

      NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

      School's out! :bouncinghappy:

      Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


      • Hey all!

        Happy belated belated and more belated Gigo! I absolutly love to horseback ride. I can walk, trot, sit trot, canter, gallop (but I'm bad at it. I seem to have a problem with stopping.) But I haven't gotten to ride in sooo long! Aww Alla, that horse is gorgeous! Your lucky to ride him. Don't have to wait so long untill I can ride again. 'Cause I'm taking the riding course at the camp I'm going to.
        On the topic of swim suits. I'm _really_ lucky when it comes to body type, or atl least the bystander thinks so. For those who know me well here, they know I'm really small. Its SO hard to find cloths that arent expensive when your my size. I have lots of tan lines... I swim so much in the summer its not even funny. I almost always wear two pieces. Mainly because all 1 Pieces that fit my top are too wide on my botom. I end up getting a 10 in bottoms and a 14 in tops. Ugh, it's really annoying.
        I have to go. SCHOOLS OUT! And my dad cousin and I are going on a whale watch! Oh yeah baby!


        Member of the DDFQOTW foundation.
        Commited Fratcha-bruta

        Forever and Always


        • Originally posted by Tatiana:
          At first I thought it would be cool to read Catcher in the Rye, with the whole thing about the FBI keeping tabs on you if you buy it with a credit card (wich I didn't do)...
          Heh. I think someone has watched the Mel Gibson movie "Conspiracy Theory" too many times. In that movie, the FBI tracked Mel's character through his purchases of that book. It was a plot device, not something that happens in real life

          I've been struggling to get a temp job this week, but I have a great lady at the employment agency working for me and she's so determined to get me something!

          Oh! And I have good news - there was a job with the Ministry of Defence that I applied for waaaay back in December. I got a letter in February saying that they liked me, wanted to interview but that the department I was being interviewed for was being "restructured" and all new appointments were being frozen for the time being. Well, I replied saying to keep me on their list and that was the last I heard of them. Until Tuesday when they called me and invited me to an interview on July 13th! Woo! I have a good feeling about this, I just hope it does lead to something. I really need a permanent job.

          Been watching a lot of baseball this week - deary me, the New York <STRIKE>Mutts</STRIKE> Mets have sucked rocks through a short straw. It's been a relief not to be able to watch all the game because it starts so late (for me). I've been "forced" to watch the Red Sox instead mmmmm Johnny Damon....*swoon THUD*
          Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps


          • I think I might just be paranoid about my gut because all of my friends are sticks. I'm not kidding, out of my...oh, seven really close friends, three of them can't gain weight and no one is fat at all. So although I'm really not fat or overweight I feel like I've got a belly.
            I don't know who said this, I can't remember, but never feel overweight compared to your friends, unless a doctor tells you you're overweight. Or underweight.

            My friends say I'm too skinny. Well, I can't help it. I have a fast metabolism, and you know what? It <span class="ev_code_WHITE">sucks</span> You can probably guess what I wrote in that last sentence.

            [QUOTE/]I freaked out when I showed up to practice one night and my coach told me that the season was over! I nearly cried. I do what sports I can, even though I can't play sports where you have a stick and have to hit a ball. When there is only a ball, I am really great at it![/QUOTE]

            I completely agree with you about the whole balls and sticks thing. I can't play baseball to save my life, but I do pretty well in basketball. I'm the tallest one on the team, so I'm a

            Tatiana: welcome to the boards. Lately, we've been talking about horseback riding because...well, it's random. I don't have a horse, but hey, maybe when I move out and get a real job...and a car. You think you have it bad with your dad? My dad's a history teacher, and I'm his beta tester for new courses at his school now that I'm in high school. On the plus side, the school is an all boys school...

            You know, I read WH in a bookstore. I was volunteering there and on breaks I just snuck back to the book and read it in one night...I probably should have worked a bit more.

            Just get the summer reading over quick, that's the only way to do it. I have to read, um, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, and The Odessey. Funfun.

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • About horses-ask me anything! By the way, I'm new! I love horses, but I don't get to ride a lot either. I can walk, sit and rise trot and canter. <span class="ev_code_GREEN">fun</span><span class="ev_code_RED">fun</span><span class="ev_code_YELLOW">fun</span><span class="ev_code_BLUE">fun</span><span class="ev_code_PURPLE">fun</span><span class="ev_code_PINK">fun</span>(as said before.) Seriously though. Ask me anything about horses. I read a lot. And I mean a lot.
              Two things I can't live without:
              1.) horses
              2.) Boston Red Sox


              • I've never seen "Conspiracy Theory" although I might have caught part of it randomly on tv once... Nm... But the thing about catcher in the rye is, a whole bunch of psycos in history had the book, and had highlighted/underlined parts of it... So I think it's a joke about the FBI keeping tabs on people who buy it w/ their credit card... But you never know


                • I have summer reading for the first time this summer, so I'm really paranoid and I'm going to do it really soon and write the essay that goes with it about twelve times. I might even take notes on the books for the first time ever. Of Mice and Men is good, I read it in school last year.
                  I always have tan lines. They never go away. I got them the first day of outdoor swimming. I went swimming again today. It hurt. I would like to reiterate my belief that swimming at 6:45 in the morning should be made illegal due to the fact that it is dangerous. Too many people are still asleep and thus prone to drowning.
                  I used to love horseback riding. It was my dream to own horses. Now I just want to become a novelist.
                  I can't play any sports that involve balls of any shape or form or that involve hand/eye coordination. I think it might be because I'm legally blind in one eye, and that probably screws with my depth perception just a little. I have a tendency to miss the wall when I turn during swimming.
                  Also, I was the one who said the thing about my friends being really skinny. I don't exactly feel overweight, just not...really skinny. Someone at swim team said I was skinny and I was like NO! I am not skinny! Because I'm used to everyone being a lot smaller than I am.
                  "I freaked out when I showed up to practice one night and my coach told my that the season was over!" I hate that feeling. I'm always really paranoid about whether I'm on time or at the right place or there on the right day. I've showed up at the wrong pool for swimming TWICE! Once I just skipped practice because I couldn't get to the other pool on time, but the other time I had to practice with a different group. The harder group. IT HURT! I could barely finish the set and it was easier than anyone else's too. I felt just dandy afterwards.

                  Ok, so since the last time I posted random song lyrics someone got it on the first guess (grrr...) I'm going to post MORE random song lyrics! For some reason I like seeing if people listen to the same music that I do. So, see if you can guess what song the following lyrics are from. Chinese chicken. Dons la maison. Smoking man. Living room. Robbie. Stop think. Aquaman. Sushi. Wasabi. Burt Kambert. Vanilla. Vertigo. Rug burns. X-files. Harrison Ford. Snickers.
                  The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                  I promise not to funfun anymore
                  Be happy cause life is good


                  • I've missed tons...goodness...

                    Let's see...

                    About Sharky and the unladen swallow:
                    When Angel told me about that I was like 'AFRICAN OR EUROPEAN?!?!!?' And she was like: Too late. Darn

                    Um...let's see...darn I forgot everything...

                    uh...there's a magical trevor 2. not as good though.

                    Um...let's see...uh...Horses! My family has lotsa horses! We have 2 Amish work horses, Pete and Prance, we have an Appaloosa, Charlie, we have a quarter horse, Derby, and some others...Rocky, Ginger, Cookie, Cocoa, Blue Moon, and then theres Rebel and Two Beers, who both died. and some others...ish.

                    Swimsuits! One-pieces don't fit me. I like two pieces. A lot. I've been told I look fine in them. *strikes a model-pose* Hah. Joke. No one's said that. But I'm in good shape so, yeah.

                    I watched PotO this weekend. I had the hardest time crying. Which made me cry. I think it was Dani's fault because at the end she's like: "What's with the monkey?" There's a long story behind why she said that, but that's probably why I couldn't convulse with tears as usual. Anywho...

                    Let's talk about my unusually eventful week!

                    R stands for me. A stands for Shoe. S stands for gorgeous Spencer. Z stands for love of Angel's life, Z.

                    -2:30 pm
                    R: *calls <span class="ev_code_BLACK">Shoe</span>* Yo.
                    A: Yo.
                    R: I'm bored.
                    A: Throw your bass in the car; you're coming over.
                    R: *throws bass/amp in car and goes over*
                    -At Shoe's house:
                    A: Yo.
                    R: Yo.
                    S: Hey.
                    R: *blinkblink* Hey.
                    S: I wrote you a bass line.
                    R: Oh?
                    S: Yeah. It's a rip off of Black Sabbath.
                    A: *inserts Black Sabbath CD*
                    R: I see.
                    S: *teaches R bass part*
                    A: So, yeah. We're going to play at my church's Vacation Bible School today for the kiddies.
                    R: Yo, we're leaving, like, in 5 minutes. No time to learn.
                    A: Oh...I see...Well, seeing as how Spencer and I have been doing this all day, we'll play and you can join the church band when we play on Wednesday.
                    S: NO. She is playing bass TONIGHT (and Wed.).
                    R: If you have a keyboard, Shoe, I can play that. Plus, I'll sing with ya.
                    S: NO. You are playing bass.
                    A: I think I have one...*goes to check*
                    R: Yoink! *steals Spencer's phone*
                    S: Hey now! *lunges for phone*
                    R: *puts phone in back pocket* Don't even go there.
                    A: Got it! *walks in with foot long box.*
                    R: Uh...that is definately only 2 octaves. *attempts to play 'Think of Me'* NO!!! It requires 4 octaves!! *Puts bass in case*
                    S: *attempts to grab phone while R is turned around*
                    R: Not happening. *places hand over rear* Tell ya what. I'll give it back. JUST DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF ME (which he was previously attempting to do) *hands phone back and returns to tiny piano*
                    A: Maybe you should be our keyboardist!
                    S: She is playing bass!!! *takes picture of R*
                    R: Hey now!
                    -*all go to vbs*
                    R: *takes Spencer's watch and wears it rest of day*
                    A: *recieves lots of 'that your girl?'*
                    R: I DO NOT BELONG TO ANYONE!!!
                    A: Girlfriend? No. Friend? Yes. Bassist? Yes.
                    R: *returns watch to Spencer*
                    -Later that night:
                    R: *talks to A and S online*

                    Go to movies.
                    R: *takes Spencer's watch off and places it on her wrist*
                    Goes to vbs. This time just with Shoe.
                    Paint lots of faces.
                    Go to pizza place with a bunch of high school guys.

                    Same thing. Except with Zach.
                    LOTS of face painting. They won't leave me alone.
                    That's about it.



                    (I've hidden today's musical content somewhere in here...heh heh...well..not really)


                    • Hey all,

                      Quote By Seabiscuit1009:
                      My friends say I'm too skinny. Well, I can't help it. I have a fast metabolism, and you know what? It _____.

                      Oh my God! Me to! All my friends make fun of me because they think I'm _too_ skiny. And I totally can't help it either! It I HATE it! It makes me feel like something is horribly wrong with me!

                      Kerry- you love the Sox too!? Wohoo! Another Sox fan on the YW boards is great with me. I'm like, one of he biggest Red Sox fans ever!

                      Ahhh... Summer reading. Ewwww! I can't stand it. And get this. If your going to assign us to read, than give us more than 3 books! My teacher expects us to read ONLY three books. Theres NO way I can do that. But I'm so bad at finding good books that I'll end up being book deprived! Just give us a reading list! Anybody know any good books?


                      Member of the DDFQOTW foundation
                      Commited Fratcha-Bruta

                      Forever and Always


                      • Originally posted by Kerry a.k.a jinx:
                        About horses-ask me anything! By the way, I'm new! I love horses, but I don't get to ride a lot either. I can walk, sit and rise trot and canter. <span class="ev_code_GREEN">fun</span><span class="ev_code_RED">fun</span><span class="ev_code_YELLOW">fun</span><span class="ev_code_BLUE">fun</span><span class="ev_code_PURPLE">fun</span><span class="ev_code_PINK">fun</span>(as said before.) Seriously though. Ask me anything about horses. I read a lot. And I mean a lot.
                        Oh, no a newbie and the funfuns... . Welcome to the Boards Jinx - and to the (to quote our wonderful Admin Lee) 'Legendary Topic of Great Randomness'!!! I'm sure you'll fit in. See the Newbie section for more info on the boards, and try to make it to the chat at some stage.

                        Lovey: Quarterhorses are nice Swallows XD... wow, we really do watch too many of those movies. Its kinda amusing in a way - that we all like that sort of thing And its cool.

                        AH! Physics.. I have a physics exam on monday ... at 8am... I gotta go and study ...



                        • I love the horse alla! Sorry, forgot to include that in another post.

                          Today I got up at 6:30 to go running with the cross country team. Not funfun. I hate getting up early, but I do love to run. I just ate a frozen pancake. And a blueberry banana muffin. This is random. But I'm dead to the world. I'm staying up all night tonight because we're doing a walk-a-thon thingie for cancer. Very funfun. I need to go buy some Dr. Pepper or Coke for the caffeine. Next week in horseback riding we're starting jumping again. I'm not that good at jumping, especially when I'm on Cavalier *huggles Cavalier* I love that horse so much, but he is as stubborn as I am.

                          Are my feet still here? *Looks at feet* Yeah, they're just asleep.

                          I'm going to go do stuff, so I can stay up all night and run around my high school track and eat and stuff.

                          You know, this post makes absolutely no sense when I re-read it.

                          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                          • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                            • Wow Gibby, it's so great to hear from you! ^^ I'm really glad your finals went well and your graduation. And I'm glad you have more free time. And your fuzzles are of course looking great.
                              I have been reading the TOGR and every other topic, I just have not been posting. I have joined xanga and have found people on YW and in real life that I really never got to know. Like this one kid named Jong, at school I thought he was weird...had a temper...but online he's probably one of the most sweetest polite person I've ever talked to. (Not of course counting you guys.) I gues it just goes to show you.
                              Ah Seabiscuit! Running is bad! BADBADBAD! Ecspecially in the morning. I hate running.
                              I've been reading Harry Potter over (the 5th book) and it makes more of an impact the second time. I find myself reading it like I read manga, (which is where I am highly involved and I laugh and yell at the book. I also talk to it.) And I've been having Harry Potter like dreams, Like I'm in Hogwarts doing stuff. In one of them, I had a pet penguin instead of an owl, who liked to slide around on his belly in the showers!!! (Keeping in mind all my friends are obsessive with penguins and I had a penguin doll my brother was playing with in my room right before I went to sleep.) Anyways I had to give up the penguin because Umbridge was being annoying and I gave it to Hagrid. (Wow I am losing my mind.)

                              My neighbors from Italy are going back to visit Italy this summer and they want me to water their garden, I have no problem with this. But instead of paying me they offered me any gift from Italy. I said a purse joking...and she goes "Prada? Louie Vuitton? Or Gucci?" My mouth basically dropped open and I'm like, "Uh, I'll think about it..." Then She's like, "How big do you want it?" And again I was like whoa!!! This is so cool! One of my friends I went swimming with yesterday (swimming means we laid on the beach because the water was really cold.) she told me to get Prada. I've chosen Gucci.
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • I watch movies the way you read manga. Especially LOTR or when I'm really hyper. I like to yell at people for being stupid and tell them what's wrong with the movie.
                                Gibby-you write too much. In a good way of course.
                                Seabiscuit-You think 6:30 is bad? I have to be up at 5:45 every weekday this summer so that I can go swim for two hours. Oooooohhhhhhh it's painful.
                                Hehe, the funfuns are taking over. They shall live for ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!!
                                Was there a swallow carrying coconuts?
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

