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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hey, don't blame me if the swimmers are crazier than the runners. I could never be a swimmer, I can keep my head above water and that's about it.

    My cousin's a swimmer, only she doesn't go to summer practices because she's a lifeguard.

    I love my track and cross country teams. They're made of really great people. At least, they keep me from getting too bored with life. We do weird things, like steal signs. Well, not really our suburb, if a sign is on the ground, we can take it. THe police said so. So we've got a sign that says "This is the home of a St. Justine's track and field athlete." And some more funny ones.

    You know what? I've been sitting at this computer since I got home from cross country, and I've gotten, let's see, 4 reviews for my fanfiction stuff while I've been sitting here. Creepy. That's more than I normally get in a month.

    You know what? I have no life.

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • Seabiscuit: Don't feel bad. I don't have a life either.
      sorry one liners!!!
      penguins will rule the world.


      • *flips out*

        EXAAAAAAAAAAMS!!!!!!!!! I"M GOING TO FAIL I"M GOING TO FAIL I"M GOING TO FAAAAAAAILLLLL. . . no, I'm not just going to fail, i'm going to be CRUCIFIED on the exams! T_______________T Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! >< >< >< ><!!!! *sniffle* *tears*

        but on the brighter side of life, I'll be taking a tuition-waived university course next year. waaaaaaaaai. while i'm in my senior year of high school.

        i'm so masochistic.


        • I join you in your exam-horror, Aurie, but I bet you haven't got an exam on Tuesday that you haven't even started studying for yet. >.> Hmm, yeah, I should probably get on to that. Anyone know anything about Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleii types 1 and 2?


          Shame. *sigh*
          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


          • No, Tui, I don't have an exam on tuesday that I haven't started studying for, I have an exam on MONDAY that I haven't started studying for. That being said... WHAT am I doing here? AHHHH *freaks* ...

            I can't help you with that Tui... what is it? Chem? I have already had my chem test, I've only got physics and maths left to study for



            • HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have ANY exams for a REALLY long time, because it's summer vacation! YES! However I do need to start on my summer reading because I just got my books. I don't want to read Huck Finn, I'm in the middle of a good book and after that I want to start on some more of Shakespeare's comedies. If I get the complete works of Shakespeare for graduation I should at least get enough time over the summer to start reading part of it. I've only read Much Ado About Nothing so far, and it was hilarious. I love Beatrice.
              Seabiscuit-We're not crazy...ok not THAT crazy. It's the people in the group above me that are crazy. They're supposed to go to practice 9 times a week (twice a day) and they swim at 6:00 in the morning. ALL YEAR ROUND. I will never move up.
              The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
              I promise not to funfun anymore
              Be happy cause life is good


              • Gibby! You're alive! *huggles*

                My week has been...interesting, to say the least. Well, not as far as doing stuff, but- I'm confusing myself.

                Two days ago I caught Z in the "Nevermind Rule". For those of you who don't know, the Nevermind Rule states that 1) you must finish what you were saying and, 2) you must tell who you like.

                A good incentive not to say nvm, if I do say so myself.

                Anyways, he's like "Why do you want to know so badly?" Of course, his spelling isn't nearly that good. *snicker* But that's what he meant. So, for some stupid reason, he told Shoe that I had caught him in the NVM rule. He made a chat room with him, shoe, a (shoe's not-girlfriend, 'cause she's not aloud[*cough* sorry, "allowed"] to "date" yet), and me. He tells Shoe to say it, 'cause it's too hard for him. He promises Shoe that he won't kill him.

                Then shoe goes "HI MATO!" Of course, I pretend to be really dense and go "I'm not a tomato." Then he spells it out for me by going, "He likes you, Lindsay."

                Yes, that's my name. Lol.

                I couldn't stop smiling the whole rest of the day, and even now I keep getting this stupid look on my face. *slaps self* We're not like "going out" or anything, which makes everything all the more awkward. Lovey is positive I'm obsessed 'cause I've been talking on the phone with him for hours every day.

                So today I've been cleaning out school stuff that I haven't gotten around to throwing away yet. I find all these random poems and unfinished stories. Like, things from 6th and 7th grade, along with last year's poor attempts at literary works. Yeah. It's fun to laugh at things I've written in the past.

                So yeah. I'm just really out of it right now. This song describes me wayy too much right now. Extremely sad.Why Don't You and I

                Just another sappy love song that gets stuck in my head all too easily. I hear it all the time on the radio. I dunno who sings it then. Anyways, the lyrics on this site have lots of typos. *cringe*

                Wow. This post has turned out really long and I'm not even finished talking. I'll never get posts as big as Gibby's, though. *grin* I finally made an account on xanga and it's really bad and generic and... I just don't like it very much. My Xanga

                Edit: I'm having issues with the links...*tries to fix 'em*
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • I've been done with exams for about a week and a half! Yeah!

                  Zgirl- it's okay, I'm used to not having a life. I just spent Friday night in my high school's football stadium, camping out to raise money for cancer research. The sad part is that I probably couldn't have found anything better to do on Fridy night.

                  Good luck with your exams guys!

                  -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                  • I used to think I didn't have a social life, but I guess I do... *ponders* Since I just went to the movies this past Tuesday and we're planning like tons of parties for the summer, I suppose that would be what one calls a "social life". *snicker*

                    Oh. Pizza's here! *goes to gobble up food*
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • *Groan* *rubs at eyes* I don't know how far behind in TOGR I am. I haven't really been reading.

                      My mom just walked up to me with my blue totoro singing, "Hey let's go... hey let's go..." and then, "these are the only words I know... hey lets go." Then she noticed the music I was listening to and started making face. So she put down the totoro on my desk, turned around, and hurried out of my room. XD Slipknot rocks.

                      Yoga (REALLY good for your abs!)
                      I always hear the Yoga is good for if you have a beer belly, so it had better be. And my mom has near perfect balance; she does pilates and yoga. Or at least used to. I don't know what she does now 'cept body building. *shrugs* We did push-ups, sit-ups, and obliques (?) today at karate. It was my first day as a blue belt. To tell you the truth, I don't know how I got it. See, I hadn't gone to karate for about a month, and the first day back, well... I guess my stances were really good? I did kata and I kicked N in the face. It was a pretty good round kick, but I kicked her in the face... So, um, yeah.

                      Hah. I'm not a horse person. I'll stick to cats.

                      *cheers for Mitchy's job*

                      Heyy, I know this is really late, but welcome Kerry aka jinx. So Jinx, I guess.

                      Lovey's music is loading... the circle is spinning backwards now WTF


                      *huggles Gibby to death*

                      Heh. Mom mentioned how I littered on the way home from waterice. I dropped the spoon twice. Dad joked, "evertime you laugh, God kills a kitten." !! *snort*

                      I love running.


                      Oh, yeah, I remember my dream from just before I woke up. I was in the school bus, going to school, but the Spanish teacher was driving. At one point, it was like she was in a taxi cab and the middle of the bus was connected to the end of it. It wouldn't make sense outside of the dream, but it did then. She was kinda mean. Oh, and when I got to the school, it wasn't my school, but... in the dream it was, and there was stuff to buy, but I didn't have any money, so I took music from a friend's purse and put it in a big CD player that I must've brought with me (...).

                      A snake, a snake! Snake, ooh, it's a snake.

                      Y'know what, I'll be walking down the sidewalk one day, singing this. I started to for Magical Trevor, then caught myself. Gahh

                      Nnn... I can post this now. And say that I'm caught up. *shudders* Not at VGDawn... I printed up The Castle, even, but I haven't read taht. Slacker gryphish. But now that Las has replied, I can sit down and write out the plotline and the members won't be able to kill me anymore. That's a plus, along with the fact that, once that is done, I can start recruiting from other places. Wooh, and I want to finish my layout.

                      I tore up my feet. Not, surprisingly, from karate. From walking. Barefoot. On hot, rough street. Woooh

                      But it was worth it for a tropical punch gelati. :P
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Originally posted by Birdhead:
                        I join you in your exam-horror, Aurie, but I bet you haven't got an exam on Tuesday that you haven't even started studying for yet.
                        No, but I have an exam on WEDNESDAY that I haven't started studying for!

                        I have Math, Physics and Chemistry Exams. Ick.


                        • I didn't have to take my Science final! Haha! I made 100% on the (practice) SOL, which is the same exact test as the Final. Plus, it was optional for honors. Hmm...math final was split into two parts, and taken over two days. That was easy, but I NEED 100 on it, because I have to get a high A to make an A as my permanent grade. Ahhh! I have no idea about the rest of the finals. I don't think I have any more, but they're not keeping us well informed. I think they care more about the award ceremonies. I know I do!

                          Grrr. This guy who sits next to me in chorus borrowed my Wicked CD. Why on earth did I lend a guy I barely know my most precious possession? *slight blushing* Well...he's kinda cute, and really funny and he's not mean to me at all, like most guys are (but he's mean to my friend). Plus, he lent me .hack and I had a general feeling I could trust him, because Steph knows him. Yet it's been over a week and he still has it. (I know he's taking good care of it, though. He put the lyrics book in order, and when he couldn't staple it together, he took one staple and put each paper on individually.) <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Can it be any more obvious that I have a crush on this guy??!!! Well, he's the best "candidate" on my crush list. (Only 4 or 5 people.)</span>
                          I'm so tired. I don't know when I went to bed last night, except that it was after midnight, and I woke up at 8. Why? I was Boy Scout camping. Now, it's almost 1 am. So excuse any run-on sentences or errors, b/c I'm dead tired.

                          Hmm...did I say my chorus concert went well? I love performing with an audience...I want to be a singer or an author...maybe an actress later on...but mostly singing, because I know I can...but lately, I've been trying to sing deeper parts, like tenor and a little bass, even though I'm's ruining my voice...I'm now having trouble singing higher notes, like real soprano notes...this is a super random sentence, and a sign that I should be sleeping.
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • I have not posted in here in forever. Finals are done, vacation has come. Haha rhyme! In any case, on tuesday I'm starting my voulenteering (sp?) at the library... I'm working the adult section that day, which basically means I sit at the information desk and/or run around pulling old books off of the shelves.

                            Umm... let's see, what else... I dunno. Been having YW dreams... It was kinda funny, last time. S'ree and I took a swim around. ^^
                            "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                            "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                            • I'm dead to the world...kill the cockroaches...

                              I'm so tired. I don't know when I went to bed last night, except it was after midnight, and I woke up at 8. Why? I was Boy Scout camping. Now, it's almost 1 am. So excuse any run-on sentences or errors, b/c I'm dead tired.
                              Aw, feel better! Why were you with the Boy Scouts? Do you have a brother in them, because my brother's in them, and last weekend I had to go camping with them...not funfun. Many mosquitos. But we went kayaking/canoeing. I like kayaking and canoeing.

                              I tore up my feet. Not, surprisingly, from karate. From walking. Barefoot. On hot, rough street. Woooh
                              I did that once on the way home from school because my shoes were hurting and giving me blisters. Then, I had blisters and burned feet from hot sidewalk. Very stupid thing for me to do. I couldn't walk for a few days without crutches.

                              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                              • I got a LJ last night! I'm mikonhana. link, if you want it...

                                A late welcome to all the newbies, and a really late happy birthday to everyone who had one.

                                Sunburn is inevitable. But at least it wasn't bad this year.

                                Is it bad to have two PotO songs in your playlist on the compy, and sing them at people in chat without knowing anything about the actual plot and stuff?

                                uh...there's a magical trevor 2. not as good though.
                                WHERE? *goes looking for it*

                                Found it.
                                You're right, but still... how do people come up with this stuff?

                                Are my feet still here? *Looks at feet* Yeah, they're just asleep.
                                XD that happens to me all the time. It makes perfect sense.

                                Do not fear, for I have not left. On the contrary, I have always been here, lurking over the topics, watching over the situations (somewhat), keeping up with some of the concepts and conversations that have been going on here during my two or three month absence from here. But it has come, once again, to show my face; to reveal that I am still alive, just busier then I have ever been before.
                                GIBBY! *tacklehuggles* Hi!

                                And I've been having Harry Potter like dreams, Like I'm in Hogwarts doing stuff. In one of them, I had a pet penguin instead of an owl, who liked to slide around on his belly in the showers!!! (Keeping in mind all my friends are obsessive with penguins and I had a penguin doll my brother was playing with in my room right before I went to sleep.) Anyways I had to give up the penguin because Umbridge was being annoying and I gave it to Hagrid. (Wow I am losing my mind.)
                                Hehehehe. Now I have this image of Hagrid with a penguin and one of the remaining skrewts in his backyard, and... ok, not a good image. Poor penguin.

                                I watch movies the way you read manga. Especially LOTR or when I'm really hyper. I like to yell at people for being stupid and tell them what's wrong with the movie.
                                I do that with Harry Potter... Prisoner of Azkaban mostly. Still. Every single time I see the movie I have to yell at them for not taking ten seconds (TEN SECONDS!!) to explain the Marauders. *growls*

                                A snake, a snake! Snake, ooh, it's a snake.

                                Y'know what, I'll be walking down the sidewalk one day, singing this. I started to for Magical Trevor, then caught myself. Gahh
                                *laughing* I can't sing Flash movies, or I'll end up awake the entire night singing them silently. Unless I sing them and then listen to a whole lot of music afterwards. Like when I really seriously couldn't get to sleep from Magical Trevor, I listened to two CDs straight through. I guess it helped.

                                I'm dead to the world...kill the cockroaches...
                                COCKROACHES. *shudders* Kill all of them. There can't possibly be some kind of animal that's gonna die if cockroaches go extinct. I don't think anyone would care except that bug guy from Men in Black. And he doesn't count because I think he's dead.
                                But there might be a page somewhere with all the reasons that cockroaches are good things to keep.
                                I doubt it, though.

