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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I'm wondering about nicknames... Mine has a kind of history. My real name, is Julie (Not Ross) My best friend Coco and I were really bored one day and decided to make almost untraceable nicknames for each other. Mine is because my other nickname is Jewel, so we were thinking Jewel... Jewellers... Ross (The jewellery store!) It was really rather fun!

    What are your nicknames???

    NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

    School's out! :bouncinghappy:

    Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


    • Everyone calls me ATM. As in Automated Teller Machine. Don't ask for any money, though, because I'm broke. Even in Monopoly money terms, because half of my Monopoly money is in the landfill somewhere, and the other half is somewhere in the basement without any hope of being found. And I don't even get an allowance. Now that's broke.
      -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


      • VK:
        COCKROACHES. *shudders* Kill all of them. There can't possibly be some kind of animal that's gonna die if cockroaches go extinct. I don't think anyone would care except that bug guy from Men in Black. And he doesn't count because I think he's dead.
        *sob* Papa Roach...

        On of my IRL nicknames is "Mabeepie". From my brother. I have a cat named Cassie, and my brother thought it was funny to replace the "ass" with "beep" because it was a bad word. So Cassie was Cabeepie. I don't know how the M got attached onto it to get mine, but hey.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Why were you with the Boy Scouts?
          Disturbing-ness. The quote was pre-done for me when I clicked "Reply". Oh well. Yes, I have a brother in them. Well, really it was Cub Scouts, but I have a brother in both. Doesn't matter; I don't WANT to go camping with Boy Scouts. They're closer to my age. And they hike for a mile, with gigantic backpacks. Seriously, I think my brother's backpack is bigger than him. I do Boy Scout stuff all the time. I've gone to Boy Scout camp twice, because I didn't have anything better to do.

          Finals are done, vacation has come. Haha rhyme! In any case, on tuesday I'm starting my voulenteering (sp?) at the library... I'm working the adult section that day, which basically means I sit at the information desk and/or run around pulling old books off of the shelves.
          *tackles* Yay! I missed you! Even though you weren't gone that long...oh well. Unfair! I can't work in the JFIC yet! I can't even shelve! (JFIC is Junior Fiction, with chapter books like Animorphs and Nancy Drew. I work with JPs, Junior Picture books, and JRs, Junior Readers.) I think you have to actually work at the library as a paying job to work in the adult section, or even YFI
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • Let's see, here my nickname is hungry, as a result of the shoutbox thingie and Alla...hehe. At basketball, track, cross country, horseback riding, and, well, everywhere, my nickname is seabiscuit. I'm also skinny minnie because I'm so skinny. I hate that nickname. People call me lots of weird stuff. In 4th grade people called me Hermione...*sobs, I'm not that much of a geek!* Yeah, I guess that's about, wait, my english teacher called me invisible, because I was in a class with really loud people, and by nature I'm a quiet person, so I had some trouble in that class, especially sinc part of the grade was class participation...stupid idea, class participation grade...

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • Ooh, are we talking about nicknames right now?

              My nicknames here are Qwerty, Gigish, GT.

              ATM, your full name is Automated Teller Machine Machine. Ever heard of the phrase: ATM Machine? That's what it stands for.

              Hello, Gibby!!!

              In real life, I have lots and lots of nicknames. I can't say any of them, though, because then you would know my real name. Ah, what the heck. :P

              My nickname right now is: *smacks anyone who laughs* The cow. XD

              It's because I can draw really cool cows, and...something.

              I've also been called Hobbs. Do not call me that. Everyone calls me that to annoy me.

              By now, you should have figured out my real name. *innocently reads a Calvin and Hobbs comic* *whistles*


              *glares at everyone who is out of school already*

              I still have a long week ahead of me.

              What's wrong with cockroaches??? They didn't kill you.

              It would be cool to be a cockroach. That way, if George Bush somehow blew up the world, we could still live.

              I can't believe it. I totally blew third term. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!

              *stares crestfallen at his grades* *every single one has dropped*

              NO A'S!!!


              Not even in Math and Science.

              I'm singing "In the navy" to everyone that I meet. They're really annoyed.

              Dreams? Here are my dreams...

              [Blankness. Blankness. And more blankness.] Then this guy comes up, I'm lying on an operating table, and the guy is saying: Look, man, we can rebuild him. Smaller. Cooler. Smarter. We have the technology. We have pancakes. [I'm warped into a freaky pancake world] [I get the impression that I'll die in here if I don't get out] [me forgets what happens next]

              I've gotta go. Bye!


              • *tackles* Yay! I missed you! Even though you weren't gone that long...oh well. Unfair! I can't work in the JFIC yet! I can't even shelve! (JFIC is Junior Fiction, with chapter books like Animorphs and Nancy Drew. I work with JPs, Junior Picture books, and JRs, Junior Readers.) I think you have to actually work at the library as a paying job to work in the adult section, or even YFI
                No, not for us. But you can't really do much... but in the fall I'll be sixteen and I could get a paying job at the library... seven bucks an hour is pretty darn good!
                "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                • *yawns*
                  Another week at least the Internet here is working again, or I'd be pissed. I'm ALREADY EXTREMELY PISSED b/c my Playstation memory card erased itself for no good reason in the middle of a game. It's a hard game (Tomba! 2) and I was actually doing EVERYTHING myself without the help of my younger sis, who is usually the one who does the actual playing. I was more than halfway through, and it ERASED. I was SO MAD. Also, Kelly's game of Harvest Moon got erased. (Harvest Moon is a farming game) She was in the middle of the second year and she was married (to Ellie) and had a baby already. The stupid thing has erased once or twice before, but did I ever think to replace it? NO, and now I'm paying for it...all I can think about is that I can't go home after work and play the game....well, technically I can, but I'd have to start over from the beginning and that would really suck. I'll prolly switch back to XBox for awhile and play Enter the Matrix from Ghost's POV, b/c I already beat Niobe's part. I CAN'T WAIT for The Path of Neo to come out, it looks SO AWESOME!

                  Anyway, my dad came over on Saturday and we did a lot of stuff, mainly go karting. My dad brought his own and we rode around on a gravel road for awhile, then later we went to a track at a "family fun center" and rode the ones there. It was ok, but I don't really like driving all that much.

                  I'll be in and out of the chat today, and I hope the comp doesn't decide to spazz again b/c I'm REALLY not in the mood for it today.

                  *huggles all*


                  • I'm going to go on a spelling rant: here be it:

                    Mato, my short on stature, not on energy friend: allowed. not aloud. That's really more of a homonym (sp?) probelem...

                    ARGH! I hate this song! "Sugar, We're Going Down" by Fallout Boy. Don't ask me why, I just do.

                    Gigo, the master of assembling enough one-liners to make a full post : Hobbes. Not Hobbs. Done now.

                    *feeds carnivorous fish* Eat my day we shall kill them all..wait...are you reading this? Just a joke..only a joke... *shifty eyes*

                    Riight...I have a lot of random music info, but I don't feel like putting it all here. I already put it on my Xanga site....y'all should go see...

                    Wait...wait for iiiiit....WAIT I SAID...okaaaay....okaaaaaaay....cliiiick riiiight.....HERE!!!

                    Yeah. Go see it. Lindsay and Emily haven't subscribed to it yet...*glare* I'm so happy I can call her Lindsay now...hee hee...but y'all already know who I am...(on that note...I don't know that I have any nicknames besides "Hey you over there...") Riight. Back onto Xanga. Anyway, Linz is supposedly saying she can't! You should go see Emily's sister's one point in time I had the same background as her, but when I found out that she had it...I figured it'd be easier to change mine than to get her to change hers... I loved it though. "I love you, now die." It rocks.

          's song is "Ohio is for Lovers" By Hawthorne Heights. Rather than just post the lyrics, I'm going to have you all go to my Xanga site. At the top, just under the header, is my lovely playlist. I'm proud of it. Just select the song from the drop-down list and press the 'rock on' button.


                    Oh, and do we all hate Lovey now for Trevor and the badgers? I know I hate Shoe for showing them to me...

                    The guy I thought I liked, but that I've heard actually says he's trying to forget that I like him so we can go back to being friends (*scowl*) would walk up to me and go 'footyfootyfootyfooty...ENGLAND ENGLAND!' and we'd walk down the hall doing that. We showed it to him while everyone else was in D.C. That and 'somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!' Kudos to anyone who can tell me where that's from. Not Lindsay though. Even if you don't know it. Oh, the footy is from the football badgers. If y'all didn't see that, I'll put up the link next post.

                    Leaving now! Bye bye!

                    (Gryph: MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!)


                    • Wait a minute, Gigo's a guy? (Maybe I do have listening problems.) Gigo, do you like computers? (Just a guess, since you said one of your nicknames was Qwerty, and that's the left hand top row of the keyboard...
                      Too bad you're still in school. I've been out for 2 weeks

                      Gigo: What's wrong with cockroaches??? They didn't kill you.
                      I'm afraid of all's a girl thing And there are cockroaches in my school cafeteria...and people don't understand why I spend my lunch hour in the library...

                      That stinks about your grades. I'm kind of upset about mine too. I got A's in every class, except for my favorite one, A.P. U.S. History. That class was great...and the guy I like was in it No, I'm not obsessed...why do you ask?

                      This morning, I woke up and remebered 3 of my dreams. Weird. See, the first one was about summer school gym (we can take gym during the summer for credit instead of during the school year for $100. It's so much easier than taking it during school.) Anyway, it was finals time. And the final was testing how well you dealt with they held me over the side of really high treehouse...and dropped me. Isn't that a crazy dream? Then, I dreamed I was Nita...not as weird as the summer school one. I ate a cabbage in that dream...Lastly, I dreamt I was on the Inferno on MTV. I don't even watch MTV. It was challenge time, and we had to do this weird scavenger hunt thing inside of 2 treehouses. I see a theme of treehouses...

                      You know what? Maybe I am crazy...or I had too much fundip last night...

                      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                      • Lesse, nicknames for me...Liver and Onions, Olive Garden. You don't need to know where they came from. Cress is just a name I like, nobody actually calls me that. Um, crazy. Igledeebivia, or however I feel like spelling it.
                        I got A's in everything, which I'm really happy about because at mid-tri I was getting B's in like five things and I was really really worried about it, but they went back up and I'm happy.
                        I don't know the badger thing. Someone post a link, PLEASE! I must know about the badgers.
                        Oh, does anyone have any random favorite sayings? I know that's really random, but that's the point of this isn't it?
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • Life is like a rubix cube, you can get in so many positions.

                          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry (that's all I've got right now...I'm too hungry to think of more.)


                          • Seabiscuit: My grades absolutely suck, but somehow this last quarter I pulled off all A's and B's. And the guy I like was in my U.S. History class, too...

                            Ooo! I'm am so happy! T-Minus Rock came on again today. #9 was 'Remedy' by Seether. I was headbanging like a mad-woman.

                            Then, #5 was "Ohio is for Lovers." I was very happy. Then "Helena" came on!!! I love that song and music video so much...I was practically in tears. Then "B.Y.O.B." came on. I'm so happy...OH NO!!! "Speed of Sound" just came on!!! That's not rock, you ****!!!! Er...sorry 'bout that...

                            You absolutely must see these...

                            "Remedy" Seether

                            "Helena" My Chemical Romance

                            I'm making the dead girl's dresss from Helena.


                            • Lovey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my size. *mutters* You aren't that much taller than me. S even said that I really wasn't that short, just...anyways.

                              Yeah, I've kinda been in a crazy-happy mood. (And I haven't even had that much sugar!!)

                              Random favorite sayings? One of my friends (who's really odd) put "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice" on my yearbook. Um...and I really like the "Smile, it confuses people".
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Ooh, funfun. YES! I got a new avatar. It's been a while. But for some reason it's not working in this topic. Grrrrr. I wanted to get this other one but it was WAY too big and I don't know how to do the resizing thing and I'm too lazy to ask Lee, but this one is cute. Happy hobbits. I just found this one of Willow and Xander from Buffy and they look really depressed. I have no idea why. Then there's one of Willow looking really phsyco. And they have one of Darla. She BUGS me.
                                GILES! He's so cute, in an old guy kind of way. And I mean that cute like puppy cute or little kid cute.
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

