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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *pops in again* I'm on summer vacation!! yaaaaay. ooh I like your avie Cress!! I can resize it if you need to at all, though it looks pretty good to me.

    haha, I come back for a little (but I'm leaving in 3 days anyways). so pointless getting too caught up at this point.

    I have just about the worst tan line in the world at this point. The straps from my swimsuit during swim season and now my stomach is horribly white compared to my arms. haha. it's just so weird. *shakes head* ah well.

    *bounces around* so. hi everybody. I made cookies the other day. and they turned out good! hurray! they're pretty small though, and almost gone, but ah well. I like cookies.

    EDIT: *gasps* I have over 100 posts!! I don't even remember whenI got to my 100th post. I have bad memory. but.. *is happy*
    Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

    "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
    -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


    • I was playing Interpol, and it sounded almost like there was an echoe of the voice, but... HAHAHA IT'S LINKIN PARK!!!! XD *huggles Lovey's Xanga to death* I don't know how I got this way/ I'll never be alright... Okay, back to Interpol.

      I'm listening to just about everything _but_ Slipknot now. I don't know if I posted it here, but the Slipknot CD I got (Slipknot by Slipknot) thoroughly freaked me out, and I feel unclean, so I have banned it for a week at least. Subliminal Verses was nothing compared to this. *shudders* Guhh


      What's worse is that Slipknot's Slipknot has a lot of catchy, repetitive lines.

      Bugs don't bother me. Well, centipedes...

      Oh, story. I have a story.

      I was laying on the front yard, reading Dune's sequel, Dune Messiah. The next ones I'll find at a used bookstore, and I should have for this one, but whatever. In fact, I asked if we had the book at home after I bought it. XD We didn't. Anyway, BW and T were skateboarding. Then one of them, dunno who or how, got the idea to set stuff on fire. G came over at this point. T came out of the house with a box of matches, and BW gathered a bunch of leaves and set it on fire. They tried to burn headbombers -- what we named the seedpods that fall from the magnolia tree -- caps, centepedes (heh), and a goldfish. The goldfish didn't really catch on fire, but it blackened. My brother tried to eat it, but spit it out. I imagine it tasted really gross. Later we went to B's house and got into a card throwing fight. We were going to play 007 on the PS2, but I commented on the cards that were all over the floor. B and his friend must've been throwing them before we got there. Whatever that was, there was a new fight now with BW swapping teams. And we never played 007.

      My dream, seeing how the topic is still going, was about running through some _really_ weird mall. Also, the cat kept waking me up; I remember Cinnamon and a really wet nose (actually, I don't know what it was, but I think it was a nsoe) and covering my head so he couldn't paw at my face.

      Raven calls me Gryphon irl.


      My desk is clean. I haven't cleaned it since I got it, and... wow. Each time I walk into my room, I step back. Woooh, pretty. There was wood under all of the stuff on my desk. I moved stuff around and found a second one of the... things... that was just lying around my room and I stacked it on top of the other on my desk. They're for CDs. I have another box of CDs, but it has some of the less used ones; why open a box to get what you like when you could grab it off things? XD I think half of my collection is actually my mom's stuff. And I don't have _any_ linkin park at all.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • It's about 11:40 at night. I'm wiped out. Posting about...something.

        I have just about the worst tan line in the world at this point.
        Personally, I think mine's weirder. I have a tan line from my socks, from when I went running for track. It looks so weird, since my feet are white, and my legs are...also white, but a darker white.

        I like your new avatar cress...i got one too. I had been looking for one with food in it...but cookie monster was the closest I came to food.

        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


        • Julie:
          What are your nicknames???
          Usually some variation of wildflower. Villikukka's Finnish, mikonhana's Japanese... oh, and varitations on penguins. Pengin Mahoutsukai... Japanese again, for penguin wizard. XD and penguin woman is Sharky's fault.
          IRL, I can't convince anyone to call me anything other than my first name. Except Ellen, who asked my middle name, and started calling me that. I _like_ my middle name. I don't know twenty other people who have it.

          *sob* Papa Roach...
          Heh. I managed to freak out my mom with the cover of Infest when I bought it. But you can still have a band named after an extinct bug.

          It would be cool to be a cockroach. That way, if George Bush somehow blew up the world, we could still live.
          AHAHAHA... I love that quote.

's song is "Ohio is for Lovers" By Hawthorne Heights. Rather than just post the lyrics, I'm going to have you all go to my Xanga site. At the top, just under the header, is my lovely playlist. I'm proud of it. Just select the song from the drop-down list and press the 'rock on' button.
          I love that song. Looking through your playlist, I recognize a lot of things, and like most of them. But it won't play...

          Oh, and do we all hate Lovey now for Trevor and the badgers? I know I hate Shoe for showing them to me...
          Hehehe. Nah, I don't hate you. I already knew about the bdgers, and Magical Trevor... XD Magical Trevor lost me a couple hours of sleep and gained me a singing mom, but it's worth it.

          There are about a billion badgerbadgerbadger variations, aren't there... (potterpotterpotterpotter WEASLEY WEASLEY potterpotterpotterpotter SNAPE! OOH, A SNAPE!)

          I have just about the worst tan line in the world at this point. The straps from my swimsuit during swim season and now my stomach is horribly white compared to my arms. haha. it's just so weird. *shakes head* ah well.
          Meh, I have no tan lines. This is because I have no tan. Sunburn, but that went away, and I still have no tan.

          I like your new avatar cress...i got one too. I had been looking for one with food in it...but cookie monster was the closest I came to food.
          Happy new avie day (...) to Cress! XD Hungry, I got bored, so I made you an avie. It's not the best, and you don't have to use it. (Typed sue instead of use... sue the taco...)

          And speaking of stuff I do when I'm bored, I wrote five scenes of YW member skit. They're completely random and none of them make any sense, so please don't sue <STRIKE>the taco</STRIKE> me. All five together's too long, but this is the first one...

          Scene one

          At CASLE DULOC

          KIT RODRIGUEZ: Hola.

          NITA CALLAHAN: ...

          NITA: I don't speak Spanish.

          WF: -.-' it's only hello, Neets.

          NITA: Oh.

          NITA: Now I feel like an idiot.

          WF: *no comment*

          KIT: I've only had one line. Then WF came in and started teaching Neets Spanish. WF isn't even in the books, she's just the author of this pathetic skit who decided to put herself in for the sake of randomness... and also because she's going to add a load of other forum members in.

          WF: You're not supposed to know that, Kit.

          NITA: Oh, great, just ruin the whole plot for me, will you Kit?!

          NITA CALLAHAN storms off.

          NITAFAN walks in

          NITA: Hola wf, hola Kit!

          KIT: o.O

          WF: Dai Neets!

          KIT: But- you- I- the- and the- YOU DON'T SPEAK SPANISH!

          WF: Dai Neets, dai Kit. I've got to go look for the Invisible Scythe of DOOM, minus the alt codes because I got bored of typing them. *waves*

          KIT: Neets- I mean, no, you're not Neets: Hey you, could you tell me what's going on?

          NITA: WF's writing a skit. I'm a member of the forums, and I took your girlfriend's name for a screen name.

          KIT: HEY!

          NITA: Oh, right, the LP's gf. I can't keep up with the shippings, so many of them all over, s'gotten completely crazy, I GIVE UP, not to mention pairing the world with Roshaun...

          NITAFAN walks off muttering.

          KIT: Shoot.


          • O_o.. There's a Harry Potter badger song thingy?! *googles* Oh look, here it is:


            *rofl* WF, that skit is funny. I take it that you have too much time on your hands?

            Heh, middle names? Mine is so common... I was one of 15 people in my year level at school to have the same middle name - and at one stage five of the six girls doing german in year ten had the same middle name! Mine's alright, I guess...

            *mutters* STUPID WHALERS!!! They want to kill more whales! AND HUMPBACKS TOO!!!! Its SUCKS! They shouldn't be allowed to kill _any_, no matter what species they are! Now if they are allowed to kill - change that, they're not allowed to! *watches the news* Its so stupid! Scientific whaling my a***!!! (excuse the language, nothing 'softer' can express my mood on this). I've hated the idea ever since I saw the Captain Planet episode on it - and that was over 10 years ago!

            While I'm on the subject of whales, this is one of the ones that would be in trouble if Japan got their way:
            (the white one)



            • Wildflower:
              Hungry, I got bored, so I made you an avie. It's not the best, and you don't have to use it.
              Yeah! An avie with food that I can use! Thanks! And I do do magic for's called the magic of cajolling (is that spelled right?) my parents into going to the store to buy food. Nice skit, by the way. It's funny.

              I agree with Alla: they shouldn't kill the whales. I don't actually know that much about it, as I haven't read any books on the topic, and don't watch much tv, so...but I still think it's wrong.

              Lordy...I never bothered to watch badgerbadgerbadger...anyone got the link? The potterpotter one is kind of scaring me, but it's extremely funny...must tear self away from potterpotterpotterweasleyweasleypotterpotterpotter snapesnape...ok, now it's just giving me a headache...bye bye potterpotter...

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • Yeah, I need the link for the badgerbadger too.
                Whaling is evil. I SO agree.
                My middle name is Lee. Rather boring yes, but it's like my great-grandma's maiden name or something.
                I have to say that I have had the absolute WORST burn lines ever. It was on my face and I had actually put SOME sunscreen on, however it was this weird little stick sunscreen, kind of like chapstick, so I didn't get it on all my face. I had horribly bad burn (as in blistering and cracking and peeling and bleeding if I showed too much emotion) underneath my nose and on my chin and then lines of not quite as bad burn going sort of like sideburns. So I had sideburns a mustache and a beard. I think I take the cake for bad tanlines with that one.
                Abby-the one that I have now wasn't the one that I wanted to use. The one that I wanted...I'll see if I can find it again. Here it is. If you can resize it, I will love you for the rest of forever. Oh, and congrats on 100th post. Tis wonderful.
                I found the badgerbadger, but then I forgot to post the link. Just a second, I think I can find it again. Also check out the football badgers- Ah, here it is, and now I have both of them playing at the same time, which is really scary. Apparently there's also a LOTR one if you click on weeblestuff at the bottom. I'm looking for it now.
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good


                • Originally posted by seabiscuit1009:
                  I'm afraid of all's a girl thing And there are cockroaches in my school cafeteria...and people don't understand why I spend my lunch hour in the library...
                  EWWW! You are NOT supposed to have cockroaches where food is. It's just not right. Yuck.

                  My school grades came in today and I got a C in Algebra! A C!!!!!!! How does a B, B, B+, and B. In all quarters equal a C in your final grade!!! *cries* Other than that I have all A's though.

                  Does that badger badger song ever end? It's very catchy though. *Rubs sunscreen on Cress*
                  penguins will rule the world.


                  • Why thank you for the sunscreen. I'm getting really sunscreen paranoid this summer though. I'm actually wearing it to swimming most mornings, which is crazy since I never wore it last year. EVER. I'm going to slather it on when I go to LA. I'll be white.
                    Hehe, I think I found a LOTR badgerbadger. It's just SO slow that it's not loading. My computer is being a butt.
                    The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                    I promise not to funfun anymore
                    Be happy cause life is good


                    • The badger never goes out of sync after a while though.

                      Anywho...i was going to put up football baders, but, yeah, nvm.

                      Um...I have very little to's all on my Xanga site!!! *cries* I waste my energy on Xanga!!!

                      Oh, and I love my new charrie on VGDawn. She kicks ***. Righto.

                      Uh...I think that's it...

                      OH! I'm plannign a trip to Vegas for the posse during Spring Break...I'm just having issues getting people to come... I feel so unloved.

                      Gryph: I love huggles...*feels special*

                      Today's Song: 'Numb' Linkin Park
                      Just go to my site again...yup. thaz all.


                      • Zgirl: I don't understand my school. But we do have about 2000 kids, and the building's almost 100 years You get the picture. We don't even have enough lockers for everyone.

                        That doesn't make any sense about your algebra grade. Technically, you should have a B (my dad's a teacher. I asked him about the averages.) Congrats on the rest of your A's though.

                        I was just at the pool. Guess who now has sunburn on her neck? I even wore about a gallon of sunscreen!

                        Tomorrow, I have to babysit for my cousin's neighbor, because my cousin who normally does it is out of town camping. She stinks. Her neighbor is 5, and is a brat. But her mom pays good money...I'm taking the job, as I'm broke.

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • Hey guys! Happy 2nd day of summer It's a full moon tonight...and it's also Fay's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAY!!!

                          *grumbles in the general direction of my MP3 player* The stupid thing spazzed on me again and deleted my internal memory AGAIN. I don't know why it does that, but it is SO annoying. I did, however, find out that BearShare including movie quotes *snicker* Very interesting.

                          I am almost done with Stealing the Elf King's Roses, and it is REALLY GOOD. I actually got to go to the library yesterday for a few minutes before they closed, which was long enough for me to put a hold on The Boy Who Couldn't Die (by William sleator), and to borrow Beyond the Labyrinth (by Aussie Gillian Rubinstein; I'd been meaning to read that for awhile). I LOVE WILLIAM SLEATOR! The boy who couldn't die is one of his newer books that I haven't gotten the chance to read yet. He has one coming out this year called The Last Universe and it looks REALLY interesting, even though it sounds slightly like Singularity (another Sleator book).

                          *wanders off to check a few things before having to start work*


                          • Wow, I'm good. XD On Lovey's Xanga, I was flipping through the songs. Flogging Molly makes me think of a System of a Down/Greenday thing. *shrugs* One member got mad at me because I said System of a Down reminded me of Queen. And then I almost blew up because said member (what's sad is I don't remember who) mentioned how you can't understand half of what most artists say. (...) Oh, back to the "Wow, I'm good." XD Listening to Gwen Stefani, I thought, "maybe I should get something by her," and then, "this sounds like the lead singer of No Doubt."

                            Yahoo's Gwen Stefani Biography:
                            A young and energetic Gwen Stefani moved into the music spotlight in 1987 as the sexy lead singer for the band No Doubt. One of her biggest hits in the '90s with the cross-mixed group of ska-punk and new wave fashion was a single called "Don't Speak," one of the tracks from No Doubt's Grammy nominated third album Tragic Kingdom. The video for "Don't Speak," a play on inner jealousy in a band, accumulated plenty of play on MTV, giving the group and its lead singer a chance to reach even more fans.
                            I actually don't like No Doubt.

                            BYOB. I don't like why I like this.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Gryph-ness:
                              BYOB. I don't like why I like this.
                              I was wondering the same thing...not why you like it, but why I like

                              Well, I have more of my life on Xanga that I sorta regret putting up there, but my personal belief is once it's up there, enough freaks have already read it that it hardly matters to take it down. I happened to talk a little about my first and only cry-fest. As you know, I'm a pretty calloused person, so, I don't cry. ever. Except for when watching PotO and that one time.

                              Riiight. I'm not going to put any more info on that cry-fest up, because no one cares. Really. At all. God, I hate being unloved. That's okay.

                              Riiight. Today's song is 'Blue Orchid' by White Stripes. I have the link in a post on Xanga, but I'll put it here too. clickclickclickclick


                              • Gryphon, do you ever notice that some of your favourite artists are ones where you can't make out more than one word in every three? On average, that is. I'm a Tori Amos junkie and...yeah. She has enunciation problems. Same with Alanis Morissette (ok, maybe I'm showing my age here...). And Ani DiFranco.

                                I'm actually not sure if I can just jump in on this discussion, so if I'm intruding on anybody, I apologise. In actuality, I should probably lurk until I learn better. But I don't *like* lurking...


