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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Gahhh, don't lurk; you post absolutely _anything_ in the ToGR, and it doesn't have to relate to anything anyone else says. If you notice, the entire forum tends to get off topic in every topic after the first page or so (or before then). So... no one cares _at all_ if you're off topic in the, erm, Topic of Great Randomness. XD (ToGR, or more commonly known as togr (pronounced tau-gr or toe-gar... depends who says it)).

    Gryphon, do you ever notice that some of your favourite artists are ones where you can't make out more than one word in every three?
    Well... okay, fine. XD

    Welcome to the forums... umm, I'd go through the rules, but I think you have them already. No one-liners, good grammar, no oversized avies.

    I'm in a blah sort of mood. Nothing exciting 'cept I convined a little kid that black belts' belts are red.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • Lovey:
      Um...I have very little to's all on my Xanga site!!! *cries* I waste my energy on Xanga!!!

      OH! I'm plannign a trip to Vegas for the posse during Spring Break...I'm just having issues getting people to come... I feel so unloved.
      Aw...don't feel unloved. *huggles* And I do the same thing with xanga...I'm on wayy too much. Don't put the blame on Z, dear. There's no way I'd be able to come either.

      I've been so bored lately. 'Sides for the whole throwing-pillows-because-people-can't-shut-up thing while watching PotO with the posse, I've really done nothing. But the throwing pillows was FUNFUN. *grin*
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Flogging Molly?? I LOVE Flogging Molly. meh, keep missing them when they come to town though!! *sobs*

        System of A Down sounding like Queen? *is terribly confuzzled*

        and Cress... I wasn't sure exactly how you wanted it resized (to what dimensions) so I did a few, some with cropping, others without, and in different dimensions so you can go ahead and pick. If none of those are how you imagined it you can go ahead and tell me how you want it done, the only thing is I might not see your message until I get back from vacation. I'm leaving at about 4 am tomorrow morning on a flight for Boston and then we go on a cruise and I don't get back till July 3rd. XD

        Anyways, here ya go!

        adios everybody!!
        Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

        "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
        -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


        • *supertacklehugopunces Abby* I LOVE YOU! New avies make me happy. Well, pics in general make me happy, so THANK YOU!
          I've never heard any Flogging Molly *flinches*
          Queen rocks.
          I need to start reading people's xangas. If anyone wants to read my blog it's at livejournal, look up nenfea. I think I've said that before, but that's ok. I want people to read it!
          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
          I promise not to funfun anymore
          Be happy cause life is good


          • you're very welcome!! Glad you like it! Flogging Molly is an awesome Irish punk band. They have 7 members and like 548439075 instruments (including a banjo) and it all just comes together like the best thing in the world.
            you can hear two of their songs there.


            and that's there site. and if you ever get the chance to listen to Drunken Lullabies it has one of the best introductions ever, starting out with just a few instruments and then BAM!! there's tons altogether. and What's Left of the Flag too, it starts out kinda slow and then dives in.

            heh, I loooooooooooove Flogging Molly. oh and plus the accents make it even better! *grins*
            Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

            "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
            -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


            • Math exam = obscenely easy.

              It's a two hour exam. I finished in one hour. Then I spent an obsessive hour checking and rechecking my exam. Obsessively. I found three mistakes. It was OBSCENELY easy.

              I'm so proud of myself.

              One down, two to go. Bring it on.


              • I'm gonna check Flogging Molly out... it looks kinda emo-ish... I hate pop-punk bands... I haven't heard it though, lol, I don't have audio in my computer.
                Comradely, Diego

                Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                "Be a real


                • Oooh, I love Flogging Molly. Except for their name, as my aunt is named Molly. Drunken Lullabies is one of their best songs...there was another one I liked that dad kept playing on the way home from camp...something about 7 drunken pirates and the seven deadly sins...don't remember the title. My DAD went to see them when they came to town...but I couldn't go, because I couldn't get a ticket...oh well, I'm not that upset. I don't really like concerts that much...then again, I have only been to one...

                  Let's see...ToGR. Anything goes...I'm tired...and don't really know what to post now...I got some new flip-flops...what time is it? *the voices in my head say 10:35 pm.*Okay voices, it's time for hungry to go to bed, or take a shower or something...sorry guys, not very lucid right now...good night.

                  -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                  • Alla:
                    O_o.. There's a Harry Potter badger song thingy?! *googles* Oh look, here it is:


                    *rofl* WF, that skit is funny. I take it that you have too much time on your hands?
                    Heheh. Three guesses what's playing in the background... minimized... neverending potterpotterpotter song...

                    XD thanks! Yeah, a lot of time.

                    *mutters* STUPID WHALERS!!! They want to kill more whales! AND HUMPBACKS TOO!!!! Its SUCKS! They shouldn't be allowed to kill _any_, no matter what species they are! Now if they are allowed to kill - change that, they're not allowed to! *watches the news* Its so stupid! Scientific whaling my a***!!!

                    Yeah! An avie with food that I can use! Thanks! And I do do magic for's called the magic of cajolling (is that spelled right?) my parents into going to the store to buy food. Nice skit, by the way. It's funny.
                    Thanks. And I'm glad you like the avie.

                    Ah, here it is, and now I have both of them playing at the same time, which is really scary.
                    Ahahaha. Now I have all three playing at once. The neverending really loud slightly annoying badger variations. And football's louder than the rest. (Snake! It's a snake! England England Weasley Weasley)

                    If anyone wants to read my blog it's at livejournal, look up nenfea. I think I've said that before, but that's ok. I want people to read it!
                    I friended you. I'm mikonhana.

                    Glad you like it! Flogging Molly is an awesome Irish punk band. They have 7 members and like 548439075 instruments (including a banjo) and it all just comes together like the best thing in the world.
                    I killed the badgers and looked up a few songs, and I've discovered that I love Flogging Molly too.

                    Let's see...ToGR. Anything goes...I'm tired...and don't really know what to post now...I got some new flip-flops...what time is it? *the voices in my head say 10:35 pm.*Okay voices, it's time for hungry to go to bed, or take a shower or something...sorry guys, not very lucid right now...good night.
                    The voices in my head say three twenty in the morning is an insane hour to be awake, listening to Flogging Molly, and attempting to touchtype. The voices are right...

                    Anyway, more skit, only because I've got a load of it written already. Anything I try to write this late is even more pointless than it ordinarily is, which is a lot, so...

                    Scene two

                    A CAT falls on KIT's head.

                    CAT: Heyyy!

                    KIT: I have a cat on my head.

                    A SHARK falls from THE SKY.

                    THE SKY: ...

                    SHARK: (to KIT) Would you rather have a shark on your head?

                    KIT: I'll take the cat.

                    CAT jumps off KIT's head.

                    SHARK: Skitty.

                    CAT: RAWWWR

                    SHARK: *ducks claws*

                    CAT: NOTTASKITTY

                    CAT: I KEEL YOU

                    CAT: YOU"RE NOT SANE

                    SHARK : *smites*

                    WF: S'true, the insane bit... I found the Scythe, btw!

                    An AUSSIE randomly appears.

                    AUSSIE: g'day!

                    AUSSIE: You alone can make my song take flight...

                    CAT returns to lowercase letters.

                    CAT: Are we singing now?

                    CAT: tired of being what you want me to be/feeling so faithless/lost under the surface/don't know what you're expecting of me

                    WF: but under the pressure of walking in your shoes/caught in the undertow/ just caught in the undertow/every step that i take is another mistake to you



                    • *runs around in circles partying* I'm posting this from my new laptop. Well technically its the family's but I'm going to be the one using it most often - at uni and such (and it gets me out of the study so that my brother can play WoW without me complaining ) And guess what! Its a Powerbook *dances* Its cool! *plays with voice commands*

                      Alla: 'What time is it?'
                      Powerbook (dunno how to name it yet, and still trying to think of a name): 'The time is eight o seven'
                      Alla: hehehe This is so cool

                      well, all I need to know how to do is get the chat room working. Any helpful hints? I never had any trouble loading it from our PC computer, but it doesn't want to load from here I'll fiddle with it tonight, but yeah.. *dances some more*

                      Well what else do I have to say? Hmm... I have just finished exams So now I'm FREEEEEE! I have also started to knit a Doctor Who Scarf XD - I'm not obsessed, just mildly interested. The Doctor Who novels bug me. They're too short I can finish them in under an hour oh well...

                      I really can't think of anything else to say, so I will go now - and play some more with the laptop



                      • Ok, I'm going to start listening to Flogging Molly as SOON as I finish posting this...if my stupid computer will load it. It doesn't like to play music off the internet, but sometimes it works.
                        The voices in my head say that I'm lame because I only made 4 out of 24 goal 50's at swimming today. If anyone knows what that means, you are phsycic...however you spell it. And that my new pajamas are cute...cheeky monkey!
                        I scared people with the potterpotter and the badgerbadger yesterday. I was singing it all day and everyone thought it was scary...probably because they know me and they know that I'll be singing it for the next month and a half now.
                        WF-I'll look you up on lj. Yay, someone to read my randomness!
                        I think it's official-WF has too much time on her hands.
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • Ooh, Alla, you got a laptop? Don't name it Spot, as that's what my sister called mine (not in honor of Spot from HW. She's never read the books.)

                          Hmmm, I always name things. My watch is called Skip (VERY long story behind that one), my cell phone's Spike (another long story), and my iPod? That doesn't have a name yet.

                          Whoa, this year my parents have bought me a lot of electronics...I wonder what they want me to do? They only buy me stuff when they want me to do something...

                          Yeah! Wf posted another skit! It's funny, I like it!

                          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                          • WF: I looove the skit!

                            Z is trying to sing...good thing we're talking online instead of on the phone. LoL.

                            I've been taking wayy too many quizzes on random sites. I have all the results on my xanga. Um...I think something must be wrong, though. I keep getting this "angel" stuff as a result. *grin*
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                              "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                              "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                              • Congrats Lisa! We still have TWO MORE EXAMS!!! AARRGGHH.....

                                Anyways, I've been needing to rant about this for a long time now.....:

                                It's rained for 3 weeks straight now! 3 WEEKS! (Do NOT tell me I'm exaggerating. *seethes*) At LEAST it's not raining right now...but we've had nearly a YEAR'S rain by now. We're supposed to be an inch above what a desert usually gets. There's been flooding EVERYWHERE, severe thunderstorm warnings, TORNADOES for goodness sake, mandatory water restrictions, the first state of emergency in our city's history....

                                You know what the kicker is though? Not the river being about 10 meters higher than usual, not 3 tornadoes this week, not golfball/baseball sized hail....
                                You know what the meteorologist people say?

                                It's NORMAL.

                                -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.

