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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • We haven't had rain for awhile...but it's supposed to storm this weekend! YES! I LOVE STORMS! As a couple of you might know (I forget who was in chime that day, when it was storming and I was recounting each lightning strike and thunder crash...)

    I'm very hyper happy today! Anyone want to ask me why? Ask me!

    Yesterday, my mom and I had a fight about bras. How stupid of a fight is that! I mean, sports bras are so much better! Sorry, just my little rant thing...that's not really a rant.

    I had frozen pancakes for breakfast. They were still frozen...yum. I just take the pancakes out of the freezer and eat them. It's really good if it's really warm outside.

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • Um, hey all.

      I'm a little bit pissed right now, so, forgive me if I upset anyone. My hand are trembling..that's not a good sign...okay. moving on.

      Oh, forgot to tell Gigo: stole your cockroach quote *points to siggy* If you don't want me to I'll take it off, but it was just so wonderfully true...

      Ok, um...yeah. Because of all of Angel's quizzes *glares* Emily took tehm too. I was kinda annoyed at them. Heh heh. Then I took one. Big mistake. They're addictive, gosh darn it!

      Well...all of them were mythological creature quizzes *coughangelcough*..I turned out as...let's see, dark, evil faerie, depressed faerie, demon, vampire. I feel so loved. *drips with sarcasm* You can see them on my xanga if you care.'s song! This actually is a flash video, but it's a song.

      The Bunny Song!

      EDIT: I just noticed something! Someone mentioned Flogging Molly! I love Flogging Molly!!!!!!!! I actually started listening to them because they're the guy I think I like's fav band. Then, I actually found I really liked them. I have one of their songs on my Xanga. What's your fav FM song? I like...*goes on huge long listing thingy* 'To Youth (My Sweet Roisin Dubh),' 'Tobacco Island,' 'Seven Deadly Sins,' and there are some more...but I can't remember right now..oh well...I think 'To Youth' is my fav right now though....*shuts up*

      EDIT: (again)
      seabiscuit (about earlier post): I'm not going to go on my rant against sports bras because a lot of people would not appreciate it..heh heh...
      seabiscut (about later post): Yeah, that's the song I have on my gets stuck in your head....right that's all...

      <span class="ev_code_RED">EDIT: Okay, I got a DeviantArt thingy. FemmeDeFantome. Check it, freaks!</span>


      • Hungry-SPIKE! YOU NAMED IT SPIKE?! Spike is a very cool name. Kudos to anyone who knows why, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
        I love quizzes. They are very addicting. I can take them for hours at a time.
        I'm sorry Lisa, but I can't stand "translated" Shakespeare. Half the reason for reading it is for the language. It's SO beautiful. And truly, Shakespeare is NOT that hard. I'm just out of eighth grade and I got the complete works of Shakespeare for graduation (YES!) and I can understand pretty much all of it except for the references pretaining to customs from Elizabethan England. Which you probably wouldn't get even if it were in "plain" English. SHAKESPEARE IS IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's my rant for the day, I get very passionate about Shakespeare. Currently I'm reading As You Like It. I'm not very far yet though.
        There was a thunderstorm this morning, so I got to skip swimming. YES!
        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
        I promise not to funfun anymore
        Be happy cause life is good


        • Lovebird, that's it! That's the title of that song that I liked...'Seven Deadly Sins.' Thanks for reminding me what it was...

          Cress, I don't know what you mean about Spike...and I agree with you about Shakespeare. We had to read Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade english, and the language was so nice. It was interesting to learn that people actually said stuff like "I bite my thumb at you" as an insult...but now my whole english class says that quote. I should go find some more of Shakespeare's works and read them...after the Great Gatsby.

          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


          • I love storms. They're so beautiful...and just plain fascinating. My little brother doesn't like 'em at all, though. Personally, I'd like to sit out on the porch and get soaked and watch the rain and lightning, but my parents wouldn't go for that.

            I've only heard a little bit of Flogging Molly, and that's because of Lovey. I liked what I heard, though.

            The quizzes are addicting. Heh. Lovey and I keep getting opposite stuff. It's really quite amusing. It's just proving Shoe's theory about the "Angel of Light" and "Angel of Darkness". *snicker*
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


              • Yesterday, my mom and I had a fight about bras. How stupid of a fight is that! I mean, sports bras are so much better! Sorry, just my little rant thing...that's not really a rant.
                Sports bras ARE better. Who needs to be continuously stabbed in the chest with those wire things? *shudder*

                Storms are my favorite type of weather, especially the big scary loud ones. A chain of thunderstorms moved through my area last weekend, right at sunset, and turned the entire sky bright orange. It was awesome. Kind of freaked me out at first though, because I had my eyes glued to the computer screen until the first thunderclap; glanced up at the window (the curtains were drawn) and saw only this eerie orange glow coming from outside. I momentarily thought the building next to mine was on fire or something. Then I promptly ran out to the balcony and stayed there for the remainder of the storm, mouth wide open and gawking at the sky. Too bad my camera's batteries were dead.

                Maybe I should pursue a career as a Storm Chaser.

                On the subject of nicknames, mine has been Triscuit ever since the 6th grade. There was a Vietnamese kid in my class who could not (or would not) pronounce my name, and kept coming out with Triska. So Triscuit just evolved from that, but mostly now people just call me Tris. (:
                Nanu nanu.


                • Ugh, I can't get personalized avatars to work! It just won't work! Grrrrrr... They won't show up!!!

                  Haha! I got out of school for the summer, I love it already! I have the most signatures in my yearbook on record at my school! It feels weird, and my friend and I won a singing contest! And the guy that i like (Though he doesn't know this) Won an award for the most school spirit. his catch phrase is "I'm too sexxy for my hair" (He loves his hair.) Don't worry, I'm not a stalker (Anymore) When I was, my friend (CoCo) and I spent forty dollars buying him all of his favorite things for his birthday. His b-day is two days after CoCo's. He is the nicest person i know and he's really smart, funny, and we play the same instrument (Which is where I met him, he was tutoring me on playing the bass) Anyways, new subject...

                  Ugh, I'm so glad that the yearbooks are blue this year instead of hot pink like Harper chose last year! (Harper is a guy BTW, scary I know!) They are way nicer this year...

                  My fingers are crooked... only a little though, my pinky bends in a little at the end, and my index finger is a little crooked from playing basketball (I broke it)

                  Steve Nash is my idol! He is from the same city as me, and my Aunt used to coach him! My cousin plays baseball (Majour League) He plays for the Oakland A's... I miss him, I never see him anymore! Only at Christmas and other special occasions!

                  Anyways, basketball is the best sport ever! ("Invented" by Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian though he came up with the sport while working in the United States) I play point guard (Like Steve Nash!)This is only my fifth year playing on a team though. Next season starts soon!!!

                  NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

                  School's out! :bouncinghappy:

                  Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


                  • Ross, did you read the FAQ about customizing avatars? That might help solve your problem.

                    The biggest hurdle in getting a custom avatar, is that the graphic has to be hosted somewhere on a webserver, such as one of the many free photo-sharing websites, that you can reach through a URL. Just having the graphic file on your hard drive won't work.
                    New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                    • Thaks so much, that helps a lot! Now to find a site... Hmmmmm... Well, anyways, thanks a lot, XoXo Oops, that is almost a one-liner... one-liners are very very very bad! STEVE NASH ROX MI SOX! That should do it now! Evil One-liners, HISS!

                      NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

                      School's out! :bouncinghappy:

                      Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


                      • YES! IT'S FRIDAY! But then again, tomorrow's Saturday so my friend will be wanting me to study with her for Monday's exam. GRRRR. But then we don't have school Tuesday. YAY! But then there's school on Wednesday, even if it's only for a few hours. GRRRR. But then that's the last day of school. YAYAYAYAY!!!!!

                        I'm sooo glad that the Language Arts and Social Studies finals are over, because I hate those subjects. Math I'm not that good at, that's what I had today, but I still like it. I got my highest mark ever on a final yesterday though-98%!! There's still science though, which matters the most to me and my parents.

                        One-liners:*shudders* They pop up so much, when you have something you want to say but don't have much to say about it unless you ramble on about it (like I am right now).

                        Our yearbooks are always red, black and white, and black and white on the inside. Every year. At least they change the theme every year, but I don't like this year's very much.

                        I don't really like basketball (ie. I hate it). Probably because I suck at it, and I don't have very good aim . I like table tennis though. Moderately.

                        4 weeks until next Saturday the HBP comes out! I can't wait!!! It won't hold out until Wizards at War though. At least I placed a hold on WaW, but HBP had 1200+ holds on it. Must...wait...ugh...

                        *racks brain for something interesting to say but gives up*
                        -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                        • lol, none of my friends like basketball either! They just don't, i don't mind though, my friends on the basketball team like basketball (Duh! )

                          Out yearbooks are coloured on the outside and mostly on the inside, except for the pages that have the individual pictures, we have pictures of teachers as babies, and special events, we have a friends forever page, a couples page, a whole section for sports teams/band (Me in both, yep yep!) Unfortunately I am not on the couples page and doubt i ever will be... but lets not talk about that!

                          My friend is moving halfway up the island so I'm never going to see her next year! Although her, M, and I are going to gget together every couple of months for our "Authors Club". We write stories over the summer and read them to each other the next school year! Then we hand them in to our English teacher for extra marks!

                          I'm really sad right now because I'm never going to be able to play Brandon Bay on the trumpet ever again because I am playing my Double Bass next year! It is a sad but happy thing...

                          I can't wait for HBP, I'm going to finish it in about a day and a half (I always do!). OMG I'm sad again, Vitamin C Graduation (Friends Forever) just came on, it is such a sad song because all of my grade nines are leaving! I will have no friends next year because they are all grade 9's! *sniff* I don't want to complain though...

                          NITA/KIT all the way! Luv ya tons! XoXo Julie

                          School's out! :bouncinghappy:

                          Julie, that's me, just me, myself and I here in my own little world!!! :soveryconfused:


                          • None of my friends like basketball either. I play forward, as I can't dribble at all. Actually, none of my friends like any of my sports: basketball, track, cross country, horseback riding...they only like rugby, which is the sport of the LP in my opinion, as I hate it so much. I don't understand how they can like it...even though our girls rugby team is the best in the state...

                            Yearbooks: ours didn't come in time for the last day of school. I felt so bad for the seniors, as they couldn't get everyone's signatures and stuff. We have to wait until next year to get them.

                            I was a freshman, so I don't really know what the yearbooks look like, but I'm assuming they are purple and gold, as those are my school's colors. Ugh. We have the worst colors, dress code, sports teams, and lunches in the world! (according to me.)

                            Ross, that did sound sorta like stalking...but I did almost the same thing last year. Except for spending $40 on his birthday, as I didn't have $40. But hey, it worked for me! I'm waiting for him to e-mail me back right now...and he has to e-mail me back...I'm not going to explain why, as that'd take about 5 pages, but he has to. Yeah!

                            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • Hello all! I have returned from the land of the dead! I haven't been here in months! But woo I"m here now!

                              Muaha my brother is conspiring to blow up walmart, for the horrid crime of making angel food cake... I like cake...cake good.....

                              ANywho....nice to say hi again to you peoples!
                              Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                              • I'm here. My sister has recovered from her operation, but is still bedridden. Bah. But the worst is over. We're all relieved.

                                I would like to direct everyone's attention to my new sig. If you would help Bunny reach world domination, I'd be very much obliged.

                                Purple and GOLD! *gags* Trust me: stick with plain yellow and blue. Or just plain dark blue.

                                In case you can't be bothered to reach all the way to my siggy: here it is! Specially doctored for your convenience. Well, not really.

                                (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
                                (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

                                Someday, I'm going to put this in my siggy: if no one has any objections...

                                "Gigo: the master of collecting enough one-liners to make a full post."


