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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Interesting....I just have to figure out how to make that fit in to my current signature. By the way, if any of you think my signature is totally random, actually it refers to my tendency to pop in and out unexpectantly from the chat room. That is, until I figured out how to hide the name/address thingy of the window on the bottom of my screen. Just if anyone wanted to know.

    Welcome back BiW! Even though I don't really know you...

    YES! I'm finally in Grade 7 piano! I get to play Fur Elise this year! And I haven't had a piano exam yet!
    I do have a science final tomorrow. Wish me luck please...
    But we get out of school on Wednesday plus we don't have school Tuesday...Yay!

    It rained yesterday. At least it was only a sprinkle. *grumbles*
    -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


    • Fur Elise was easy. But it's really fun. I just play the first page sometimes when I'm bored. What I really want to get to is real Scott Joplin. I've played easier versions of The Entertainer and the Maple Leaf Rag, but I want to try the originals. However they're really hard and have a ton of octaves in the left hand.
      Personally I like purple and gold, but I like purple and green better.
      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
      I promise not to funfun anymore
      Be happy cause life is good


      • Hey peeps! Well I know I havent been here in a while but I found this really fun link. Were enjoying it in chat lol

        Those are just some stupid laws!

        Thought yall might enjoy. Have fun
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • Gigo, the master of assembling enough one-liners to make a complete post:

          Someday, I'm going to put this in my siggy: if no one has any objections...

          "Gigo: the master of collecting enough one-liners to make a full post."
          Come on, you totally gotta credit me just a little for that...*directs you to one of her posts on page...434? My spelling rant...anywho...

          *huggles WF* Sorry about your situation...I agree with a certain person's status now... Heck, you practically have your own support club now! NO! A foundation! The WSWFF...We Support wildflower Foundation...heh. Whatever.

          I've been working on my first deviation for my deviantart's crappy. oh well.

          Let's see...what else do I have to say...

          Oh, I messed up the link for 'Blue Orchid' a few pages back. I'll fix that now.


          Anywho...well, here's today's video: Big Bunny Episode One! If you haven't seen The Big Bunny Song that I put up earlier, watch it first. Anywho...Big Bunny Presents...The Delicious Dog!



          • Okay, Cress, I just have to say that your avie is remarkably disturbing. Steph will be very mad if she ever sees that. (She's got an unhealthy obsession with the hobbits, especially Pippin). That's a bizzarely lucky shot.

            Purple and Green! Purple and Green! I LOVE Purple and Green! I have two "sets" of favorite colours: Purple, silver, and gold; and Green, blue, and silver. They're so cool together!

            Stupid H. He DIDN'T RETURN THE CD. That's okay, though, because...(gah, I'm so sick) it gives him an excuse to either call me or come to my house! I can't even look at his yearbook picture, because it's not a good one. Unlike A's picture, which I have bookmarked because he's so hot...I know I have problems...(For those of you who don't know, A is a guy I've had a crush on for five years now, and H is the boy who sat next to me in chorus, and he's so funny and kind. No, I don't STALK A, no matter what anyone tells you. )

            While I'm on the topic of boys, I just want to say that 1) I won't get a boyfriend until I'm 20 and 2) I'll never be kissed. I'm sure of it.

            AHHHHH! ONE bad grade! ONE! It RUINED my report card. Okay, so it was my "tentative" grade, but what's going to change between now and when they mail us our real report cards? We went to each of our seven classes for about 15 minutes each on Friday, and basically got our grades and signed yearbooks. I gave candy to my friends (but I chickened out on giving H the bag I made for him) along with a Pepsi, but people in 5th period discovered the chocolate and mobbed me. *is scared of the people in my Honors English class* I went to EVERY class, and in sixth period I even got 101.something on my 4th quarter grade, and 99 as my final, but seventh period RUINED ME! B+! B+! B+! AHHHHHHHH! NOT AN A! Grrrr....I hate math. I really do. We have a 19-page Algebra packet over the summer. UNTIL 7TH PERIOD, ALL MY GRADES WERE As!

            On the topic of sports, I stink. But! AWESOMENESS! My Elementary school's librarian, I'll call her Mrs. S, has a son who is VERY good at baseball. So good, in fact, he was DRAFTED! Onto the Orioles! (Spelling?...) Yahooo! Apparently, it was like a first-round draft or something. I have no idea how baseball works.

            Yearbooks!! Shiny! It's blue and silver, kind of our school colours. I have only a vague idea of what our colours are, though. I only know that they're not yellow and brown...*shudders at horrible memories* I got lots of signatures! I used the line "All that is <span class="ev_code_YELLOW">GOLD</span> does not glitter" as my signature. No one gets it. Do you? Can you tell me where it's from? Heh...only I know...oh, yeah. It's from a poem, I'll tell you that, and I wrote the poem in the front of my yearbook, and when my English teacher, who isn't mean at all, signed my yearbook, she was like, "Is this your poem?"

            I said "No. It's by _______. I memorized it."

            She said, "Oh, I HAVE to introduce you to someone! C! Come over here!"

            *boy comes over*

            Teacher: "You guys are so much alike! You have the same learning style! You like to memorize things!"

            Me and C: Okay then...--'

            SPIKE! It's from Buffy! Right? I only know that cuz of certain people here who like Buffy...and my Aunt Lynn, who is obsessed with Buffy.

            I actually read some of the Shakespeare plays. Would you believe I've only ever read A Midsummer Night's Dream before now? Okay, so they're not "translated," but they're shortened, and that's good because otherwise I doubt I'd get it at all, since I don't have a teacher or anyone to help. But I have memorized a speech from Dream. (I have another book that's beautifully calligraphed with poems and speeches.) It's Puck's speech at the end, where he goes "If we shadows have offended..." Oh, and if you like Shakespeare, you should read "King of Shadows" by Susan Cooper. It's a fantasy novel about a boy who goes back into Shakespeare's time and plays Puck. (Which is why I've read A Midsummer Night's Dream.)

            Sports bras all the way! Unless you're trying to "impress" a guy...growing up stinks. Boys make fun of SOMEONE for SOMETHING. (Heh..sorry Steph...)

            Storms rock. I love lightning.
            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


            • Hello....AHHAHA I'm so HATPYER! That's a mix of happy, and hyper! I'm going to stay up all night if it's the last thing I do! HAHA. It's 1:38 right now... I'm gunna be the energizer jus keeps going and going and going and going.... *runs in circles*

              I'm really not that hyper...just my brain is. She's one of my best friends... Don't you say I'm crazy...My brain is an entirly separate entity from me. There's BiW, and BiW's brain! You can have a whole conversation with yourself, but it's not yourself... It's actually quite amusing once you start talking aloud and the people around you start giving you funny looks.

              For all of you I don't really know:
              As you can probably tell, I am not the average insane person. And my awesome possum brain companion isn't the average brain, who's name will now be Brain (with a capital 'B') Does anyone have any objections...? GOOD! GOOD! Moving on...Let's see....I am me...Don't like it?...too bad....go eat some cotton candy or something...

              Anywho...*huggles everyone* Awww I missed you guys. I was abducted by the hostile sock monkeys who implantd a control chip into Brain's frontal lobe, and it kept me away from you awesome people! But when they got their shipment of bananas, I'll tell you, they went crazy. So I ran away and hid in a blue circle. Then I an aweosme buddy o' mine nitafan over there *points* was like COME BACK and I DID. Isn't that amazing?

              I know what you're thinking.....your thinking "Why isn't that girl in an insane asylum?" I know what you mean....haha. it would be soo fun to run around in one of those padded cells with a strait jacket on... Oooohh well...One can always dream!

              If I start to scare anyone, jus say so...I'll be normal...or at least as normal as one with a brain like Brain can be...
              Reality is for those who lack imagination.



                ...and Ireland is the most absolutely awesomest place ever, and it rocks, and I want to go back (actually I didn't want to come home)and and and.... whoooooooooo

                and we're putting in a koi pond.

                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                Follow the bouncing poot


                • *Reads up on the ToGR, which grew over the weekend*

                  I have several comments to make, and I hope I can remember all of them.
                  1. Annagail: you like Tori Amos? (One word: Winter) I had a roomie last year who liked Alannis Morisette (I hope I didn't misspell that), Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco and Noe (I forgot Noe's last name again...). She was also a fan of Tenacious D, which I happen to like too. Unfortunately, we can't room together again this coming year b/c she's getting an Apartment and I have to stay in the dorms. And when you say you're showing your age, I'm just curious how old that is. I'm 19, one of the slightly older members. There are several that are a lot older than me, but considering that most members are in their teens I'm on the older side.

                  2. G'dai and Congrats on the Powerbook Alla! I hope it runs Skype, b/c as soon as I get a chance to go on Skype when I return to school, I'm SO going to talk to you! *huggles the Alla-Gator*

                  3. WF, I heard what happened yesterday and I'm SO SORRY. I couldn't get online at all b/c my mom wouldn't turn on the comp. Actually, I'm kind of glad I missed it b/c a certain someone would have had his nether regions kicked inside out.

                  4. BiW, WELCOME BACK! I haven't talked to you in awhile, and as soon as I get back to school I can use AIM again, so I look forward to talking to you then. Or in chat, if you happen to be there when I'm there.

                  5. Gibby, I'm glad you're able to post in here occassionally, I really like reading your posts. It's too bad about the RPG though...

                  6. I like Flogging Molly! They randomly came on the Tenacious D fan station on Launchcast Radio and Fay encouraged me to listen to them more. I like several of their songs, and I have a few on my MP3 player. My faves are Rebels of the Sacred Heart, What's Left of the Flag, May the Living be Dead (in our wake), and Drunken Lullabies. There are others I would prolly like, but those are the only ones that I have heard so far. On Yahoo Launch they have a few music videos, hehe.

                  I can't really think of any other comments for the time being...except to mention that Sharky won't be on until July 4, and Leah (Nella) won't be around until the end of July b/c she's away at camp. I AM SO GOING TO MISS TALKING TO THEM WHILE THEY ARE GONE! Meanwhile, I have Neets to talk to at night and maybe Art if she can find her cell phone.
                  Also, on a side note, I might be able to go back to visit Alaska! My dad will be going around July 29th or so to about the first week of August, which is perfect timing for me to go with him. The main problems are money (a plane ticket costs at leat $500, not to mention other costs of staying in town), and finding a place to stay. My dad has some friends he can stay with for a few days, but then he's going on a fishing trip with a couple of guys and I won't be able to go on that. I wouldn't really want to go on the fishing part anyway. But the thing about that is that I'll have to find someone to stay with for about a week. I seriously doubt staying in a hotel will be a good idea, and I don't really know people all that well. Sure my parents had friends, but my mom doesn't want me to impose on any of HER friends, and my dad's friends are all freaky guys...there is a slight chance that I might be able to stay with a neighbor or a former teacher...or my one friend from the high school there might be able to find me someone to stay with. She's in Washington now, so I won't be able to stay with her...but there might be a chance to visit her if I stay over in the Seattle area for awhile. I know Fay is in the Pacific Northwest, but in a diff part. It would be AWESOME if I could visit Fay as well, but that would be tricky to set up. Anyway, I'm not even sure if I'm going yet so I shouldn't worry too much just yet.

                  I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll just move on for now. I should be in the chat all day if anyone wants to talk.

                  *wanders off*


                  • I'm sitting in my attic. It's 9:44 am, and the air conditioning is broken. Why I am sitting in my attic, I don't know. It's the hottest room in the house.

                    I've been up since about 5:00, because I couldn't sleep. Then I went running. It is so hot out, and it's not even the hottest part of the day yet! Argh. I just ate a peach, a S'more Pop-Tart, and a piece of pepperoni pizza. I think I'm sick or something...

                    Lisa, any excuse to call a guy or have him come to your house is brilliant. I have to ride my bike up to my high school and watch my guy at football practice if I want to see him...Don't worry about boys. No matter what image we build up of them, they will mess it up, and that's why I will never get a boyfriend either...or be kissed. My friends say that I'm too picky about guys.

                    There was only one grade that I was mad about on my report card: A.P. U.S. History. I got a B! I'm so mad, it's because of my final project. I couldn't get into a group, so I had to make a whole movie on my own, and it stunk really badly. I'm really sad. But I still have a 4.0+ gpa somehow...I don't know how...

                    All that is gold does not glitter,
                    Not all those who wander are lost;
                    The old that is strong does not wither,
                    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
                    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
                    A light from the shadows shall spring;
                    Renewed shall the blade that was broken,
                    The crownless again shall be king.
                    -J.R.R. Tolkien
                    I think that's it...I can't really find it in the books, but I googled it, because I knew it was by Tolkien...

                    My mom made me wear the normal bra to church. I HATE IT! It's not like any guys that I like care about what bra I wear! And none of them go to church anyway! (at least not my church) Growing up stinks.

                    BIW- I love Brain. She's funny.

                    Wf- If you like, I'll help Rad kick out his nether regions. I'm very good at that, I've had lots of practice.

                    Grrr.....I don't know what to do. I smell like a pig from cross country...Maybe I should take a shower...maybe. Naw, it's too hot. The minute I go back outside, I'll smell again as it's too hot to survive.

                    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                    • *listens to "LateNightLullaby", a remix of Zelda's Lullaby from Zelda 64 Ocarina of time, on The only problem is the song keeps skipping here and there...awesome song though!*

                      HE came into chat today, but I didn't get a chance kick him b/c he left too quickly...

                      I'll have to be going in a few minutes, unless I get lucky. Uh...rats I was going to say something but I forgot...oh yeah, the stupid site wasn't working earlier!
                      *mutters at the site and hope it doesn't spazz tomorrow*


                      • My avatar is NOT disturbing. It's a monaboyd. I like monaboyd. And your friend would not get freaky because my avatar is not of hobbits. It is of the two guys who play hobbits, but it is not of hobbits. If you want disturbing you should see some of the monaboyd slash pages *shudders*. Those are scary.
                        Hehe, funny weird laws. I think my dad has broken one of them.
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • I don't know that I have much to say...

                          Let's see..

                          -First thing that came to mind with the glitter gold thingy was 'Stairway to Heaven.' Now it's going to be stuck in my head forever. Thanks a lot. Anywho...I get it.
                          -I'm hoping to have one by prom. Praying more like. Whatever. I have a feeling that I won't have one though. So, I'm going bowling in a prom dress.

                          On that note...I'm making my prom dress! Not now...but...for prom...when it comes around...anyway. It's got a red satin corset with black lace panels and a big poufy black gathered skirt with red underneath. And if you haven't seen the 'Helena' music video (I think I posted it a little bit ago) I'm making the dress the dead girl wears in that for homecoming. I say that a lot...sorry.


                          OH! Insane asylums...who said that...BiW! Right! I was talking to mum about what I could do about my room. See, I have three rooms upstairs and two bathrooms. My main room is white with black trim and red furnishings, my theatre room with bar is brown (no I'm not an alchie (contrary to popular belief)...I just know a lot about alcoholic beverages...a lot...), the bathrooms are red and black, and gold and black with classic foreign theatre posters (fun!), but I can't figure out what to do with this one room! Mum was like, why don't you put fabric on the walls, and I was like, OO! A PADDED ROOM! This conversation continued until mum was like, sure make a padded room. I was like SCORE! Will you buy me a strait jacket? Mum decided that she wasn't okay with a padded room...oh well. I'll just throw my guitars and pianos and various woodwind instruments in it.

                          Anywho...still don't like sports bras except for when I'm weight training or whatever. Y'all are crazy.

                          Riiight...anywho...TODAY'S VIDEO!!!! Big Bunny Presents...Big Bunny Episode 2: Vegetables

                          <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Edit:</span> The following has to do with my religion and the religion of others. If you don't want to hear about it, don't read it. I'm not going to be rude and force it on you. It's your choice.

                          <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Wow. I'm really sad now. A lot of members on this site are atheists, and I never realized it. It really makes me kinda unhappy. The worse thing is, I've been reading some atheists' websites, whether they're on this site or not, and they seem so unhappy with themselves. I feel like I've been neglecting my duty as a Christian. I don't minister at all. I don't even know that I'm that great of an example. All that is going to change...I hope... So if you're going through a difficult time, you can talk to me and I'll do my best to show you what helps me through my tough times. And even if you don't want to hear about my religion, I'll still do my best to help you. I'm not going to force it on anyone. Right, I'm done now.</span>

                          <span class="ev_code_RED">Edit again: OMG. I was just in chat, ya know? ATM doesn't know who Monty Python is!!! *gasp of horror* Nita, PM, and I were like, *gasp*</span>


                          • Not know who Monty Python is??? That'!

                            I wanna padded room.....and a strait jacket. OMG. I'm so asking for one for my birthday, no, christmas, that's coming first. I'm gunna become an escape artist...and learn how to get out of one... Then they never keep me locked away...ever....muhahaha....

                            Hey, how many of you people have skype? I never have anyone to talk to...
                            Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                            • Monty Python...heh. I saw maybe the first five minutes of the movie at that graduation party. I was otherwise preoccupied the rest of the time. Besides that, never seen it. *waits for gasps*

                              Lovey: Wow. That's all I can say. *huggles*

                              Prom... I don't feel like saying anything on that subject, since Lovey will probably start yelling at me. *cowers*

                              The Rather Large Bunny is evil.
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Yeah! Big Bunny! I love Big Bunny, he's so funny!

                                How can people not know who Monty Python is!?! You know, <span class="ev_code_WHITE">coconut horses, a shrubbery, Knights who say Ni</span>? Argh! *runs around contemplating how people don't know who Monty Python is*

                                ARGH! I just tried to put in a little smiley thingie at the end of my post, and it deleted half my post! Do you know how annoying that is!


                                Padded rooms: I have no desire to become an escape artist or to own a padded room. I'd rather have a library full of books I love. And a bunch of money.

                                I get a new sports bra! I made a deal with Mom: I'll wear the one that's nicer on special occasions (i.e. Christmas, Thanksgiving...actually, if I wear sweaters on those holidays, she won't be able to tell if I'm wearing a sports bra or not...) and she pays for HBP when it comes out, so I don't have to spend my birthday money on it. I love making deals with my mom, as she is the worst deal maker ever.

                                Prom: I'll be sitting at home, wondering why I can't get a guy, watching tv and eating about 4 tubs of vanilla ice cream. It's like I repel guys or something.

                                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

