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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! In a good way of course. I have to wait until the 20th even to get ahold of my copy! My mom will read a Harry Potter before I do! It will be a first. GAH! Except it takes her like a month to read them, so I might just have to steal it from her for a couple days in the middle. URHG! I just have to be going to LA the Wednesday before it comes out don't I?
    In other news, I'm completely exhausted and likely to get more so because of beautiful taiko. I have rehearsals on Wednesday and Thursday for our recital/concert thing this weekend, and so I won't get home till like 9:30 so I won't get to bed till like 10 or later! Which is really late for me since I get up at 5:30. I will become a walking zombie soon. Just watch. Actually first I'll be SO hyper and no one will be able to get me to shut up about taiko, then when it's over I'll die.
    The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
    I promise not to funfun anymore
    Be happy cause life is good


    • Rad, I completely know how you feel. My mom doesn't like the whole forum/chat thingie. She doesn't like the internet at all. So I have to close chime and stuff really fast when she comes in, and she thinks I'm looking up bad stuff online. All I can say is: EW! There's a better waste of my time out there. Like TV, and, um, TV! Does she really think I'm that irresponsible? She now thinks the YW forum is a fanfiction website. I don't know how she thinks that, but she does. Anyway...

      I went to work for the first time today. I'm a sub at the local safety town...Not exactly the best job, as my babysitting job pays better than it does. Safety Town:$4.00 an hour. Babysitting:$6.00 an hour, but the kids are really little. Some kid ran over my foot with a toy ride on tractor thing. It hurts.

      I get my room back! Almost all my family has left. On the 4th of July, we all had a big fight, and my uncle yelled at my cousins because one of them threw a water balloon at another cousin during a water balloon fight. Isn't that the point of a water balloon fight? To get wet? Yeah, it is.

      Nitafan: you have an ex? Lucky.

      I'm kinda dead to the world right now. Since Friday night I've had about 6 hours of sleep total...

      Alla: aren't the keyboards on laptops better than normal keyboards? The only bad thing is that I read an article once that the way a laptop's keyboard is positioned in relation to the screen can make your neck go bad or something when you're older...I think that's what it said. It freaked my mom out when she saw the article, and she wanted to get rid of Spot for awhile...but Spot's my baby, and she can't get rid of him. *croons "My precious" to Spot*

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • I bought new manga. Again. At this rate I'll own all the manga in the world by next week... and be broke -_-; ...And it's the same animes over and over again... I almost own the entire Ceres and DN angel series now. I have so many other mangas that I'm dying to read but won't until I finish these two evilly obsessive series!!

        And she's all like, "well I saw you click out of something when I looked over to see what you were doing, and what were you typing so fast?" Now usually I do switch between windows and use neopets as a sort of cover, but this time I wasn't. I was just checking things really fast and the screen was flashing, but I wasn't switching windows for once in my life!
        Same exact thing happens to me. I use Neopets as a cover-up for my sisters too, who also happen to be like the world's worst little tattlers...

        HBP IS LIKE SO SOON! *frieks out* YAY!!!!

        Life is boring when there's nothing to do. Amazing. Lucky Hungry and any one else that goes to camp or has a job... otherwise, when school's out, life is unbelievably boring! All I do is walk into town (often alone, cause ALL of my friends are busy), then read manga, and go on the internet. How pathetic and lazy and boring my summer existance is! Usually I'm much more active than this... But soon we go to Boston for a wedding or something and then all of my friends' camps end and I'll have something to do again! Only a few weeks wait. Then again, maybe I shouldn't complain considering that I got back four days ago from running around France for a month...

        (Is keeping up the regular habit of not being able to post without mentioning you-should-know-what-by-now) Ryou-kun amuses me. People always think that it's his Yami that's obsessed with the Sennen Items... sure


        • Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • cress, I kinda feel your pain. My dad was gonna take me to the release party on the 15th/16th at our local Borders, but now he's going up to state college for some fraternity thingus instead, and my mom isn't going to take me (HP, the Renn Faire, the Tartan terrors concert, that's all my dad's job to do). So I'm really, really bummed.

            ...course, when the last one came out I wasn't allowed to stay up all night and read it cuz I was leaving at 5 that saturday to go help out with the Brothers in the brox with my youth group, and the rents wouldn't let me take it on the bus with me (it's a 4 hour drive in good traffic! aaaugh!!!)

            But i survived. and i'm sure I will again this time, what'd be really nice would be if borders would open up early from the next YW book. But i have a feeling I'll be lucky if they even get a copy in when it comes out.

            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
            Follow the bouncing poot


            • Hi guys! I'm dead to the world...whoever said I was lucky to have a job, you can have mine. Screaming 5 and 6 year olds who go crazy because we locked them in the back seat of a police car and told them they were going to jail...I have a huge headache. Did I mention Penelope, the pirate policewoman bear? Oh yeah, it's bad.

              One of my coworkers put tape on my Addidas slides. One piece of tape says right shoe, and the other says other right shoe. Hmmm...just felt like adding that.

              I went to Target yesterday after work, and bought a new pillow. It's blue, and comfy, and's my favorite color. I also went to Border's and got a book, I forget the title. I HAVE to stop spending money, or else I won't be able to get HBP or W@W when it comes out.

              HBP: when the last HP book came out, we were going to get it in the morning, but my dad was nice enough to go down to the Border's at midnight and pick up my family's 3 copies...because I have sharing issues, especially with my family, we needed 3 copies. I'm hoping he'll do that again, because I'm not going down there at midnight. I'd be out past curfew anyway, and could get picked up by the police...and that would happen to me, as I'm very unlucky lately.

              W@W: Border's should totally open early for it! I was so sad when I found out the release date was moved to October. But I'll be ordering it on Amazon probably, as it won't be at my Border's until November...they rarely have books I like, because no one else in my community reads YW, or Tamora Pierce, or any of the other authors I like.

              Yeah...I named my iPod finally. His name is Steve. So now I have Spot (laptop) Skip (watch) Spike (cell phone) and Steve (iPod.) I really need to find a new hobby...bye guys

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • OMG I am so freaking bored! No one has been in chat yet and I am nodding off reading FAQ's for video games.

                Here's a funny quote from a list of Mario series characters: "If Luigi got the short end of the stick when it comes to starring roles in
                video games, then Baby Luigi had his stick stolen, stomped into pieces
                and then recycled." XDXD

                So anyway, I am SO BORED. I should prolly finish reading Firestarter; I'm almost done with it. (Great book btw! It's Stephen King )

                Also, on another note, Banjo-Kazooie for N64 is a really great, challenging game. Yoshi's Story for N64 is downright annoying, I wouldn't suggest it...although some people think it's really cute.

                Whoa, that's weird. I'm wide awake now, but just about 10 minutes ago I was nearly falling out of my chair...hehe


                • BUY AN XBOX AND PLAY HALO 2!
                  Comradely, Diego

                  Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                  "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                  "Be a real


                  • Or better yet, play Halo 1.... I liked Halo 2 and all... but Halo 1 was much better... i wasnt used to all the new guns/levels.. and the older guns were cooler... well, the new rocket launcher is sweet, but other than that, Halo 1!!! Getting to use two guns is fun, but halo 1 had better guns/levels.... but now they need to make Halo 3!!! *sigh*


                    • I LOVE BANJO!!!!!!!!!! Of course I can't play video games worth beans, so I just watch my friend play it. But it's still fun, which is rather sad.
                      In other news, I swam WAY too much this morning (read slightly over three miles) and I've had a killer headache all day, and now I feel slightly sick. This is not a good thing seeing as I have to go to taiko rehearsal tonight.
                      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                      I promise not to funfun anymore
                      Be happy cause life is good


                      • Cress, I agree with you about the headache thing. The kids that I work with were soooo loud today. I came home, ate a sandwich, then got dragged to my grandma's house, where dad was fixing her refridgerator (I know it's spelled wrong, and right now I JUST DON'T CARE!) I'm a little weird right now.

                        Last night my mom said that if I don't start wearing a bike helmet, I can't get my driver's liscense until college. I don't think that's fair. I know, I should wear a helmet. We all should. But no one I know wears one! And then I look like a bigger dork than I am! Grrr....

                        Yesterday at work, I looked down at the floor and saw this big bug. I thought it was fake, and then it moved, and we (counselors and kids) all freaked out. It was this really big maroon colored beetle thing with pinchers. We don't normally have bugs like that here. It was so gross.

                        Oh yeah. I got locked in the backseat of a police car yesterday. No, I wasn't being bad! It was to demonstate to my campers that it wasn't good to be locked in a police car, as you can't get out of the backseat from the inside, as the doors don't open from the inside.

                        ZZZZ....I think I'm going to fall over....but I can't, because I'm lying down....haha.

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • Tragedy in London
                          A series of blasts struck London's transportation system during rush hour this morning, killing at least 37 and injuring hundreds. Our sincerest condolences go out to the friends and families of the victims of this terrible attack, and we pray the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
                          Why do things happen like this?
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • Zgirl:
                            Why do things happen like this?
                            Cuz people, no other words for it, suck... But, if you think about it, to them, they were doing what they thought was right... So dont get all mad at them.. just feel bad for the peeplz that died... But, the thing i hated most.. well, close second, will tell that later though... was that people kept dragging it up again.. they kept on talking about it years after it happened.. we dont talk about gettysburg, and write descendants letters.. if i had lost someone in 9/11, id tell the writers of the letter to shut up and leave me alone, i wouldnt want to keep hearing about how my family died, id want to move on... The second worst thing is... I didnt even KNOW about it till i got home.. i just got some paper telling me disasters happen, and its ok... my dad told me about it when i got home... they made such a big deal about it, and kids talk about watching it in school.. and i never KNEW until i got home.. and i hapened in the MORNING.. grrr... but, to us they're terrorists, to others their freedom fighters.. just depends on whose side your on, so dont judge them w/o thinking about it from their POV....


                            • Hehe, I changed my avie again. I had it on the Christmas one for a bit, and I have a YW one made that I could use, but I like this one better. *grin*

                              Neighbor having a pool is NOT going to help anything this summer (first summer in NC; the decision's gone back to staying here instead of going to NY). The water was 90 the other day. The air was COOLER THAN THE WATER. There's no point in SWIMMING if not to cool off... I got hotter IN the water than I would've been sitting on the side.

                              I've been listening to the radio since about ten or eleven, and I've heard at least ten 3 Doors Down songs, at least three of them the same song... *headdesk* Beginning to be annoyed by 3 Doors Down. I still like the older stuff, the stuff they never play on the radio... Kryptonite and Away From the Sun are good...

                              "Stars looking at our planet watching entropy and pain/and maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane..."
                              I have Switchfoot running through my head. And look what just came on the radio! Overplayed new songs will take over the world.

                              I still have another YW skit scene pre-written that I nearly forgot about... (skip over this if you don't want *a certain flash movie songthing* stuck in your head XD)

                              Scene four

                              WF: the scenes are getting shorter.

                              LOVEY: yeah, they are...

                              LOVEY: d'you think typing out the lyrics to Magical Trevor would help?

                              ANGEL: Nooooo! Not Magical Trevor! *shudders* *runs*

                              WF: My mom went around singing Magical Trevor today...

                              WF: so now it's stuck in my head...

                              WF: and I know all the lyrics... sorta...

                              MUSIC: Everyone loves Magical Trevor
                              'Cause the tricks that he does are ever so clever
                              Look at him now, dissapearing a cow
                              Where is the cow heading right now
                              Taking a bow, it's Magical Trevor
                              Everybody's seen that the trick is clever
                              Look a him there with is leathery, leathery
                              whip. It's made him magic with a little flip!
                              Yeah yeah, yeah the cow is back
                              yeah yeah, yeah the cow is back
                              back from his magical journey... yeah
                              What did he see? in the parallel dimension...
                              he saw beans losta beans losta beans
                              losta beans, oh beans lotsa beans losta
                              beans losta beans
                              Everyone loves Magical Trevor...

                              WF: yeah, it worked! Thanks Lovey!

                              LOVEY: Musicals are fun...

                              ANGEL: *traumatized*

                              AHHAHA L337 SPEAK! I'm like obsessed with that. |-|0\/\/ |\/|uch \/\/00|) c0u|_|) 4 \/\/00|)c|-|uck c|-|ck 1f 4 \/\/00|)c|-|uck c0u|_|) c|-|uck
                              Gahh. I can't read Leet... can type it ok, but it's harder to read it.
                              533, 7`/|*1|\|' 1|\/ |_337... 4|-||-||-|, 1 <4|\|'7 |234|> 7|-|15.

                              Enough of that though, anyone out there read Eragon? I JUST found out that the sequel comes out like Aug. 23.... YAY! Now, I'll read HBP, then Eragon, and then it might be close for it to come out...
                              I couldn't get all the way through Eragon... I'll prob'ly get it from the library, yet again, but I dunno if I'll read it.

                              HBP... it's not a reality for me. I dunno, I just can't picture it actually being out... I'm not even excited. I was excited three months ago, but now, nada. It's kinda crazy. I've never gotten anything at midnight, I think I got OotP like two months after it was out...

                              o_0 Considering my typing skills (*cough* y'know, the nonexistant ones) on a qwerty keyboard, I don't know if I'd be able to type at all on a foreign keyboard.
                              Welcome back, and glad you had fun. ^^'
                              XD All I can say in French is hello and a load of random insults and curses.

                              Anyone here ever seen Potter Puppet Pals? Totally random, but I love them SOO much, and im bored.
                              AHAHAHA YES. I've seen them all (I love "Cure my love" and the two originals, "Bothering Snape" and "Trouble at Hogwarts" the best XD) and the soundtrack hasn't been working for me for a while... I never have enough sense to save anything to my computer, ever. And I can't give out my email... I should get around to telling mom I want to make a second one that I can give out...

                              HAPPY 4TH TO ALL YOU AMERICANS!
                              HAPPY -erm, EIGHTH! XD I'm always late.

                              The thing that isn't a bunny is a whazzitcalled, er... a somethingorother. Dalek?

                              And she's all like, "well I saw you click out of something when I looked over to see what you were doing, and what were you typing so fast?" Now usually I do switch between windows and use neopets as a sort of cover, but this time I wasn't. I was just checking things really fast and the screen was flashing, but I wasn't switching windows for once in my life!
                              AUGH YES. Mom says the main reason that (if we get a laptop) I won't be allowed to have the laptop in my room is because I click out of things when she walks by. I'm being suspicious and trying to hide things, apparently. She knows I'm in chat and everything, but gahh... now I'm making a point of not looking over my shoulder and not ever switching windows or tabs or laughing at something on the computer when she's near me. >_< And she thinks I'm writing a novel in Wordpad. Writing, yes, but not with the intent of ever showing it to anyone.

                              *must...mention...YGO...* I've read almost all of them that are out over here, and I didn't feel like spending ten bucks on something I've seen on TV before, 'specially if I can check it out at the library.
                              Oh! I've seen the Yu-Gi-Oh movie now (Pyramids of Light if there's more than one... the only reason I saw it was because of my brother, so I'm pretty much lost XD). So I'm currently re-reading your fanfiction in another window, because I know who the charries are and everything. I've seen a little of the series on TV too...

                              Hi guys! I'm dead to the world...whoever said I was lucky to have a job, you can have mine. Screaming 5 and 6 year olds who go crazy because we locked them in the back seat of a police car and told them they were going to jail...I have a huge headache. Did I mention Penelope, the pirate policewoman bear? Oh yeah, it's bad.
                              You're lucky to have a job, and I want a job, but just not that job... gahh, little kids. I'd have a headache too. *huggles*

                              Also, on another note, Banjo-Kazooie for N64 is a really great, challenging game.
                              Ahahaha... my brother used to play that all the time until he pressed the wrong button at startup and deleted his whole game, where he was nearly to the end. He refuses to play it now.

                              Why do things happen like this?


                              • quote:

                                The thing that isn't a bunny is a whazzitcalled, er... a somethingorother. Dalek?
                                Ok, I really think I need to stop being so obsessed with this XD. Its already taken over one of my bookshelves with vids, DVDs and books, (the books being the predominate lifeform - yes they are a lifeform, they keep breeding/multiplying when I'm not looking... , but then I guess that my entire book collection keeps breeding, its just my shelves won't grow, so their habitat is starting to become overrun... I have two boxes of Hardy Boys books that I need to put up... *sigh*)

                                Anyway... IGOTMYLEARNERDRIVERSPERMIT... finally. I could have got it like a year ago but at least I have it now. I'm looking into lessons at the moment, as we don't have a car that is really suitable for mum or dad to teach me to drive in, one being a 4WD, and the other is an automatic and I want to learn to drive a manual so we either need to get another car (an idea that is on the tables at the moment, what with the price of petrol and the fact that the 4WD chews it up a little bit) or something, but this sentence is getting rather long, so I guess I had better end it.

                                Banjo-Kazooie is awesome. We have it, and my brother and I have got up to the last encounter with Gruntilda, but I can't pass it. My bro gave up aaages ago, but I keep trying from time to time. My favourite part of it is the quiz game towards the end.

                                AUGH YES. Mom says the main reason that (if we get a laptop) I won't be allowed to have the laptop in my room is because I click out of things when she walks by. I'm being suspicious and trying to hide things, apparently. She knows I'm in chat and everything, but gahh... now I'm making a point of not looking over my shoulder and not ever switching windows or tabs or laughing at something on the computer when she's near me. >_< And she thinks I'm writing a novel in Wordpad. Writing, yes, but not with the intent of ever showing it to anyone.
                                *giggles* Well, we just got a laptop, after a year and a bit of 'can we get one' and yes, well the main reason that it was put off, was because dad was skeptical that anyone else would be able to use it. Well, other people have used it, but I guess I am hogging it a little from my brother, since our good desktop is out of action. As for closing and switching windows, I do it, but mum has like given up on trying to find out what I was looking at. They know I chat, they know I post, and luckily they trust me. I do the novel writing bit too, but mum isn't really interested, other than 'what are you typing' and she's learnt not to pry any further if I respond 'a story' and dad - well dad has this idea that he'll read it when (and if) it gets published.

                                Aaanyway, dad wants Lappy to help him fix the other computer (it has a virus) so yes... I must leave for now.


