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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Note on the Tradgedy in London: How much news coverage is the U.S. showing on that? I'm in England now, Kent. I was in London just after the blasts. I know that the English were showing a lot of 9/11 footage (probably not the actual attack OVER AND OVER again like they did in the States) so I'm wondering, how much news coverage is there in the States? It's a big deal here, England's 9/11. We were watching TV for the first few hours, then went down to London inspite of the warnings not to. We had theater tickets *roll eyes*
    One thing that I noticed: people here are calm. They didn't run around in panic and chaos. I've heard that the people on the Underground came out in an "orderly fashion". London is amazingly empty but other than that... it's really calm around here, people are handling this pretty well. It's kinda scary, it could have me and my mom on one of those buses. Or maybe the Underground. We were going to go to Oxford that day, through London. At the very least we would have been stuck there.
    What amazed me was that the PM, Tony Blair, actually left Gleneagles to come down here. Unlike Bush who on 9/11 was hidden away... I'm sure if the G8 was in the U.S. they'd hide them all or something like that...
    The death toll for this is rising above fifty now. I agree with Z, "Why do these things happen?" *shakes head* the mayor was saying that these attacks weren't on the G8, but a massacre on the innocent people of London. I'm not sure if that was exactly what he said, but somewhere along those lines. Blair is saying that it was an attack on the G8. I just think it was horrible and should never have to happen again, but I know it will.
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
    "I could live


    • Wildflower: You're lucky to have a job, and I want a job, but just not that job...gahh, little kids. I'd have a headache too. *huggles*
      Crazy kids ran over my feet today with tractors. But it's the last day of work! I'm free! But next week I have to go to summer school gym because I don't want to take gym during the school year. Not funfun. Some kids at work gave me hugs! They were so cute, and my boss said he'd definitely hire me as a full-time and not a sub next year if I apply...I might, if I can't get a better job.

      Alla: LUCKY! You got your permit? I can't get mine until December, and I know I won't get it then. I wanna drive! *cries* I'd be good at driving! Of course, I'd have a lot of speeding tickets. *looks around for cops*

      Last night, I was online, and the guy I like was online too! So I IM'd him, and we talked for about an hour. Very Funfun. (This is the guy I talked about in chime with someone...I forget who, but I got him to e-mail me using text messaging...anyway.)

      Agent M: They don't have much coverage on what happened in London where I live. I don't know about the rest of the U.S., but I really don't know much of what happened. I should go read the newspaper...

      We have had flies in our house for the past few days because people keep leaving the door open. It's annoying.

      Candy is good for the soul and for the heart, but not for the body.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • Grrrrrrrrr... I am angry at my friend because she got to go to New York for almost 3 weeks!!! She will be back on wednesday. *is bored* I should probably be working on my 4-h speech, because the meeting is on monday, but i don't want to!! I want to quit 4-h because it is getting boring because this is my 4th year. Is anyone else in 4-h??
        Dai stiho cousins


        • Oooh! Eragon poetry contest! OMG! Christopher Paolini has just sent out his latest newsletter (online) and he said he already chose the winners, and "Random House will release them shortly." GAH! Now I'm hyper and anxious and ego-boosting and degrading myself at the same time! Pressure...

          I went to Waldenbooks! I got Fruits Basket 9, cuz they didn't have 6, 7, or 8. But they had 1-4 and 9-10. I also got Children of the Lamp, in paperback finally, for $3! Cool! And...A Hat Full of Sky, by Terry Pratchett. I know I could get it at the library, but I felt like buying it, because the first one was so good.
          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


          • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


            • 7 days. One week. 7 days until HBP!!! OMG!! What sucks is that I'm getting it at midnight, so by the time I fall asleep (I'm most alive at night. I write/read, do alot of stuff then. even if it's late) it'll be 2:00 and then we have to leave at 5:30 am to go on an airplane to Boston or somewhere on the east coast! Oh well, I can live with a few hours sleep.. it's not like I sleep anyway...

              I've been listening to the radio since about ten or eleven, and I've heard at least ten 3 Doors Down songs, at least three of them the same song... *headdesk* Beginning to be annoyed by 3 Doors Down. I still like the older stuff, the stuff they never play on the radio... Kryptonite and Away From the Sun are good...

              Overplayed new songs will take over the world.
              I agree with that. 3 Doors Down is getting on my nerves. I didn't mind their music on the radio...until I heard each song for the thousandth time -_-; ... and yes, over-played songs WILL rule the world. They start by taking over peoples heads and controling minds...

              BEARDY BIT ME!! Beardy is my pet bearded dragon. Now don't mistake me, it was a complete accident. But he still cut my finger open and it bleed like crazy. I was feeding him a grape and his bit my finger while trying to eat the half of grape. It's my fault that I held it so stupidly on the tip of my finger like that. I should've known that he couldn't just snip it off without munching on my finger with it. And he may have salmanella... (though my now I've probably built an immunity to it) A large picture of my dearest Beardy can be viewed here .

              *must...mention...YGO...* I've read almost all of them that are out over here, and I didn't feel like spending ten bucks on something I've seen on TV before, 'specially if I can check it out at the library.
              ...I do not agree. The manga and the anime are VERY different. The anime airing on TV was dubbed after it was changed from the original in the first place. The anime was made by random people, a copy off of the manga, changing story-line and the plot. And then the dubbers mutilated it even further! Kazuki Takahashi wrote the manga and it's the ONLY true YGO. My opinion. Then again I can understand borrowing the manga from the library rather than buying it for a whole ten bucks (on Amazon, it's like only $1.32 or something absurdly cheap! Maybe that was for some other manga though). Except my library only has books 2 and 4 so that doesn't really help me.

              I prefer the manga over the anime any day. I prefer books over TV and that's the way it's always gonna be.

              Oh! I've seen the Yu-Gi-Oh movie now (Pyramids of Light if there's more than one... the only reason I saw it was because of my brother, so I'm pretty much lost XD). So I'm currently re-reading your fanfiction in another window, because I know who the charries are and everything. I've seen a little of the series on TV too...
              I haven't even seen that yet! And YGO is like my life. And why not? It was MADE by the dubbers, the people that RUINED the anime for America, so what's the point? They supposedly said "Seto Kaiba is 18," in the movie ...
              ????!!! ... What the freaking heck?! HE'S SIXTEEN, I'D KNOW! I'm not gonna bother seeing a film supposedly made by the official people when they can't even get Seto-kun's AGE right. Sheesh. Besides, I DETEST the stupid bad guys that just appear, like the Anubis friek. I even loathed Dartz because he was try-to-be-evil-but-really-is-beyond-lame villian. Come ON, Bakura-san is ultiamte evil to rival the Lone One! He doesn't just show up when it's his turn to be ultimate evil, he was Ryou-kun, Yugi's friend, form the bginning (and 3000 years before that he was the infamous but hot Thief King!) *Has alot more to say on the matter of dubbers and try-to-be-evil villians but shuts mouth* Long ranting... I did NOT get carried away...


              • WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I NO WANNA LEAVE U GUYS HERE ALL ALONE!!!!!!oh well i get to see a friend that i haven't seen in a long time...


                • Originally posted by kaiba4ever:
                  7 days. One week. 7 days until HBP!!! OMG!! What sucks is that I'm getting it at midnight, so by the time I fall asleep (I'm most alive at night. I write/read, do alot of stuff then. even if it's late) it'll be 2:00 and then we have to leave at 5:30 am to go on an airplane to Boston or somewhere on the east coast!
                  That was my situation with the last book. Only I wasn't allowed to stay up and read it.

                  Although this time my mom won't take me (my dad usually does that stuffe, except he's going ot some fraternity thingus. I appear to be stuck. Mabye I can get my best friend to give me a lift....

                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • Originally posted by kaiba4ever:
                    I haven't even seen that yet! And YGO is like my life. And why not? It was MADE by the dubbers, the people that RUINED the anime for America, so what's the point? They supposedly said "Seto Kaiba is 18," TV too...
                    ????!!! , in the movie. What the freaking heck?! HE'S SIXTEEN, I'D KNOW! I'm not gonna bother seeing a film supposedly made by the official people when they can't even get Seto-kun's AGE right.
                    Wahaha. Noa's 18 days older than him, technically, you know. *snuggles Noa* Whee! New avatar. Made it meself. Don'cha love it?!

                    Come ON, Bakura-san is ultiamte evil to rival the Lone One!
                    Now that, I don't agree with. Bakura's just bad... the Lone One's even sneakier than Bakura. Baku baka! Heheh...

                    Anywho... I've been playing Sonic Adventure 2: Battle a lot... I've cleared two stages today... including one that was giving me no end of trouble. I'm glad I cleared it.

                    I've started making things with POV-Ray, maybe I'll post them up here sometime.
                    "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                    "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                    • There really isn't much news coverage in the States? That's amazing... and wrong if it's true...
                      "Message to the bombers from the people of Britain: GO TO HELL"
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                      "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                      "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                      "I could live


                      • There was a lot of coverage the day it happenned.... and there is still some on the major networks, but not as much as there was initially. And it's somewhat US-based (as in- what can we do to avoid such and such from hapenning here sort of stuffe)

                        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                        Follow the bouncing poot


                        • Hola! Aloha! J'mappelle Lisa! Comme t'appelle tu? Comme ca va?

                          Okay...random! Yay! *no clue why she typed in other languages* *no clue WHAT she typed in other languages*

                          Lookie at my new avie! For the FIRST TIME EVER since I joined, I changed my avatar! To a unique, one-of-a-kind picture! To explain: It's a peace sign, using green and pink instead of black and white. The specific shades I used are opposites of each other (if you press "Invert colours" in paint, it'll look like it turned upside down) and represent Glinda and Elphaba, two opposites who balanced out and found peace. So yes, it's a Wicked avatar. I'll see if I can get a Yu-Gi-Oh one soon...or maybe Fruits Basket...or Star Wars. much goodness.

                          I'm sorry to PM and A Traveller with Magic, for popping out of chat. Mom wanted to use the compy. And much thanks to PM for helping with the link to my avi!
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • Wow, talk about blast from the past... movie on TV... It takes two... man, haven't seen that in forever... Used to love it :P I used to really like mary kate and ashley, i thought they were cool... and it was similar to the parent trap, which is a funny/good movie... Hey peeplz in chat.. if i get in chat today, be warned :P ... My Mom decided to watch My Fair Lady yesterday... So im going to have all the songs stuck in my head.. And THEN, they put in Fiddler on the Roof.. we only watched half of it, cause it was getting late... but now im going to have the songs from both movies stuck in my head :P cool songs/movies... ummm, thats all for now folks :P


                            • Alla:
                              Ok, I really think I need to stop being so obsessed with this XD. Its already taken over one of my bookshelves with vids, DVDs and books, (the books being the predominate lifeform - yes they are a lifeform, they keep breeding/multiplying when I'm not looking... , but then I guess that my entire book collection keeps breeding, its just my shelves won't grow, so their habitat is starting to become overrun... I have two boxes of Hardy Boys books that I need to put up... *sigh*)
                              I think you need to introduce a predator or two.

                              Nnnn... I guess I have to stop lurking sometime. I haven't been reading ToGR or just about any posts here, and I'm not gonna both with catching up.

                              I thought the circle with the Y inside was peace, not the... makes me think of a watermelon.

                              Cuter than Bunny.

                              This is Gryphon. Copy and past Gryphon into your signature to help her conquer the world.

                              I guess I have a lot to say, but I don't feel like typing any of it, so I won't. And then all the stuff I could've said, I didn't say, and then you can't say whether I should've typed it or not, because I never typed it, therefore you never knew what it was, and I still can type it, but I don't feel like it, so maybe I won't, but maybe I will; you don't really know, partly because I never said, and partly because I haven't typed it yet and may or may not type what I was going to say, and also --- this is much more fun than typing normal stuff. XD

                              If anyone have Diablo II, you can play a multiplayer online called Battlenet, and it's really fun.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • The circle with the upside-down Y was peace when I was a kid. ☮ How about that - it's a month younger than I am. I had the impression it was invented in the late 60s.

                                The Yin-Yang symbol was... well, look at the link. There's lots of words there.
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

