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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Lesse...for the summer, I <STRIKE>have</STRIKE> had to read this book about the Bible that like summarized it and made you think, and then I have to read Animal Farm. That book is tiny! Anyways, that's all we have to do. I think. I hope...

    I went to Paramount's Kings Island yesterday, but I don't feel like typing everything up since it's already in my xanga thing. *yawn* I'm tired.
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • I hated Animal Farm. We had to read it in 9th grade English. I know it's supposed to relate to Communist Russia and stuff, but I thought it was a really boring book. was uneventful. I missed DD chat, but by the looks of it, so did everyone else, including DD. *laughs* I know I'm not the only forgetful one anymore. I babysat, and a 1 year old chewed on my favorite flip-flops (it's not my fault, I was helping the 4 year old with something...) I changed a kid's diaper for the first time. Yeah. Not fun. I also learned how to take care of their dog, since they're going on vacation. It's kind of scary, since they're filling out some official papers that say that while they're gone, I have all responsibility for making any medical decisions for the dog. That's kind of scary, having something depend on you that much...I doubt anything will happen to the dog that it would need medical help, but still...

      We had a fire in the backyard. I just came inside because I heard something really weird, some animal that I've never heard before. I think it was either a raccoon, possum, or skunk. We don't usually have any of those around here, but someone saw a skunk last week, and we've had raccoons and possums before.

      I haven't seen my friends in a week. One of them just left for Arizona for 3 weeks, so I can't see her for awhile. The other one has been busy with work, and next week I think she is going to Indiana. Why am I always the one stuck at home on the computer?

      Did you know:
      Chicken t-rexes are not chicken, but little kids think they are?
      Running shoes are not meant to bike ride in; nor to walk long distances in?
      My mom is a sucker when it comes to buying me books? Seriously, on Thursday, we went to Border's to return some stuff that she bought as gifts and didn't use, and I bought 3 books. THREE! Normally, she doesn't like it when I get that many books in a month. I think she's sick or something, because she also ate about 7 s'mores today.

      Good night.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • Hey everyone!
        Gosh I am so tired,I had to sleep on the floor last night and I got a HUGE neck-ache.
        I am out of town and I wish I had brought my yw book with me but I was reading the hp book over again.
        Hey Lisa, that is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        So is it like one of the harry potter and the half blood price displays? I have always wanted to somehow get one of those!! That is so cool!


        • Heyy, fellow YW members. This is teh Gryphish. I haven't written a lot in a long while, but, because I'm random and, well, I'll get to that story, oh, and another story, I feel like typing like a n00b. According to one n00b, I'm a <span class="ev_code_WHITE">fucing morn</span>. Not here, thank god (or powers).

          Yeah. I don't have braces anymore; they came off a week or two ago. And I got a retainer in place. Today I looked at the retainer, and there was stuff growing on it. EWWW. But that's what's supposed to happen if you wear it for only 4 hours a day. Stuff grows if it has a little moisture and warmth. It has three holes that you can't really clean or stick stuff through (with an exception, if you continue to read), and that's where it was. So I put the retainer under hot water for a while, then when I actually had to wear it (eww), I "sealed" off the holes with gum. So now I have gum oozing out the other end. :/

          That's gross.

          Yesterday, my brother was going to walk the dog, and he was having a really tough time doing it. Sam will only go with us if neither of our parents are home. And they were, so the dog would rather go with them.

          T was on the sidewalk in front of the hosue, trying to drag the dog along, so Sam just sat down. Then this cat came over, and, at first, I thought it was Fluffy with his tail puffed up. It wasn't. It's a thin, orange cat with long fur. By thin, I mean no guts and all rib bones. Sam had a cow, but that's to be expected; he's the most pathetic dog there is. He tried to run as far away as his short leash would allow while the cat rubbed up against T.

          We gave it food and water, and it's still on our front yard. Whenever we open the door, he tries to run in. It must've been someone's cat (vs. a stray), but my parents aren't doing anything. Which, as I've put it, means that he'll die on our front yard; they're not giving it anymore food or are adopting it. What with 5 cats already and a dog, one more cat won't make a difference. They're not as demanding as dogs. But mom's adamant. And we haven't put up any found signs.

          That does mean we're going to have a dead cat on our yard in a few days. Meh.

          You might've noticed, but I haven't posted here in a while. I haven't been reading anything either, which means I'm really behind, and I won't try to catch up. Hah!

          Maybe I'll try to stay caught up here again. I don't know. :/ When school starts, I might visit more, though I feel like I won't. Usually it's easier for me to get into patterns and be dedicated to something during the school year. But... I'll have less time. There's some irony, but I don't think I'm in the mood to care.

          I don't know where (or if) I've said this yet, but I'm concerned about running VGDawn when school starts up. I don't know if I'll have enough time. But the thing is, I'll sooner drop here than VGDawn. I owe the members a good roleplay. You guys are all great, but I don't... how should I put it? It doesn't matter as much if I just drop out.

          Hi and welcome to all the newbies, if there are any.

          Oh, and I'll probably redo VGDawn's interior all over again. This time, however, the entire layout will be different instead of just the colors and a few images. I don't know if I'll actually get to it, but I'll try. I still have a month at least.

          If anyone wants to e-mail me ever, my e-mail is .

          Oh... I just remembered. 18 minutes until the DD chat. For all the people who missed yesterdays, guess what. It never happened. I think DD created a topic about it too.

          Oh, I typed this up forever ago. I never actually made the chat -- the forums were slow, so I couldn't post nor hop in. I actually forgot about it by the time it was 3:00.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Errr... why not catch the stray kitty, stick him in a box, and drive him over to the Humane Society? At least he won't get run over by a car.

            And y'know, you can brush the retainer with your toothbrush and toothpaste to get the crud off, and then use a germ-killing mouthwash to make it minty fresh. Might be a better route than gum.
            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


            • *yawn* 3 more days of work to go! After this week I have about 3 weeks or so to have a bit of actual vacation time and I also need to's going to be tricky packing this time, b/c I still have some stuff packed from college, and I need to go through everything again and make a list of things I need. I definitely need to replenish my school supplies, and I need to remember to get this one box back from my sis, and also my DVD's that she's holding for me. My dad bought me a TV this weekend, so I can bring my video games with me to college! I originally intended to just bring my XBox, but I'll prolly end up bringing them all b/c my mom might throw them away. She HATES the video games, and she's been known to throw things away when you're not looking. I noticed soon after I came home for summer vacation that my Razor-type scooter was missing, as well as my roller blades. They both were really good, and they actually worked for me. The scooter was a kind of heavy-duty thing that didn't bend when I rode it, and the roller blades were those solid plastic boot ones that look like skiing boots, and they didn't hurt my ankles. So anyway, I am NOT going to risk my mom throwing out the Sega genesis or dreamcast or SNES...she can get rid of the playstations if she wants, b/c I finally got a PS2, but she better not TOUCH those games, so help me....So needless to say, I'm going to have an extra box with me...this time I have a bunch more stuff, actually. I need another box for books (unless I sort out this one box, which would take a long time so I'm putting it off) and a box for video games and I now have a mini fridge too, so that's going to take up a lot of room...I have a mind to try to get my older sis to come along, so we'll have an extra car to ride in. Once I get done stuffing our minivan, there will only be enough room for 1 passenger, and there would be 2 passengers that need to fit if Amy didn't drive too. So we'll see about that. Also, my dad said he'd try to fix up his "old" comp for me so I can have a desktop in my room. He won't have that ready before I go away to college, so I won't have to worry about fitting that in the car yet...on the way back it might be a problem, though. So anyway, I need to start thinking about packing and making lists and sorting things...

              And on a random note, I need to find a list of all the Nightwish songs b/c I've been downloading a LOT of them and I wonder if I have most of them yet...and I need to re-download all the ones I have on my memory card b/c I need to wipe the memory on that sucker...

              *wanders off to go hang out in chat*


              • Everyone loves the stray cat. Mom at least lets us feed him. I think he's an indoor cat that got out, and people haven't put up lost signs yet. He loves people. When I was reading in the rocking chair on the front porch, Fuzz jumped into my lap and curled up. When I climbed the tree, he came up too and tried to go as high as he can. Then when we played fl tag, the cat followed us up to Joe's house and was being a friend to everyone. V was going to take him home. The next day, BW named him "Fuzzy Navel" (... XD ) and when he called his mom, he was like, "you can pick me up now and I'm taking home a cat. His name is Fuzzy Navel. Kthnxbye."

                Today it should get really hot. If it does, we'll take the cat inside. (He's been trying to get inside whenever we open the door).

                Bradwart: *eyebrow raise* You're so shallow. Also, out of respect to our author who has to pay for each post, we ask that you don't do any short posts. If you're gonna cost DD money, at least make it worth it.

                So no one is posting in togr now? :/
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • If there was a full box of Klondike bars at my grandma's house last week when I stopped in for lunch, and no one eats them but me, where did all my Klondike bars go?!?

                  Hmm...Mom's really getting after me to finish my summer reading before she and dad leave for their...I guess you'd call it a 20th honeymoon trip? Because it's their 20th anninversary this December, but they're taking the trip in a few weeks...

                  Gryphon: we post when we want to...but not much has been happening in some of our lives. Nothing has happened that I feel is worth my time to comment on, and I can't think of any randomnesses to post about, so....randomnesses.

                  It's really hot here, and I'm melting like that evil witch in Wizard of Oz, you should see (or smell) the sweat. I feel so disgusting. *sighs* Wish I could sit in the air-conditioning all day...

                  There's a wood****** outside my window on the tree, and he's pecking and driving me up the wall. I want to throw something at him, but my window won't open, and that'd probably let all the cold air out...Is wood ****** a bad word? Because it won't let me write the word ******...Argh! This is bugging me, wood****** isn't a bad word! Ok, I'm talking about a bird, and it pecks wood and makes noises...does that make sense? So why won't it let me write wood******!

                  -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                  • Oh, the heat! It kills! Actually, it's the humidity that's so horrible, but ah well. It's all the same. Not really. *yawn* Lesse...yesterday the heat index or whatever was at 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Did I spell that right? *goes to check* Oh wow. Spellcheck just told me I need to capitalize it. Anyways, today it was supposed to be hotter, though it didn't seem that way to me.

                    I'm taking a computer class to get out of taking it during school. I'm in there with a bunch of Seniors. Only one ever talked to me though. She's really nice.

                    Lovey had her <STRIKE>not</STRIKE> birthday party yesterday. I guess she's too busy with her layouts to post. Heh. Though maybe I can badger her into saying something. BADGER! *cough* The party was fun. *grin*
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • I just got back from New York City... it was great. I walked sooo much... I'm physically exhausted, and even though I was beat I went rock climbing yesterday, so now I'm dead. :S
                      Comradely, Diego

                      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                      "Be a real


                      • Gryph: So no one is posting in togr now? :/
                        Hungry: we post when we want to...but not much has been happening in some of our lives. Nothing has happened that I feel is worth my time to comment on, and I can't think of any randomnesses to post about, so....randomnesses.


                        • Comment

                          • I have odd cat names too. My cats' names are Gatino, Sid Vicious and Fast Eddy. Eddy was actually named after one of the Barenaked Ladies, although the rest of my family doesn't know that. Darla is my dog, and my birds were named Kiwi, Cheeky, Spanky and Tui. Yeah, we have odd names.
                            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                            I promise not to funfun anymore
                            Be happy cause life is good


                            • I just got an IM from the guy I like! YES! Sorry, just really excited....

                              Pets: I had four goldfish, named Simba, Nala, Sunny, and Sunshine. Give me a break! I was 5.

                              Speaking of pets, I have to dogsit this huge golden retriever named Max. He is so big! I'm a little afraid of walking him, because he tends to pull a little on the leash...but it can't be much different than leading a horse, can it? He's smaller than a horse, so it shouldn't be that hard....right?

                              Man, that IM just made my day! My day has been so bad started raining during cross country, so I got soaked on my ride up to summer gym. Then I discovered that I forgot to bring breakfast, and had no money to spend in the vending machines. Isn't it sad how an IM can make me so happy?

                              I was going to call that guy today, but won't that seem weird, since I just spoke to him on IM? Hmmm....need consultation. *goes to e-mail best friend* Boys are confusing.

                              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                              • hungry-it's ok, big dogs are easy to take care of. At least most big dogs that I know. If they pull on the leash, just make sure they know that you're the boss. It's kind of impossible to get them to stop completely (they're very excitable and walks make them hyper) but unless he's got issues he'll probably just be a big baby.
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

