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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • some people like doing stupid stuff, just to get people mad. Right?
    Originally posted by WizardGirl99:
    I try not to do stupid stuff (don't we all), but I regret stupid stuff after I do it. But I don't hate it persay.

    When I said I hate parts of me, I mean like I hate my butt and my arrogance and the fact that I'm untrusting. But I don't hate myself. I have too much going GOOD in my life to hate myself, too much to live for! Who else is going to fill up my dog's food bowl every night?

    The Architect: Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.
    -The Matrix Reloaded, 2003

    Graham Hess: So what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you: are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?
    -Signs, 2002


    • Today is my last day of work, so between now and August 20 I might not be online too much...I'll miss you guys!!! *huggles all around*


      • *groan* I'm sooooooo incredibly bored in the summer, and during the school year I wish I had time to be bored....

        Last night, to avoid going absolutely insane from boredom, I went to the library and couldn't find any good books to read (that I haven't already read)...but somehow I managed to leave with 9 books and 5 others that I bought from the book sale. (50 cents! Yay!)
        I can't believe that the book sale shelves were totally stuffed full of books, and I couldn't find anything I really wanted...

        Do you think it's bad if you get so bored you just want to sit there and do nothing...except you don't want to do even that? That you just want to lie somewhere and forget about life, but you can't because there're so many things you want to do in life...but tomorrow seems like it'd never come, like time stopped moving and it's holding you prisoner forever?

        *squints up* That came out sounding a lot stranger than I'd like...
        -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


        • <3
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • So I've been at this camp for teachers all week, helping out (I made the end-of-institute powerpoint/slideshow-thingy) and we all got betas in (this is so cool) Fleakers (whoo and hoo!). The only problem is that I have no idea what to name it. Any suggestions? Preferably summat good for a fish in a big beaker with a plant growing out of it. (One of the workshops was about the nitrogen cycle, and they used betas but had them in big 2-liter bottles. Some of the students- the rest of them are all college students, but not me- got attached to the ones in the bottles, so they only auctioned off 4 of the 6, but they went out and made these really cool ones for us. So I am totally psyched. I have a fish! Whoo and hoo!0

            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
            Follow the bouncing poot


            • Hungry: I hated Animal Farm. We had to read it in 9th grade English. I know it's supposed to relate to Communist Russia and stuff, but I thought it was a really boring book.
              I read that in 8th grade. But I was one of the few kids actually found the book half-interesting. Though I'd NEVER admit it! But compared to the rest of the crap that we read that useless year... it was what I considered decent. The talking animals were ingenius! ^_~

              Speaking of pets,
              Did someone mention pets? I have alot of pets. A dog, lizard, bird, turtle, dead/alive/not sure/doesnt-exactly-care gold fish/freshwater guppies, and a tarantula. I had a hard time not saying "cat" because my kitty recently passed away...*pause*...And yes, I do have a pet tarantula. *People back away in shock* Our third to be exact. (They always die when they molt...) And don't ask WHY we have giant hairy pet spiders, we just DO. It's really fun to friek people out with our nameless pet arachnid! XP *People in YW forum friek out*

              All my friends are busy or gone. When, oh when, are they coming back? How dare they leave me stranded and bored to death like this!

              Another random post. Typical. *Wonders off to read another beautiful drooling-full doujinshi*


              • *sighs* It's my sister's birthday, so I guess it's natural for my mom to ignore me ALL DAY. Except for when we went out to eat, she remembered to tell me that she was leaving...anyway.

                EW! Big hairy s-p-i-d-e-r-s! I'm deathly afraid of those things. Ew. Sorry, I know everyone has their own tastes and stuff, but...ew.

                I was just looking at my pictures from basketball season. I miss basketball, and wish I could play this year, but there's no possible way I could make JV. There aren't enough open spots, and the people trying for those spots are just too good. Also, they all can dribble, whereas, as a forward I was never really taught to dribble well. *sighs again* I need to find a new hobby...besides basketball, but something that is as time consuming as basketball was.

                It's dark here. I'm sort of sad. It's Friday night, and once again, I'm sitting at home, wallowing in self pity. Tell my happy-go-lucky prep of a younger sister to leave me alone. I just want to sit here and stew for awhile.

                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                • Originally posted by kaiba4ever:
                  Caitlin: Lucky you! Fishie fishie! We still have the fish-tank (half-filled with water) from a half-a-year ago when our latest poor Goldy-number-twenty-seven died.
                  Really? so do we (although it's been quite a bit longer...)

                  Although when we got home, my mom knocked over the fleaker and then was spazzing out about picking up the fish (she's a BIOLOGY teacher. well, she's certified to teach it. She teaches life science). My poor, poor fishy.

                  And the fishy still doesn't have a name. I've completely lost my creative touch. Aargh!

                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • D'you know that frozen pineapple would probably taste really good?

                    Yeah... I just had this sudden frozen-pineapple-craving, but seeing as we have no room in the freezer and, more importantly, no pineapple, I went over to the freezer while waiting for the internet to get back (grr, spazzy wireless) and started rummaging around for frozen strawberries instead. Not long later, I returned to the computer, sat down in the chair, and un-plastic-bagged...

                    A loaf of bread.

                    Yep, intent and focus this late are virtually nonexistent.

                    I headed back and stuck the bread back in the freezer, decided that maybe trying to find frozen strawberries at this hour wasn't such a brilliant idea after all, closed the freezer door, and went back to the computer, totally forgetting that the internet was dead. Hit the link for togr, and only remembered that the internet was down as it was already halfway loaded.

                    Thankfully it decided it wanted to live after all. I'll click a link to something when the internet's down just to see if it's back yet, then go off and do something else, and come back and forget it's down. It'll almost always work when I have the intent to _go_ somewhere, not just see if it's up yet, y'know?...

                    Speaking of spiders, and not-good-at-all, mom found a black widow in the bag of badminton stuff. *shudders* Oh yeah, that's _really_ going to help me with my intent to get outside and do more stuff this summer. Great happy reassurances of BLACK WIDOWS.

                    Mom took a picture of it in the peanut butter jar she caught it in, and emailed it to people. (Picture not spider) Pretty much the same overall reaction: "You took a _picture_ of it when it wasn't _dead_?!" (alive is not squished. Not squished is easier to tell it's a spider.)

                    I was searching through my posts earlier, and discovered that hey, wow, none of them are in archived topics, which definitely wasn't true a couple months ago. I've seen some older topics dug up by some newbies, too, which is generally very good (as opposed to starting newer shorter topics), although it had me kinda wondering if I was going completely mad. I went back and scrolled through the last couple pages of Chatter II, posts I knew were archived, and wow, a "post reply" button! Maybe something good came along with the new small-blue-hard-to-type-in entry box in Chime.

                    I've made this completely insane resolution that I'm not going on the internet until I've finished all my library books, which is, er, really not going to happen. That last is supported greatly by the fact that I'm on now. (Yeah, I figured I'd come to the DD chat.) But I have library books _due_ that I'll return without having read any of them, and then I'll just get them out again the same day- this is my theory as to why the librarian is convinced I'm the world's largest Diana Wynne Jones fan, because I checked out Dark Lord of Derkholm SO MANY TIMES before actually _reading_ it (it turned out to be really good, and I actually am a fan of Diana Wynne Jones, just possibly less than the librarian thinks.) (actually those books? They were kinda due today, today being Saturday and not Sunday like the clock says, so that was... a failure, the reading all of them before bringing them back. *guilt*)

                    So anyway. That was the big long runon explanation for the following: You people have posted entirely too much since only last Monday. <-- also applies to VGDawn. I can't think of anything to _say,_ only now there are a million more posts since Monday. Behind is _not good._

                    Anyway, I was sort of supposed to go to bed relatively early, which is, yeah, you guessed it, not happening. I'm making the oddest typos (spell check is your _friend_), and I'm dead to the world yet again. Maybe I'll reply to some of the mountains of togr posts later, sometime when I'm not so "*FOMP* oh-look-there's-a-wf-collapsed-on-the-floor / *SHMPH* wf-has-collided-with-the-doorway."


                    • Well, let's see. It's 2:18 A.M. I'm sitting in a chair in my living room surrounded by 6 crazy 12-year-olds. I HAVE to have been insane to do this. I'd better be getting paid well, or at least better than I'm getting paid for dog-sitting. I've eaten about 8 cupcakes. Yum. I feel like I've been up since Thursday. Probably have. I've been flitting through websites for the past, oh, I don't know, 8 hours? AHHHH!!! There is no wonder why I'm going crazy. I also don't know why I'm sitting here typing this.

                      Yeah...I think I need another cupcake if I'm going to stay awake long enough to outlast these kids like I'm supposed to.

                      Argh. They just turned on 13 Going On 30. That movie drives me up the wall. I'd rather watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but NO. They HAD to watch another dumb chick flick. Not that I don't like chick flicks. But at 2:20 A.M., they're kind of like Napolean Dynamite. Completely pointless. I'm tired of this. Give me more cupcakes!

                      I'm not really that lucid this early in the morning. I don't think I've ever posted this early in the morning.

                      Some girl just asked if she could straighten my hair. HOW THE HECK AM I RELATED TO SOMEONE LIKE THIS!? I never even use my hair straightener. These people are crazy. This is a fact, not fiction.

                      *eats a cupcake* Yum, chocolaty. I guess I could go update another fanfiction story. Not my YW one, as I already did that tonight.

                      Maybe they'll all go to sleep soon. Wf, I'd totally trade you a cupcake for that loaf of bread, as I've had entirely too many cupcakes tonight. If it was possible to trade stuff virtually, I'd take your bread. I don't feel like this post makes any sense.

                      SHUT UP YOU PRE-TEEN BABIES AND GO TO SLEEP! Sorry, they just woke up Mom with their screeching.

                      I give up on this post making any sense. I'll probably delete this when I wake up in the morning, but I guess for now I should leave it up as, I don't know, a joke or something. Testment that I should never go online at night? Something that shouldn't ever see the light of day, and only live by night?

                      I need sleep. And a few more cupcakes.

                      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                      • Originally posted by Caitlin:
                        Although when we got home, my mom knocked over the fleaker and then was spazzing out about picking up the fish (she's a BIOLOGY teacher. well, she's certified to teach it. She teaches life science). My poor, poor fishy.
                        I am completely confused by this. What's a beta? What's a fleaker? This fish is alive, presumably - even after being knocked over - because you say it needs a name still? So it's a poor fishy because it was flapping around out of the water, not because it died when knocked over?
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • I don't know about a fleaker but a beta (which should actually be betta, I'm fairly certain, since that name is from the scientific name of the fish) is aka the Siamese Fighting Fish. They're pretty little fish with bright colors and big fins that are hugely popular pets here in the States. I have one, in fact; a little red guy named Gabe.

                          They basically can't have any other fish in the tanks with them (including other bettas) because they'll, well, fight.

                          Sometimes they're sold in jars with plants growing out of the top. Everyone I've talked to who actually knows things about fish says that that is a horrible way to keep the poor fish, but I don't really know that much about them myself. Except that they're really quite hardy. I once was laid up with the flu at my parents house for a month (I'm not kidding, a month) and Gabe was still alive and kicking - er, finning - when I got back to my apartment. After not being fed for a month. There was a live plant in his tank at that point, so maybe he ate some of that?

                          Hmm. I need to clean his tank.


                          • Wow. This is the 8888th post in the TOGR. Feel special, I do. For no real reason. XD

                            Teh DD chat was AWESOME. But then again, they're all awesome. Too bad I had to leave 3/4 of the way through.

                            *sits in chat and lurks, and hoards evilly funny quotes. BEWARE*

                            I had a goldfish once. It's name was Fishy. It died. No-one really cared.

                            *wonders about goldfish wizards*

                            Animal Farm is boring? Shame on you. I read it in 3rd, most of the things went woosh over my head, and I read it again in 6th grade.

                            *twitches* Ingenius? Ack. I'm not sure which word you're trying to get at here. *twitches some more, and spazzes out*

                            /me LOVES 'Flip out like a ninja' at Pure genius. I was a ninja last halloween. This year, *chuckles evilly* fear my flashing steel SAI!!! Haiiiiii-ya.

                            Methinks that's all.

                            The TOGR's 8888th post.


                            • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                              I am completely confused by this. What's a beta? What's a fleaker? This fish is alive, presumably - even after being knocked over - because you say it needs a name still? So it's a poor fishy because it was flapping around out of the water, not because it died when knocked over?
                              It's a poor fisky because it's now down half a tail, as some of its tail came off whilst it was frekaing out when I picked it up to put it back in the fleaker. Also, it still is just "Fish" or "Fishy". And a Fleaker is an oddly shaped beaker that can hold 1L of a substance. An oddly shaped fleaker. Mine's a lot bigger.

                              Sometimes they're sold in jars with plants growing out of the top. Everyone I've talked to who actually knows things about fish says that that is a horrible way to keep the poor fish, but I don't really know that much about them myself. Except that they're really quite hardy. I once was laid up with the flu at my parents house for a month (I'm not kidding, a month) and Gabe was still alive and kicking - er, finning - when I got back to my apartment. After not being fed for a month. There was a live plant in his tank at that point, so maybe he ate some of that?
                              It's the nitrogen cycle. One the nirtate/nitrite/ammonia levels become constant in the fish's ecosystem, it and the plant have all the nutrients they need to survive. That's why you shouldn't ever comepletely refill all the water in a tank- it disrupts the cycle. You should let the water sit out for awhile first to allow the bacteria to build up in it so the whole process can be established sooner. Usually it takes about 10 days (so once you've passed that point, your fish is good to go- although you do need to change some of the water every once in a while to replace some of the nutrients not produced by the system). Did I mention I actually learned summat at PAGILS? (the teacher's institute)

                              PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                              Follow the bouncing poot


                              • D'you know that frozen pineapple would probably taste really good?
                                It does And so does frozen mango, frozen oranges (especially after sport - even in winter, well even in Australia's winter ), frozen ginger beer is well, interesting, but only if the bottle doesn't break - and if you can find someway to get it out of the bottle (the best ginger beer here comes in glass bottles ) and I'm rambling...

                                Wow, I haven't posted in here for pages , so I guess I had better make up for it. I'm back at uni now, infact I'm sitting in one of the refecs at the moment, and as such I can't get into the chat. It seems to be blocked for some reason, I keep getting a 'Firefox has failed to connect to ... Connection has timed out', but yeah

                                I just got back from MedSoc camp yesterday It was so much fun. We ran around for the weekend accumulating points and such for both ourselves and our teams with activities such as archery, bardic competiton (essentially a 'talent quest' sort of thing), knights quest (running around in the scrub trying to find people), haggis tossing (shot put with little bean bags), lots of playing uno and other card games, room decoration competions, bocce, costume comp AND we had a trebuchet demonstration . It was AWESOME!!! But yes, at the end, they tallied the points and handed out lands and prizes. (Brief explanation: we have a made up realm, called the Realm of Lucia and its divided into Duchies, Earldoms and littler lands, which get assigned to different people within the society ). Somehow - even though I got one of the lowest scores - I ended up with a barony .

                                But yes, I might expand on this later, as I have to run to a lecture now.


