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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Today I get to watch the first Inuyasha movie with my bestest friend and maybe have a sleep-over! And then I get to buy a new DN Angel manga with a book certificate!! Lalalalala! Yayness!! What a wonderfull day it is...

    Yesterday I went mini-golfing with my friends at night and I got a 71. Everyone else go something lower than 55... T.T ... I must really suck. -_-;

    School starts NEXT WEEK. That's a very very scary thought.

    Not much is happening. I'm hyper and bored. It's hot outside and icky. I want to jump on a trampoline like I did yesterday. That was fun. Whatever. See everyone later.


    • Kaiba:
      Not much is happening. I'm hyper and bored. It's hot outside and icky. I want to jump on a trampoline like I did yesterday. That was fun. Whatever. See everyone later
      That's what I did yesterday. My brother has a trampoline, so I jumped on it for about 1/2 an hour. Hehe.

      So...haven't been around much this week, but that's okay. *Sighs* I have to go do the laundry soon, as my parents are out of town, and I'm in charge of mundane stuff like the laundry and the dishes. I can't wait until Sunday.

      I probably won't be back again until Sunday or Monday, because that is when my parents are coming home. We're staying at my grandma's house for the rest of the week. I won't have to do anymore laundry!

      Nothing has happened, except for cross country practice. I've sat around, and...well sat around. There's nothing to write, so dai for a few days guys.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • Seems like alone most days. Dad is working, Mom and sister off to rabbits show. Then my sister is being a jerk and yea. It is not a fun time here. I am really sore from Aikido which isnt good cause we got a seminar friday through saturday. *Sighs* TOGR doesn't seem random just seems like people are chatting about their lives. I thought peeps would be saying random " CHICKEN!" stuff like " POTATO!" Anyway see you later.
        Fred22 AKA Azen
        In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

        Douglas Adams


        • I'm not feeling too great right now. Meh.

          Lesse...mum took my li'l bro and me shopping today. We went to ze mall and Kohl's. I bought this um...what do you call 'em...the little things that go on over a shirt or whatever, the knit top things. At Kohl's I got a pair of earrings, a little black skirt, and a purple scarf that I love ever so much.

          OoO. This morning, my dog scared off three deerses. Ze mommy deer had two baby deerses. Zey were all much much bigger than my little Maltese poochie. What's with the z's? I haven't a clue. Heh. Anyways, yeah. The three deer were behind our fence, minding their own business and likely eating our plants, when my pooch came outside (as did I) and wandered around the yard.

          Watching Sara warily, the mommy deer and one baby didn't move while the baby farthest away started creeping back towards the fence. Sara, still not noticing the deer, wandered around a bit more while I started talking to the deerses. "Hi!" says I. "You are very pretty deer, yes you are." Sara then sees the deer and charges the fence. The threesome then take off into the forest, never to be seen again...

          So then I found it necessary to call my mum and inform her of the event that had just taken place in my backyard/the forest behind our fence.

          And yet again, I have forgotten the purpose of my going online. *hits head on wall* At least I remembered... I was going to look up this Bible verse, 'cause I can't remember the Scripture. *glowers* It's been bugging me.

          My cousin sent me a letter. She got into some trouble a while back, so now she's at a place for people who have...gotten into trouble or whatever. Heh. She's 15 now.

          School starts next Tuesday. I've got the one teacher for homeroom that everybody has heard about, and not in a good way. At least I have Mrs. Shedd. She rocks on high. I had her for 6th grade Lang and Lit. I think I've said this before, but whatever.

          Flying monkeys!

          There's fuzzyness all over my basement. *huggles blanket* I have this fuzzy blanket down here that I like to wrap myself up in while talking on the phone. Unfortunately, fuzzleness gets all over.

          My birthday *erherm* not-party consists of inviting fourteen insane erm...people? over to my mum's perfectly situated basement (mum won't let her whole house be destroyed) and eating. Really, I don't know what all we'll do, but whatever. I'm not as worried about what Dad will do as how mum will react to all the insanity. Ah well. 'member Danzrgrl? Well, she and I kinda got into this fight...ergh. Wasn't pretty.

          So, yeah. I got this Cappacino smoothie thing at the mall. It was good. I was sad when it was gone. I almost cried. Not really. Mum was scared because of my attachment to food. It was funny.

          Yeah, I think that's all for today. I've got horse-back riding tonight and it's hot outside. *mutters* Ah well, I'll deal with it. I get to see Jake, the most wonderfulest horse to ever walk on four legs. Toodles!
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • School starts on the 31st. We went on a general school shopping run a few days ago. My brother's school just added in a dress code, and, well, it's annoying. B had a cow over it (he's coming to the school this year), but that's to be expected. He takes everything personal. Anyway, we found some stuff that went with the code, but my bro was really picky. I suggested to save the clothes shopping for later, but my mom blew up at me. Apparently her patience for clothes shopping was wearing thin too. Also got pencils, binders, that kind of stuff. I still had my binder from last year, but I got a new version of the same kind (the first binder I really liked) because my old one was a safety hazard. XD The plastic on the bottom had ripped into jagged (and stiff) spikes. It also suffered a broken ring (not quite so deadly, but still a problem).

            Umm... I'm reading some Terry Pratchett books. Sometimes funny, otherwise just meh.

            Mom had this brilliant idea to turn Sparkle into an indoor cat. Sparkle is _not_ an indoor cat. If we don't let her out because it's too late (if we can, we don't let her spend the night outside), she'll get grumpy. After a while, Sparkle just started to give up hope. And then she was just a deflated cat. When I came back from the week at my grandma's house, she was as good as lifeless. So when mom called home, I immediately asked if I could let Sparkle out. I could, and that came as a shock; I was expecting a flat refusal. All the same, I went to the door, and called Sparkle. She was hesitant, and she didn't even try to escape when I held the door open. When she did step outside, I followed, and then she bolted, looking over her shoulder to see if I was following. So:

            She came back much later. Instead of trotting inside, she sat down and warily eyed the door. I wasn't about to lose her trust by picking her up, so I got her food bowl and shook it. XD She's back in her normal schedule now.

            My bro wants a trampoline so bad. XD Of course my parents aren't getting it, but supposedly B will for his birthday... which is soon. I would've said B was filthy rich, but he's simply spoiled with parents up to the necks in debt.

            Sometimes it does get random. Otherwise... it's random in the way that means you can talk about anything, and each post doesn't have to relate to any of the previous. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">One togr post is to a random other togr post as [blank's] comments are to the chat convo. Lol.</span>
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • I got a dress code too. As far as I'm concerned, it's the funniest thing in the world to flout. Because, see. . .

              For tops, we can't show chest, back or midriff. But our skirts have no limits.

              So when my English teacher told us, we were all like "o.O" but she hadn't told us about the skirt thing. So my friend H spent some time on the chest part.

              "So what's chest? Is this chest? Or is THIS chest?" (yanking down shirt)
              Teacher- "S is showing chest."

              Then there was me

              "What about skirts? Is there anything on skirts?" *wearing a very very short skirt*
              "Err. . . well, the VP didn't want to get involved with inches and measuring your skirts. . ."
              "So there's no limit on how short our skirts can be."
              "Err. . . well, be decent, we don't want to see your undergarments. . ."

              (Wanted to ask- What if I don't WEAR undergarments???)

              Yeah, I'm going to offend people and yet be completely decent of the dress code, me and my polos and miniskirts. . .


              • I got songs on my I-Pod. Been listing to Hotel California by The Eagle over and over becaause my Aikido group is making a paradoy of it that matches are aikido style, then we play it for the Seminar peeps. its a hush hush project cause the californians etc. that are coming out to Colorado are bringing Guitars etc. for rocking out. We want to show them we can Rock too. So been lisiting to the son=g and seeing what the Bass line (Base) is. Im playing bass and am trying to learn it by saturday. I pretty much got the idea of it. Its hard cause ot the beat it is. Anyway, hope your Cat is more free spirited No undergarments?! I would never do that unless i was going to swim! Anyway so thats that. Sister is mad at me for a real stupid reason. She says that I am getting " A free ride" by getting 7 songs ((( 7 dollars worth))) of songs on my i-Pod. I worked like 4 hours on Ditch work! My Dad payed me 20 bucks! Why should she be mad? She was at a rabbit show while I was working my pants off. Seriously the Dam work was pulling my trousers down. Cause of the water. Anyway it is hard, dirty, work when the Dam water is flowing! Its easy to do when the water isnt running, but man it is hard when it is!. Man this post is long! Well I guess it isn't that long considering all the others out there. Getting rid of stuff which is always *sarcastic* Fun. My mom checks everything I get rid of. She usually goes " That is cute! Keep it!" So I put it in my closet and it sits there until I try to get rid of it again. LOL It sucks. I am thinking you never use it, I never use it, you don't store it. So whats the point? Then Ive got to help set up the seminar and pick up someone from the DIA (denver international airport.) at 11:45 at night. Famous for its murals of Nazis and terroists. With dieing kids etc. Its rumored and probably true that there is a military base underneath the airport. Its a very irre there. Not exactly the best welcome to Colorado Ive seen.... Anyway I better shut up....
                Nick or Fred22 or Azen
                In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                Douglas Adams


                • Well not much has been happening... I went to staples today and bought some 44 cent binders (all black of course). I get pretty excited by paper and binders! Especially when they're cheap!
                  So I have the most boring job ever. I'm audio editing the Old Testament. I want to take a corkscrew and remove my brain through my temple, but it still pays 12 bucks an hour, even if I have to listen to the presentation of gifts given by the twelve princes of the twelve tribes of Israel which coincidentally are huge and specific. Not only that They are all the same gift just repeated twelve times!!!!!
                  And now on to teh cats! I think my cat is insane. I fell asleep on the couch last night, and he found me there at around 4 in the moring... so he decided it was his job to wake me up at any cost. This entailed jumping on me, pouncing on me feet, clawing the carpet, scratching his scratching thingy, meowing, running at high speeds from room to room sometimes going up and down the stairs, and finally the most bizarre, he would jup up on the back of the couch, sink his claws into one of the back cushions and attempt to shake it to death. I mean this is a heavy, near imobile cushion. How does a little kitty pull that off. I mean it was extremly visable rocking!

                  Well thats it I hope everyone is fine!
                  "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."

                  "Even if love does not dawn,
                  The sun also rises,
                  The day goes on."


                  • Azen, my mom's the opposite. XD "Throw it away!!" As for iPods... I have iTunes, but not an iPod. All the same, I have a ton of music on my computer (over 2 days worth). There's only one song I want (all the rest, dad buys), and that's Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger. XD It's a fun song. For everything else, I just buy the album (support the band!). Or, well, get it from BW. Like Avenged Sevenfold.

                    Joe was... cool today. God. If only he could be cool or a jerk, but he has to be both. :/ And he's hot... but then, it's one of those, "he's cute until he opens his mouth."

                    I have no idea what we can wear on casual dress days... I haven't heard of any rules, either. But... I'm not all for low cut shirts or short shorts. Just tight and low rise pants. XD And sleeveless. I love sleeveless. If my shirt isn't, I just fold in my sleeves. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">and tuck it under my bra strap</span>

                    Other news: Sparkle brought home two bunnies in the last two days. Mom says she's not going outside. :/
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Whoever said the "I read 50+ books last year, and only about 10 this year" has just summed up my summer. 'Cept for the whole dad part, but...anyways...

                      My really good friend went to England and brought me back and English copy of HBP! Yay!

                      Speaking of dad, he's leaving again. Gone for 20 months, back for barely a month, leaving for at least two again...and I'm all moody and confused and I really hate him but love him and now I'm shutting up.

                      You know what a friend is? A friend is someone who understands you no matter how bad your spelling or grammar is, no matter what you're talking about, and will understand how you feel even if you're so freaking confused even you don't know how you feel.

                      *The above rant was inspired by my best-est friend, Steph, who lets me cry on her shoulder...through IM, of course...*

                      Anyone going to an American school who is interested in writing? Or painting? Or drawing? Or photography? Or composing? Try the Reflections contest. Go to the National PTA's site and you can find the 2006 theme...I've already started my literature entry.

                      The long summer months have revealed a new semi-talent. I can draw anime! Kinda. I drew a REALLY good Tohru and a super-cute Mokuba. And I've practiced a LOT. Ask Steph. Instead of writing, my journal-thing is filled with faces. Faces, because I can't draw clothes. Yeeaahhh...

                      So...this will probably turn out extremely controversial and any cyber-violence can be blamed on me, but...have any of you heard the recent article about Terry Pratchett "insulting" JKR? For those who have, what do you think? I'll tell you how I feel later, when I actually know how I feel and I can write "feel" without accidentally writing "fell." (And it's not 3 am.)
                      Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                      "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                      "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                      • Lisa asked:
                        So...this will probably turn out extremely controversial and any cyber-violence can be blamed on me, but...have any of you heard the recent article about Terry Pratchett "insulting" JKR? For those who have, what do you think?
                        Have you seen this post or this follow-up on DD's blog? Pterry seems to have been commenting on the journalist who interviewed JKR, and only questioning one part of what JKR herself said. (And the journalist may have taken that out of context anyway.)
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • Dai all, i am back from the first long day of school. now i am tired of beening off the site so i am back to chat. so come chat with me all you want, if you want that is.


                          • *obsession with music post*

                            I watched Hyde's movie Last Quarter a few days ago (psst. .. Hyde is the vocalist of L'Arc En Ciel, the group that does the opening theme to Full Metal Alchemist, READY STEADY GO), and now I'm obsessed with the song from that movie, The Cape of Storms. . .

                            ~So where do I sail?
                            A ship losing control. . .
                            My cries swallowed up, lost in the ranging sea
                            So where has love gone?
                            Will I ever reach it?
                            The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel, inside. . .~

                            And then yesterday I downloaded Romeo + Juliet, A Time for Us. . . It's so pretty. . . I think I am now going to go force people to download it! RARGH!


                            • Leaving for California tomorrow, won't be online for at least two weeks.

                              Later, all, I *heart* you all!



                              • oh, you leaving ok well dai. see you when you get back from California. I hopr you have fun there. well see you later. And I really hope you have fun. and that is a long way to travel, hope you travel safly!!!

