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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hey, for those of you who I've talked to in chat recently, my mom is officially out of the hospital and doing pretty good.

    Thank you all so so so very much for you hugs and thoughst. It means a ton. Even more so because not only have you never met my mom, but you haven't met me either. It just goes to prove how totally awesome ya'll are. *hearts everybody*
    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
    Follow the bouncing poot


    • You know what sucks? By the time that I finish my homework each night, it is already dark out so I can't run or ride my bike or anything I want to do.So every day I'm coooped up with whatever homework I have to do, adn it really sucks because I'm going to get fat sitting here (begins ranting on about school and heavy textbooks..) In conlusion, There is a picture of a unicorn in a circular fence with a tree.

      Ok, that was really random. YAY!! Hmm, I love to paint ceramic things. Did anyone ever do that? There's a place in Ocean City, NJ called Glazed over where you pick an object (piggy banks of various items, jars, cups, magnets, random things like frogs and lizards ( i did both) and the like) and you get all this paint, and you begin to paint it whatever you want. Anything at all! so then you hand it to the people at the counter when you're done, and they ring you up and you leave. You wait a week while they glaze it, and then you come and pick it up and do whatever with it. I think that that is one of the funnest things to do in the world!!

      hm..I'm having a munchy attack... I may just go eat more pretzels!! yummy! = me and pretzels
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • Mel, I know the feeling. The other night, I forgot to eat dinner until 7 XD, but, today, I'm just slacking.

        Yeah, I saw this on yahoo news: Volvo Convicted of Gender Discrimination
        I disagree with that. If they need to be within a certain height range, that's not the same thing as gender descrimination, even if it does exclude more women than men. The court mentioned alternatives, but it's just... stupid. Is there more I can say?

        Fruits Basket!!!! If you haven't, go buy the first; I won't have to tell you to get the second. XD
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Gryph:
          Fruits Basket!!!! If you haven't, go buy the first; I won't have to tell you to get the second. X
          I love Furuba! (another name for Fruits Basket). At first I didn't, but I reread it one day and now I'm a big fan of it again! Kyo is so hot. And I love the Mabudachi trio. But I hate Akito >_< And Tohru really needs to lose that happy attitude of hers, by the time you get to scanlanations of book thirteen it really gets on your nerves...

          By the time that I finish my homework each night, it is already dark out so I can't run or ride my bike or anything I want to do.
          By the time it gets dark? I WISH! For me, it was LIGHT outside byt he time I finished....I stayed up 'till 2:30 a.m. last night doing homework. It sucked. And I wasn't even able to finish... but fortunately, it was a late-start the next day, at nine rather than seven-fifty. It was because I missed school monday because I got sick.

          Bleh. I have to read like ten more chapters tonight in the most boring book ever, Great Expectations, which I really DON'T expect anything" great" from...seriously, why couldn't Dicken's have been a paintor or something, then I wouldn't have to read spomething like this! I could be anazlying a painting or something... it'd be much easier that way.

          My little sister told me that she's going to be Scooby Doo for Halloween. What the heck?! O.o Not that I have anything against Scooby Doo or anything... but still....

          And then my friend bought wierd glittery eye-lashes in honor of Halloween. They're like glow-in-the-dark. -_-; I told her that she would be better off simply wearing mascara...and as for the glowy and glittery eyeslashes, just drop the idea.... And my other friend wants to by this high-lighting kit, so she can give herself red, blue, brown, black, orange, or yellow high-lights...they can be so wierd sometimes. O.o I'd never dye my hair blue and stick on fake glowing eyeslashes, it's so wierd, even for me. The most I'd ever do for Halloween is paint my nails black (with sparkles! Nail polish MUST either be clear or have sparkles in it, that is a law.)

          Mango, pumpkin pie, and pretzals are all so good! XP *runs off to chew on Swedish Fish*

          In chorus I had to lip-sing for seventy-four minutes (it was a block schedule day, causing extending periods). What a waste! >_< I'm getting over a cold/fever that was so severe it made me miss school on monday (I NEVER miss school when I'm sick!) and I can barely speak,let alone breath, so how the heck was I expected to hit a high F?? I didn't even bother trying...Oh well, I should be better by next week when the concert is...

          My life has been kind of like a bus speeding by your front lawn at three in the morning, someone inside grabbing you by the shirt and pulling you on, and then being pasted to the roof and plummeting off a cliff into a really big pile of jello filled with porcupines. If you can imagine it. I deffinately can.
          Nice metaphor! XP Though for me it doesn't seem like my life is that adventerous and interesting...


          • I feel like skipping school tomorrow and eating about 2 gallons of ice cream. I can't do that though, because...well, I just can't. I'm a bit sad. The guy I like asked someone else to Homecoming, which is bound to make any girl sad. *sigh* I guess I always knew he'd never ask me, but still...

            Also, my mom is making me go to this youth group thingie. She says I don't have enough God in my life or something like that. Personally, I think she doesn't have enough God in her life, so she shouldn't be lecturing me. She also says we might switch churches (not religions, churches. I confused my friends with that today.) I'm not liking all these changes in life: sophmore year, hormones, not having any free time, my mom yelling at me for being reclusive when I come home from school. I have an excuse for being reclusive, I'm at school all day with 2000+ kids in the building! Then, I go to cross country, which has 70 kids. Can you understand why I might want to be alone after all that? I can...

            I'm going to go mope some more in the shower, eat some apple cake, and hopefully get out of this rut by tomorrow so no one thinks I'm one of those girls who sits around pineing (sp? I don't remember...) for a guy. I think I need a vacation, and it's only the 1st quarter of the school year. Blech.

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • *huggles Hungry*

              Changes...ulgh..does anyone like them?

              I think I can sort of understand how you feel with the whole Homecoming hasn't exactly happened to me, so you're probly like "What do you mean you know?!" But i think something similar happened to my friend, and we're pretty close. My friend likes this kid in our class, and he's going to go back to his old school, and she's totally bummed.

              So, in a sense, I know what youi're talking about. I've seen my brothers cope with it too, and that mostly means walking around. For a long time.

              I know, it probly doesn't make any sense to you, but I kind of understand. I've seen a lot of it, read a lot of it, ,watched a lot of it on TV, and definately listened to a lot of it on my country radio station (tip: they have lots of sad songs that help you feel better for some reason)

              But, cheer up. You'll soon get over it, and you'll move on. In that sense, change is a good thing. But until then, Break out the Ice Cream!
              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


              • oof, i dont feel too hot..or rather, ,i feel hot..hehe..
                My throat hurts, my nose is running, and i feel really hot. I have postnasal drip...

                oh well. Char, ,its good that you don't mind changes. Thats a good way to look at things.

                well, ima gonna go blow my nose. I'll be outta commision for a bit..hehe, like that could keep me down!
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • Ya know what, guys are stupid. I was planning on asking this guy to the homecoming dance becuase I've had a crush on him for like a year, but now I can't. One of my friends asked him if he wanted a girlfriend (I did NOT tell her to do this!), and he said not at the moment. So I guess I'll just have to wait for another year. AND he already knows that I like him, in fact he's known for a long time, but I can't do anything about it! And I was so totally set to ask him out! I had this whole mindset thing going, ya know? Grrr. *sigh* I guess I'll get over it. I'll just wait until NEXT homecoming.

                  Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak! --Albus Dumbledore

                  I <3 Jamie Lawrence!!!!!! *squee*


                  • My mindset exactly right now Sker'ret. Except I'm still going to Homecoming because my friends are forcing me to go...I'd rather skip it at this point.

                    Last night I had a dream that I was wearing a very short skirt at school, and I got caught by the dress code police (a.k.a. security guards and over-zealous teachers) and I got a very long detention. This dream was stupid for two reasons: 1.I don't wear short skirts, as on me they look really short because I'm really tall, and 2.I don't get detentions. Ever. Anyway, speaking of dress codes, they changed mine. Again. No skirts above the knees anymore. Where do they expect us to shop, Ann Taylor? I guess it's lucky that those prairie (sp?) skirts are in style, because they're about the only thing long enough to wear to school. They're also enforcing the part about how our tops and bottoms have to overlap at all times more strictly. I don't think they understand that when a girl puts on a backpack, it's going to ride up her shirt a little in the back. Grr...I'll stop now.

                    Mel: feel better soon! It stinks to be sick...

                    FRESHMEN! I swear, they're everywhere in school! Making me late to classes, and clogging the main hallways like arteries before someone has a heart attack. They need to learn that upper-classmen, unlike freshmen, have to run all over the school to get to class in time. Ooh, listen to this: you know how in the game Red Rover, people link arms? Well, some freshmen walk down the hallway with arms linked like that! And they go across the whole hallway, making it impossible to pass! So I barged right between some of them today. One of them called me a bad word, and I told her that as an upperclassmen (or more of an upperclassmen than she is) I have to get to class on time. Grr...freshmen. I know some of you guys are freshmen, but the freshmen in my school are some of the most annoying people I've ever met...grr. I need to relax. More ice cream...

                    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                    • Hey, don't diss the Freshman. It's not our fault we're poor pathetic lost little creatures who really need your friendship...or at least pity. Although the linked arms is a little much.
                      I'm going to Homecoming but not with anyone. There is a guy that I kind of like but he's a Junior and he's not even going to our Homecoming. He's going to a different one with someone else.
                      I don't care horribly much though. What I'm really pissed about is this. I wasn't going to try out for the school play, but then all my friends convinced me I should, just for fun because I wouldn't have to accept the part even if I got one (I said I was too busy to do the play). So I go and try out and LOOKY THERE! I got a part. So now I'm all excited because all of two freshman got in...out of about fifteen people, so not a ton of them. I was feeling dandy. And then today I find out that I can't do the stupid play even though I got in because swimming takes up too much time!!!!!! I was SO mad.
                      In other news...yeah that's about it.
                      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                      I promise not to funfun anymore
                      Be happy cause life is good


                      • wow, i feel kinda outta place... i don't have a homecoming, i don't even go to HS. But i have another dance coming up on like the 2nd or something.

                        An i have a play coming up too! I dunno what its gonna be, though..Last year it was the Lion King, and nobody really matched our costumes, ,but it was still pretty good. WE had these huge fur costumes, and they were REALLY hot.

                        Our best evil girl left..its soo sad, she was realllly good. And this is our last year with our lead singer, she's reallly good too.

                        *slurps tea*

                        Hungry: Thanks, I'm feeling a bit better, though I'm missing school today. Wow, now i have to take 3 tests on Tuesday (i have off Monday) poo..

                        Ah, well..
                        You know what I hate? When your own subconsious mocks you. I wet to bed last night, and the first dream ian remember since like 3rd grade was me talking to my mom, teling her I feel ok, and that I'm going to go to school But no! My moms wakes me up then and tells me she's going to go to work, and alll, so i hwas soo MAD! I hate my subconsious...

                        *grabs a tissue*
                        well, i'm going to find some other stuff to do today...sorry for the long post!
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Hey now! It's not just the freshman. I've been almost late so many times because random people of all grades start chatting and not moving. Fortunately, I haven't been counted late yet. I'm not breaking my "I've never been late"-ness.

                          Mel: That was a long post? *snicker* Not really...

                          Augh. Homecoming game tonight. PEP BAND! PEP BAND IS THE BEST! *loves pep band to death* YAYAYAYAYAY! I love my flute so much. It's been with me for...*counts on fingers* four years! Four blessed years of shrillness and out-of-tune-ness and all that wonderful noise! Fwee! *huggles flute*

                          Alright. Homecoming dance tomorrow night... *stresses* I have no idea what we're doing. Supposedly we're going out to eat, but no idea where and blah blah blah. That's all I hear when my teachers talk... Whoa. Random jumping of subjects. Well, I have to get ready for the pep band game... I mean football game. Bye all!
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • our homecoming's next weekend. Not quite as much fun as senior prom will be, but almost. However, my mom did go off the deep end because I don't have a date- my friends and I all want to go together to have fun- it's senior year, we've had dates all the other years, it sorta makes sense that we want to do something together (as we will all have dates for prom).
                            But, then again, it is my somewhat-psycho mother. *is aggravated* she yelled for almost an hour.

                            *sings along with districts music accompaniment as types* (sorry for any typos, I can't really type and sing at teh same time)
                            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                            Follow the bouncing poot


                            • Okay, I've now decided to ignore the fact that I don't have a date for Homecoming, and probably won't be getting a date for it, and I guess I'm sort of kind of not really okay with that, but I have no choice. Hey, it'll be a girls night out, I guess. I'm going with a few friends, and that'll be really fun. Actually, what's really going to be fun is the Homecoming game. We're going to lose, as we're playing the hardest team for Homecoming, and our team stinks, but the whole cross country team and their dates and friends and everyone is going to hang out and party in the stands. We want to throw things at the cheerleaders, like plastic footballs and stuff like that. Don't ask, it's tradition.

                              We had a pep rally today, and the whole cross country team got introduced. Fun! I love pep rallies, because classes are shortened, and if I didn't have a sport after school, I wouldn't even have to stick around for it.

                              Freshmen: I LOVE the freshmen on this site. You guys are much nicer than the ones at school. See, upperclassmen in my school know better than to stand around in the hallway, because there's not enough time to do that.

                              Haha! Tomorrow, my friend and I were going to go to a dance at the boys school that my dad teaches at, and now we're going dress shopping for Homecoming, as we're going to need the extra time. We're going again on Sunday if we don't find any good ones.

                              I have a cross country meet tomorrow. It's 2 and 1/2 hours away. Gr. I don't want to be stuck on a school bus with 70 other people for that long! We really need 2 buses, but they won't let us take another one. It's supposed to be a fun meet though.

                              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                              • Gahh. Homecoming. My bestest friend in the world was asked to homecoming and is even going on a date with this boy tomorrow. Me and her and some others had been planning on going to Homecoming as a group, but then she gets a date and ruins it! *Grrrr* >_< I feel so... I dunno... but not entirely positive. I was really glad for her when he asked her, but now that it's later, I dunno how I feel. I'm jealous that she's been asked out, and I haven't, I think that's it. And this boy, one of our old friends, has been liking her for AGES... *sigh*... and he's extremely cute, so it's not like I'll end up being ablt to find a cuter date, let alone ANY date at all. But it's not like I have crushes on any guys right now anyway, so whatever.... I guess guys don't like me after I got angry and hit three of them in the unnamed-area in the third grade, both on accident.... and on purpose. ^_~

                                You know, all you sophomores/junoirs/senoirs were all once freshman, too, right? SO DON'T DISS US! I absolutely HATE it when people do that! It's so... I dunno.... obnoxious! >_< Except as soon as I become a sophomore, I know I'll be dissing the kids beneath me, too, so I guess we're all hippocrits.

                                My iPod FINALLY works! Yay! After two damned years... I don't care if they stopped producing ipod minis, because they still rawwwck! And we also got our new computer installed today! I get to watch as many anime subs as I want, wooohhoooo!!

                                Ok. I'm feeling rather messed up right now. It's a now a weekend and I think I failed a math and French test. My friend has a boyfriend and I don't. My ipod-that-would-never-actually-work works. And I read one of my favorite mangas, Gravitation today. (Just the best thing in the world....) and they announced a concernt next tuesday in Chorus that I had no idea about. *sigh* I'd better wander off and do some other random thing now...

