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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • For my first entry into this Random topic, I present the following:


    Jennifer (i am a soviet space shuttle)
    "He's a pinball wizard, there has to be a twist; a pinball wizard's got such a supple wrist..." -- Elton John, Pinball Wizard


    • whats a blarg???

      it sounds like something that people say when.............

      I dunno


      ~*If Time Has A Heart, Its Only Becuase Other Hearts Stop*~


      • Er...yeah. We lost our homecoming game. Badly. We didn't score once...meh. It's not like we're actually expected to win. I was so entirely way too hyper at the game. One Dr. Pepper cannot do that to a person.

        AJ wanted someone to come with her to get a soda, so I came with. Zach's parents were out there, eating KFC. *starts hallucinating and smelling chicken* "Hi, Angel! Want some chicken?" We live in Kentucky; what do you expect? (Zach later told me that they got a 16-piece meal for just the four of them: Zach, his parents, and Eric, a friend. So yeah, they had a lot.)

        Pep band had its own fan club again. My friends rock on high. Except for the dancing. That should be avoided.

        Homecoming dance tonight. I'm going with a friend in like two hours to find her an outfit. Talk about last minute.

        I have to find a science fair topic by October 4th. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I've been stressing over this forever. You see, my first idea got turned down, just like I knew it would. (It was probably like a 4th grader's level...hehe...)

        Anyways, so, yeah. I should probably be getting ready now.

        OoOo! is ever so much easier. Anyways, you registered on my birthday! Just thought I'd point that out... *fades into the mist*
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • Yesterday, I went to a camp with the club I'm in (you could say I was tricked into going). We didn't do a lot, and it was all really boring but then I saw some friends who go to different highschools that I hadn't seen since middle school. I fell asleep on the way back (to and from were both hour-long trips in a very shaky school bus).

          And Tohru really needs to lose that happy attitude of hers, by the time you get to scanlanations of book thirteen it really gets on your nerves...
          I love Tohru! I don't know what's so wrong about her being happy... and the fact that she is, is an important part of the books.

          I'm staying at my grandma's place this weekend. We went over to the library to check it out -- it was her first time there, too; she only officially became residents recently. All I can say is that it was _huge_ and that they had a lot of copies of the same books. I saw Fruits Basket 2 & 3 (for Christmas, I'm gonna buy my grandma the first one XD ) and some other stuff... eh. It was really cold.

          I'd never dye my hair blue and stick on fake glowing eyeslashes, it's so wierd, even for me.
          Blue and black! Or black with red and orange. Yes... I'll buy the neatest black clothes I can find, make my skin as white as it can get, put on dark blue/purple eye stuff, and dye my hair black with orange and red. XD I really lke the idea of being "goth." Anyone have anything better? Noooo! XD

          Nice metaphor! XP Though for me it doesn't seem like my life is that adventerous and interesting...
          That's cuz you won't die your hair blue! XD

          The guy I like... I don't even know his name. XD I know he skateboards. (Isn't that funny how random facts about some guys get stuck in my head?)

          Oooh, yeah... the arcade/mini-golf thing. We went there again. I got just over 500 tickets, added up all of the ones from past trips, and had 1980. 1980 = 11 sour patches and 11 mentos. XD Mom's gonna kill me if she ever finds out how much candy I got. It's all a big pile in my room right now. I won about 4 jackpots, and when I spent all of my coins, my bro gave me four of his coins so I could win stuff for him. I did. With my first coin, on the Wheel of Fortune, I hit jackpot and got 300. My grandma says if she ever goes to Las Vegas, I'm coming with her. XD

          Change is good unless you can't cope. Or if the change happens to be for the worst.

          Supposedly our Homecoming is so late because they're having trouble finding a team that our football team can actually beat. XDDDD
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Originally posted by Gryphon:
            Supposedly our Homecoming is so late because they're having trouble finding a team that our football team can actually beat. XDDDD
            Heh. Welcome to the club! Our football team sucks. To put it nicely. So far, we've had all home games. So far, we've been trounced. Soundly. Every single time. I can't wait for basketball season- it's the only sport my school is any good at (we lost at the state championship last year, but still- none of our other sports teams even made it to districts)

            In other homecoming news, I finally convinced my mother to let me go stag. I just have to pay for everyhting myself. And find a ride (she won't drive me, and I currently can only drive with a liscenced adult over the age of 21 in the front seat next to me. ugh.)

            but have fun everyone who is going ot theirs!
            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
            Follow the bouncing poot


            • Originally posted by Caitlin:
              <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gryphon:
              Supposedly our Homecoming is so late because they're having trouble finding a team that our football team can actually beat. XDDDD
              Heh. Welcome to the club! Our football team sucks. To put it nicely. So far, we've had all home games. So far, we've been trounced. Soundly. Every single time. </div>[quote]

              I know what you guys mean...except for our Homecoming game, we're playing our rivals who we've never beaten and are really really it's already a given that we're going to lose. The only reason people even go to the game is for the marching band, which is really good.

              I am still going stag to Homecoming. And I found out who the guy I like is taking...grrr. He's too good for her. I'll just makes me angry.

              I still have to find a dress...more grr. We went shopping today after cross country, and I found this gorgeous brown dress...but mom says it's too expensive, and that I'd just ruin it. The sad part is, she's right. Maybe I can find a cheaper dress that is that color of's a really pretty brown.

              Today we had a cross country meet. It was two and one half hours away. We were on a school bus for five hours today. Oy. I NEVER want to spend that much time in a school bus on the highway again. Insanity. But I did do really well in the meet, so I guess it was worth it...

              Another thing about cross country: the girls' team does secret pal thingies (like secret santas) before some meets. Guess who's secret pal hasn't given her anything yet. Gr. It makes me a bit mad to know that some person on the team can't be bothered to even just write an encouraging note to me or something like that. And when everyone walks around showing what their pal gave them...I go hide, so no one asks where my stuff is. It's kind of late, that's the only reason why I'm even typing this...

              Blarg is an awesome word.

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • Gyrphish: I love Tohru! I don't know what's so wrong about her being happy... and the fact that she is, is an important part of the books.
                There's nothing WRONG with her happy attitude. It just gets on my nerves. I'm a pessimistic
                and unreasonably negative person by nature, so sometimes things like that irritate me. I'm just so extremely cynical, every year in camp the counselers yell at me to get a better attitude. I know Tohru's everlasting happy/kindness kinda essential to the plot, because if she acted ANY other way the series wouldn't work out... but still... but then again, if I were living with Yuki and Kyo and Haru and their esteemed hotness, I don't see myself ever being sad again either XP... And actually, by the time you get to the later volumes, when the series gets much darker, you realize that's she actually very determained and
                a really good person.

                My friend went on a date today while I sat procrastinating my homework at home all day. I still can't get over the fact that she was asked out to Homecoming and even now has a boyfriend and I don't. I am happy for her and everything... but there's a limit to how selfless I can really be. I guess I am extremely envious, and the fact that the boy that she's dating, is extremely cute... hmm, maybe that's why I've resorted myself to looking at doujinshis all day. O_o

                And we have a chorus concert tuesday. And I still have my cold, so me vocal cords are messed up. But it doesn't matter anyway, 'cause the parts they give to freshman are simple and lame, which I could easily sing even if I were a mute.

                Urgh, it's 1:30 a.m., maybe I should _go to bed_ now... *leaves on lights, takes out iPod and Furuba (aka Fruits Basket) volume 11 and and reads for an hour* I'm nocternal, seriously.


                • Blarg

                  I leave for one day, and a page is added. How does that happen?!

                  Well,I've been busy, I suppose. Yesterday I went to Penberton Borough for their Fallfest. It was ok, ,I basically walked around with my cousin and her friend most of the time..But during the middle, I felt soo sick.. I wanted to go home. But I held off, ate a (very rubbery) hotdog and had some fresh-squeezed lemonaide, and I felt a whole lot better.
                  My cousin had her own booth this time; She made scarves, stainglass windows, two lamps, and some windows that were turned into mirrors. I think she did relatively well, She sold ( I think) two stain glass windows, a lamp, 3 mirrors, and a scarf, for pretty good prices. She gave my family 2 stained glass windows for free, and we paid a discounted prices for 2 windows. It was pretty fun.

                  But that's not all I did.

                  Later that day, I had about 15 minutes to pack a bag, sign a card, and get going to my friends birthday party. That was pretty fun too. I won't get into it too much because I don't really feel like it right now.
                  However, I will say that my parents did forget to pick me up ^.^...*sigh* Ok, it was actually sort of funny, but whatever.

                  Origionally posted by kaiba4ever:
                  And I still have my cold, so me vocal cords are messed up.
                  me too. Last night (or this morning, I should say, heh heh) I just couldn't talk. My voice would squeak, and it was all funky. I can sort of sing, but I can't practice in my choir for a while, or else I will surely kill my throat (or my foot with a certain pair of scissors, heh heh )

                  ...and sugarwood goin down swingin...i'll be the nmumber one with the bullet...ludisomething complex, (won't let me write it) it and pull it...

                  sorry, I get songs stuck in my head often..
                  just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                  • Haha, did I tell you guys what happened after I got home last night at 10:00 after being away since 6:00? The door was locked. No one answered my banging on the door, or the doorbell, or the phone. Then, I turn around. One of the cars is gone. My family was still at my grandma's birthday party. I begin to cry, then call mom on her cell phone. She tells me (and I quote) "You need to start carrying your house keys around with you all the time." I'm a teenager. Do you honestly think I remember something like my house keys when I'm going to be away all day?

                    Just me being...well, me. And forgetting my keys again.

                    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                    • Blarg is a awesome word. Is it really a word? But anyway I just joined the forum and I can't figure anything out. Ohh well... I'm so tired right now. I think I'll go take a nap...


                      • Here's an interesting (not to mention scary) word: abacinate. It means "to blind by placing hot irons, or metal plates, in front of the eyes."

                        Interesting, no?



                        • Buran:
                          For my first entry into this Random topic, I present the following:


                          XD That's so awesome. I remember my first post (don't want to). XD Blarg.

                          XD Fruits Basket... I saw the second one at books-a-million while picking up W@W (and three Discworld books, wheeee... [+ a Japanese dictionary, and Millenium World 1 for my brother]), but that was all they had.

                          So many songs on the radio that I don't know the name of, look up, forget, decide I love, look up again, and completely forget forever. XD I think this is 10 Years, but I have no idea what the name of the song is. *eyes Google*

                          Wheeee. Typed some of this, happy, and then typed an LJ post. And then I wound up sad, but that was ages ago, and YW chat's a cure for everything. & also VGDawn OOC from last year...

                          ooh, I hit a button on the keyboard and the Korean text display came up.
                          and I dunno how it got there
                          or how to make it go away

                          XD Night = hyper

                          And I have no music.
                          The batteries for my CD player... are... (guess. No, go on, guess.) DEAD! And there aren't any new ones anywhere. Except in mom's CD player. In the car. In the garage or the driveway, I dunno, but it's one in the morning and it's DARK OUT, and the dogs would probably mistake me for a burgler anyway.

                          Oh, but guess what wf found? Wf found a Black-Eyed Peas song that she likes! One of the signs of thing. The Apocalypse. No offense at all to anyone who likes the Black-Eyed Peas. *huggles everyone*

                          the Korean's back
                          GO AWAY
                          I dunno how you got here (again)
                          *headdesk* ENGLISH, KEYBOARD.
                          *leaves it there; it's still letting the keyboard type in English, except if I click something or hit a button on the keyboard, the one that I didn't know existed until about three minutes ago and can't find? That one.*

                          I leave for one day, and a page is added. How does that happen?!
                          XD Only one? Used to be more... I'm too paranoid (W@W spoilers) for my own good, and wound up vanishing for nearly four weeks once. Four weeks = six pages. Nothing like a page a day.

                          ...and sugarwood goin down swingin...i'll be the nmumber one with the bullet...ludisomething complex, (won't let me write it) it and pull it...
                          Hehehehehe. I remember the first time I heard that song. I had it so badly mangled that I couldn't even look up the lyrics to see the name of the song or who was singing it. I had something like "ludacris complex, stop getting bullied." (first bit's loaded god complex, btw.)

                          Here's an interesting (not to mention scary) word: abacinate. It means "to blind by placing hot irons, or metal plates, in front of the eyes."

                          Interesting, no?
                          That... is a really disturbing word. It's a really disturbing thing to have a word for, too.

                          How many people have tried to take a song without words and type it out? dun dun da dun, da dun a dun da dun da dun da (dun dun da dun da)... XD

                          Ehehe random. *headdesk* This is the sort of post I've given up as hopeless before, and deleted.

                          I'm in a make-an-icon mood suddenly. Only I have a bajillion that I haven't used yet, and by the time I get around to it I'll hate them. *goes off hunting through togr for quotes*, for lack of inspiration from things like, umm... like anything. Do you know of a good image representation for a quote like "fandom massacre makes wf's inner fangirl want to kill things"? Because I can't draw stuff like Harry Potter fanfic authors laughing evilly and stabbing beta readers.

                          *a whole lot later* Well... I had something that looked like a dead squid. Um. Not the greatest icon ever. But wow, did I find a lot of new buttons. Started out with solid black, and wound up with a dead squid! How awesome is that?


                          • Did someone say "calamari fritte"?

                            Jennifer (i am a soviet space shuttle)
                            "He's a pinball wizard, there has to be a twist; a pinball wizard's got such a supple wrist..." -- Elton John, Pinball Wizard


                            • well, I was going to vent my spleen on all of you about my parents, but I'm not mad anymore. I hate it when that happens. But, ,then agoin,. of course, my mom is yelling at me right now for being on the computer ( i guess I deserve it, heh heh...) but I'm still angry!

                              ARGH!! gotta go...funny how in less than 180 seconds your mood can completely change..
                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • I see that there are a few people still here. I know it has been like forever since I last posted.

                                Hey Gryphon. Diego says he still hangs out now and then.

                                PM is online so I see he is still here.

                                Anyhows.. just wanted to let you all know I was still alive. (For those that care at all.)
                                -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                                The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                                I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac

