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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • AWHOO! We just lost our Homecoming football game, which is sad. On the plus side, the guy I like was moved up to Varsity Football from JV, which is VERY good. For him, anyway...and it means his practices will be ending around the same time my cross country practices will be ending...XD

    I broke my braces today. The wire came out, and I guess I should fix it, only my parents think I'm asleep right now, and I don't want to ruin the illusion. See, the longer I sleep in tomorrow, the less chance I have of being drafted into going to my sister's cross country meet, since I don't have one this weekend.

    today was my brother's ring mass, which is a mass in which their class rings get blessed and they get it.
    Umm...that sounds weird, but I can see the point of, we get our class rings as sophmores (sophmores RULE), just seems so foreign to hear about someone getting it as a senior...just me being weird...

    I really want some ice cream.

    Poot! I actually had no idea who Poot was until today...and I've been here for almost four months...hehe.

    *huggles everyone* I'm SO HAPPY, even though the football team lost, 41 to 0. Well, I've accepted that my school's sports teams stink...dai all!

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • we get ours in frshman year.....and ice cream is good who's poot?

      I love Boston...(I'm from there).I wonder if Nita and Kit will ever go there...

      I just (made you, too) Lost The Game :D:D:D


      • Hey Nate (and for all of the other newbies), while in forum, please use caps (when appropriate), punctuation, no short posts, and no chat speech. Also, check out the newbie zone for more information.

        And if you scroll up, Wildflower just explained Poot.

        Nnnn, it's turning into winter already. And I don't know where my lizard socks are either. I've been running around with fuzzy socks, extra-fuzzy hat, and my hoody.

        The layout at VGDawn is really depressing. This weekend I'll change it.

        I'm gonna give up at this. I'm still asleep, and all of my thoughts are short paragraphs (or in chat, max of three words XD).

        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • I figured out how to make Ice Cream! put chocolate syrup in a big bowl with lots of coolwhip. freeze and it taste's just like icecream.!
          Also microwaving jello is fun!
          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


          • I like Homecoming. I've decided to go back next year. To the dance, that is. The only bad part friend lied. The guy I like DIDN'T have a date...which made me sad, because then I could have asked him to go with me. Then, he left early. Oh well, too bad for me. I'll mope about it some other day.

            Back during basketball season we had a sleepover. It was insane, but so much fun. Think insane truth or dare(I didn't know people on the team could make up such awful dares...I didn't think they were that creative) Napolean Dynamite at 4 A.M.(That might be why I hate the movie so much), and making movies. We made a movie making fun of our coach. Some girls who were mad at him wanted to give it to him at the end of the season, but we talked them out of it, because the movie was sort of kind of really mean...but it was so fun to film. I hope they destroyed the tape. XD I don't want that lying around, possibly impeding someone's chance to get on the basketball team.

            My teeth hurt. I don't know why.

            Hey, I found my bottle of Febreze! I should go Febreze my gym bag, it stinks...Febreze smells good. Maybe I should just Febreze my whole's starting to smell like my running shoes...I need to clean my room very badly. I especially need to vaccum it. I've needed to vaccum it since the summer, I guess...maybe next weekend. Yeah right. I've said that since July.

            Got to go do my English homework...

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • I've been thinking about putting up some forums for Kythaahn on VGDawn, so in the car, I had my notebook open, and I asked mom and my brother what they would name a lake. Mom said Lake Hyrule, brother corrected her ("it's Lake Hylia"), and a discussion of why it wouldn't be original to name a lake something out of Zelda ensued. Any bets on how long I'll stay up fiddling with ideas?

              I also seem to remember something from (I think) a 4th grade or thereabouts scifi book called _My Teacher Flunked the Planet_. Poots were little alien pets that could be pulled apart (that was their form of reproduction.)
              Hehehe. I remember that book... when I first heard of Poot, I hadn't read it in a while, so it wasn't the first thing that came to mind.

              Huh, we have ice cream. Homemade vanilla, and it's been forgotten again.

              Suddenly really glad my teeth are straight.

              Nnnn, it's turning into winter already. And I don't know where my lizard socks are either. I've been running around with fuzzy socks, extra-fuzzy hat, and my hoody.
              Lizard socks? Are those the same socks as the ones you posted a picture of in chat once?

              Fuzzy socks, fuzzy hat... meh, I don't care if it's warm out, I was freezing yesterday anyway. Especially at the karate tournament this morning (we went to watch). The competitors probably weren't at all cold, but the air conditioning vents weren't over the rings, were they? Nooo, they were blowing towards the bleachers. *headdesk*

              Mmf. My brother just came up to the front door and rang the doorbell over and over and over until I unlocked the door... and then there was a giant spider behind him... not giant like how big little spiders look when they're very close to you, it's late at night, and you have nothigng to catch them in, but giant like two inches long and wide giant. And fuzzy. *shudder*

              Also microwaving jello is fun!
              o_O; I've had Jello once in my life, at a Chinese buffet (it melted all over everything and I wound up with strawberry flavoured sweet-and-sour sauce on my chicken, but that's not the point), and it really didn't seem like the sort of thing you microwaved... but that's just me. XD

              Hey, I found my bottle of Febreze! I should go Febreze my gym bag, it stinks...Febreze smells good.
              Heh, when we moved in, someone had Febreze'd the house. I dunno what was worse, the Febreze or the apple cinnamon air fresheners. XD Neither one is the best thing to run into when you pull up to the garage of a new house at one in the morning...

              Tuttle says I should name the lake 42. *snort* s'My fault for asking in chat and saying it was "The Eternal Question."


              • Gryphon: Yes, 'twas indeed the Chani. :P And a million back at you!
                *TACKLE HUGGLES!!!!!!* It's true, Chani lives!!!! *sobs* Big Grin x 1,000,000. We've had a flood of new members, and no one talks about Poot anymore. Diego pops in every now and then, but not as much. Frown :/
                How depressing. Poot should live on, long after we have left. Anyhows: *tacklehugs* back. :P

                Are you still working on learning HTML? I tried but it is well... not something my brain really enjoys learning by myself out of a book. o.O I'll have to find time to get on and chat a bit with you now and then. I shouldn't get too busy and just not come on. But well... takes forever to keep up and I have so much I have to do now. I'm even contemplating getting a job. (Like I have time as it is.) It could be a good thing, I think, if all works out.

                Shame on Diego. I talk to him on MSN now and then. Not very often. So, I know what you mean. He has Halo and stuff and with very little time, he needs his fun, I guess.

                I saw that M posted somewhere... but I didn't see Tui. *sadness*

                CHANI! *tacklehugs* You're alive!
                I am indeed alive. I LIVE! (Makes me feel like some Dr. Frankenstein experiment gone right.) ^5 for the nut 'n honey Cheerios thing. Good stuff.

                Chani! *huggles* I remember you. XD I think I met you in chat once, but apart from that, I've only read some older topics.
                *huggles* back. I remember you too. You came not long before I sorta took a vacation.

                It has changed so much here. Makes me feel old. Well, I'm outta here. I'll try to catch you on chat Gryph. It has been too long.
                -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                • How depressing. Poot should live on, long after we have left. Anyhows: *tacklehugs* back. :P
                  Most of the new people (those who post) haven't been posting one-liners, so there's less need to threaten them with Poot .

                  I saw that M posted somewhere... but I didn't see Tui. *sadness*
                  Tui's still around, though not as much as she used to be.

                  (I saw Chani in chat the other day, so I already greeted her there.)
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • Happy Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan to everyone who celebrates these holidays! XD

                    *huggles everyone* I'm SO HAPPY, even though the football team lost, 41 to 0. Well, I've accepted that my school's sports teams stink...dai all!
                    We lost our homecoming football match too. But it was still so much fun! After the game We walked into town, at like 11:00 pm, and all these stores were open in honor of Late Nigh highschool! Whooooo,everyone was outsaide, and it was very fun.

                    I dont have school until thursday. XD Tomorrow there's no school in honor of Rosh Hashanah, and then I get to skip wednes because its the 2nd day or something. I'm not complaining, though all the make-up work is going to suck...

                    Also microwaving jello is fun!
                    Microwaving jello? O.o Isn't supposed to be fridgerated? I don't think I've ever eaten it any way but cold... *yummmmy jellloooo* I love it when the jello is cut with cookie-cutters, and are in their little jello shapes, those are so much fun! XP

                    No homework!! Whoooooo!! *cheers and runs around* And I get to sleep late tomorrow!


                    • mythbusterfan:
                      Also microwaving jello is fun!
                      heh heh...ever tried peeps? You'd have to put them in a bowl you really don't mind getting stanied..heh heh...

                      Ok, I didn't do it, my brothers did when I was like 6 or something. Its really sort of comical, they're like "I'm Melting!!"

                      And your kitchen smells like burnt sugar for a while..heh heh...

                      O man, braces tomorrow...

                      If I am never on this site, and I vanish from the face of the earth, you'llknow why..

                      This is the funny part: I have realllly long hair. Butt lenght hair. Roshaun's lenght hair ( )And I'm donating 10" to Locks of Love ( a charity that makes wigs out of hair for children who have cancer).
                      And I'm getting it cut. And braces. All in the same week. So by Friday, I will look totally different, which sort of rocks in its own weird way...

                      RANDOM FACTS RULE!! WOOOO!!!

                      ok, I'm done now. My hand hurt from getting a cut from my friend while playing Mercy, Wearing my hands out play Numbers and New Numbers, Miss Mary Mack (once, mind you), loads of homework, And typing this.

                      I think I'm gonna go put an ice-pack on this hand now...

                      *wanders off dreaming of little peeps in witches hats*
                      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                      • What do you mean, Chani/Gryphon! I pop in everyday!

                        If I talk that's another matter. XD
                        Comradely, Diego

                        Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                        "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                        "Be a real


                        • My dad's a chem teacher, and he implodes peeps for his classes at Easter. He also explodes pumpkins at halloween...

                          Braces...eww. Braces suck. They HURT.
                          Eww, braces. *shudder*

                          I'm in Boston right now. Anyone know anything about Boston? The accent is kinda strange.


                          • Urgh, I have so much homework left to do. Of course, tonight is the night I can't concentrate on ANYTHING. Blech.

                            Braces suck. I'm on my second round with them right now...and should get them off in March. *dreams of gum* I love gum. I'd chew it now, but mom is really strict about what I eat with my braces...good luck Mel!

                            Peeps: the ONLY thing they're good for is exploding in the microwave, and catching it on fire...but that's a long story. Funny, but long.

                            Horseback riding was fun today...I rode Hotshot, one of my babies. *smiles* I have 2 favorite horses, Hotshot, and Cavalier. I luffle them to death. Yes, luffle.

                            Oy, my running shoes stink. Guess I shouldn't have dropped them in the river during practice today...if you could call it a practice. I love it when we have "practices" and we don't run, we just go wading or climb trees and stuff.

                            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • It's 6:45 in the morning, and I'm just killing time before I have to leave. Yesterday, I went out to get Franz Ferdinand for my friend. If I have no idea what to get a person, it ends up turning into a stuffed animal and a gift card. Well, I did that last year and maybe the year before (I don't remember), which means I can't do it again this year. So I was flipping through iTunes (ayaya, Chani, for all of the newbies, was the person who got me into music in the first place.), and I seriously considered Slipknot (only for a couple of seconds), but turning on Franz Ferdinand decided for me. XD

                              Afterschool today is art club with the latin teacher, and I'm gonna stay and check it out whether that'll force me to work until midnight on homework or not. (Um, not an exageration?)

                              Oh, oh, more story to go along with the above. When mom was about to pay (yes XD), I saw the candy stacked up for display, and asked mom if I could get some gum. I grabbed four things of it, to which mom, dot-dot-dotted, and then asked if I was serious. I said, "only a little," but she got them all for me anyway. (I'm not a spoiled brat; my mom is a push-over ) The pack of tridents was filled with an army of them!!!

                              I suppose I have enough of that food group to last me a month.

                              I had braces for two years, but they're off now. At first, they really hurt, and I couldn't beleive I'd ever get used to it. When a week was over, the pain just sort of... dissapeared.

                              XD I can help with HTML!

                              Nnn, I have a book of it too, but the book is so boring. I nearly fell asleep reading it, and I think the only good that came out of it is that I learned there were things you could do that I never knew existed. Like how you can have an image and be able to click on different coordinates like you would a link. I think the best way to learn would be to plan out something, and then try to create it using HTML, looking up the bits as you go. I use the book or a website for reference if I forget something, but if you go ahead with that idea, I'd stick with the book until you get used to using it.

                              I could draw up something that I know it's possible to create with HTML. Heyy... idea.

                              The dog is barking.

                              Mm. Strawberries.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • *huggles all* awww, thanks you guys!
                                I stilllll think orthidontists are evil!

                                I stayed home from school today...I'm sick, really, and I dunno if I'm getting my braces now...I just.don't.know.

                                Ok, I'm not really sick, but I don't really feel like explaining myself..its too personal and embarrasing, so I don't care if you sort of know, I just don't feel like talking.


                                Sorry about the 'Bah,Humbug!' moment...heh..

                                Gryph: FRANZ FERDINAND ROCKS!!

                                Origionally posted by Seabiscuit1009:
                                Peeps: the ONLY thing they're good for is exploding in the microwave, and catching it on fire...but that's a long story. Funny, but long.
                                Catching them on fire?!?!


                                That's a new one!

                                *imagines little peeps growing shoes and running in circles with a little flame on the top of their head screaming, 'I'm melting, I'm melting!!*

                                wow, I've got a sick sense of humor, huh?


                                Aslo by Seabiscuit1009:
                                Oy, my running shoes stink. Guess I shouldn't have dropped them in the river during practice today...
                                Sounds an awful lot like my brother.

                                He was fishing at our park, when he dropped his cellphone in the water. The first week he had it.
                                Then, when he got a new cellphone (like 3 months later), He went to put it in his pocket, and he dropped it on the floor.

                                I swear, sometimes my brothers are worse than me. That's a laugh!

                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

