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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Char: Pippin is my dog. He is my baby. He's a westie (west highland terrier)and I love him to pieces. He's the kind of dog that'll sit on your lap for an hour if you let him, but if somebody walks by he runs up to them and sniffs their dogs' butts and barks hellos and follows people and gets very happy when people pet him.. I love my dog.

    Peeps are fun. Did you know they have halloween peeps? Pumpkins, ghosts, and black cats. Just putting it out there...
    You know what's good besides peeps? Oh, and chocolate, chocolate's good too. Besides those... Candy corn. My mom complains that I won't have any teeth by age 30, but I know the truth: Candy Corn is the meaning of life. (Take that, Chao!)


    • I stink like the pool. You know, I joined cross country so I didn't have to go swimming as, we had a pool workout. Coach made us do various strokes across the pool, like butterfly and backstroke. And something else...I can't do the butterfly or breaststroke, or backstroke...blech. I hate the pool.


      Sounds an awful lot like my brother.

      He was fishing at our park, when he dropped his cellphone in the water. The first week he had it.
      Then, when he got a new cellphone (like 3 months later), He went to put it in his pocket, and he dropped it on the floor.

      I swear, sometimes my brothers are worse than me. That's a laugh!
      I've done stuff like that. Spike(my cell phone) has been dropped in ice tea once. He smelled gooood for a few days. A little sticky though. Then, a few months ago, I went biking down in the valley, and had to cross the river with my bike because the bridge was being worked on. My bag got soaked, and Spike was in the bag. And guess what? Spike STILL works after all that! He's a miracle phone. *cracks up*

      Today was a good day guys. Hungry is happy...and hungry! I just had some lemon lime Gatorade. Yum.

      The Magic-8-Ball says I should definitely go take a shower before dinner, so...

      I LOVE MY LIFE! (and no, I'm not happy because of a boy or anything, it's just been a really good day.)

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

      Edit: Oh my god. Ow. I just ate dinner, came up here and sat down, and then the muscle soreness from cross country kicked in. Owwwwwww......Major pain. Ow.


      • I'm gonna go get eye contacts sometime. I'm sick of not being able to see stuff and of having to pull out my glasses (because I hate wearing them all day) when I need them. :/


        :/ And the apathy is kicking in already.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • I know this is as good as a double post, but it's the next day, so time's gone by, and there's no point in adding to a post if people think they've already read it all. So, now for my discussion.

          Climate change linked to cruise ship illness outbreaks
          I know the title of the article sounds a little farfetched. I mean, what, the world is getting a couple of degrees hotter, so I'm going to get sick on a boat? Actually, what it really talks about is how, because the water temperatures of the ocean are rising, bateria has started to taint oysters in water warmer than 59 F (15 C).

          Before, it turns out that the bacteria wasn't that rare, but now it's affecting areas that never had this problem -- that were thought to be safe because the waters were too cold... and aren't now.

          Also, my current event for Bio was about changes in the ocean. Mostly it looked at how increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will... hold up, fuzzy on the details. "lead to a significant drop in ocean carbonate levels." This is from an article called Oceanic Insights in (I think) Chemical and Engineering News, my mom's "nerd magazine." It also talked about the cyle that DNA goes through in the ocean. I sketched that out in my notebook; my teacher loves diagrams. XD And anyway, the DNA comes from the ruptured cells of phytoplankton (?), is turned into inorganic stuff, travels to ocean surface, and is reused by the phytoplankton. This is an important cycle, and cyclic changes can cause long term changes in pH and other stuff. Another topic discussed was how the changes predicted to occur in 100 years, are now much more likely to happen in decades. An experiment was done on snails, and the situations predicted in the future would corrode their shells off entirely... and also that the snails probably won't have time to evolve fast enough to catch up.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • I keep forgetting to keep up with this. It's not that I'm SO busy, I guess I just...forget.

            *yawn* I was listening to music last night when my roomie was studying and for a bit after she went to bed. When I finally decided to go to sleep, I realized that I used the wrong headphones, the ones that don't keep the noise in very well. My roomie prolly could hear my music pretty well, and I'm guessing she didn't want to right then...and besides that I didn't get to sleep for a long time b/c the suitemates were being very NOISY...they like had people over, and they were yelling and laughing uproriously and had the TV 12:40!!! I was tempted to go yell at them to shut the hell up, but I was lazy and didn't want to get out of my chair XDXD i mean, it's CLEARLY posted everywhere that quiet hours are from 10 pm to 10 am...*shakes head* Anyway, I am still somewhat tired.
            I had my history midterm today, so I got out of class early. that's why I'm here now. I have to go to Accounting *major gag* in a few minutes though. I am definitely going to stop by the campus store and grab a Cuppaccino or maybe some sour worms...I need SOMETHING to keep me awake in that class. I'll all but given up on Macroeconomics, but Accounting still might have the staying-awake-in-class department, anyway.
            Tomorrow I'm going to meet with my...well I guess it would be ok to call her a tutor. I took this class called Composition Writing Lab, where several students are assigned to a teacher that can help with whatever papers you have to write. This year, no one else signed up for the class time I have, so it's just me and Dr. Pinter. She's really cool and she loves my writing. During our class meetings she usually focuses on my writing, and merely goes over my papers just to check grammer, etc. But anyway, I am supposed to meet with her tomorrow b/c she's not going to be here on monday like usual. That means I have to remember not to sleep in tomorrow
            On a sidenote, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is an AWESOME game, and I am SOOOOOOO addicted to that right now. Tis extremely fun, and I don't even have to use codes, like I normally do. Unlike the game Enter the Matrix, which is still pretty hard even with a slew of codes (such has infinite ammo, health, etc.)
            Eep, I have to run now. I need to go grab that coffee, etc. and get to class.

            Dai'stiho, guys, see you around!


            • CHANI!! *tackles* I missed you!!

              Tomorrow is my fifteenth birthday, so I wanted to post a link to something that some of you will remember. Click, and then I'll explain.

              Happy Birthday Ella!

              Two years ago, I had recently made a big move and had to leave my friends behind. Because my birthday is not very far into the school year, I didn't have any new friends to celebrate my entry into teenage years with, and anyway I still missed my old friends too much. I've been coming on YW for over three years now, and it had already been over a year by then. I made mention of my problem somewhere on the boards and some of the members took time out of their lives to make me that webbie. When I saw it I literally teared up. I wasn't sobbing, but there were definitely sniffles. It reminded me that I always had friends no matter where I went, even if I hadn't *really* met them before.

              I just wanted to send my love out to everybody on these boards in return for the love you all give to me.

              *huggles all*
              "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
              There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
              And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
              What could mean more than this?"
              --Bright Eyes


              • hey! I remember that! We had a whole big private topic on it and everything, it was fun to make. Happy Birthday (tomorrow) Ella!!
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                "I could live


                • Awww *big huggles* Elle. Wow, that was an awesome thing to do.

                  That warm and fuzzy feeling. XD *huggles even for Poot*
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Aw, that's so sweet of all the oldbies to do that for you Ella! *huggles everyone* That made me feel like there is some good in the world. Yeah for good in the world!

                    Huh...2 hours ago I said I'd go downstairs and take a break from my homework and get some ice's now 10:40 at night...guess it's sort of late for ice cream if I ever want to get to sleep...

                    Today, we had a sub in math. He sat there the whole period making origami things. It was sort of weird...he didn't even say one word to us the whole time. I would have thought he wasn't a sub, if I hadn't seen him around the building before...

                    *Sighs* Nothing really happened today, and I can't think of any funny stories to tell you guys...I'm even having trouble being random.

                    My stuff from Homecoming is still all over my room. It's been almost a week since Homecoming. My shoes are on the floor, along with a bunch of pictures. my stupid purse thing, and a whole bunch of make-up. My friends made me wear make-up. I still have to get them back for's sort of sad that Homecoming is over. There's nothing to look forward to in school anymore, except for cross country meets and home football games. I LOVE football games. You know why? I don't even know why I like them. I don't understand all. Despite the fact that the guy I like plays football, and was just upgraded to Varsity, I have no clue how to play football. But I am really happy for the guy I like, he's a good football player, and an all-around nice guy...maybe that's why I like him? Dunno...

                    So. Tomorrow's officially the start of the weekend. Fun. Weekends are good. I can catch up on all the tv shows I tape over the week because I'm too busy to watch them when they're on.

                    I guess I should go either finish my homework, or go to bed. Depends on how much homework I've got left, I guess...

                    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                    • Hey, wow...I remember that! And I'm even on there!

                      (Proof that I was actually here before, and am not just pretending I used to be here a lot...or hallucinating. Am happy I was not hallucinating.)

                      And of course, happy birthday Hope all your dreams come true, and all that cliched nonsense, and uh... that you get books for your birthday! Or something. That's what I'd want, at least...


                      • I downloaded a theme for Firefox, and now it's shiny. Literally, not shiny like wf has decided that because it's new and cool it must be shiny, shiny. It looks like metal.

                        I'm hyper off frozen lemonade icepops; I stole one out of the freezer and let it melt halfway in a glass. Mmmm.

                        Halloween... I have no costume ideas, as always. 'Specially not original ones. I'll wind up having nothing to go as right up until the day before. If I get really desperate, I'll dig out my dad's graduation robes and a stick from the backyard, and find a piece of cardboard and some aluminum foil to make a badge and write S.P.E.W. on that in day-glo, and go as Hermione Granger, but that's a last resort. I really hope I don't get that desperate. Even though I look more like Hermione than Emma Watson does, that doesn'y mean I wouldn't be the bajillionth person to dress up as Hermione. The badge is for people who haven't read the books; XD maybe I'll confuse them.

                        Stupid wireless internet refuses to network the computers. I get an error every time I start up this compy, Harry, and Elwood (dad's laptop) would be really neat to carry around the house (everywhere but my room, mom says) if he'd connect to the internet at all. *growls*

                        Erm. Napoleon Dynamite was on today, and I managed to sit through the whole of it. One of those movies that made me glad I wasn't someone who had to think of summaries for movies, even though it'd be a cool job, because it's usually a summary of the plot, and if you can't figure out what the plot is...

                        o.O; Wow, finally... XD I clicked a link that lead to a 404 page that started typing at me, ranting about how depressed it was that it was only a web server and all the pages on it were crap anyway. _Weird._

                        Nearly every link on this page is really "huh?" ish.

                        I suppose I have enough of that food group to last me a month.
                        Food group... XD I don't know if there's any gum in the whole house.

                        I quit art class. :/ Mrs. R hates me, and basically the only reason I was taking the class at all was because of the other people who are taking it; I never see them otherwise. I don't _want_ to quit, but... meh.

                        I have a chocolate from Easter in the cabinet, and dad is threatening to eat it. XD It's in a tupperware, too, all by itself. Mom wants the tupperware back. I bet it won't be there when I wake up, but I'd never get any sleep if I had it.

                        Tomorrow is my fifteenth birthday, so I wanted to post a link to something that some of you will remember. Click, and then I'll explain.
                        *huggles* Happy birthday, Ella!

                        Today, we had a sub in math. He sat there the whole period making origami things. It was sort of weird...he didn't even say one word to us the whole time.
                        *Sighs* Nothing really happened today, and I can't think of any funny stories to tell you guys...I'm even having trouble being random.
                        XDDD Even if it's short, it can still make someone laugh. I mean. Origami? Hehehe...

                        I have this weird ability to sing along with so many songs that I don't know the lyrics to. Or songs that I barely remember existed. Ask me to write out the lyrics, and I won't be able to. Sing without the song playing, I won't be able to. Ask me to sing along with it, sure, and I can even remember which line comes next... and keep singing if it was wrong. A song comes on and I'll be silently singing along without realizing it...


                        • Today has been a good day so far, besides the fact that it is drizzling outside and I have my small umbrella...I was GOING to bring my big one, but it didn't look like it was raining when I looked out the window...I did however wear my knee-high, high-heeled boots though I have a pic of them here: I was thinking about wearing my green shoes, but I decided not to. I'm wearing my Moosetrix shirt today so the green shoes would match, but the boots look more Matrix-y.

                          Anyway, my writing tutor suggested looking up some things by this one authour, Joseph Campbell. He wrote a lot of stuff about myths or something. I found a lot of his books here, but I have to go eat something before I go look for them. I totally forgot to eat breakfast, so even the computer mouse is starting to look tasty...well anyway, gotta run, but I'll be online tonight b/c I work

                          *runs over to the cafeteria, hoping they have something good for lunch*

                          Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLA!!!!! *many huggles*


                          • Lunch... lunch is good. Today for lunch I had one of those soft pretzel thingys, and cookies and milk.

                            So tonight I get to take a trip to see my dad, on a plane. And I love planes; don't all of you? I mean, the cramped quarters, the inedible food, all the people with colds sneezing on you... the long drives to the airports...
                            Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it.

                            On the happy side, I just got the latest season from my *favorite* TV show, Stargate: SG-1...
                            Making me very happy.

                            WF: I have that singy thing too. As does every tone-deaf member of my family (woe is me...) I think the tune of a song helps people remember the lyrics. My opinion, anyway.

                            ...Also, those are glorious boots, Rad...



                            • well, I have a bit to catch up on.

                              On Wednesday, I got a palat expander thingy on the top of my mouth. Yesterday I got my braces (they HURRRT!!)

                              and not one hour ago, I got my hair cut. 10 inches cut. Ok, I know I said that a lot, but its a really big deal to me... I havent ever had my hair majorly cut; just trimmed. Its weird.

                              Well, <span class="ev_code_RED">I CANT WAIT TILL HALLOWEEN!!!</span>

                              Im gonna be the Phantom of the Opera!!

                              I Abso-flippin-lutely love him!!!!

                              ok, I think I'm done now. I'll probly post some before and after pictures of my hair later, but I don't really feel like it.


                              HALLOWEEN ROX MY SOX!!
                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • I feel wet. We went running in the rain for cross country, which was fun. Coach told us to run between the raindrops. We just looked at him funny and got out of there fast.

                                Rad, I love your green shoes...but not in green. XD I love those shoes in blue. <span class="ev_code_BLUE">I'm obsessed with blue, did I ever tell you guys that? Blue is my favorite favorite color EVER. Maybe I'll write the rest of this post in blue...nah. XD</span>

                                In English today, we somehow got off topic, and began talking about being high off of chocolate. I love chocolate, and eating too much chocolate, and sugar in general...wish I had some chocolate now.

                                Cross country meet's going to be fun to run in the rain again. Hehe...rain.

                                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

