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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • ok, poot, whomever, don't kill me. But it wouldn't make sense in my other post, goes.

    Its pretty sad really, ,I started typing htat post like a half an hour ago, and by the time I posted it, Gryph had already posted!!

    sorry, I just sort of find that funny.

    Poot!! AAAHHHHH!! sombody helppp meeeee!!!
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • Cyber Mirage said:
      What's wrong with only reading manga? The last "normal" books I've read are W@W and HBP... The rest are all manga...
      There ARE normal books besides manga? O.o Wow, I didn't even know that there was such a thing... XP Now that you mention that, same here! Besides books for school, the last real book I've read was W@W and HBP... I am such a manga-freak/fanatic, it doesn't even occur to me that other sorts of books exist. Someone gave me their book and I flipped it over and blinked confusedly, expecting the front to be on the back (you know how most manga is original format).

      Gryph said:
      Cedric Chimer is what we've named the chatroom, and sometimes it's a huge pain. Before, we were using a program called Chime, but now they upgraded it (and it's still called Chime, just it's entirely different, therefore it needs a new name).
      WF said:
      Actually, the groupee people are calling the new program "Chat" instead of Chime. I guess Chat's the "official" name, but I like Cedric better.
      Huh? So the new chat program isn't called "chime" anymore... now it's Cedric?...Cool! XD

      My mom is making me get up at NINE tomorrow for some stupid anime thing. Like an exhibit on anime with this dude that's a voice actor for some other anime that I've never even heard of before... First of all, I don't like getting up before ten-thrity on weekends, and second, I don't give a crap! Sure, I like anime alot, maybe even obsessessively/love-it-to-death, but I don't care for this stupid exhibit. My mom is the biggest moron by making me and my friend and her mom (yippee...) go to this thing. She probably thought I'd be interested or something, but news-flash, I hate this sort of crap! >_< Stupid parents...

      I have a B in French Accelerated level one! (that's real advanced for my standards) I'm sooo happy! It raises my over-all average quarter grade to a C!! Yay!! That's a passing grade, you know *winks*

      Mel said:
      well, it won't stop raining here, but I like the rain. reminds me of a song called "Songs About Rain" which is a horrible title, but easy to remember in times like these.
      Hehe, XP, that is a truly clever name. I WISH it were rainign here *loves the rain!!*

      I just returned from this silly Haunted Hay-ride (a tram that rides through a "haunted" park.) It was scary I almost wet my pants!...not. It was lame. Uber lame. Except the clowns were scary, very scary...*shudders* Clowns are very scary, even when they are trying to be funny.... and now I'm sooo tired. That means I'll got to bed before Three A.M., maybe around two or something...

      *Wanders off to read ten more manga volumes (scanlanated) of FullMetal Alchemist online.* Envy is hot, even if he tries to kill everyone. It pisses me off when everyone calls Ed short, sheesh, he's like ten times taller than me, and that is NOT short! >_< *finishes manga and watches thirteen raw and un-translated episodes of Yuugiou GX until head explodes from hearing Judai yell "KATSA!!" {means "to win" in Japanese...} Blah...


      • Things have gotten too weird. My friend's brother is dancing like an idiot, their cat is acting like he's high and rolling around the same place on the floor,and my homework makes no sense to me at all.

        too much weirdness...
        YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
        "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


        • mehehe, had a kareoke night tonight! XD! We had so much fun singing and stuff! it was sooo cool! omg, nothing like a fun night! yayayayahhh! I am so hyper tonight!! sfhljdsh!!


          • Oh, my! Lots of posts in here well I was off somewere else! I`m a little sick, but I`m happy enough. Being only a little sick has it`s advatnges at times! Like when you want to stay home from something, like a boring event. *huggles self* Ok, I think this is long enough.
            "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
            Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


            • I'm SO happy right now...actually, I'm ecstatic. Last night, I went to the football game (we lost, 28 to 0) but it was a good game guy was there. That made my day. Then, this morning was the PSAT. Saw football guy again. And I think I did well on the test, except for maybe the math part...oh well, I did well on the English. Then, we got out an hour early, so I went over my friend's house and made her cous-cous (?) for lunch. I still don't know what cous-cous is, but I followed the box's instructions. Then, I walked back to school so I could go to my cross country meet. I did INSANELY well at the meet. 24 minutes, 21 seconds. *smiles* My best ever...but nowhere near as fast as varsity. But still! It's been a good two days...oh yeah, and I didn't have school yesterday! Great days! Happy!!!

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

              Edit: I forgot! I passed my Adv Algebra 2 test! AYEE! *dances wildly, then stops and sits down* Ouch, too sore to dance, but anyway...90%! AYEE! I had a HUGE learning block against that chapter, so...AYEEE!!!

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • Originally posted by Mel:
                I'm thinking of doing this program called the John Hopkin's talent search. Its where 'exceptionally smart children' in 7th and 8th grades get to take SATs, and if they reach a certain score,they can get scholarships or something like that.

                now, don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging about being smart. In fact, I think that I'm not really smart, just gifted in a few ways like weird memory and not freezing up during tests and the like. I'm not smart; no.
                Hey, that's just like me! I take standardized tests really well. And you'd be amazed at the vast amounts of random knowledge I've managed to contain inside my head.

                As for CTY (the Hopkins Talent Search thingy), do it. It is...amazing. Exhillarating. Fabulous. Wonderfull. Inspiring. Really, there are no words for how great it is. I went for two summers (Hopkins 02 session 2 and Carlisle 03 Session 1) and they were the BEST six weeks of my life. I'd reccomend the experience to anybody who can afford it. It's....teh awesomeness and more. It's an experience that is well worth the money.

                You get a chance to nerd out for three weeks. You can gad about and frolic in the fields of intellectual awesomeness, and do things like explode carbonated beverages, have serious impromptu discussion about who should've gotten a Nobel and why, debate the ethics behind RISK, contemplate the effect of Monty Python on the expansion rate of the universe, and just have fun 24-7.

                So if any of you have the chance, take it. I'm the person I am today because of CTY. ...actually, I get kinda scared when I try to figure out what I'd be like without having attended CTY.

                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                Follow the bouncing poot


                • I did that! CTY, wow. 3 years...
                  Yeah, Caitlin, I kept meaning to ask you about CTY (your sig.) I remember the passionfruit! (I love the passionfruit.)

                  Ooh, PSAT. My sister took it this morning; then: "Oh, Emilie! I skipped 2 whole questions in the math section! I'm gonna fail, aren't I????" And then she said she'd answered 42 on one of the fill-ins, because she had no idea what the answer was...

                  Oh and today was homecoming at my school, and my school chamber choir (of which I am a member) sang star spangled banner, and then about 1/2 of us left. The other half was part of the band, and couldn't.. *gloat*

                  And I found out I have pertussis! Or at least I had pertussis, and now I have an annoying cough that won't go away. Everyone's like, "Are you dying? Oh no!" And I'm laughing, because it was just an annoyance in the first place.




                  • There was a picnic sort of thing at the park today. I almost didn't go, but people brought frisbees, and we got a large group going with two frisbees... chaotic, but fun. ^^'

                    I won at solitaire. o.O; And I won again... *grin* I just said I hadn't won at solitaire in ages to Nate in chat, and the solitaire gods heard! *bows to solitaire gods*

                    Cedric is a girl?
                    If she wasn't before, she is now... I think she's sort of feminine (nineineine? *headdesk*). XD\

                    Speaking of Cedric, she's behaving on dad's laptop. I definitely want to get the computer I'm normally on working again, but I'll miss fast chat. XD Or maybe it was Flash, which is probably more likely.

                    Things have gotten too weird. My friend's brother is dancing like an idiot, their cat is acting like he's high and rolling around the same place on the floor,and my homework makes no sense to me at all.
                    What, you mean that isn't noraml for you? My brother dances like an idiot all the time, cats... do that, and homework hardly ever makes sense. XD

                    For people who like cats, or sinks (??), or both (...).

                    hhngjeeef. *asleep* didn't get enough sleep last night... *dead* mmf, g'night.


                    • Hmm...CTY...All I did for that was take the PreSAT or whatever in 7th grade...None of the camps really seemed to appeal to me...

                      Bleh...It's 10 past midnght here...Apparently my friend decided it would be fun if she called me at 11:30 at night from I just can't get back to sleep...

                      Couldn't sleep for a while to begin with cuz I was worrying that some weird stalker-ish guy from the dance team was gonna assault her or something...

                      *wanders off wondering why she seems so obsessed with trying to get me to one of the school dances and why girls can be so weird*


                      • Origionally posted by Caitlin:
                        Hey, that's just like me! I take standardized tests really well. And you'd be amazed at the vast amounts of random knowledge I've managed to contain inside my head.
                        OMG!!! you and I are apparently very much alike. Kindred Spirits!! Sorry, WHYY has burned Ann of Green Gables into my head.

                        I'm serious, though. Well, I convinced mym mom to let me take it, thanks to all you peoples.

                        well, I went to bed at like 11:50, ,thanks to books, Hercule Poirot, and the Apple Fest, and had to wake up at 7:30. I am deathly tired. But my day is not over yet, nonono.
                        I have to go downtown to Temple University because my brother isn't gonna be home and my mom, dad, and other bnrother are going there for a collage open house.

                        Meh. It's one of those days where I wish I could drink coffee....

                        *drifts to sleep dreaming a dream of people named Katrina, earthquakes, Monty Python, collage proffesors who are evil, and Kit....*
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Mel:I'm thinking of doing this program called the John Hopkin's talent search. Its where 'exceptionally smart children' in 7th and 8th grades get to take SATs, and if they reach a certain score,they can get scholarships or something like that.
                          Do it! Take the John's Hopkins program if you can; I took it in middle school, and all it is is the SATs a little early. I scored in the 1200s, but that was on the old SATs, so it was out of 1600. One of my friends got a 1300. The new one is out of 2400 points, and it has a writing section. I don't know if you'll actually have to write an essay; on the PSATs, we didn't -- it was just a "writing skills" section.

                          Oh, oh, for people who couldn't get into the old chatroom, try now; I think you might be able to.

                          *cheers* for Hungry.

                          What's pertussis?

                          I won solitaire three times yesterday. XD I was really bored, and solitaire is a good thing to do while listening to music 24/7.

                          Is there supposed to be anything on the cats and sink link other than the title in big letters and a bunch of ads? And cats were created to be very amusing without doing it on purpose (and to eat catnip and food).
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Mel: I did something similar to that, except in the one I was in we took the ACT. I did pretty well for a 7th grader, I think I got an 18.


                            • hey ya'll again.

                              Origionally posted by Gryphon:
                              I won solitaire three times yesterday. XD I was really bored, and solitaire is a good thing to do while listening to music 24/7.
                              *makes a fish face* a-da-eh-meh-mma? how??? No fair, I suck at solitaire!!

                              Well, I finished reading Sabriel and A time Apart. They were both pretty good. I liked A Time Apart because it was about a girl and her father whom she hadn't seen in years and she has to go live with him on an Iron Age Farm. It's one of those history things like My Colonioal Homes and such. Her mom has cancer, and its how she learns to cope. ITs pretty good, actually, Though I didn't like a few details of the book or the illistration.

                              As for Sabriel, does the second book have anything to do with Sabriel? If it doesn't, ,I will be severly dissapointed because Sabriel has grown on me. It was a great book!!!!

                              Right now I'm reading Roald Dahl's book of Ghost Stories. Its not like a gory-scary thing, but more of a thinking type thing. It's a really smart book, and it's sometimes hard to understand. But I think I got the jist of it.

                              Crazy wind=today here. I almost got knocked over!! It was sooooo much fun!!

                              And today, the moon was like a jeweld orb, just sitting up there in the sky. It was beautiful. Well, my mom is yelling at me to get off, so... unless I want to get grounded, I'd better go...heh heh.

                              Cya'll later!!
                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • As for Sabriel, does the second book have anything to do with Sabriel?
                                She cameos- it's set a generation later, and mostly centres on Sabriel's son and a girl named Lirael. BUT, as cool and awesome as Sabriel is, Lirael is even better. She's a Charter-using sword-swinging librarian.

                                Yeah, I want to be Lirael when I grow up.

                                *mooches around* Man, haven't been in TTOGR for ages. It's all a bit daunting for me usually. But, you know, it's the week before my final exams (of my first year at university (that's college to you.) Can I get a "this year has gone way too fast"?), one in the morning, I really should be sleeping... where better to be than TTOGR?
                                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!

