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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by wf:
    My living room wallpaper has ducks on it.

    sorry, I somehow find that insanely funny..

    Origionally posted by Angel_Star:
    I hate science fair.
    at least you get to DO one. We have this stupid art fair. It sucks to say the least. No one wins, no one looses, and it's almost alwasy religious. Hopefully, though, with the new art teacher...

    Halloween is Overrated.

    how?? When in your like...AAHHH

    I lurf Halloween!! Its my favorite holiday!! It ws a Pagean holiday called All Hallows Day where they believed that the dead would wake up, and that you had to give them somehting to app[ease them so they wouldn't play a trick on you or worse...So men would do that, and unless you gave them something free, they'd do something to you...

    And then Christians put ALl Saints Day after that, so it's like the devil had his night, and the Saints have their day.

    Ewww, a guy playing hockey just lost a tooth on the ice...and is still playing!! Gross!!

    I went to the doctor today. They took four large test-tubes of my blood. Four, and in the largest size that they had, like each took was six inches tall (they had the sizes out on display >_> ). It wasn't painful at all, and I watched the needle go in my arm and everything. It's very interesting. But afterwards, even if it wasn't so much blood they took, I was fatigued and my arm was shaking my the time she closed the last test-tubeful of blood. The test tubes were warm...

    I'm also going trick-or-treating w/ my 11-yr-old sister. She says she's gonna be embarassed, but that's not true, right?
    I wouldn't be, and I'm 12. I'd think it was cool. But then again, I don't have any sisters so I wouldn't know.. Good luck with that!

    Does anyone know what they're going to be for Halloween? Is anyone going to dress up at all??
    I'm still young, I still can. And with my new haircut, I can be the Phantom!!

    of course, I look more like Raul, but..

    Well, rantingness over. I'm tired, IO have Terra Novas tomorrow, and for some reason this girl I/Med me and then blocked me...I didn't even know her...she ws from WEdgewood! Where the h is that???

    Eh, cya'll
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • I think All Hallows = All Saints Day. Hallowe'en is an abbreviation for All Hallows Eve, not Day; the day before All Hallows.

      The Pagan name would have been Samhain.
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETO!! Happy seventeenth birthday like the seventh time...I should be celebrating my favorite Yuugiou bishounen's (besides Bakura-kun!) birhtday right now, I'm just ot entirely sure how to -_-;... but I love Seto anyway! *fangirl glomp*

        Gryph said:
        Umm... what else. I started reading Magic Knight Rayearth, which was an old manga my aunt got for me, and my friends convinced me to reread it. It's soooo boring. If I ever shop for fantasy/action mangas, I'll look through to see if they have anything other than fighting.
        I read the beginning of that, but I too didn't finish it. It wasn't exactly boring, it just didn't tweak my interest much. I was slightly surprised by this though, considering that Rayearth is by the overly famed and exhaulted manga-ka (manga writers/artists), CLAMP, who are usually totally awesome.

        L: I love "L." And no, I'm not refering to you (well, I don't really even know you yet). But I mean L from DeAThnoTe? He's totally awesome. And so is Raito/Light, even if he's a homical maniac. Sooo sad when L dies *hope I didn't spoil anything! If I did,you write my name in the Note...* Anyway, I obviously love Death Note. It's freaking awesome.

        It's almost Halloween. Yayyy! I hope my bestest friend doesn't ditch me for her boy-friend this weekend, otherwise we won't be able to create pretend-cosplay Halloween outfits, or buy those Inuyasha plushies. And I also won't be able to get to mall to visit the Apple Store there to fix my iPod headphones....


        • I love halloween. Even though i'm 16 I still like gettign FREE candy. Also you can mess with people. for example i can walk up to someones house say "I reject your reality and substitute my own." and walk away leaving them very very confused. and my friend mathew is going with me he's like the most random person i know. this is gonna be fun. Muahahahahahah
          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


          • I hate Halloween with a passion. A STRONG passion. Bad experiences. And since I've started 10th grade, candy just doesn't taste as good anymore, so...there's really no reason to dress up or anything anymore. It's not like I have any parties to go to either.

            Haha...just got back from the library. Told Mom what book I got, and she started crying. I asked why, and she said "I got you that book for Christmas because I knew you didn't have it, and you hadn't read it because the library hadn't had it..." I felt SO bad, because she always tries so hard to get me books I want to read and haven't. I've told her to just get me a gift card to Border's, but she likes having something to wrap, and I FEEL SO BAD! Grr...Oh well, I guess I'm only getting my class ring for Christmas. And maybe a black Under Armor long-sleeved t-shirt for track and cross country. XD. I still feel really bad though...

            Erm...I feel empty inside. Cross country ended. I have realized that outside of sports, I really have no life. Isn't that so sad? I need to find something new to do...I'll figure it out later.

            Testing this week. So far, I have done NOTHING in my classes at all. Nothing. It is the most boring thing ever. Why don't they just let us go home, if they're not going to teach us or anything? I've taken so many naps in school in the last 3 days, it's ridiculous. I hate to say it, but I NEED WORK! If I have to be in school, I want to do something.

            Okay, going to go read the book that was supposed to be my Christmas present...I still feel bad about that. And I'd wanted that book too! grr...I've told her to give me money for books! Sorry about the ranting guys, but I need to rant somewhere...

            SQUEAK! OMGD! AHHHH!!!!

            Nitwit! Blubber! Oddmit! Tweat!!!!!!! (I know that's wrong, but oh well!!!)

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • I just love Halloween. Even though I am almost 18, I still love to dress up, and go around scaring the daylights out of my friends. I think that is the best part of Halloween, since I haven't gone Trick-or-Treating since I was six years old and my aunt jumped out of a closet, stole my candy, and made me cry. *shudders at the memory* oh well, that is all behind me now
              Lover of Most Books...
              Finder of Lost Things...
              Eater of all Sweet Stuff...
              Wonder of the West...


              • PM:
                think All Hallows = All Saints Day. Hallowe'en is an abbreviation for All Hallows Eve, not Day; the day before All Hallows.

                The Pagan name would have been Samhain.

                Thanks, Pm. Sorry, my details were scratchy; I just remember little tidbits from Religion class. Why we were talking about a pagan holiday...

                Man, I'm all halloweended out. I always get excitied about some holiday or other a month before, and like two day before, I'm like. Huh?? Holoween is in two days?? Eh, oh well.

                Anyone ever do that? Man, I think I have a problem..

                I just love Halloween. Even though I am almost 18, I still love to dress up, and go around scaring the daylights out of my friends.
                Ahh, a great pasttime. My brothers scaring the living daylights out of little kids, girls, ,and whoever else they could manage. Which is a lot.
                Then me and my friends..Bru-ha-ha!!

                Also you can mess with people. for example i can walk up to someones house say "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
                That's just great. and awesome.

                One o' these day, I'm gonna say trick and trow eggs at them or something.

                There was this one guy who did that. This guy came up to him and was like, "Trick or Treat!" And the guy with the candy (on the 5th and top floor of an apartment) goes, "Trick."
                And so, the man pulls out a 5-lb. bag of flour and socks him. Ouch. Well, that's what you get.

                That makes me laugh in a sick-ish way...

                Wow, I need sleep. Ick.

                yay for..uh..TOGR!! (lifts glass of imaginary Dr. Pepper.) Free virtual soda nad chips for everyone!! (specially you and your mom, Hungy)

                Woo!! Party at my house!!
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • Emilie: *huggles* What a way to screw up.

                  Bradwart just said Halloween is overrated!? Aiee!! *wonders what other things she missed*

                  I'm watching the Petrified video on WF's link. :/ XD I like Linkin Park better; this is too much rap. I love the other 15 second thing where you can turn off/on things like bass and strings. That's good.

                  I'm sick. It's no surprise, what with me working almost 24/7 with stress. Today, I just layed down on the floor and felt how much of a contrast it was to my entire week. Too much... ugh. I was going to go down to my grandma's this weekend, but I decided not too 'cuz I didn't want to be a burden if I was going to be sick. Mom was like, "she won't mind," but I know my mom takes grandma for granted. She does so much. *huggles* Yesterday I couldn't listen to fast music XD. Don't you ever do that where... if you're sick, it's painful to watch someone else be energetic?

                  A few days ago, we watched a movie that dad rented. We were between two choices: A Beautiful Mind or... Saiyuki. I nearly started spazzing, but I didn't. My parents don't even know I read Saiyuki. XD I just read "some mangas."

                  So... on the weekend we watched an anime, and one of the previews to it was Advent Children. The next day, I hooked up the PS and played FF7. I know, maybe I'm sad, but whatever. It was a great game, and hopefully the movie (which is its sequel) will be great too. XD I can make a summary of the game if anyone's interested.

                  Emilie: oooh, poem. XD

                  Azen: ever done a poem like this: flip through the ads in magazines and stick random, unrelated lines together. They end up sounding very intelligent and metaphysical, but I stuck in a few lines from adds such as, "get your mortgage now!"

                  Hungry dislikes Halloween. Hmm. And somewhere in a post I haven't found yet, Bradwart says Halloween is overrated. Halloween is the second best holiday in the year! AHhh, be crazy and get candy!

                  Yeah, so, the guy I like... god, life is too confusing.

                  Yeah. It was for school, but it turned out well in spite of that... My mom's always like "Let me see! Let me see!" whenever I write something, and then I say no because she's very critical--"I don't like it; therefore it's junk." So that made me kinda sad. Only then they liked it at Creative Writing (the class I wrote it for) and now you guys like it! Yay!
                  :/ My mom is the opposite, 'cept she pries too. Everything is, "omg! That's so amazing!" to her when... I'd rather have a real reaction. Maybe she does think that, but it's like... how do you take a compliment that you know is a lie or get recognition for something insignificant or meaningless?

                  I walked through the other school's hallway this morning. They were so awesome I could've cried. The entire lobby had been turned into a Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory landscape. One was a pirate themed with a wooden walkway and black walls with white drawings. Another was Clue, and the last that I saw was 9/11. They were all amazing.

                  And our theme? The Price is Right...

                  So you know how I said I was sick? XD I swam in gym anyway today, and I didn't regret it (even though I felt like throwing up in Spanish). We played water polo all period. Our team sucked, but whatever.

                  So you just type whatever here? Skittles. Cool. That's fun.
                  S'my cat! *tackle huggles* Are you a new member? Welcome & etc. I'd give you the intro, but I don't feel that great (and someone probably already got to it).

                  I liked Sabriel, if only because I really liked the idea of all those bells. I thought that was pretty cool.
                  Me too! Me too! I remember the bells!

                  I also remember how, when I was a lot younger, I would mention something from a book I read (that she also read), and she wouldn't remember. Then, I remembered virtually everything from books. XD Now it's ehh... maybe I've read too many or maybe my brain is rotting out of my head. Maybe there's even a third reason, but nnn...

                  I got a 97 on my history test. I started cussing in class. How's that for excitement? I think all of last year made me feel like I was doomed to fail history. Sometimes math does that too, only not in the extreme, because I always forget something or make some small, stupid error. Ohh, about math... E was asking for help in brit lit, and she turned to me, and was like, "Oh! You! You can help me; you eat math for breakfast!" XDD E is... I don't know, she's that great sort of person, but she's very ditsy at the same time. People talk about here like, "Oh, that E... She did blah blah blah." Like when she took a picture of the teacher's son to the bathroom because she thought it was the hall pass (...), dropped it, and it broke. Or how she brought sparkling grape juice to class for a project, and it exploded. *huggles for E*

                  *thinks L is a very cool person* Yes, awesome newbie. Most people we give them shorter nicknames but... usually when I talk about an "L" or any other letter, it's the abbreviated name of someone I know IRL that I'm talking about. So... I think I'll have to give you a few more letters to attach onto your username, and that'll be what you're called. XD I'm Gryph, by the way.

                  I love Super Smash Brothers. XD We used to play that all the time as a nieghborhood. I was always Picachu, and my brother was Kirby, but then Kirby started to catch on. Everyone else who played was a Kirby too then. XD Only just recently, we pulled it out again to play (Melee; the one for Gamecube, but we have the N64 one too... Only, if you read the extended story about the playstation, you'll know that the N64 is currently stashed away with the cookbooks(...)). It's funny all the stuff we never got when SSB was "popular" around the neighborhood. We only just got the final character and a lot of other random things. I like doing stuff like this because it's one of only a few things I ever get to do with my brother (with the exception of being thoroughly annoyed and driven mad. Younger brothers are NOT blessings).

                  Mom took my temperature. I'm .4 degress below what I'm supposed to be. I'm always below, unless, of course, I have a fever.

                  Yayyy, I've read all of the posts from a page ago (not gonna dig deeper into the past, or I'll get swallowed and suffer a terrible fate of something or other). Now on to the more recent stuff.

                  Aww, poor Hungry who hates Halloween. *huggles* And more *huggles* about your mom.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • My post count's been spazzing today. Going down (okay, sure) and up (without me posting anything). I checked to see if my first togr post was still there, half hoping it wasn't because of how much it sucked overall as a first post anywhere, and it survived. XD It's been there a year and, like most of my posts (the earlier ones at least), it's kinda annoying.

                    Listening to Bic Runga. XD S'Tui's fault, all of it.

                    We put the N64 into some cabinet with a lot of cookbooks because we didn't know where else to put it

                    XDDDD That's a really interesting place to keep a N64. For ours, we have a table next to the couch with a few shelves for games and stuff. The TV's on top.
                    (And all mom's cookbooks are on a bookshelf, but that's beside the point.)

                    Fine. That's great. That's what cast members are supposed to do. But not just after they've walked off stage! However, apparently nobody else was AVAILABLE, so directly after I walk offstage IN PETTICOATS, I go back ONstage and move a (quite heavy) bench with my fellow actor. What about suspension of disbelief, huh?
                    Oh, argh. And you don't anything to put on over your costume? I was in a play with the same situation once (no assistant directors), so some of the cast members had dark robes to wear over everything. :/ (but now I have a tune going along with that, and I have no idea where it came from. *hums* We are the demons who change the set...)


                    sorry, I somehow find that insanely funny..

                    Nitwit! Blubber! Oddmit! Tweat!!!!!!! (I know that's wrong, but oh well!!!)
                    Oddmont and Tweak, I believe. (This is kinda sad if I'm right XD)

                    I'm watching the Petrified video on WF's link. :/ XD I like Linkin Park better; this is too much rap.
                    Heh, I skip Petrified. I like the other two songs more... but I like Linkin Park better too. XD

                    ever done a poem like this: flip through the ads in magazines and stick random, unrelated lines together. They end up sounding very intelligent and metaphysical, but I stuck in a few lines from adds such as, "get your mortgage now!"
                    XD I'm trying that. As soon as I remember to, and actually have something to write with and a magazine or two nearby, I'll try it. (in other words, probably never. Or months from now. But s'cool.)

                    And you kept telling us you'd fail History. XD *huggles*

                    L, hmm. Larry? XD L, are you a guy or a girl?

                    Digging into the past of togr is a good thing! Dig back to page one!

                    Oh, and I've icon'd my siggy quote. s'here


                    • Well... its has been many pages of TOGR since I last posted here... I just haven't had time to post much anywhere. Ok, I've been posting on LJ, but they're always really short.

                      Life has been alright lately. I've been working and getting uni stuffs done. I prolly won't be around much for the next few weeks, because I have exams coming up, but after that, I'll probably be pretty resident.

                      As I haven't been reading this for a while either (and I prolly won't get the chance to go back and reread stuffs) I don't know if I've missed the arrival of any newbies. Dai'stihó, cousins, if I have missed welcoming you. I am Alla, the resident Aussie and controller of the tumbleweeds who can no longer invade chat .

                      ooo... we're on the topic of Sabriel? guess what I downloaded first from iTMSau? The unabridged audio book of it . Tis cool. Tim Curry reads it *continues listening to it*.

                      I love Super Smash Brothers. XD We used to play that all the time as a nieghborhood. I was always Picachu, and my brother was Kirby, but then Kirby started to catch on.
                      Heh strange, thats what started to happen here too... we also had to intro a 'no cloning' rule - as in kirby couldn't swallow people and steal the special talents. On the topic of nintendo, I have a link for you guys - something to relieve boredom:


                      Speaking of Halloween, I'm going camping tomorrow night with medsoc for 'Fudge Night' which is kinda a hallowween celebration sorta thing. I'm going as Alanna the Lioness XD - purple eyes included. Its gonna be awesome . I will get a decent picture and post it here.

                      Anyways, I must go and have dinner *foodfoodfoodfoodfoodfood*



                      • *sigh* It's Saturday. Finally. *yawns widely* My brain has melted...

                        My Make a Wish picture nearly drove me crazy- the final scene was nothing like what I started with. And it took two periods to figure out how to get it printed. And when my art teacher went to print it out...she had brought home the CD case, and not the CD. XD It's sent to the gallery now, and the art sale itself is on the coming Friday *bounces* (our pictures are going to be sold to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation)

                        This week our school had a school spirit thing, where all the homerooms carved pumpkins and plotted how to kill their teacher. I was supposed to be helping with the stuff for my homeroom, but my friends (who had been dragged in to help me by my teacher) took all the work and I messed up the only carving I did Now I feel like I didn't do anything, and let my friends do all the work.

                        Yesterday was the endurance run, and I hurt. I can't run for 12 minutes around a square with sides of 50m, and I don't know why- everyone else did at least 2 more laps than me, and I'm perfectly healthy, as far as I know. Now I can't even sit down without nearly collapsing, my legs hurt so much.

                        I don't really know what I want to be for Halloween...probably something with a robe. I'll have to make the whole costume by tomorrow though.

                        Oh, I got the solo for jazz band Or one of them. It's the only way I can go to Festival anyways (I play clarinet), unless I actually try to learn trumpet in about...a month. XD At least I won't have to improvise a solo on the spot. Yet. *paranoid*
                        -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                        • *twitch* Eye...itches...meh. I got contacts the other day. Unfortunately, the one in my left eye isn't exactly what I need, so it feels really...meh. Blech. *blinkblink* It took me a grand total of around 45 minutes to get them in the first time... I couldn't get them in at all during the first appointment. I sat there for half an hour, trying to figure out just what I was supposed to be doing. It doesn't really help that my eyes are uber-sensitive. So, yeah. We had to go back yesterday. It took me at least another fifteen minutes to figure it out.

                          So, yeah. They didn't have the right one for my left eye there. *blinkblink* *kills contact*

                          I'm supposed to be working on my biology homework...heh. Well, I need to have it finished before me mum gets back. She took my li'l bro to the Halloween parade in our neighborhood...there's a firetruck (whee! little kids love stuff like that. lol) and food at the end.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Hello all, and happy halloween! YAY!!!!!!
                            I am god. That is, my costume is that of God. I might've said this already, but I just wanted to reiterate. And the most common question I've gotten today (besides "whatare you?") is "Stupid! You can't be god! You're a girl!"
                            *hits sexist idiots over the head*
                            hehe... that makes me feel better.

                            So I'm wearing a lei (those hawaiian necklace flower things, only the flowers are made of cloth)that's blue, a pink hat w/ yellow smilies on it, and a "hello my name is GOD" sticker. And I'm carrying an oscar the grouch puppet, and people keep saying, "So he's Jesus, right?" or "Is Oscar Lucifer?" He's a very very cute Oscar, and I love him very much. The Francas (cafeteria ladies, who are all named Franca or Francesca) liked him a lot.

                            So...Yeah. THe play's over, and it didn't suck too much. Phew!

                            Ooh, contacts. I already had an astigmatism when I got them, so mine are...thicker than regular ones? I guess so. Anyway, they last longer, and they're less floppy, which makes it a lot easier to put them in. Therefore, I was the fastest person ever in my optometrist's office to figure out how to put them in. It took 2 tries and less than a minute... I always feel lucky when I put them in and they're really easy to put in... only I don't really clean them that well so they muck up and start itching as well. Don't worry, Angel_star, it gets easier.

                            YAY HALLOWEEN!!!!!
                            All candy tastes good. But especially...


                            • Yeah Yay halloween. I'm going trick and treating with my best friend today. It's gonna be awesome we can scare or confuse people. In school today i wore an albert einstein mask with a hawian flower necklace thing (lay?) I dunno.

                              I used to wear glasses I kept losing them though. Somewhere in the worlds someone has alot of glasses that i lost.

                              anyways Yah *joins emily in whacking sexist people* sexists are losers just ignore them.

                              if someone says you can't be god because your a girl say something sarcastic like

                              "I'm a girl?? really? Brilliant sherlock I never would have figured that out."

                              YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                              "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                              • Er...hem. I have an astigmatism, and that doesn't help me with putting the stupid things in one bit. Meh.

                                It feels like there's something on my eye. Oh wait, there is. Hehe.

                                The freshman girls go on a fishing trip tomorrow. C, one of the most popular guys in my school, just told me that his girlfriend's getting her braces off tomorrow so she can't go on the trip and that she'll be the only freshman girl in school tomorrow. C is actually pretty cool. He talks to me. Of course, I've known him since third grade.

                                Mum needs the phone, so now I must get offline. *pouts*
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

