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The Topic of Great Randomness

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    Yeah, so I was reading an article on Bush, and whenever I came to a line that got a reaction, I posted it in chat. By the time I got to line three, I choked. Yeah, so... I don't know anymore. I really don't judge him by what he says (unless he congratulates FEMA or whatever); when I do that, it's more of a point and laugh thing. I don't say, "Oh, he's a bad/ good person," 'cuz what politicians say... you really don't listen to. It's either bull or fluff.

    So let me start listing.

    From Yahoo news:
    Bush's Remarks Seen As a Jab at Chavez
    "...President Bush called on Latin Americans on Sunday to boldly defend strong democratic institutions and reject any drift back to the days of authoritarian rule."
    'Cuz a democracy is the only good political system... Not such a big thing, I know, but... obviously the world isn't unanimous in their agreement.

    "... pitting neighbor against neighbor and blaming others for their own failures to provide for the people," he said."
    'Cuz, y'know, American politicians never do that.

    " he successful democracies of the 21st century will not be defined by blood and soil...."
    'CUZ, Y'KNOW, THE IRAQ WAR ISN'T FILLED WITH BLOOD AND DEATH whose current goal, if I'll remind you, is to turn it into a democracy.


    Off of politics. BW and B broke our window. XD I don't know how, but they both promised to repay us. :/

    And now I have 900 songs on iTunes. If I were buying each of those songs off of iTune's music store, I'd be poor. Woooowww... $900... Thank god for friends and parents who like music.

    Z, it depends if you have a PS1 or a PS2. If it's PS1, get FF7; it's the most popular. I think I played FF9 too, but I haven't beaten it. Still a good game.

    Aww. Canada has a little brother who's a cute/ innocent sort of kid. Canada gives him a hard time, but he's the sort of person who reminds me of easter bunnies and little furry animals.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • Nnnnggggnnnn...I hate Adv Algebra 2. It's hard. And I just don't like math.

      And now I have 900 songs on iTunes. If I were buying each of those songs off of iTune's music store, I'd be poor. Woooowww...$900...Thank god for friends and parents who like music.
      Me too. I currently have about 1091 songs...and almost none of the music is mine, I borrowed it all from people. Fun stuff, I love borrowing my friends' music. And my Dad's cds XD. My mom has bad taste in music.

      I had been going to post something...oh well...we had a lot of rain today. A LOT a lot. Like, so a lot that the sign out in front of the Target blew out of it's holder. It looked really funny. They had free samples of some chocolate at Target. They were good...I remember now:

      On Friday, I went to go see the drama club's play with my friends. We get there, they pick a seat in the back row. Guess who's sitting right in front of me? Yes, the guy I like, who happens to know I like him and doesn't like me back, as far as I know. Very awkward, and my friends wouldn't move. Grrrr...I wish I'd just left at intermission, then I wouldn't have had to watch him flirting with other girls....bigger grrr...

      Calm. I am the epiphany of calm. I will not show anger over a guy. Unless he dumps me. Then I'll be very angry...

      Also: someone in my city has been, um, doing inappropriate stuff to girls at night...and the police still haven't caught him. My parents are restricting my freedom greatly. They don't even like me walking home from school anymore...and they said that if I was a boy, they wouldn't be doing this because the guy is going after girls. Great, so if I was a guy they'd let me wander the streets while a molester is about? Brilliant...sometimes I wish I was a guy. Lol, I'm happy as a girl, except for when stuff like this happens in my town-and it's never happened before, to my knowledge. So that's why I've been online a lot lately.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

      Edit: Oh yeah, and as a result of the aforementioned event, I'm practically grounded, even though I didn't do anything. I can't even go running...and I'm going crazy as a result. I need exercise!!!! And...worst of all...I'm bored out of my mind. XD I never thought it'd happen.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • Woah...I haven't been here in soooo long...

        How's everyone been? Wow I don't even remember the lat time I came here. Or why I stopped comeing in the first place...But now I have returned! YAY FOR ME!
        Reality is for those who lack imagination.


        • I just want to cry. The sports awards thingie for cross country was so sad, all the seniors gave senior speeches, and one of them mentioned me. It was so sweet of her. *sniffs* I'm going to miss them so much! What's it going to be like when I'm a senior in high school, and have to go through everything one last time, and have to give a senior speech, and I'll start bawling right in the middle, and...I need some sleep. But seriously, that is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said about me.

          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


          • If anyone cares, QuickTime is working again.

            Blue's getting a cat; her list of names includes Gryphon (unrelated to the Gryphon of VGDawn and YW). I started laughing when I read that...

            A few days ago, I went to Books a Million, which was fun. They were playing Christmas carols already. Afterwards, I went shopping for sneakers, which was not fun. At all. Third store we went to was playing Avenged Sevenfold.
            Why is it that in women's sneakers, they have white, pink, purple, and blue, and in men's they have white, black, green, and blue?
            Gray is a good color for sneakers.

            We were playing Badminton today. In November, yesss. But it was like 75 degrees. XD

            I once had a freind. A yellow peice of cheese. He'd look out for me and catch me when I would sneeze. He was so understanding, he never talked back, althougth there was one thing that cheese did lack... A brain to remember my words and my poem, so I ate him all up and then I walked home...
            Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons...
            Heheh. *huggles the newbie* Random newbie. XD

            Crutons are good.

            Moeen said the togr is like a community weblog more than anything else. :/ I said it wasn't really, but in some ways it is... but definitely not in other ways. If you asked me to list the ways it isn't, I wouldn't be able to.

            If Gryph's dead, can I give the newbie speech? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!, we like good grammar here. And capitalization. Check out the FAQ if you need more info about anything. Check out chat if you haven't been in there yet...on a side note, what's chat called now guys? I forget if it was Cedric, or if it's still Chime, get the picture. Hem hem. Don't make siggys too big...I think the limit is 6 lines, but I'm too lazy to go look right now...welcome newbies!
            Chat's a lot of things. It's been addressed as Chat, Chime, Chimer, c2, Cedric, or the increasingly popular nameless yell of despair.
            I'm pretty sure siggies are four lines or less.

            Origami dragon... whooo. XDD Origami is cool, but I'm hopeless at anything like it.

            My friends convinced me to sign up for Nanowrimo. It's November 5th, and I have a total of 0 words!
            I should probably sign up on the site, but I bet I'll never get around to it... I have 900-something words, and I haven't written at all for a few days.

            I'm sitting around bored and decided to check up on Young Wizards, I started reading some of the posts and...*sniff* I MISS THE LOVE....people on this site are so nice, I kind of forgot.
            Ahahaha, Z!!! *huggles* XD HI.

            Gryyyph. PS and PS1 are different, aren't they? *grumbles* Are there any FF games for PS? 'Cuz that's what we have... and Gamecube, but I dunno if there are good FF games on that.

            Also: someone in my city has been, um, doing inappropriate stuff to girls at night...and the police still haven't caught him. My parents are restricting my freedom greatly. They don't even like me walking home from school anymore...and they said that if I was a boy, they wouldn't be doing this because the guy is going after girls. Great, so if I was a guy they'd let me wander the streets while a molester is about? Brilliant...sometimes I wish I was a guy. Lol, I'm happy as a girl, except for when stuff like this happens in my town-and it's never happened before, to my knowledge. So that's why I've been online a lot lately.
            Eep. Doesn't sound like fun...
            For the running thing, can you run in the house at all? Our house has doorways in a circle so you can go from the kitchen to the computer room to the "formal dining room" (we have table tennis set up in there XD) to the front hall thing to the living room to the kitchen again, which btw is weird because in between the living room and the kitchen we have no WALL. But other than that, I don't know what you could do...

            Woah...I haven't been here in soooo long...

            How's everyone been? Wow I don't even remember the lat time I came here. Or why I stopped comeing in the first place...But now I have returned! YAY FOR ME!
            Eeeee, and BiW!! *huggles* XDDD Hi to you too!

            Not so long ago, my foot was asleep.
            God, I sound like the most boring person in the universe. But it wasn't just a normal asleep foot. It was the zombie foot of doom. I poked it, and it was cold to my fingers. It went goosh like it had no bones in it and I couldn't feel anything... until I stopped sitting on it. Then it hurt. And I held it off my chair and it hung sideways...
            Shutting up now.


            • Je suis tres creve and mal. Bleh >_<. I'm sick again...*cough*... I had to sit out 8th period in the nurses office and I fell asleep. That was nice...I was falling asleep in class and almost collapsed, falling fight out of my chair that my teacher in 7th period starting yelling and demanding that I go to the nurse. I was so weak/tired feeling I though I was going to faint... and I'm still not much better *slips off chair and falls asleep on floor*

              Kli said: and now I'm trying to fold an origami dragon. I doubt I'll succeed.
              OMG. Wow, that's AWESOME!! Totally amazingly kawaii awesomeness!! XD

              WF said:
              Origami dragon... whooo. XDD Origami is cool, but I'm hopeless at anything like it
              Yeah, me too! I think it's so cool to make animals/shapes/things out of paper. But I just can't fold anything out of a piece of paper for my life...

              Maz said:Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons...
              LOl and welcome! But I don't like crutons. They are evil >_< They have a wierd after-taste! Whenever I find them in my salad I put them onto my friend's plate.

              WF said: My brother, in the last few minutes before we had to leave, decided to add to his costume (a Yu-Gi-Oh duelist) by making a Millenium Puzzle out of cardboard, contruction paper, and masking tape. So we were nearly late because of that, and he was tugging on it in the car and the hook thingy to keep it on a rope around his neck broke. He wound up walking around with mom carrying the Millenium Puzzle...
              To make the REAL Sennen Puzzle, you need to kill 99 people and boil their bodies (or burn them alive if they aren't dead yet) in a vat of liquid gold. And then pour of the gold-and-blood-concotion into a magical tablet. But I highly doubt that your brother was planning on creating the real thing... let alone actually KNOW the steps into making one >_>...

              WF said: In other news, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean today. Yes, for the first time. And loved it. Even though I was expecting all of the good quotes ["But why is the rum gone?"], due to having seen them all a thousand times over in what must have been nearly half of the internet's users' signatures, it was still great.
              For the FIRST time? I once watched it eight nights in a row when I first saw it (yeah, I was pathetically obsessed...) I totally love that movie! I can't wait for the sequals. Wasn't it awesome??!...heh, I just noticed that I replied to a ton of WFs quotes. I guess she just has interesting things to say...

              Hungry said: Nnnnggggnnnn...I hate Adv Algebra 2. It's hard. And I just don't like math.
              I. Detest. Math. *stabs math books* I'm in Geomtry 2 at my school (for the doumb people. Sorta... but it's not a level one class... thank GOD!) I don't understand anything we do in math. It's all like shapes and proofs this year. I HATE writing proofs, but Geometry itself isn't so bad (I'm good at visualizing things. Better than Algebra was last year (for me at least), ick...


              • I'm SO happy!!! n I get to go to NY this summer and I can't wait! I've wanted to go to New York ever since I read SYWTBAW-and now i am finally going!eeeeeeee
                Dai stiho cousins


                • *appears* I'm not dead, as those of you who visit chat would know... I just haven't had time to keep up with the forums

                  Originally posted by wizardsrreal:
                  I'm SO happy!!! n I get to go to NY this summer and I can't wait! I've wanted to go to New York ever since I read SYWTBAW-and now i am finally going!eeeeeeee
                  hehe. when lion_ess and I end up _getting_ overseas, I'm planning on going to all the places mentioned. And she'll probably want to come too (once she's actually read all the books ).

                  Well, I should probably be doing some last minute study for my exam (at 8am) at the moment, but here's a quick rundown of my life in the past few weeks.

                  Uni Over
                  Exams started (AHHHH!)

                  Hehe thats about it actually... oh and

                  I'm getting The book of night with moon and To Visit the Queen and possibly AWAl in hardcover *parties* I can _finally_ get to read them!

                  Gotta go. Dad's dropping me off at uni this morning and we're leaving in about five minutes.



                  • *BIW* *tackle huggles* A lot of oldbies have been randomly popping in lately. Worlebird, Chani, Z, you, etc. XD

                    Moeen said the togr is like a community weblog more than anything else. :/ I said it wasn't really, but in some ways it is... but definitely not in other ways. If you asked me to list the ways it isn't, I wouldn't be able to.
                    Moeen said something profound. Wow... XD Okay, toothpick cruelty, toothpick cruelty, I'm sorry...

                    Gryyyph. PS and PS1 are different, aren't they? *grumbles* Are there any FF games for PS? 'Cuz that's what we have... and Gamecube, but I dunno if there are good FF games on that.
                    Nooo, PS and PS1 are the same thing. Gamecube has FFCC (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles), but that's not the same thing. :/ You only wander around, fighting monsters, and collecting some stuff. The FF# games have plots and stories. FFCC can be a fun game (I have it), but only if you have other people to play it with; it's built for multiplayer, and the one-player game is only a shadow of it. :/

                    My house has the circle thing too, but I'll run into things. XD You know how some doorways have a border? Through my kitchen, it doesn't; it's just flat wall, and if you lean against one side and put your feet up at the other, you can climb up my wall. XD

                    I had to sit out 8th period in the nurses office and I fell asleep.
                    I should've done that. I had gym first period... long period, and we were doing volleyball. I was so out of it. The ball would come at me, and I couldn't react. I did catch it once, but... yeah, that's not how you play volleyball.

                    I love crutons. I'll steal them off my parents'/brother's/etc salad.

                    Dead. Sick. WEEKEND!
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • The trouble with crutons in salad is that end up giong soggy rather quickly... I much prefer them on the side with soup, so you can spinkle them just before you eat them. Which reminds me... aparently, it's a tradition of the US Senate that Bean soup is always on the menu. Does anyone know what sort of beans? Bean soup mademe think of beansprouts, which I personally feel would be hideous in a soup (carot and corrinader is nice, though). And does the House eat in a different place, forbidden from sharing the culniary delights of the Senate?

                      I was going to post something deep and profound which arose out of my Algebraic Geometry lecture today, but I fot sidelined with soup and forgot... trouble with getting old, the memory slips.
                      Which reminds me... seeing a member here say they were 10 made me feel extremely old... especially after I realised they were learning to around the time I first read SYWTBAW.
                      "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                      • Here, Wilf. I googled and found the recipe. It was, as I suspected, a ham & navy bean soup.

                        In other completely random tidbits, I found an e-text to a Shakespeare (Apocrypha) play you probably have never read or heard of: The Birth of Merlin
                        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                        • What the heck was I going to say? I really don't know...oh well. Yesterday I was all hyped up on coffee from the L-Room (basically a senior/junior lounge, but only for kids with a gpa over 2.5...but anyone can go there before school) since I had gotten no sleep that night. It was insane. I was all jumpy all day long, and I was really awake...and that, people, is why seabiscuit never drinks coffee, except for in extreme cases like yesterday. But you know what? Coffee didn't taste as bad as it did last time...I think I need to drink it more often. XD My friend think's I'm can I be addicted? I've only had it once in the last year!

                 in choir, I was singing, and this big drop of blood fell out of my mouth and landed on my t-shirt. I'd cut my mouth on my braces...and it started bleeding again a few minutes ago, so now I have a tissue pushed on my mouth...the blood tastes bad. Guess we know I'm not a vampire, eh? lol.

                          Aw, Gryph...are you sick? The whole dead, sick thing makes you sound sick. *huggles* Even if you aren't sick, you get a huggle because of the whole volleyball thing.

                          Wf: the whole running in a circle thing? That's great...and we just finished the dining room floor, so I can go in there again, and then run in the living room, and then the kitchen, and then the back hall, and then the dining room, and then the living room, and then the kitchen, and then the back hall, and then...yeah. Hmm...maybe I'll just stay after school and use the indoor track. I hadn't thought of that before...

                          Dude, I want to go to New York! It's not that far away...but I'll never go until I can drive there without my parents and with my friends. So, in other words, not until I'm 18. Actually, I'd rather go back to Chicago, it was fun there.

                          It's really cold here...why isn't anyone in my town turning on the heat anywhere?! And I want to wear my hoodie to school to keep warm, but I don't want to get a 2 hour detention. 2 hours. Just for breaking dress code. My school is so dumb.

                          I suppose I should go do my dumb English project...which isn't that dumb, but I'm kind of sick of Oedipus Rex, which is what the project is guys!

                          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                          • Hungry:
                   in choir, I was singing, and this big drop of blood fell out of my mouth and landed on my t-shirt. I'd cut my mouth on my braces...and it started bleeding again a few minutes ago, so now I have a tissue pushed on my mouth...the blood tastes bad. Guess we know I'm not a vampire, eh? lol.

                            haha, reminds me of me. Today my mo just remembered that I had an orthidontist appointment, and I got my wiresd removies, 8 braces put on my mo;lars, and I was bleeding ALL DAY!!

                            the back left wires keeps poking my jaw.. *poked wire which pokes jaw >.<*

                            Dude, I want to go to New York! It's not that far away...but I'll never go until I can drive there without my parents and with my friends. So, in other words, not until I'm 18.
                            Been there...its kinda dirty, but cleaner then Philly, which sorta makes me laugh...And chestnuts roasting smell really bad, so watch out for that if you go...

                            Hungry again:
                            Actually, I'd rather go back to Chicago, it was fun there
                            my cousin is movie back there.. I never really knew her because she is in her late 20s and I'm ver;y obviously not even close, and I've never really talked to her until we ( and I mean her, my cousin Sam, my brother, My uncle (sam's dad) my aunt ( jut an aunt) me, and my mom) went to see the Body Works thing..and I realized how smart and pretty and easy to talk to she was...and then, when I was starting to have a good time, we had to say good-bye, prolly for a long time..

                            well...I gotta go...sleep, write my book, read... its all good!
                            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                            • This is like really random, but has anyone ever wore their pajama bottoms (pants) to school? Well, like honestly, I never did. But it happened at school today.

                              There were like 21-32 8th grade girls who wore them to school. Me bein an 8th grader too and all, in my first core class, some of my friends got yelled at by Dr. Cassidy (our principal) and they had to change out of the pajama bottoms--most of them brought jeans or was wearing them underneath.

                              At first I only thought that a couple of people wore 'em, but later in the day it changed....

                     later in 4th core--my last class-- Dr. Cassidy came on and like called down all the girls who were all in the 'pajama incident' and asked them to come down to the cafeteria (prolly to yell at 'em)

                              It was like sooo stupid!! Apparently, she's okay with us dressed up like hos and wearin' those skin-tight jeans and belly shirts. But she ain't okay with us wearin' pajama bottoms? They're like loose and realy comfortable, so what the freak is so wrong? I mean it's not like we're walkin' around with shirts that say "**** you, Dr. Cassidy"....

                              That would be awesome though...

                              But the funniest part was that her boss was in the building with her....yeah her boss. So he's prolly thinking how horrible of a principal she is. Can't even get frickin' control of us. lol


                              • I am the great holder of all cookies and my purpose in life is to find the rarest cookie of all.

                                No that's not real...I just felt like writing that...

                                A topic about my crappy school:
                                Has anyone ever realized that the office people at school have no interest in you if your not a jock or a cheerleader? Or is that only my school? We were told that we would be helped on whatever we need when it comes to filling out college applications and finding scholarships and the people are never there!
                                My school is so crappy...

                                The almost only good thing my school has coming up this year:
                                The only good thing happing this year is that the Bio II, history, and Art II class get to go to Washington, P.A., and Maryland...It's only three weeks away! YAY!

                                I might be able to go to NYC with the band if I can get the would be great because we are going to three broadway shows while there...I hope I can go...
                                Just my luck, they ran out of cookies again!

                                I have a demon cat that was spawned from Satan.

