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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • The latest chain story died quickly...

    Gryphon: -- There was a monster who lurked from the
    depths of the republican trashcan who --
    Gigo: -- was sleeping. But that's nothing to do with the
    story. It all started when a little kitty found a book
    with weird symbols. So she shredded it. --
    Tuttle: --and ate it, which caused a gasteral track
    infection. This led to--
    Bookwyrm Poet:--a appendectomy, because the vet
    doesn't know what a gastrointestinal infectionis--
    Gryphon: -- and the vet's assistant didn't know what an
    appendectomy was either, so the cat ended up being
    diagnosed with "problems" on the medical sheet and
    was sent to an institute --
    Gigo: -- where the nice burly cats in white coats
    offered to help the little kitty cat. But the little kitty
    cat was actually a spy belonging to a secret divison of
    MI6, and she took out her standard issue kitty collar
    (complete with laser and C-4 explosives) and threw it at
    them, when --
    Tuttle: --suddenly a robot appeared and said "All your
    kittens are belong to us", making the kitty-
    Bookwyrm Poet: --climb up the walls matrix style,
    leaping from the ceiling She--
    Gryphon: -- blasts holes through the padded walls of
    her room and charges out, decideding it was more fun
    to blow her cover --
    Tuttle: --so yelled out "WALABALLLABINGBANNGGG" as
    she bounced off the padded walls flinging her out a
    window where she landed on a rose garden--
    Bookwyrm Poet: --and realizes it must be a hologram
    because mental paitents usually dont have windows
    and she just ran out a door--
    la13: --while outside, she (is it a she?) looks aro
    und fer sumthin to blow the frickin place up and all the d
    octors but all she sees is dogs gettin shots cus theyre po
    opin like crazy--
    Gryphon: -- Dogs weren't all that great... but they all
    started exploding, so that was okay --
    Gigo:Tuttle:Bookwyrm Poet: --she took swimming lessona nd now
    has a scuba certificate
    la13: --so she started to swim away from the shark and
    in mid-swim turned around and bopped him in the face.
    but she looked up to the sight of a shiney---
    Kes 22:Gryphon: -- She started shoving fishies in her mouth.
    The evil nemesis shark felt insulted that Special Agent
    666 was eating in front of him without offering any
    food, so he sulked and --
    Gigo: Tuttle: [/b]Bookwyrm Poet: [/b]--and that takes us to a knew level of
    the game, virtual assault--
    la13:Jonathan: -and then aliens come and eat everybodys
    math books because math is not fun
    Gigo: --and they kill Jon because MAth rules--
    Tuttle:--and they eat Jon too so that she can never
    say that again--
    Jonathan: -and jon comes back to life because it wasn't
    his fault the aliens don't like math-
    Tuttle: --but Jon can never say that because he's still
    Bookwyrm Poet:la13: --but the cluster primians surround the bug boy
    and beat him with--
    Tuttle: --and then everyone who says anything bad
    about math is constantly being killed by a robot using
    calc books--
    Bookwyrm Poet:Tuttle: --and the calc books like tuttle so response to
    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


    • Er... I try to keep as far away from the office people at my school as possible. 'Cept for Spencer's mum. She's cool. The little contact I've had with anyone authoritative in my school (besides teachers) includes an incident where the vice principal called me into her office to tell me that I had good grades, and another where the counselor gave me a lollipop on my birthday.

      Weird people. *shudder*

      I FINALLY READ W@W! Lovey let me borrow it, so I started reading it yesterday. I stayed up to finish it...heh. I didn't go to bed until around 3:00am. I was so exhausted at church today. But it was soo worth it. *sigh*

      Well, I better go study for my three tests/quizzes tomorrow...
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Dai peeplz... I was here A lot durring the summer, but kinda unofficially left... Happened to get an E-mail saying someone PM'ed me... So dropped in to answer, thn I had to check in chat... Soooo, I'm unofficially back... Although, it's probably going to be random, I get lots of homework, and my parents suck.... Sorry for being gone for soo long... And, I haven't read W@W yet *pouts* can't find it at bookstore... *sighs* oh well


        • Life is life.

          I've been sick for weeks, and I think I'm only just starting to recover. Homework is relentless, and I haven't been going to karate or practicing either. My katas are the last things you want to do when you're sick. I've seen B do the Chinese version of it, and... it's actually something beautiful. Ours is harsh, every fluid movement ending in a snap, and if you're any good at it, you'll be worn out by the katas in the end. XD I'm great at them now, but Sensei says I don't have enough aggression. Whatever. XD

          Today at school was okay. It still feels like the first marking period -- it felt like it ended in the blink of an eye, but I guess that's because I spent every waking moment working, so I didn't have any free time to be bored in. XD When I got home from school, bro and BW were hanging out in the basement, watching some online videos. BW showed me one about a hippo with noodles on his back. XD I also got Marylin Manson and Children of Bodom from him -- Marylin Manson'll get more of a reaction out of mom than Slipknot (Mom's imitation of Slipknot : "AHHH I KILLED MY DOG AHHHHH"). My brother had to leave to get allergy shots, so I just hung out with BW, talking about everything -- well, mostly school and B -- until his mom came to pick him up. He wants me to die my hair black.

          I got a letter from Johns Hopkins University (I almost stopped typing at just "Uni" -- XD Alla XD ). Wooh. XD I don't know if I care, but the letter made it sound like a good school, and I think it is, so whatever. Maybe I'll go there. I still don't know what I'll do in life. :/ I like everything, but... there isn't something I want to spend all of my life doing. XD Thinking about it makes me feel like I'm doomed, like by picking one topic, I'd be stuck in hell for the rest of my life. *shrugs* That'd suck.

          Oh, speaking of doom and all that, I think I failed my bio test. Seriously, this time. Aurgahaiiraaahhhh

          Mezmerize by System of a Down: At first I didn't like it, and was just a little put off by the umm... lyrics (...), but after listing through the CD several more times, I'm in love with it. XD Isn't that how music always goes for me? Same story for almost everything.

          Aw, Gryph...are you sick? The whole dead, sick thing makes you sound sick. *huggles* Even if you aren't sick, you get a huggle because of the whole volleyball thing.
          Yeah :/ *huggles*

          Woww... do you have wax for your braces? I never actually bled, but I did shred my mouth from jagged peices of the braces unless I loaded it with wax.

          We have this rule where the only shirts you can wear under your uniform shirts are white and blue ones. ... Ehh wth? If we're going to be chosy about colors, target the uniform shirts themselves -- but thank god we don't. I love my reds and greens and other colors. White and blue is cold and heartless. Anyway, about the white and blue shirts, I don't care 'cuz I don't follow it. It's just a stupid something they stuck in there.

          Nn... I have a two page report for Brit Lit on almost nothing. XD I have to write about the feast motif in Macbeth (shakespeare guy), and... eh... maybe I can squeeze out a page double spaced, but... XD I'll suck it up and do it eventually.

          Mel: *HUGGLES* Owwwww & *more huggles* about your cousin. :/

          Dormy: yeah, because adminstrators and principals _always_ make sense. XD

          Angel: XD I don't know what's up with your school staff.

          Heyy again Tatiana. I remember you. XD

          I think maybe I have an XD addiction. XD XD smiley.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            "go there or I'll eat your children"
            -courtesy of Glael Gaming


            • Wow, that was fun. Tying to explain the ToGR to someone who was looking over my shoulder. And all the injokes. Okay, not all. only a few. But even those are confusing. I guess I never realized how...weird this forum really is. I mean, I knew the people here are (^+^)...But I guess I didn't realize that all of our quirks were so weird...But I think I've convinced someone else to read the books. *feels like a missionary or something, spreading the gospel of YW*

              One person at a time and all...

              Oh, and Cedric (or are we still calling it Chime?) won't work. No matter how I tweak it. Fortunately, that's not a big deal, since I'm not posting from home, but a school computer instead. Macs...*sigh*
              And we go on...


              •'s been a week since I posted in TOGR. Technically, I shouldn't be posting here now, I'm trying to finish my research paper for history...and it's 12 in the morning...but Dad told me to get my head out of Microsoft Word for a few minutes, so I came here...I hate school.

       other news, I FINALLY got Eldest on Friday as a reward for the report card that hadn't come yet at that point...grrr, the report card that's going to ruin my GPA...grr...

                Wow. So much has happened since I've last been here, I can't even remember it need sleep so badly right now, it's not even funny, and I'm going to need a HUMONGOUS cup of coffee when I get to school (I buy it in the junior/senior lounge before school if I need coffee-Mom and Dad don't want me to drink it.) I don't see why, it's cheaper if I just drink some from home...

                I feel like I've been working ever since Friday...I've barely sat down to have fun or anything since last Thursday...and I'm not done with Eldest, that's a first, not finishing the new book within 2 is screwing up my life. I need a vacation...thankfully, in less than a week it's Thanksgiving break! Turkey, and sleeping in the attic with the TV, and mashed potatos, and turkey, and stuffing and turkey. I love turkey.

                Okay, I'm going to go finish that paper before I pass out on top of Spot. Ugh, that'd mess up the paper even more.

                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                • *chants* My exams are over, my exams are over... . Which either means that I'm going to bea around here a lot more or a lot less. I will probably be working a lot over the next few weeks which is good. This also means that I might actually have the time to catch up on my word count for NaNoWriMo too. If I'm not too distracted playing GoF on XBOX... *hides* I can't believe that I'm actually playing an XBOX game, but I can't find any information that it was going to be released for Mac.

                  Anyway... I'm sure that there was something else that I was going to say, but I can't think of it at the moment... all my thinking power has been used up for the day I reckon.



                  • I had a weird dream... I was on this ship and we were going somewhere, but I didn't want to and I was going to swim home but we were going too fast and it was night and the water was really choppy. The next day we were on an island somewhere, with computers and internet access. So Johnny Depp deleted all the mens' bathrooms off, and then I went to read togr and found no posts except one by Kathy saying she'd closed togr permanently because it was taking over the community.

                    I usually can't read in dreams, but in this one I could read the whole long "Togr is really getting to be too big and a strain on the servers. Besides that, no one's posting anywhere else and it's taking over the community. Thread closed" message. Also different from other dreams, there were no odd things that were wrong. The font was fine, the yw banner, Kathy's avie... when I woke up I was blinking for a few minutes trying to figure out if that part was real or not.

                    To make the REAL Sennen Puzzle, you need to kill 99 people and boil their bodies (or burn them alive if they aren't dead yet) in a vat of liquid gold. And then pour of the gold-and-blood-concotion into a magical tablet. But I highly doubt that your brother was planning on creating the real thing... let alone actually KNOW the steps into making one >_>...
                    o_____O;;; Nooo, I seriously doubt it too. Both of them. Erm. XD

                    I should've done that. I had gym first period... long period, and we were doing volleyball. I was so out of it. The ball would come at me, and I couldn't react. I did catch it once, but... yeah, that's not how you play volleyball.
                    XD I suck at volleyball.

           in choir, I was singing, and this big drop of blood fell out of my mouth and landed on my t-shirt. I'd cut my mouth on my braces...and it started bleeding again a few minutes ago, so now I have a tissue pushed on my mouth...the blood tastes bad. Guess we know I'm not a vampire, eh? lol.
                    Ergh, ow. But was there ever suspicion that you were a vampire? o.O; 'cause that'd just be weird... blood tastes like pennies to me.

                    The depths of the republican trashcan. *snerk* Chainstories are great.

                    I know people here have done book reports on the YW series, but all of those were chosen by preference and not by the school, right? It's just that someone had put W@W in the required school reading section at books a million, and I decided they were idiots and moved it so it was next to all the others in the series. I can't remember if I've already posted this, hang on... *clicks back a few pages* Nope.

                    *huggles* for Tatiana who is not dead. XD I remember you, too.

                    Mezmerize by System of a Down: At first I didn't like it, and was just a little put off by the umm... lyrics (...), but after listing through the CD several more times, I'm in love with it. XD Isn't that how music always goes for me? Same story for almost everything.
                    Hehehe. System of a Down's on my list of CDs to eventually get. Either Toxicity or Mezmerize. I'm leaning toward Toxicity...

                    From stuff I've read in togr, I've decided that school administration must be pretty universally stupid.

                    XD izza happy smily...

                    "go there or I'll eat your children"
                    -courtesy of Glael Gaming
                    It's a neat site and all, but your post is pretty short. If you just have one thing to post, try finding something to say about it, or something to reply to, or a new discussion to start instead of just a link and an, um, threat. I'm not yelling at you, it's just that you should probably read the FAQ. *huggles* and welcome, even though I've seen you in chat, so... whatever. XD Welcome to the forums.

                    Wow, that was fun. Tying to explain the ToGR to someone who was looking over my shoulder. And all the injokes. Okay, not all. only a few. But even those are confusing. I guess I never realized how...weird this forum really is. I mean, I knew the people here are (^+^)...But I guess I didn't realize that all of our quirks were so weird...But I think I've convinced someone else to read the books. *feels like a missionary or something, spreading the gospel of YW*
                    S'one of the reasons I love the YW forums... ^^'
                    And I know the feeling, the "got someone else to read the books!" feeling. Lesse, I dragged H over to the shelf with the YW books when I saw her at the library, went overboard and deluged her with "omg read this now!" annoyingness; let Ellen borrow all six of my books at the same time, even though I don't think she read the sixth one and I still don't have the second one back (she posted on the forums once, though); and I gave SYWTBAW to mom one day when she asked to read it. She finished that and didn't really like it. Oh, and I got SYW for J for her birthday.

                    Cedric/Chime/Chimer/c2/Chat/argh you stupid #*&@^$ all work for the chat room. I wish you luck with getting it to work, but at least it's not your home compy.

                    *losta huggles for Hungry*

                    Hey, Alla, congrats on finishing exams. ^^'


                    • OMG, I am soo annoyed... 2 or 3 days ago, I twas bored, and looking for a new-old series to re-read... And decided to read SYWTBAW... LAt night, my dad took me to the book store while my mom was at the doctors, and they had W@W.... Sooo, Im like 100 pages into it.. and I couldn't read it last night, and cant read it at school today... Soooo, now Im reading two books at once, both of them in the same series... But oh man, W@W is good! I want to go read so badly...


                      • I'm doing that "ten minutes before I leave for school" thing again. Yesterday's essay for standardized tests was just... stupid. I actually got something good out of mine; I sent the freshmen to the Middle East to learn about the US and to promote understanding, that sort of thing. But after an hour or so of writing, I got sick of it and slacked off. Yup. I have essays like this.

                        Sims is fun in a random sort of way. I created a character on B's XBox (but I still haven't figured out the controls, let alone how to even turn the XBOX on...). Annnyyywayyy, I just hung out. I wish more of the people I knew from school lived around where I do. :/ 'Cuz I really only hang out with my brother's friends. It's not like I don't like them, but...

                        Rhia: Good luck with that. XD We even have to explain the "XD" to newbies.

                        That -- that... nuuuu, togr can't be killed, nuuuu...

                        Yes, do Toxicity first. The other one is crazy and with some mad lyrics...

                        I have to go! *huggles all*
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                          • It's Gibby! *huggles*

                            Cinnamon is the impossibly cute sort of cat, and he knows it. He always begs for food and attention -- like when, today, I was working on my econ homework. When I felt a soft tap on my back with his paw, I didn't even have to turn around to find out what/who it was. "Mew mew!" (big eyes) And then he curled his tail around my arm and started purring on my homework while rubbing his face against my pencil (...). Yeah, wonderful.

                            There's Skiz... he's the cat who doesn't understand when a chase isn't fun anymore for the other cats. In fact, they all hate him now, and 75% of the time a cat is growling, it's because of Skittles. Luckily he at least has the dog who will play back with him -- that's cute. Sam-dog'll grab Skiz by the ear, chase, play, pounce, that sort of thing. Skittles doesn't mind the ear grabbing.

                            - 1 dog: Sam
                            - 5 cats: Skittles (Skiz), Sparkle, Cassie, Cinnamon, Canyon

                            Yeah. College courses. Thank god I don't have to start chosing my college yet, cuz I have no idea where I'll go.

                            I'm putting together a second playlist, and this one's harder than the first 'cuz I can't reuse songs, and I'm trying to mix a lot of drasically different styles. System of a Down/ Coldplay???

                            So that test I bombed... I can get 4 extra points by redoing all of the test and by giving lengthy explanations for all 51 of the questions. Y'know my 8 paged chapter review? It'll be like that, only 16 pages. (!!!) Also, I want to go to karate today because I haven't in a month or more, and if I wait until tomorrow, my legs'll hurt like heck because I ran a mile in the freezing cold today.

                            Ohh... quote from Spanish class. We were going over some words in the textbook, the foods, and my Spanish teacher said, "I don't know why they grouped the fish with the meat." What? That got a reaction out of my class!

                            Have you heard "God Moving Over the Face of the Water" by Moby? He does a lot of great stuff.

                            You know what? I only just realized that there was a typo in Gibby's quote of me.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • OMG, I'm so flippin' wired on caffeine right now, it's insane. I had THREE cups of coffee from the junior/senior lounge (open before for school for underclassmen-that's what it says on the sign XD) and TWO big chocolate bars, and a hot apple blast thingie from Caribou Coffee...which has no caffeine, but a lot of sugar...I'm so wired right now, it's insane. And I have to babysit soon...but SEABISCUIT IS WIRED ON CAFFEINE!!!!!!

                              This is why I'm not allowed to have caffeine, according to my parents. in school I was bouncing off the walls. I didn't have a lunch today, so that didn't help any. I hate not having a lunch period on Tuesdays and Thursdays...Yeah, the project I was doing that is the reason I'm so wired right now? Not so sure I did good on it...which stinks. I'd wanted to get an A on it so the teacher wouldn't think I was incompetant anymore...he thinks I'm not a good student or something, and is a bit stricter with me than other students, which I don't understand. I'm the quiet girl in the corner who turns in her work on time...the only bad thing I do is come to class wired on caffeine after an all-nighter, and that's not that bad!!!

                              Hmmm...I have 68 pages left in Eldest. Wish I could bring it to babysitting, but that'd probably be a bad idea...I should just sit down with Steve (iPod) and listen to the Mugglenet podcast (extra credit for English! w0ot!) That'd be smart...

                              Ergh, ow. But was there ever a suspicion that you were a vampire? o.O; 'cause that'd just be weird...blood tastes like pennies to me.
                              Actually, a few years ago I had a slight aversion to going outside during the summer because I was afraid I'd get skin cancer. XD I was so stupid in 7th grade...I thought I'd get it from being in the sun at all...

                              Caffeine is very good. *cracks up and dies* Ugh...hate to see how I'm going to get to sleep after all this...

                              OH YEAH! It snowed today! *huggles the snow* It didn't stick, but it was really pretty...I'm surprised it didn't stick, it was snowing all day and it was cold enough for it to stick, so why did it melt? Hmmm...a mystery.

                              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                              • Wf:
                                Ergh, ow. But was there ever a suspicion that you were a vampire? o.O; 'cause that'd just be weird...blood tastes like pennies to me.
                                Hmm...any reports of missing pennies when you were little? And how do you know what pennies taste like? ^^

                                Naw, I'm just kiddin

                                Hey Hungry! I haven't been on the forums for like 2 weeks either, so...

                                Gibby: *huggles then laughs* ouch. did you miss Lost? and did you see yesterday's? Poor Anna-Lucia. I liked her from the begining.

                                Tatiana: Hey, I think I've seen a few of your posts before...Hi!

                                *huggles Gryph back from like 3 days ago*

                                Hey, dis anyone ever hear of THe Veronicas? I have this song called 4 Ever stuck in my head...

                                Hey, waittaminute! Gryph, did you realize that it's bewen forever since we discussed Franz? AHH!!

                                *this fire is outta control, I'm gonna burn this city, burn this city...*

                                Which brings me to Kerosene! Did anyone ever hear that song by Miranda Lambert? I saw a preformance of her on CBS for the CMA awards, and they had live fire on the stage and everything! It totally ROCKED!!

                                My Chemical Romance ain't that bad, ya know? I actually like some o' their songs, but only if its dark or rainy, or if I'm in a bad mood...

                                Wow..that was a really weird rant from nowhere's in particular...hmm... Which reminds me of our newbie some how.
                                I once had a freind. A yellow peice of cheese. He'd look out for me and catch me when I would sneeze. He was so understanding, he never talked back, althougth there was one thing that cheese did lack... A brain to remember my words and my poem, so I ate him all up and then I walked home...
                                Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons...

                                now I'm hungry...

                                Hey, did anyone realise how one little comment in togr can spark a conversation for like, pages? weird, huh..

                                Uck, i dunno if I already typed this but...I was just reminded of my piano recital...uck..that did my last lesson, but you know what? I DON'T CARE!! WOO for me!!

                                XD is an awesome smiley-thingy-ma-bobber. I lurf it!! or luff...whatever.


                                see? hahahah!! I shall rule the world!!

                                WOah, gone crazy this post...

                                *starts stamping foot and singing loudly to "Boondocks" by Little Bitg Town*
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

