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The Topic of Great Randomness

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    Comradely, Diego

    Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
    "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

    "Be a real


    • I should just sit down with Steve (iPod)
      I love that I'm not the only one with a named iPod...mine is pink and beautiful and her name is Molly.

      What's up, everybody? I'm really tired because I'm in the midst of EXAMS. Scary. And I haven't seen Harry Potter yet...GAR.
      "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
      There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
      And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
      What could mean more than this?"
      --Bright Eyes


      • I slept two hours last night or something. Sleepover at my friend's house... I went to bed at 2:45 a.m. at my friends house, and because of my insomnia (and I was sleeping on hard wood floor contributed to this) I fell asleep at 5 a.m. (or so the clock says >_> ) and then I woke up at seven to tape an episode of the Yuugiou Millennium World dub and make fun of it! Sheesh, the art during this episode was pure crap... in choir, I was singing, and this big drop of blood fell out of my mouth and landed on my t-shirt. I'd cut my mouth on my braces...and it started bleeding again a few minutes ago, so now I have a tissue pushed on my mouth...the blood tastes bad. Guess we know I'm not a vampire, eh? lol
        Scary things happen in choire. Last quarter, my friend fainted. She was standing on one of the high bleachers singing (during rehearsal, we were practising for concert on the stage) and she just suddenly fell forward unconcious. Her eyes rolled back-- it was scary! Uwaa!! But singing blood is frightening too. However, I haven't been able to sing ANYTHING recently due to a nasty throat-rattling cold...

        I'm actually a First Sporano in choir. They put me in the Alto section as a mistake. It's hard to sing the right notes without jumping to sing those pretty darn high notes, *grrrr*...

        iPods are cool. Mine is named... um... it doesn't really have a name, but I can give it one... fine, my green iPod mini is now named "Envy-kun." In honor of sexy Envy (with his green hair) from FullMetal Alchey.

        db_pr: I like your new avvie. Kenshin is very cool (not to mention hot! XP)

        Max: Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons... Crutons...
        Crutons....*brrr*...I think I have cruton-phobia. They scare me...kinda... or, no, they don't really, but they don't taste good in my opinion. When I get them in my salad I through them into a friend's plate.

        I went to the Field Museum today. It's this museum in Chicago. It's a cool museum, and I've been there a million times. The biggest and most complete T-rex skele in the entire world is there. Anyway, they had an exchibit on Pompeii. There were like frozen/covered-in-ashes bodies there. They stunk badly. But they didn't stink as badly as the "Body Worlds" exhibit did last year, when they had rooms and galleries of nothing but mutated-and-plasticated human bodies. *shudders* Then we saw their temporairy exhibit on dinosaurs, and I kept muttering on how people were pronouncing things like "theropod" and "hadrosaur" wrong, because I'm a dinosaur know-it-all. Sheesh, I wrote a 3000 novel-like thing on dinosaurs, obviously I know a bit about them <_<...

        Harry Potter. I wonder how it will compare to the book... badly. But if you pretend the book didn't exist, and only look at the movie, it may turn out al right... but for me, it's kinda hard to pretend something as exhaulted as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire doesn't exist.

        *Babbles randomly about manga* I eagerly/Impatiently/Angrily await DN Angel volume 10, which comes out next mont. Wow, they're legalizing Sequence and producing it in America! ***holic is wierd, but I read the series online anyway. Shinshi Doumei Cross is awesomeness, for Arina Tanemura-san's part (but when is her work NOT??). And I know what happens latest in FMA. They come out of Gluttony's stomach and meet-- aw, fine. I won't spoil it. But did you know that ENVY and ED (and Al) are related?? I knew that a long time ago. But it's amazing information anyway...


        • db_pr: I like your new avvie. Kenshin is very cool (not to mention hot! XP)
          I also put this avatar 'cause this was the first avatar I used in YW, and I used it for like an year and a half, then I changed it.

          Now it's back. XD
          Comradely, Diego

          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

          "Be a real


          • Nrgh...the snow didn't stay. *huggles clouds that snow comes from* I don't want to go to school for the 2 whole days this week! Lol, I'm getting senior-itis...two years early.

            EragonEragonEragonEragon...that, and Eldest are what I'm reading right now. I'd forgotten how much I love those books...

            I'm actually a First Soprano in choir. They put me in the Alto section as a mistake. It's hard to sing the right notes without jumping to sing those pretty darn high notes, *grrr*...
            Same thing here, except they put me in Second Soprano. See...I had a cold on the day the choir director was listening to us and putting us in sections, and I told her this, and she told me that I'd had a lot of colds last year, and I already had one this year, so she was going to make me a second soprano...grr...I'm in trouble because I keep singing the First Soprano part in Jingle Bell Rock, but if she'd have just taught us the Second Soprano part...grrr...sorry, I'm frusterated with that song. She never taught us our part, and then she yells at us when we get confused...oh well, we'll figure it out before December 14 (our concert.)

            Which brings me to Kerosene! Did anyone ever hear that song by Miranda Lambert? I saw a preformance of her on CBS for the CMA awards, and they hd live fire on the stage and everything! It totally ROCKED!!
            I love that song. *is jealous* I didn't have time to watch the CMA...oh well, I still love that song so much.

            Guess I should go take those notes for English...adios!

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • I AM A GRANDMA!!!!My kitty had her kittens on the 19th of Novermber (US date)...I love them and all of you on the YW site we are family!! Y'all are just too great!!Well I have no idea what else to put other than I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • Sheeeesh I haven't posted in here in a long time.

                Several annoyances lately...including the dying of the avidgamers 2 server (deleting one of my sites and messing up 2 others) and the saving over a good game with a new game (I was on the LAST level in KoToR and I accidentally saved a new game over it!!!!!!! *RAGE*)

                I registered for classes too...nearly missed out on one class I had to take...
                Theories of Writing (the one I nearly missed)
                Basic Playwriting
                British Literature II (I and II are only diff in time periods)
                The Medieval World
                Intro to Psychological Science

                So we'll see how those classes are going to go...oh yeah, I didn't mention that I changed my major to English, but I am keeping a Business minor so the accounting, etc won't just go to waste as electives.

                I haven't really been in chat too much recently b/c I've either been too busy or too lazy. And the Internet in my room is notorious for going out...yesterday it was out ALL DAY in my I watched 2 movies and shared the music I copied to my XBOX with my roomie. (I blasted "Livin La Vida Loca" to annoy the suitemates XDXD)

                Oh yeah, about the suitemates...they are still so annoying. They continue to be noisy after midnight, whether it's just talking loudly in the bathroom or blasting music, etc. And this morning they wrote a note to me and my roomie about how we supposedly never clean the bathroom or change the toilet paper...and that is SO NOT TRUE! We do TOO clean every now and then, and we do change the TP when it needs to be changed....those idiots just aren't observant or something. And they keep moving their stuff into my space on the cournter....that bathroom counter is long, and me and my roomie keep our stuff on our half, but the idiots keep scooting their crap over on our side, and it's SO ANNOYING. Especially the curling iron b/c the cord gets in the way of the drawer that has my toothbrush, etc so I always have to move it back to their side...

                But anyway, I am nearly free for break...I have only one more class before going home, and that class is at 8 tommorrow morning. My dad will come pick me up at like 1 or so tomorrow afternoon. My mom is being stupid as usual, so I won't go to her house until Wednesday afternoon. I am trying to decide if I should stay in town and hang out with my dad here or drive home and hang around town there. And then Saturday I am going to try to be at my sister's house so I might "possibly" be able to make it to the DD chat. The odds are against my making it though...

                So yeah starting tomorrow afternoon it is safe to assume I won't be online until Sunday evening.

                *huggles* Dai'stiho and ttyl!!!


                • Diego has his old avie back.

                  Just a question: does anyone know any guys who like Franz Ferdinand? Or are you a guy who likes them?
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Gryph:
                    Just a question: does anyone know any guys who like Franz Ferdinand? Or are you a guy who likes them?
                    my brothers got me into them. R used to BLAST Fantango, but now neither listen to them much...but R can play 40 ft. on his accoustic guitar, so I guess he still likes themm...
                    *la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la....Oohhhhh, 40 feet remain!!*

                    Aww, my doggie is soooo cute! He just got a haircut (and he's a little like half poodle dog) (don't worry; we aren't cruel and make hime like bald except for those little tufts of hair on their head and legs...oh no) and we put this sweater on him cause he was shivering, and he looks soooooo CUTE!! *squeals*

                    Monkey! Happy nearlygrandmotherdom! Woo! *pets Monkey's cat's kittens* aww...

                    busybusybusy...too many parties makes Mel sleepy....and makes her put off projects until they're do the next day...ick...naw, iu finninnshed my science project, if you could call it, but i gotta study for a COnquistadors test that I didn't know I have t'morra...

                    well, I'll prolly be on WEdnsday; I have a half day, then I'm going to help out with CYO after school for like an hour, so...that's not that bad. free food!

                    XD *shakes head*

                    aight, I think that was sufficent enuff for a random post that shoulda ended like 10 minutes ago...XD
                    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                    • Hye peeps!! I just came on for a bit to say hey! (and also to not get banned for inactiveness) Anyways, my compy crashed, bro and i got blamed, no more aim/ chatting, compy only for hmwrk ect ect. All this frm my dad so yah. Im gonna try and get on more tho. Well, so long for now homies! Catch ya on the flip side!

                      *huggles all*
                      CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                      Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                      • wildflower: o.O; Wha? XD my fingers are made of lead and my brain is made of _lint_
                        Gigo: _lint_, eh? What type of lint? Couch lint, belly button lint, earwax (is that even lint?) and linty lint.
                        wildflower: EARWAX IS NOT LINT XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
                        Gigo: XDDD I knew that.
                        wildflower: No, I shouldn't find that so funny XDXD
                        Gigo: I just typed it out and felt it should stay there.
                        wildflower: Linty lint, I should think. XD rofl
                        Gigo: "Wf's brain has turned into lint. Linty lint. She tasted
                        some. Mm. Linty."
                        TheClone: .. You guys are weirding me out.
                        wildflower: I call Mr. B. Earwax-Lint to the stand!
                        wildflower: Please state your name.
                        wildflower: "Brain Earwax-Lint, your honor."
                        Gigo: Objection! Your honor, I would like to draw notice to the fact that the said Mr. B. Earwax-Lint in fact, does not exist!
                        Gigo: ((Brain???)))
                        wildflower: I OBJECT! You're clearly defiling the court and making a mockery of this hearing!
                        Gigo: Objection: if the said Mr E-Lint does in fact exist, he is defiling the court by dropping brains, earwax and lint on the floor.
                        wildflower: Mr Earwax-Lint, is it, in fact, true that the entity known as "Gigo" said the word "stricken" in all capital letters, thereby causing the song "Stricken" by Disturbed to start running through the plaintiff's head?
                        wildflower: "I do." "shut up. you're not supposed to say that." "That is true, your honor."
                        Gigo: ((um, what's the opposite of Defendant in court again?))
                        wildflower: Plaintiff. I think.
                        Gigo: ((no, wait, the prosecution or something. *is brain-dead*
                        wildflower: Erm.
                        TheClone: That's in criminal court.
                        Gigo: ((brb))
                        TheClone: It's plaintiff in civil.
                        wildflower: Mr. Earwax-Lint objects on the grounds that Gigo has made an offensive remark regarding his person! "Brain-dead" does indeed have unwanted negative connotations!
                        wildflower: OBJECTION OVERRULED ON THE GROUNDS THAT GIGO IS COOL.
                        Gigo: Your honor, I believe there is a personal relationship between Mr. Brain Earwax-lint and WildFlower, and WF is skewing evidence with the help of Mr. E-L.
                        Gigo: (dies laughing)
                        Gigo: ((lololol))
                        wildflower: Mr. Brain Earwax-Lint would like to register his astonishment at Gigo's accusation, and present to the court evidence that GIGO is the one who thought earwax was lint, and thus brought him into existence! Wf would like to mutter things like "bugger" at no one in particular without being caught.
                        Gigo: ((brb))
                        alla: Alla would like to sit here and read the proceedings, while she is working on getting out of the 20000s in her nanonovel
                        wildflower: The plaintiff's real-life counterpart would like to note that she has just whacked her head repeatedly on the table.
                        alla: Alla would like to register her amusement.
                        wildflower: Oh damn it. Wildflower would like to sue groupee, the charges being that Chat won't let you scroll back as far as Chime did, and therefore the courtroom-themed chat cannot be copied to a text ducument in its entirety.

                        ...yup. Courtroom-themed chat is fun. XDDD

                        the nanowrimo zombie is eating my brain

                        Isn't it wonderful when you discover what people mean about their characters doing something on their own, wihtout you wanting them to? I used to have no clue about that, but... my Nano isn't supposed to have romance, and my MC is falling in love with the character I based off my muse (don't ask). Nuu, go away.
                        And un-Nano related, my newest VGDawn character told me he was Bi yesterday.

                        Today at karate, Senpai K was like, "Okay, yellow belts over on this side of the mat, and I'll watch you do the second kata." And we all just stood there until mom said, "um... we've never done it before." XD So we learned and it's awesomely fun.

                        Oh! Baked cookies today. With chocolate (and peanut butter). We have these awesome huge chocolate chips, more like chunks, and they're not like unsweetened or anything! Not like the squaers are, but we used those too, with a lot of sugar. And mom thought we wouldn't have enough and doubled the recipe. Doubled, and it was supposed to make 65-70 cookies normally... wow. ^^' Bro did chocolate-chip oatmeal cookies.

                        And then he curled his tail around my arm and started purring on my homework while rubbing his face against my pencil (...).
                        My cat does that! The indoor one. We have two cats, one indoor and one outdoor; but when the neighbor died, no one did anything about her cat, and we suspect we may have acquired another stray (the outdoor cat's the one that was up in a tree for five days, and when she came down we kept her).

                        I've never heard anything by Moby... all the mp3s I find are either 404 pages or thirty second clips, which're way too short for me to want to bother. But as a result of searching, I'm now listening to the James Bond theme.

                        Pennies taste weird XD. Anyway, who's never tasted pennies? Just handling some of them and licking your fingers afterwards... kinda like rubber bands. Rubber bands taste really bad.

                        and then I woke up at seven to tape an episode of the Yuugiou Millennium World dub and make fun of it!
                        Millenium World...? Oh! For some reason, I kept reading that as Yugioh GX. Yeah, my brother *just* discovered that it existed, and so far he's seen one episode. He says it's confusing, but I told him it was because he'd missed a load of them and because it was probably Millenium World (I was guessing). He has volume one of the manga...

                        Ahhh, Mel singing Franz Ferdinand... this fire/is outta control/gonna burn this city... XDDD
                        My Chemical Romance... meh, I used to love Helena, and I still have I'm Not Okay (I Promise) in my playlist. But I like other stuff more.

                        Kittens! Wow, kittens are really cute. ^^' Take pictures? Please? *begs* Kittens XD Yay.
                        And, um, lots of smilies, especially for a siggy.

                        *huggles for Rad, Ella, Diego, Diego's avie, NEETS WHO IS ALIVE!!!, and everyone else XD*

                        And 40', too. XD Augh, now I have to listen to Franz Ferdinand (not a bad thing, mind you!). Oh, and I actually have this CD here... the others are in the car. I keep forgetting to bring them in.

                        Yesterday was mom's violin teacher's birthday party, at a Mexican place. Wheee XD margaritas are good. Errr, non-alcoholic margaritas. Lime. ^^' And we got party favors; trivia games and chocolate XDD

                        In the event that you should find this post incoherent, please file a claim against my sanity, which is currently living quite comfortably very far away from me. [I would, of course, then plead insanity, and your case against me would be null and void.]


                        • OM ROFLGO G! I wish I had been there. XD

                          Moby is awesome. Moby is amazing. I don't know what genre Moby is. iTunes says Electronica/Dance, but I don't like to trust iTunes with genre. He does a lot of good songs that are good (what else can you say about him?).

                          Got to go!!!
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • It's finally Thanksgiving break! But I'm not as happy as I should be. Know why? Because Mom is being a...well, a mom I guess...and is mad because I call for rides home at 3:30 each day, because that's when I get to my friend's house after school. That is also when she just gets home from picking up my siblings. She's mad at me because I can't walk any faster, and because I haven't picked up any of her calls on my cell phone lately...which is not my fault, I've looked in the call log, and her calls haven't even shown up! As far as my phone knows, she hasn't called me at all...I think all the river water, and iced tea, and honey that's gotten on it has interfered with my phone...maybe I need a new one...oh well.

                            Anyway...Thanksgiving! I get to sleep up in the attic for a few days so my aunt and uncle and cousin can sleep in my room. Of course, this means I have to vaccum. And figure out how to clean up all the broken glass from the lightbulb I broke next to my dresser yesterday...oh well, it can't be that hard...

                            Yeah for randomness! I like Wf's post, it's funny.

                            I'm just jamming (lol, jamming? I've lost my mind...) in my room to my school's rock orchestra's cd. It's awesome, I have it up full blast, which is sweet. I wish you guys could hear it, it's so good. At their concerts we always dance right next to the stage and's great.

                            Hmmm...huggles for everyone! I'm trying to ignore my bad mood, since...well...since I just am! Adios guys!

                            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • *pouts* I wish chat worked for me... *sigh* I guess it just wasn't meant to be. "Oh, I am the fool of fate!" I think I misquoted that, but whatever. I'm sick of Romeo's childish fits and inconsistency and Juliet's just plain annoyingness. *seethes* Sheesh, seems like boring things are just made worse in my English class. *bashes Shakespeare on the head* The movie is as bad as the play, just in a different way.

                              I haven't been able to eat much today or yesterday 'cause I've been feeling pretty ill. Meh. I didn't want to miss school though, so I went anyways.

                              I'm going to go work on my layout(s) on xanga... *meanders away*
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Nitafan, you're not likely to get banned for inactiveness. Take a look at the day I joined (or the year, which is more to the point), and then look at how many posts I've done. No, no mistake.

                                There was SUCH a big thunderstorm here last night. I couldn't sleep until 2 o'clock. It was one of those thunderstorms with super loud thunder like, three or four times a minute. And it went on for two hours! Broken up by periods of hail. Damn strange Japanese weather keeping me awake every night . . . There has been rain every day, hail every second day, and thunder every third for about three weeks. I've been so sleepy at work recently.

                                Beginners Japanese vocabulary of the day:
                                zannen (that's too bad)

