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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Right now it`s snowing. When I look out the window, it looks like a cristmas postcard. I was playing in the snow for a bit, but I got cold so I came inside. Does anyone else have snow? I don`t want all of it.

    I`m going to play in the snow some more now, bye! (I`m in the chat room, if anyone wants to talk to me.)
    "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
    Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


    • We got snow here. Snowing like crazy right now, I love it.
      Yeah, inactiveness will do nothing. I haven't been on here in months, and here I am. Sorry about that, I've had a ton of stuff going on. First few months of high school=insane.
      Good god there are a ton of newbies. Right, I'm really sorry about this, but I need to say it somewhere and there's really no where else for me to say it. After all this is the topic of great randomness.
      I spent most of last night making out with this guy I REALLY like (trust me, I don't do stuff like this very often, I'm NOT a ****) and my mother saw me. I'm about to die. Thank you for listening, just needed to say it to SOMEONE!
      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
      I promise not to funfun anymore
      Be happy cause life is good


      • They was snow in the UK today over Soctland, northern ireland, Wales, the SW, the south coast...forecast is for snow over Eastern, Central Southern and the SW.... i.e. everywhere except the midlands and nothern England (where I am). Here the wind has been strong and from the north - so cold. (Northetly winds come off the artic, but aren't much below freezing as they've come over the sea.... easterly winds come off the continent, and can be far colder. When the wind's in the east, you remember ther's nothign of any height between the UK and the frozen Siberan wastes).
        Here ends the weather report...

        Aside: do weather forecast on the TV or in newspapers in the USA ever show isobars?
        "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


        • Show what with the where now?
          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
          I promise not to funfun anymore
          Be happy cause life is good


          • Erm...what's an isobar again? We probably do have them, since the term sounds familiar, but I don't know what they are. XD

            Soo...I'm sick you guys. You might be wondering "Hungry, if you're sick, why are you online at 11:34 at night?" I wish I knew the answer to that question, but I think I have some ideas on the culprits who got me sick: 1. My siblings, who have both been sick within the last week. 2. The mashed potatos from Thanksgiving that got left on the fridge overnight that everyone ate leftovers from today. Personally, I think it's #1, since no one else is sick.

            It snowed here! It made me happy, because I lovelovelove the snow. Except for the whole part where it's cold. But it's all good, because there's snow!

            I ate too much on Thanksgiving. It was GREAT! I can't wait to do it again on Christmas (we basically have another Thanksgiving dinner on Christmas...long story.)

            Hmmm...sitting in the attic since my cousin and his parents are in my room right now. My uncle snores like...well, I don't have anything accurate enough to describe it with, just know that he's in my room with the door closed, I'm up a flight of stairs with the door closed, and I can still hear him like he's next to me. Oy.

            What was I going to say? Hmmm...oh yes,the afore-mentioned cousin brought over Soul Caliber III for PS2. I've NEVER even heard of the game, but it's a lot of fun. Violent, but fun. Very good anger release tool. I made a character that looks just like Alanna from Tamora Pierce's books. Aren't I a geek? Lol, I need some sleep. I was babysitting today, and it was weird...ok, this post is sort of starting to make no sense, so I'm going to bed. Dai all, hope to see you around soon...DD chat maybe? If I'm lucky...

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • We had snow yesterday! On the way back from the shops, three snowflakes landed on me (and melted instantly). Well, I'm in the Southeast of England, and that's more snow than I remember seeing in November since I moved to Dover . (I'm at about the same latitude as Saskatchewan or something.)

              Isobars are either Arctic places that sell ice beer, or lines on a map connecting points of equal barometric pressure. Probably the second, in fact.
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • Originally posted by Peter Murray:
                Isobars are either Arctic places that sell ice beer, or lines on a map connecting points of equal barometric pressure. Probably the second, in fact.
                Actuall, given "iso" means "the same", surely isobars are bars which are al the same (eg Weatherspoons is an isobar).
                "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                • Thanksgiving was awesome, but I get the feeling I'll be having turkey for lunch all week. S'okay; I love the stuff. (And PIES!)

                  Nitafannn! Heyyy *huggles*

                  It was windy last night, with the branches rattling so hard and the leaves scraping and swirling along the street, you'd think it was a heavy rainstorm. I love windy weather.

                  Wow, your mother saw you... That sucks. I don't know what else to say.

                  We haven't had any real snow, but there were flurries during history last wednesday. G was like, "It's snowing!" Everyone else was a little lethargic in realizing. XD P was like, "Nu-uh, you guys... don't look, there's no snow." Flurries are hard to see, with or without good eyes, from the back of the classroom.

                  I don't know; I don't look at the weather channel or in the newspaper. :P If it'll be warm, cold, rainy, or snow, I'll find out about it first hand or from talking.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • I love 5-day weekends. Agh, too bad it's over... *cries*... I'm so sick of school, why can't we have 5-day weekends every week, and only 2 days of school??

                    It's my bestest friend's birthday today. I have no IDEA what to get her. At all. I mean, I do have to get her something special, 'cause she's like the coolest friend in like the entire world, but that only makes it more difficult. Arrrgh. Maybe I certificate or something, that she can buy manga with or something. (See, how my mind works? I'd probably end up byeing a friend a whole anime series even if he or she hates anime, simply because that's what I like).

                    We're studying the Caste system in India in World Histoy Seminar class. It's so horrible. The people have like no rights and are killed and treated so unfairly, but then the whole economy and everyone shrugs and says that it's their own fault that they were born in that caste. Their main rule is totally opposite ours. It's that "every man is created UNequal." It makes me so happy to think that I live in a democracy where everyone has equal rights...

                    Thanksgiving was so good. I ate so much it was crazy! Like five tons of turkey. Whoooo! Speaking of food, one of my friends approached me yesterday and asked if I was bulemic or had a eating-disorder (I'm like underweight or something for my age, but considering my height and very short I am, it's ok). It's so obnoxious when people just jump to conclusions like that. I love food WAY to much to ever do anything of that sort. I mean, today's society is like so obsessed with being this ONE way, it makes me sick. Why does everything seem so shallow and materialistic? I don't think it was always this way. It's the media that does it. Girls (and some guys) see their idols or celebrities on TV and get sick trying to copy them. It's just messed up. *runs off to snack on left-over Halloween snickers*

                    Gah, my money-spending-phobia kicked in again last night. My sister downloaded like two songs from iTunes music store last night, and I freaked out and left the room, cringin at the idea of that we were spending two dollars, one on a song by the Spice Girls. (remember them? xP) My iPods DOES need more songs, it's got like fifty, but it torture me to spend money ona nything besides manga, even if it's on something as esessential as music. For someone like me, music is like a drug, I need it to survive... I'm like totally addicted to it, but who isn't?

                    I hope you feel better soon, Hungry! Being sick is no fun.


                    • oh yeah, that's why no one's on the forums right now! For everyone else, it's either a school day or a work day. And me still on holiday in Colorado. XD Well, until tommorrow. *sigh* Ah well. I've had enough of a time trying to get all of the homework done that they assigned me over my break. Working holiday indeed...And I still haven't finished my Japanese homework. Well, something to do on the plane tommorrow morning, I guess.

                      Figures, the one time I get chat to work on this computer, and no one is in there.

                      For a moment, I thought I had figured out the reason behind the general loss of sanity around these parts...and then it went away. It does seem to be one of those days for me.

                      I'm going home to Oregon for, oh, three weeks, then I come back here for Christmas! We weren't planning to, but my Aunt and Grandfather ended up bribing us to come by paying for plane tickets and getting a hostess gift for Mom to get her to help with the open house party that my Aunt does every year. So we go. Should be interesting. And I still have to do a paper on a culture contemporary to the ancient Israelites (in the same area, that is, ruling out the Celts and such). Any interesting ideas from you guys?
                      And we go on...


                      • Ummm...still sick. And I still had to go to school, which stunk. Oh cousin and I brought in the leftover pumpkin pie and whipped cream and ate it all with our friend before first period. Yum. I suppose I should go do something...whatever. I have no homework that's due tomorrow.

                        Last night I was forced to go to youth group. For 6 hours. I supposed it was okay. There's this guy there that I like. He's cool, and he always talks to me about stuff, lol. Youth group was funny too. We learned about praying through music. And they made us sing. And dance. We all made fools of ourselves in front of guys, which was funny, because like half the people in the group like someone else in the group.

                        *huggles Char* I hope you feel better soon! Carnies are scary people...I just stay away from them, since I'm always broke when I go to places like that.

                        The snow's gone. *is sad* I liked the snow. Oh well, at least there was a lot of snow on Saturday, when we got our Christmas tree. That was fun.

                        Hmmm...there's a commercial on for The Chronicles of Narnia. Sort of want to see that movie, because I loved the book, but don't want to see it because I don't want my vision of another book ruined...oh well. Guess I should go do my homework...and then go to horseback riding, and then go to basketball! I can't wait for basketball, I've missed playing it so much. Even though I'm not playing on my high school's team this year (too much homework to keep up with) it's still going to be fun.

               I'm REALLY going to go now...adios guys!

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • I think I'll try to convince my parents to top our Christmas tree with a baseball cap.
                          Rrrr . . .working off leftover energy from a Thanksgiving weekend of turkey, cookies, Diet Vanilla Coke, and twelve-hour sessions of Dungeons and Dragons!
                          I lurk. It's what I do.
                          "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


                          • Wow, I haven't been on ToGR for like...ages!

                            I'm reading Dickens now. He's awonderful writer, you know? I felt like getting into the Christmas Spirit by reading a Christmas CArol. Wonderful stuff, absolutely wonderful!

                            I'm tired. And sick. And I have waay too many Choir practices along with Basketball, homework, and piano. ick. I only got like 6 hours of sleep (and I'm already falling asleep in class) because I was up till like 1:30 coughing and coughing.But I'm in a wonderful mood 'cause our teachers are letting us do Pollyanna (or Advent Angel, whichever) and they haven't let their classes do it for like EVER!!

                            For those who don't know: Pollyanna or Advent Angel are a little different, but have the same basic idea. Its where you pick a name out of a hat (usually just girls in one class or just boys in one class, but we did both classes and boys?&girls this year) and for the next three weeks, you , depending, either give them 3 small gifts a week secretly, or you gove them one giant gift at the end right before Christmas Break. You can only spend so many dollars, too,i so either you're giving them really cheapy $5ones, ore sokmething else. THis year, our gifts have to be between $10-$15. YAy! AWesome Gifts!!

                            Sorry, I'm just in a holiday mood!...Happy Holidays to everyone!!

                            Sorry for the rant...*sheepish grin*

                            *huggles all, 'specially the sickies*

                            THey should have a holiday smiley, no? or a huggles smiley...that would e TOTALLY efective...

                            *starts to sing songs about drummer boys*
                            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                            • Originally posted by Mel:
                              I'm reading Dickens now. He's a wonderful writer, you know? I felt like getting into the Christmas Spirit by reading a Christmas Carol. Wonderful stuff, absolutely wonderful!
                              Yes, I did know. I love Dickens, too. If you like "A Christmas Carol," you may want to try and get your hands on the complete Christmas books: "The Battle of Life," "The Chimes," "The Cricket on the Hearth," "The Haunted Man," and, of course, "A Christmas Carol" (which is still the best of them).

                              My other favorite Christmas short story collection is Connie Willis's Miracle, which collects together a bunch of the annual Christmas stories she wrote for Analog, and includes this incredibly fun essay about why Miracle on 34th Street is a better Christmas movie than It's a Wonderful Life.

                              Hmm. Christmas reading. Perhaps I should go hunt up my old copy of A Little Princess...
                              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                              • Speaking of Christmas books...

                                I have to find my Christmas Treasury! It's a book about 2 inches thick full of Christmas stories that "warm the heart" (ok, I dunno if it says that, but knowing most Christmas stories...) by Louisa May Alcott (did I spell that right? I sure hope so...)

                                just thought I'd add that.

                                Man, even my ILA class is gettin Christmas-ified! WE have lights, a mini tree, a Santa Clause TY Baby and tinsel...and there have been murmurs of wheter my homeroom/history teacher will put up mistletoe....which I find funny, ,in a way...there are soo many little cute couples in my grade...and we're like 13! aww....

                                wow, ,I seriously hope no mistletoe...things could get complicated!
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

