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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, it's been snowing LITERALLY ALL DAY!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE SNOW!!!! *huggles snow a million times* It's so pretty, and white, and shiny...and cold. And I'm never going to get a snow day from it. Our school superintendent is from Alaska. Literally. He's used to so much snow, I don't think he realizes that here, we don't quite get as much snow as Alaska, and therefore aren't as used to it...though we do get a lot of snow.

    Uhhh...I never want to see anyone under the misteltoe again, unless it's my parents or someone older than depresses me to see people my own age kissing and knowing that I have no one to do that with...anyway. On to another topic of conversation in this post!

    I'm sick. AGAIN. This is getting ridiculous. And yet, I still went to school. Mom offered to let me stay home, but noooo...I don't like making up the work from Adv English or A.P. U.S.'s insane to try and do it. But it's the weekend, I can sleep, and hopefully get better before Monday.

    I'm SO proud of my younger sister. She made first chair in violin in her school orchestra! She's insanely happy...but she's also being a little bratty. She wants me to go outside and make a snowman, but I'm sick. The last thing I want to do is go back outside tonight. So she's saying that I'm a baby, and I feel like...I don't know, slapping her or something. I'd never do it...I'll just go on Sims 2 and make one that looks like her, and kill it. I love that gets rid of a lot of my anger.

    Shoot...what was I going to say? Oh yeah: today I saw the guy I like. For some reason, he walked up the back staircase that I take on my way to Adv Algebra 2, and he talked to me the whole way...but I'm wondering what he was doing on that side of the campus. His second period class is on the other side of campus, so...and I've never seen him over there before...

    Ok, now it's really cold. And I still feel sick. Blech. Good thing I don't have basketball until Monday. Yes, I am playing basketball this year, just not for my high school because...well, I'm just not good enough, which stinks. A whole bunch of freshmen made JV and Varsity (?!) which made everyone mad. The freshmen have their own team to play on. There are only 3 sophomores playing basketball this it's not like I'd have had any chance against all the competition.

    Gr. Cold. *burrows into track jacket* I got a new track jacket that I can wear to school because it doesn't have a hood, and it's made of sweatshirt material. Really happy about that, because, honestly, in the halls today it wasn't much warmer than it was outside...they need to either let us wear hoodies to school again, or find some better way to heat the school (or start heating it, lol. Maybe they don't heat it at all.) Wow, long post...

    -(A very cold and sick) seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • I came into chat and...

      Welcome! This is the main chat room for the Young
      Wizards forums.
      Gryphon has entered the room.
      EmissaryNate: Dai gryph
      Gryphon: yo yo
      Drumming_Dairine: dai
      Monkey: Dai Gryphypoo...
      TheClone: Dai Patricia
      Gryphon: *huggles*
      Gryphon: nuuuuu, not gryphon
      Gryphon: &gryphypoo
      TheClone: Err
      Gryphon: patricia?
      Peter Murray: dai Gryphon. Patricia?
      TheClone: sorry Gryph*
      Gryphon: oh god
      Peter Murray: I forget to look at VGDawn.
      Monkey: WHAT?!
      TheClone: I didn't mean to tell them >.<
      Gryphon: XD
      Monkey: THAT IS YOUR NAME??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
      Gryphon: rofl
      EmissaryNate: lmao
      Gryphon: shhh clone
      Gryphon: XDDD
      Drumming_Dairine: cool
      TheClone: >.<
      Gryphon: okay now, everyone in chat, don't let this
      spread, k?
      Drumming_Dairine: *andrew be dead again*
      Gryphon: cuz I'd really like for my name to be a
      TheClone: >.<
      EmissaryNate: ok gryph
      Monkey: Yes ma'am *salutes to Gryph*
      Gryphon: thanks
      Drumming_Dairine: we promis
      Peter Murray: <- still isn't convinced that Clone and
      Gryphon didn't set this up in advance.
      TheClone: Oh yes
      TheClone: PM figured us out, Gryph.
      EmissaryNate: me too PM, lol
      Gryphon: lol
      Gryphon: actually we didn't
      Gryphon: my name isn't really patricia, but i went along
      with cloen XD
      TheClone: What is this world coming to when two
      people can't conspire to "accidentally" slip someones
      name in chat?
      Gryphon: *clone
      Gryphon: lol
      Monkey: DAMN YOU DAFT WOMAN!
      Peter Murray: Aw, shame. (Goes back to Tina theory.)
      Gryphon: i'm gonna go post this all in togr now...
      Peter Murray: I didn't promise, anyway .
      Drumming_Dairine: KT: wat who when?
      Monkey: *wishes she hadn't saluted and not promised*I
      am gonna beat ya with a tuna fish now!
      EmissaryNate: Nate has to go
      EmissaryNate: Ill bbl maybe
      Gryphon: sya *huggles*
      Monkey: Dai
      Drumming_Dairine: KT dont be stupid
      Monkey: bite my ass!

      None of it was planned. XD

      Today is a Friday!
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • I work on Saturdays ( the telecom job I use to earn a living) . I am on lunch at the moment - the Chipotle Southwest Cheesesteak is surprisingly good! Yum! I have four minutes left.Eat chips, drink orange soda read boards. Anyone else out there?
        "Poets are regular people who live down the block and do simple things like wash clothes and stir soup." - Naomi Shihab Nye


        • I am here but I am in chat too and Mousey and TC hate my living guts and I am contemplayting leaving the chat and not going back there!

          My mom taught me to not be a b**** when I don't have to be but I am ready to kill Mousey cause she kept barfing on he and she put paint in my mouth then disinfectant and I want to strangle her!!!!!

          Well I better go and calm down now...Dai all!!!


          • mmm...snow...on the ground...yummy...just kidding!

            yesterday I went to Bethlehem (on the east coast of America, duh!) and I saw the great-grandchildren of the Von Trapps sing...God,they were good! they sang absolutely flawlessly!! man, I wish I could see them sing again...and they were so normal, the 3 teenage girls got the giggles during a few songs and they totally like botched it, but it was soo funnt and good-natured, and they were like being a real family. that was awesome!

            ok, i gotta get off now cause my brother is being a dork and playing guitar really load and pushing me out of my chair, and I'm going Christmas shopping at Barnes&Nobles with my Grandma!

            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • AW! NOOOOO!!! *breathes life into TOGR* there, it's only been 4 days since your last post, other topics don't have posts for a lot longer time than that....damn you, breath!!!! Lol, now back to your regularly scheduled randomness.

              OOoOOOOHH! Tomorrow morning, at around 3 AM, we're supposed to get buttloads of seven inches! Even IF the superintendent IS from Alaska, he HAS to call off school if there's seven inches...nearly all 2000 students walk to school, since my suburb is only about 3 or 4 miles across, and most of the students walk to get the picture. See, we have 2 reasons why we never get snow days: 1. The superintendent is from Alaska, and thinks that we need to be tough like the Alaskans (BS! Some winters, we get more snow than the part of Alaska that he's from!) and 2. We don't have a bus system. This is important because if a significant amount of kids took the bus to school, they'd be worried about crashes and stuff. Oh, how their logic is SO messed up. I think we should get more snow days, since we all walk to school with the lake-effect snow swirling around us, and the icy sidewalks that no one on the route to school seems to shovel. Just my two cents (or more than two cents.)

              Last night, I pulled an all-nighter to do a paper that was assigned Monday, when I was sick, that my teacher CONVIENIENTLY forgot to tell me about. And I thought it was due today. But it's due tomorrow. Grrr...and we're reading Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. Funfun. We have to act it out in class...which means TOGAS! We love learning about Greece and Rome in English, because when we have to do readings and stuff, we get to wear togas made of bedsheets. Last time, I wore a sheet with a rodeo pattern on it.

              It's getting rather cold here. I wore my UnderArmor running tights underneath my jeans to school today. That helped some, but even with my 4 shirts, my top half was still cold. And all my sweaters are dirty. Now, if they'd be reasonable and let us wear hoodies, I wouldn't be freezing every day. Oh well. At least they turned the heat on in some rooms. I have 1 class with the heat on. Adv Algebra 2. Heat makes me sleepy, and so does math, so I've almost fallen asleep in that class in the past few days.

              OMG, I only have a week left until winter break! YES!!!! And then a week until Christmas, when I FINALLY get my class ring. I feel left out, because everyone already has theirs, and is comparing them, and showing them off and stuff, and I have to say "Oh, I'm getting mine on Christmas." Lol, it's just funny to see some of the guys in my class walking down the hall with these gigantic rings with purple stones (purple is one of our school colors.) Guys rings are so big. I'm not just talking about class rings. My dad's wedding ring is huge too. Then again, most rings seem big to me; I have pretty skinny fingers, when they aren't jammed from basketball.

              I don't even know what I'm posting anymore...what's there to write? My whole family knows about the guy I like. My dad knows the guy now, since he goes to the school my dad teaches at, and Dad stopped him in the hallway, and introduced himself. I have to keep telling Dad that he has a girlfriend already, and is on their football team, so basically once again I have no chance with the guy I like...oh well, at least he's in my youth group.

              Haha, just IM'd Dad. We had a fight about pie and cake. Which one is better? In my opinion, pie. Apple pie. Also, we fought about ninjas and pirates. I say a pirate would win, as they're too drunk to notice when they're hurt. Also, pirates travel in groups, and have guns. Ninjas have to get close to attack someone. I love random IMs from people, it's fun.

              Basketball...I need new shoes. My old ones have started stinking again (they're 3 years old) and have no more traction. Half the team has this really cool pair (they all have different colors) and I've been looking for it online, and I can't find it. Ew, my room smells like my shoes. I wonder why the only pair of shoes I've ever had that stinks is that pair of basketball shoes? My sneakers don't stink. My cross country/track shoes don't stink (you'd think they would, I wear them all the time, even when I'm not running.) It's odd.

              If this post isn't random for me, I don't know what is. At least, I'm not being a very random person this week. My friend gave me some brown paper lunch bags today, for my lunch. I bring it in this big ugly lunchbox, since Mom is insistent that I be kind to the environment and use Tupperware and a lunchbox, and stuff like that. I don't think she realizes how this makes me look to my classmates; maybe I should start packing my own lunch from now on. I mean, I'm in 10th grade; you'd think she'd think I'm old enough to pack a lunch!

              My cross country team is getting together over winter break to hang out and prove that "the whole team doesn't vanish off the face of the Earth between cross country and track season." I'm glad. I miss the team so much; it's going to be different next year. I'll be a junior, which is scary. The seniors will be gone, which is sad; I'm going to miss Colleen (the senior I usually run with for some reason) and now I have to find a new person to run RPIs with at practice, and someone new to make pace with during races. Wow, this is a long post, and completely pointless...I mean, who'd want to write this much today? It's so cold, and miserable, and I really hope I have a snowday tomorrow, as I don't want to go to school, or really do my reading from Julius Caesar (I'm Cassius in Act II, Scene I. Not a hard part, but I hate public speaking.) I almost wish I could just communicate with people all the time by writing it out like this. I'm much more clear at expressing myself this way; and I talk more by writing. Oh well...this concludes another very long and pointless post by:

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • Yay! IT snowed again!! and we had off today!!

                AT least this time the newscastors got it right...We were supposed to get like 8 inches of snow, but then the storm COMPLETELY missed us! Hey, Hungry, you wouldn't happen to live in like NC, would you? that would make sense, in a weird way....

                *brings in giant fan from an airplane to help hungry breath life into poor togr*

                You know what's weird? I was sick Monday, so I went to school and was home within like an hour, and I started watching all these FEature Family movies, and you know what? they were good! THere was one called Alan and Naomi, and it was so sad. A girl is traumatized by the death of her father by Nazis right in front of her, and she screams whenever she sees ALan, her neighbor in an apartment building. THen, Alan has to help her, and she comes around, and goes to school, and begins to become quirky and sweet and funny, calling Alan a "Cabbage head". Then Alan gets in a fight with a bully after the bully asked when Allan and Naomi were to be married. Naomi then begins to scream and runs away, to be found in the boiler room in her origional condition of traumatazation. It was sooo sad! I was like crying!!

                ANd then there's The Inheritance, based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott, which is one of my favorite movies now. I watched it like 3 times, then went to go find the book. So I went in my basement, and couldn't find it ( I guess we don't own it). I came across some AMerican Girl books, which I have never read, and I read all the ones that I have withing like 2 days. SO now I have become addicted to a 9-year-old's book series. *sigh* I guess I just love history!! And a good story...or 2...or 10...

                and now that my thumb hurts, I shall write 1 more thing: My hands hurt. I wore 5 band-aids on my hands last night because my hands are so cracked and dry....ow. I could barely finish my homework last night, It hurt so bad to bend my fingers! AH, well, I think I shall live.

                AN now, to read The Old Curiosity Shop by CD
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • Hi everyone!!! I'm sorry if I'm butting it on any conversations, but I haven't been on in awhile and I wanted to see what was up! And if you all enjoyed the snow!!
                  "All Death Eaters must be proficient in the Dark Arts: murder, Unforgivable Curses, yodeling etc."
                  -So You Want to be a Death Eater

                  'Creator of Sonderwear'


                  • In chat we started to talk like cave men and here is some of it:

                    Tuttle: cat no listen, cat lay down
                    Monkey: lol
                    Wizardling: Cat sound like Garfield.
                    Monkey: What with cave man talk?
                    Wizardling: But at least cat warm feet in cold night
                    Tuttle: cat warm feet good
                    Wizardling: No know what with cave man talk.
                    Monkey: lets go to PM talk...
                    Tuttle: tut start cave turtle talk
                    Monkey: It might be hard to talk like Peter Murray but we can try...
                    Tuttle: cause tut stomache say hungry
                    Wizardling: PM on IRC?
                    Wizardling: Tuttle miss meal?
                    Monkey: Monkey like caveman talk better.
                    Tuttle: Tuttle no miss meal tuttle eat less at meal 'cause stuck school snow and late now so hungry
                    Tuttle: you understand tuttle?
                    Wizardling: Poor Tuttle.
                    Monkey: Monkey brain tell Monkey to go beddy by but body no listen...
                    Wizardling: Wiz send Tuttle virtual nachos and huggle to cheers up.
                    Wizardling: body know what up.
                    Wizardling: No listen to silly brain.
                    Monkey: We sound like a bunch of babbling idiots!
                    Tuttle: Tuttle says group huggle
                    Tuttle: tuttle laugh at us
                    Monkey: monkey go to group huggle
                    Monkey: Monkey overly tired and laughing at dumb things...
                    Wizardling: *huggles all round*
                    Wizardling: Where wf go?
                    Wizardling: Sabre Tooth Tiger get wf?
                    Monkey: Monkey thinks so...
                    wildflower: Hi.
                    Tuttle: wf back
                    Tuttle: tiger no get wf
                    Monkey: We talk like cave men no talk like regular people...
                    Tuttle: regular people boring talk
                    Wizardling: thought wf Sabre Tooth Tiger's Cub dinner!
                    Wizardling: regular people DULL!
                    Tuttle: dull bad
                    Monkey: Monkey go snuggle with Jamie..Big strong man keep "tiny" weak female happy...
                    Wizardling: dull boring boring boring.
                    Tuttle: monkey tall
                    Wizardling: *laughs uncontrollably*
                    Wizardling: weak she aint
                    Monkey: lmfao
                    Wizardling: Don't want no 'weak' cavegirl.
                    Monkey: Monkey feel unlubbed now...
                    Wizardling: no can life mammoth chops from frezzer, or bash stones.
                    Monkey: Monkey think you mean lift mammoth chops from frezzer
                    Wizardling: Rather have grande, forte, sexy fille de singe.
                    Tuttle: tuttle pillow smell pasta spices
                    Monkey: Monkey is grande forte and sexy
                    Wizardling: Yuppers.
                    Wizardling: LOL
                    Wizardling: Why Tuttle smell good good italian food in pillow?
                    Tuttle: tuttle no know
                    Tuttle: tuttle do smell food good in pillow
                    Wizardling: think Tuttle hallucinating from lack of pasta.
                    Wizardling: Grande serious!
                    Tuttle: tuttle only smell pasta one pillow
                    Wizardling: Is pasta emergency!
                    Wizardling: No small matter!

                    We were tired and Steph started it all!!!!!!!

                    All love in the world,


                    • Snow, snow, there's so much snow! Everything is white. For the last few years, it's been as bitterly cold as always, but it hasn't snowed like this for a while. I'm glad that the thick packing snow is back this year <3.

                      There was this stupid "freshman mixer" last night, and freshman were supposed to go to it and have fun with all the silly little activities and everything. It was REALLY lame, almost no one showed. So we went inside, grabbed some free cookies, and went to want the school play instead.The play was based on like mythology, and it was good, though a bit wierd. The people in the play were so talented.... *envious sigh*...

                      Marissa, you're not butting in! Don't be afraid to post, people don't bite. They want to hear what you have to say! ^o^

                      It's my friend's birthday today. I wasn't sure what to get her at first, but she's really "immature" for our age, and she said "get me a book or stuff animal" when I asked what she wanted, so I got her a sparkly snoopy clock and a Borders book certificate.

                      It's almost winter break! Almost. One week, those horrid finals, (which I am SURE to fail...) but then it'll be break! I can't wait.


                      • I love it when it snows like this; right now, when I look out my window, it looks like the world is in a giant snowglobe. The flakes are huge, and they're gently drifting to the ground, and it just looks so pretty. I love the winter.

                        I have a bad case of Christmas-itis. It's sort of like senior-itis, except I just want it to be Christmas break right now, instead of wanting high school to be over like the people with senior-itis do. I just want to sleep, really. I didn't get enough over the weekend. On Friday night, instead of babysitting I went over my friend's house and helped her take down wallpaper in her bathroom, since her mom wouldn't help her. I was stuck with all the wallpaper on the ceiling, since I'm the tallest. Guys, never wallpaper a ceiling. It's impossible to get down. Actually, just don't wallpaper your house whenever you own one: it will only cause future homeowners misery and sore arms and backs. But it was still fun.

                        On Saturday, I was babysitting while the parents went to the opera. They were supposed to be home around 11 or 11:30. They got home at 12:45. Now, I don't mean to sound mean, but shouldn't they have, I don't know, called? They were almost an hour late, and since I'm only 15, and I'd been up until 2 the night before (through no fault of my own) and can't walk home because of some incidents in my city lately, and...yeah. Basically, they came home to find me passed out on their couch. They weren't happy. But hey: the kids were fine, they were sound asleep. Except I feel like a bad babysitter. Oh well...


                        The guy I like was sick last night at youth group; he seems to have whatever I had last Monday. I don't envy him; it's annoying. Maybe I'll send him some cookies or something, since you know, we're good friends. He doesn't know I like him, and I intend to keep it that way for now. It's nice just to have a friend who's a guy, who's not a boyfriend, who I can be myself around. That's what I hate about guys; it always feels like I have to be someone else, since I'm not the most attractive person in the school, judging by the comments some guys are making about the size of my bra. Grr...why can't guys learn that there's more to a girl than that? Oh well...SNOW! I'm sorry about all the snow, but snow= It makes me so happy, and if it keeps up like this all night (like it's supposed to) we MIGHT get a snow day...which would make me happy. Remember, anything can happen on a snow day. *cracks up* that is the weirdest, I'm going to go do something. See you around!

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • *sigh* What's up? life is awesome. Life sucks. the strikeout tags are the only good new feature groupee's ever done. I keep forgetting to do caps... at least I had the intention of doing them at all. *shuns newbie self* I don't think I've gotten enough sleep for the past four days. Pomegranites are good. See how coherent wf is without an enter key? Nah, wf has an enter key, she's just too laszy to use it right now.

                          Friday was a Christmas party at a church... arranged by (wheee, I love this song) L, D's mom. L is kinda... sugar-sweet-go-to-hell. Anyway, the younger kids (the non-teens *rolls eyes*) were in one room, doing gingerbread houses. Mom got M&Ms for my brother's, and she accidentally got mint. Mint chocolate M&Ms are good. And the teens were in another room doing... I have no idea. A gift exchange (I got a prayer book and a religious mix CD, aargh), and games. One I didn't bother doing (finding a chocolate eyeball in a pile of whipped cream without using your hands? I dun even like whipped cream), and the other was kinda a random hot potato backwards charades thing. We were passing around a snowflake, and when the music stopped, the person holding it had to go up and do an impression of whatever someone else suggested. I was supposed to be the girl from The Ring, but since I hadn't seen it I got away with being a dead sandal.

                          So then when the activities ended, L was like, "whee! And now you may play outside!" and we were like, *flee*. Then A got out music, and put on My Chemical Romance, then Mudvayne, until someone said he should put the radio on; it was turned to a really annoying hiphop/R&B station, and several people started yelling so change it. A flipped to the alt. rock station, and all the people who'd been headbanging sorta stood around and looked confused: Rise Against's song Swing Life Away is about as soft/quiet as you can get for rock. Back to Mudvayne, then Slipknot, and I requested System of a Down since A had Hypnotize. He skipped ahead to Hypnotize, and lately it's all the radio stations have been playing, so it bugs me now. I changed it to Soldier Side XD

                          When we got home, mom told me what L said, that I looked kind of sad during the party and didn't show much interest in participating in her activities. Gahh... yes, I had fun, and no, I do not have issues.

                          Saturday was the Christmas party set up by Sensei. At a rollerskating place... my ankles are still dead from rollerblades. It was the funniest thing, though, seeing everyone skating. Senpai K is awkward on skates XD. And then when the people at the skating place announced that it was time to play Limbo, C (he's "twentyish" and a really tall green belt- brown belt now, I think) was not only the tallest person lined up, but also nowhere near first out.

                          We got tickets at the door, one each, for a raffleish sort of thing, and Senpai K handed a ton of tickets to the DJ to read out at everyone, and we (a family of three, dad almost came but didn't) didn't win anything. Heh.

                          I requested a couple songs. It was basically Christian music, pop, and hiphop. I requested Relient K and Switchfoot... not my favorite stuff, but then there was the time I tried to request Avenged Sevenfold (weeks ago at the same place) and the guy looked at me like I was completely crazy. So I requested stuff I thought they'd have, and they did. Pop-rock/Christian rock is better than just pop or just Christian.

                          Generally fun, except for me nearly getting sick from Hawaiian punch. Bleh, I only drank that because they were out of Mountain Dew. D'you believe they're a skating place that doesn't sell *water*?

                          Sunday we went and got a Christmas tree! I think this might be the earliest we've ever gotten one... meh, or not. It's the illusion that Christmas is far away. Christmas this year is refusing to feel like Christmas; the last time it felt like Christmas was way back in early November when I went to Books-a-Million and they were playing carols already. Commercialism sucks.

                          Today I had Japanese, then later, karate. We went through the entire second kata (for my second time ever) and now I can do all of it straight through. ^^'

                          I was gonna quote stuff. But I'm feeling lazy (oh, sure, you have all this and you're lazy), and I've missed about three pages of togr (not missed exactly, I've been reading without replying, and I usually reply roughly once a page), so... meh.

                          I want snow.

                          There's no point in it being COLD if you don't get snow!!

                          *is eaten by <STRIKE>a saber tooth tiger</STRIKE> Poot*


                          • Yes, that's right folks, Lisa's back!


                            I'm sorry it's been forever since I posted, but I decided to disappear from the internet for a while because school and family troubles were a bit overwhelming. But now I'm back, so there's no problem.

                            Quick overview of the last...three months? THREE MONTHS???

                            September: School started. A complete disaster. But I made new friends! And one of them has the same EXACT schedule as me (except her P.E. class is with a different teacher). Kinda weird. Nothin' else really happened.

                            October: Did a couple things for the library... including going to Baltimore to see Patricia Wrede, author of Sorcery & Cecelia and Talking to Dragons! Sooo AWESOME! I talked to her, in person!

                            November: Erm, lots to do. I decided to write a novel(which remains unfinished) and joined (If you want to see who I am, search for DragonFlight.) Dad decided to come back for a few days, which turned out disastrous, and... oh, I had my birthday. Yeah, that's important

                            And now it's December, and my chorus teacher is acting quite bizarre. We had a concert - recorded for television! - last Wednesday, in which I had a solo/trio thing. We sang the same songs yesterday for our Winter Concert.
                            At the concert yesterday he said, "And I'm glad to announce that these two choirs will be singing on Friday for the school assmebly."

                            Really, Mr. Chorus teacher, thank you for the advance notice. It's Wednesday, and you're telling us about a concert on Friday? That's worse than last week, when you "forgot" to tell us one of our songs was a cappella (sp?) until two seconds before we went on camera.

                            Aside from my tales of misery and woe (which are always the best to tell, no?), my year has been pretty good. I got all A honor roll, which 100.29 in P.E. My teachers are insane, really.

                            I'm surprised no one has posted in the ToGR in nearly a day. What happened while I was gone?

                            Kaiba, thanks for reminding me to get back on. I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

                            Farewell, and not for long, my friends!

                            EDIT: Well, it's a sad day when the ToGR doesn't get a post for over 8 hours. I'm at school and at a special party for braniacs who got Student of the Month, perfect homework scores, etc. i just had a donut and Twister (the drink) and I'm getting a little bit of a sugar rush so if I don't use punctuation don't kill me.

                            Ooh! Steph walked in (Paige on these forums)! Hi Steph!

                            Yeah... I think I'm gonna go set my hand on fire now (the party - if you can call it that, there's no one moving from their seat - is in our science teacer's room, and he's so awesome. We're going to set his head on fire later today.)
                            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                            • WB Lisa...Did you enjoy your time away from us? We missed you....

                              I am sorry that you have a dumb chorus teacher but I rarely ever knew anything during MB season....(Marching Band)

                              Wow Lisa don't set your science teachers head on fire that is cruel...

                              Well I only posted in here cause Wildflower was in chat and saying that no one had posted in chat in a while so I said I could fix that...

                              Newbies-Please post random things in here!!We do love all the randomness we can get!! Monkey love randomness!!

                              (see siggy for what I want to put here)
                              ...^second thing in siggy^


                              • Sure we've had a flood of newbies, but they all stay in chat and don't post. Most of them don't even read the forums. While Lee was setting up an RSVP for the January DD chat, togr was sitting in a corner getting dusty. Imagine if PM closed togr and no one noticed. XD Nothing wrong with posting other places, but what happened to two pages a day? Now it's a page a week. This is zombie!Togr: . It looks all dead and quiet, lurching and moaning with occasional sparks of life that soon vanish. C'mon, everyone, show some inspiration or holiday spirit or whatever!

                                The Christmas tree is up, with lights (but nothing else, yet). Dad builds a fire every day. The advent calenders and Christmas decorations (Santa-shaped candle! XD) are up. Today I woke up to carols playing in the living room. Earlier I had egg nog, and I just had some of the mint M&Ms, which are in Christmas colors. And it STILL doesn't feel Christmasy. Dad says we need snow. Mom says we need cookies. Mom's solution is more easily obtained, so we're hoping to get that done tomorrow. *sigh* I wanna do something that's holidayish and brings life to togr. Maybe something like <STRIKE>Patricia's</STRIKE> Gryph's tree from last year.

                                *TACKLES LISA* Hiii. I was doing NaNo, but I only got to 6,842 words. I discovered exactly how bad I am at writing, though, and I still want to try again next year.

                                Marissa, you're not butting in at all. Just post; we won't kill you. XD

                                My hands hurt. I wore 5 band-aids on my hands last night because my hands are so cracked and dry....
                                Owww. Get some hand lotion? :/

                                I'm surprised no one has posted in the ToGR in nearly a day. What happened while I was gone?
                                We all died. :/ Nah, maybe not, but I don't really have any idea why togr is so slowmoving.

                                I have an un-new avie. I had him ages ago, when I was new and changing my avie a lot; I change it less now because no one ever sees it (you can't see avies as easily anymore in chat, and I lurk on the forums). His name is Larry. It says the same thing in my other post, too XD.

                                Haha, just IM'd Dad. We had a fight about pie and cake. Which one is better? In my opinion, pie. Apple pie. Also, we fought about ninjas and pirates. I say a pirate would win, as they're too drunk to notice when they're hurt. Also, pirates travel in groups, and have guns. Ninjas have to get close to attack someone. I love random IMs from people, it's fun.
                                Pie and cake = equally good. Maybe leaning toward cake. XD Ninjas > pirates! Mostly. Pirates of the Carribean > the show on the Discovery channel about ninjas. It depends on the situation. Tiny Plaid Ninjas flash movies > almost everything.

                                Mom asked me today if I wanted [mysterious thing] engraved. She says [mt] is a Christmas/birthday present, and she doesn't want to tell me what it is, but is asking if I would like something engraved if I ever got anything with that option. I told her it would depend on what it was, and she just went "aaargh." So now I have a mysterious thing to wonder about. ^^'

