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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *is just a little nervous* I`m going to be Angela the innkeeper for the cristmas play today, and I`m hoping that my brother and sister won`t mess up their part. A.K.A., I`m being nervous for them. XD I am nervous for them, but what I just typed sounded funny. I think my brother _hates_ acting, because I have to drag him into the living room when we practice the play. >_< And he just _won`t_ dance, he just sits down or flops down on the floor, and then I have to get him up again. *grumpy* And he misses all his cues.

    My computer is evil. Really evil. Mega evil. NASTY! XD It is annoying, but at least it doesn`t have any viruses unlike my old compy.

    EDIT: Gah, my mom kicked me off the compy so we could go to church. I know I`ll be just _awesome_ in the play. The play is modern-style, so there are reporters and other things that hadn`t been invented when Jesus was born. Ok, I think this is long enough. Toddles!
    "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
    Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


    • Oooh...too many cookies to bake. I love Christmas, but...there's too many cookies involved. I'm about to go to my uncle's b-day party...I can't wait, it'll be better than sitting around here.

      I gave my friend her Christmas present: a mini coffee maker. She loves I want one for myself, XD. I'm not feeling too well again...I'm so sick of feeling sick. I'm free of school though, which is good.

      I'll edit this later, and make it longer-er...when I get back from the party.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

      Edit: Hello, it's about 6 hours later, and I now have an imense headache. Ouch. Anyway...I had fun at the party. Got to hold my baby cousin for almost an hour...he's so cute...except for when his diaper leaked on my shorts over the summer...that was a bit gross. And my other cousin, who's a year old, was SO cute today. He was funny, and laughing at everything...I love my cousins.

      Wow...I still can't believe I'm already on break. This is crazy!

      I got a new pillow yesterday, seeing as I last got a new one in 1992, when I was 2. Interesting, huh? Not really. I'm just...I don't know anymore. It feels like everything I thought was certain about life has changed, and not all of it for the better...maybe I'm just growing up more...but I don't feel grown up. I'm only 15, I shouldn't have to deal with half the stuff I'm dealing with right now, that's stuff my parents should be worrying about. Everything's changing in my least my parents aren't getting divorced or anything like's just my relationships with people. My friends are leaving me out more and more (and I'm the one who introduced them) because they live on the same street a mile away from my house. A mile isn't that far...unless it's winter here, in which case the roads are probably horrible, like they are now. So I'm getting left out there. My family's breaking off into their "groups" again: Mom and my sister, Dad and my brother, and me, the eldest who's left out of everything. All my friends who aren't the oldest think that it must be great, but it's not.

      I don't know. I guess I just don't like changes. But the universe has to grow, and change, right? That's a big part of the whole YW series...growth, and change, and redemption. I guess real life has to be like that too...except without the whole magic part. Yes, I still do believe that there are types of wizardry out there...but right now, I'm in the sort of mindset where I just don't think I'm lucky enough that that sort of thing would happen to me. I don't know...can you tell that I'm a very confused teenager? I can...

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • Here's a funny little story.

        I was walking down the street in Baltimore with my family, thinking how lucky we were. We go to Baltimore so often, but even with the high (-er than where we live) crime rate, we've never had any trouble.

        Two minutes later, we were staring at the smashed window of our car, hoping nothing had been stolen. I thank god that the insurance will cover the window, and that only two CD players (and two CDs) were stolen, along with my sister's change and my brother's Gameboy SP. It sounds like a lot, but we have copies of both CDs (Wicked cast track and Faith Hill), my sister was getting a CD player for Christmas anyway, and I'm getting an iPod (I'm not supposed to know that...). Yeah... we have another GB, but not the game. Either way, we're really lucky. They didn't see my case of CDs - about twenty four of them - or the other Gameboys in the car.

        The only thing about it was the shock. My siblings were crying - particularly my sister, whose bag of clothes had been dumped out and looked through - and mom was nervous too. Me, I knew that everything was replaceable, so it wasn't too bad. (Except that they took my original edition of Wicked. If I had been smart enough to bring the copied one...)

        Besides that, the weekend went nice enough. Saw 34th street all decorated and lit up, got awesome hot chocolate from Dunkin' Donuts, and went to Barnes & Noble.
        Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
        "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
        "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


        • Over the weekend i went skiing at this ski place called welch village in minnesota. It's awesome. I hadn't been skiing in 4 years.
          i didn't fall once it was brilliant.

          wow lisa i dunno how you'd call that a funny little story sounds scary to me.
          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


          • Oh, wow, Lisa, that's not a "funny little story", it's actually a bit scary! Someone broke into your car and actually stole things. What if they had found moe valuable things? Like a wallet (but why you'd leave your wallet in the car, not sure >_>..). I see that you are still obsessed with Wicked ^_~, so I'm sorry to hear that you lost you original CD. It's also "sooo cool": that you actually got to meet the Patricia Wrede, author of the Dealing with Dragons series, at one time, I was obsessed with those books.

            WF: Pie and cake = equally good. Maybe leaning toward cake. XD Ninjas > pirates! Mostly. Pirates of the Carribean > the show on the Discovery channel about ninjas. It depends on the situation. Tiny Plaid Ninjas flash movies > almost everything.
            Lol, I definately agree. Ninjas are way cooled than pirates in general, (we even had a discussion about this in class on day, result of someone bringing Rurouni Kenshin in to read and their friend bringing a book on pirates). But Pirates of the Caribbean is way cooler than any old ninja. And as for pie and cake... yum ^^

            I love Winter Break! It's so....boring. But boring is GOOD for a change. All my friends are away like across the country right now, and it's too cold to go outside for more than thirty seconds.But just being able to sleep late and not have to go to school and having the free time to download anime episodes... is like worth more than rubies and gold.


            • Kaiba
              Like a wallet (but why you'd leave your wallet in the car, not sure...)
              Actually, my brother almost left his in the car, but ran back at the last second. It had been in his jacket, which they must've searched to get the GameBoy.

              Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! I bought presents for... four of my friends. No, five! Four giftcards and a bookmark from various stores. Tomorrow I'm buying candy for everyone else, and then I'll be DONE! (My wallet thanks me for this; I spent over forty dollars today alone.)

              Regretfully, I saw the Millenium World manga but couldn't buy it. It would have tacked on $10 more and I'd spent soooo much already. At least I know where to find it now!

              Grumpy. I was grumpy today. My school doesn't know a good story when they read one. Seriously! My Reflections entry didn't even place! I got "Honorable Mention." (I wouldn't have even known. My teacher turned the TV on and all I heard was "First place is soandso, second is whatshername, and honorable mention is Lisa.") So I'm grumpy. But on the bright side, I had one of the top 10 averages in algebra honors!

              *huggles keyboard* I love my new wireless keyboard and mouse! I can type from across the room! I can type from the bathroom, even!

              Not that I'd want to or anything.

              Keep the ToGR alive! Post here quickly!
              Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
              "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
              "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


              • I just dropped my CD player *again*. I keep doing that... I'm just glad it still works; it's just a few days under a year old.

                Karate today was okay. Well, no, the class itself was great. We ran through the first and second katas, both of which I know straight through, and then we ran through the beginning of the third kata. I don't have to know that yet, it's gold belt kata and I'm yellow, but it was fun. S'just that sometimes I'd rather be taking karate without family or not at all. I'll never quit, but arguing with mom and brother... I dunno. :/

                And oww, just started typing again and realized, for the millionth time since I got back from karate, how much I rest my forearms on the edge of the computer table. XD My arms are really bruised from this one exercise we did today.

                Mousey: g'luck with the play, for you and your siblings. ^^'

                Oooh...too many cookies to bake. I love Christmas, but...there's too many cookies involved.
                If you don't want the cookies, I'll take them. XD My house probably needs all the holiday cheer it can get... *is moody and teenagerish and continues "ruining the holidays for the rest of the family"*

                *lotsa huggles for Hungry*

                Woww, Lisa. I'm glad you're all okay and insured and everything. *huggles for Lisa, too*

                Hot chocolate is good. Barnes & Noble we don't have around here, but bookstores are good. ^^'

                It's also "sooo cool": that you actually got to meet the Patricia Wrede, author of the Dealing with Dragons series, at one time, I was obsessed with those books.
                I was never really obsessed, but I thought they were really good. I still think they're good, actually, even though I've only read them once. Have you ever read the Book of Enchantments? Short-story collection thingy; Utensile Strength is set in the Enchanted Forest with the same charries and everything, it's really funny. ^^'

                *huggles keyboard* I love my new wireless keyboard and mouse! I can type from across the room! I can type from the bathroom, even!

                Not that I'd want to or anything.
                My keyboard is wireless. But I don't think it can type from anywhere near that far away, maybe not even from across the room. I think the batteries are going... and some of the keys don't work. Whenever I ctrl-alt-del anything I can't tell if it's worked or not; sometimes the del key has decided not to work, in which case I should try again, and sometimes the compy has simply decided that it doesn't want to notice, in which case I ctrl-alt-del again and it restarts... also, the key that does \ and | never works when I'm on VGDawn. XD

                And sorry about your story. :/

                *pokes togr with one of those police shock baton thingies* Liiive.


                • *huggles all randomly*

                  I promised wf that I'd post in here when I got on break, so I should probably post. Especially because everyone is so "Live TOGR!"

                  So... All I have to talk about is robots. They're random enough, and tuttle enough to talk about. Umm... So Saturday was RoboNautica- FLL (FIRST Lego Legue) Tournoment. I volunteered there. It was fun. We started building everything on Monday. We had 16 fields to build, that was alot. So for 4 hours on Monday I made lego flags. I ended up leaving at 8:30 so didn't finish the flags, but it was alot. We ended with a total of 182 flags. I made most of them. Heh.

                  On Friday we set up the gym completely. I personally helped Cirian build the Vex/Savage Soccer field for the demo before eliminations, then went on to more of the lego stuff. Sorting legos first then build lego stuff then moving lego stuff on to field then stick velcro onto the bottom of the flags I made on Monday. And I got my t-shirt and assignment then. Ended up leaving about 8:30 again. Had got there only at 4 though, so I hadn't done nearly as much work as some people. Nick and Ken and such started early, worked till 1 AM, returned at 4:30 AM, and worked through Saturday. Saturday was the compition. So I got there at like 6:50 AM on Saturday. I was in scoring, so I was busy all day. Basically what I was was Nick's second pair of eyes, and his replacement if he had to go anywhere. I was the only other person besides him, and he made the software, who knew how to run the scoring system. It was a pain to score though, because everything had to be triple checked. It was rediculously hard to not make mistakes, and the teams caught every mistake you made. The eliminations, those were crazy. Like when we got Andy to take a 5 minute sanity break and still didn't catch up. And we were working as fast as we could too. It was wicked fun though. And we got free food =P. Including candy. And scoring wasn't that hard if we actually had at least a mostly good group there. Cirian as the do whatever Nick needs, me as Nick's second pair of eyes, and Nick as the person who is in charge was the best easily though. When that...person, yeah we don't know the gender still... 'helped' it was so much harder. Especially when Nick wasn't there, Cirian wasn't there, and (s)he was. I basically had to do 3 peoples jobs on my own.

                  There were some amazing match though. One perfect, one almost. And we had awesome idea during awards. Next year we're making a big like water jug thing out of legos and filling it up with like little purple ones that look like gatorade and run up behind him and dump it on his head. It'll be hilarious. Especially with Ken. When they're like "thank your mentors."

                  After that we had to clean up the gym. That was really heavy, but not bad. Rugs are too heavy. And so we finished that at about 6, awards having finished at 3:45. So we went to Tortilla Sam's and ate then went to the CSECE. Well most of the college students went to the CSEPE, which is all of 20 feet away from the CSECE. And we played CRUD. And it was fun. I was one of the captiains and got BlackHole (yay), Hot Dog (yay for two experianced people), and Boris (new on the team this year, but not bad). It was fun. Lost one, won 3, lost 3, so ended up losing =(, but we had better wins. Lol, like when BlackHole was Chalky. That was an amazing game. A little while in I was defending against BatBoy and he went to push me out of the way and pushed me over and ended up kicking me in the head as he shot. So I was on the ground, having just been kicked in the head and it was my turn and I got up, grabbed the white ball, and shot as fast as possible, because I wasn't trusting my aim at this point, and made a shot where it went straight in to the pocket. It was awesome. Especially the timing after BatBoy kicked me in the head I made a rediculous shot that took one of his lives. It ended up with me and Hot Dog at the end of that game still in.
                  So after those 7 games we went over towards the CSEPE and grabbed cards and played hearts. Ken right off the bat was winning, heh. But he's such an obvious target it wasn't too bad. So pretty quickly it ended up with Heather and Ken both saying go for the other one, and neither of them realised I was right behind them in points. So for about a fourth of the game the scores were like me: 42, Heather: 45, Ken:50, Josh: 80, Junior I should know the name of then William: 87. It was hilarious. And randomly when the scores were those I just mentioed Heather noticed, "Wow Steph is winning." And I was like, "aww, they caught on." And I got stuck with the queen like 3 of the next 4 rounds. Ended in third, with Ken winning and Heather a close second. Lol and this was at like 11:30 PM. So I got home at about Midnight 'cause I had to leave right after we finished the game, 'cause my parents got there to pick me up. I think everyone else there after me was college, 'cause Josh and the junior left right before me, so they probably went and all played poker. High schoolers aren't allowed to, 'cause of betting haha.

                  Ohh, that reminds me, way back before all this, Savage Soccer tournoment. That was awesome. We had a rediculous strategy and design for our 'bot and it actually worked and we didn't expect for it to work well, but it did. Until our last qualifying match we were number 1 seed and undefeted. But then a shaft collar broke and we lost the lifting capacity. So we lost one, and ended up number 4 seed after tie breaker coin toss. So we got an ok alliance, but not like we would have had. And then in the middle of the first of our qualifiers a motor burnt out. The one doing the lifting actually. So we had to after that match try to fix it ASAP, and I mean like do a 5 minute motor replacement on the field as we were supposed to be competing. And I was the only one with small enough hands to fit into where the motor was because it was a rediculously hard placed one. But we managed it, went to go back to playing, and the lifter still didn't work. We forgot to put the shaft back in place. We were so mad at ourselves since if it wasn't for that we'd have made it to finals. If it wasn't for the shaftcollar we'd have won the tournoment. But it was awesome anyways. We won Most Creative Design, which is what we wanted to be sure to win. Especially since it actually worked.

                  January 7th is kickoff. That'll be fun. Kinda annoying timing with a DD chat on the same day, and that meaning I can't go, but I can't wait for build season to start.

                  And I can't beleive I just wrote up that much without stopping on robotics.

                  We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                  • I got back from karate hours and hours ago, and I'm still all bouncy and hyper. XD We did weapons again! Bo tai bo, which is bo against bo fighting/defending. It's really fun.

                    When I search for all my posts, it goes pretty much togr togr togr togr togr togr welcome newbie togr togr welcome newbie welcome newbie togr togr togr YW books post. XD *poke* I need to post about the books more. And am I the only one who thinks my string of occasionally interrupted togrs sounds exactly like a demented version of the badger badger song?

                    *huggles all randomly*

                    I promised wf that I'd post in here when I got on break, so I should probably post. Especially because everyone is so "Live TOGR!"
                    *huggles* And it's a great big huge post, too. *grin* Sounds like fun. A little confusing, but fun.

                    This morning, I woke up about five hours early and could not get back to sleep. So I eventually got up, and I was so dead and zombieish. x.X; So I fell asleep on the couch later.

                    Mom had the music channels on the TV on- she managed to flip it to show tunes or something, so I found a rock channel instead. XD "Adult alternative (uncensored)". We did find out why it was uncensored, later. XD I didn't recognize much of that channel except the Cranberries. Later, I was flipping back and forth between Alternative (also uncensored, but not "adult") and just rock. I was mentioning some stuff I liked as it came on- The Offspring, Hot Hot Heat, Franz Ferdinand, etc. So she was like, "well, hey, this is decent! You like this! Why didn't you ask for this for Christmas? But noo, you asked for Slipknot..." *dies* XD

                    And we made more cookies! Hehehe... the first kind was more like, umm... bars, sort of, with a lot of chocolate and nuts. These are thumbprint cookies. ^^'
                    Dad said later that he was going to steal cookies for dinner, but didn't, because "thumbprint cookies don't go well with red wine." XD

                    *shiver* I'm freezing. I hate winter. Well, no... I hate the cold. Winter's okay. Winter has Christmas/my birthday.

                    If this doesn't go to a new page, I'll have four posts on one page... more than I've had so close together since months and months ago. I'd be every other post when I was new, and then every three pages as a lurker, and now back to several posts a page as a lurker who supports life. *pokes togr* I think you can tell I'm trying to think of things to write. The post's long enough, but... *shrug* I dunno.

                    There's a timeline thing on the wall behind the computer. The toothbrush was invented in China in 1490. (Btw, it says "medieval" at the top in large letters; I'd be forever misspelling it when talking about VGDawn otherwise. Heh...)

                    AHHH! It's SOONER OR LATER!! I haven't heard this song in forever, it's another one that the radio played every hour for a couple months and then forgot existed! Hello again, Breaking Benjamin. This is happening a lot lately. Today I heard Best of You (Foo Fighters) again. Yesterday it was Blink 182- What's My Age Again. Oh, and Crossfade's... umm... So Far Away. Three Day's Grace's song Home would be another one if I didn't have the CD it was on.

                    And Alla, if you read this, you can't possibly wait all the way until 500 pages before posting again. There. Is. No. Way. XD


                    • wf:
                      *shiver* I'm freezing. I hate winter. Well, no... I hate the cold. Winter's okay. Winter has Christmas/my birthday.
                      first off: you want to know something unbelievably cool? If you highlight something, then open up the reply box, it automatically quotes it for you!!

                      Anyway, really? I LOVE the cold. But I have limits. It was to be cold around Christmas. But I like it when its just cold. No wind, no rain, no sleet nor hail, or whatever else those poor postmen have to go through; just cold.

                      O, from like a while ago, I have finally found hand stuff that doesn't hurt my hands when I put it on my cuts! It's like having neosporin alll over your hands...My hands feel normal again!! almost.

                      Lisa: *huggles keyboard* I love my new wireless keyboard and mouse! I can type from across the room! I can type from the bathroom, even!

                      Not that I'd want to or anything.
                      uh-huh. ^^

                      just kidding! *Huggles about car and stuff*

                      Hungry: shouldn't have to deal with half the stuff I'm dealing with right now, that's stuff my parents should be worrying about. Everything's changing in my least my parents aren't getting divorced or anything like's just my relationships with people. My friends are leaving me out more and more (and I'm the one who introduced them) because they live on the same street a mile away from my house. A mile isn't that far...unless it's winter here, in which case the roads are probably horrible, like they are now. So I'm getting left out there.
                      don't worry, I know how you feel. I've felt like the world was on my shoulders time and time again, but somehow, you deal with it. It goes away, or at least you can hadnle it in a little while. CHange can suck. It really can, and I don't like it. But I deal with it, and everything turns out ok, even if you have to cross a field of porcupines with rabies running about biting their own tails off and you have just a T-shirt and Shorts on. Not even shoes. BUt you live (Ok, I'm not really sure if they have rabies, but you live anyway)

                      woah, again withthe weird analogies!! Uck, sleep I need. Sleep gooood. Ooga Booga, digery-do. Oh my gosh, I have to ------- eat a fresh baked chocolate cookie!

                      Cookies take forever to make, and they're gone in an instant....but they're totally worth it, says I. Yessireebob.

                      hmmm....Pie is better than cake. Pie has goood-tasting fruit like blue-berries and apples!! (kudos for the inventors of apple pie. Who really did think of slapping all that stuff together?? ANd what about cookies! Who ever even thought UP that idea?!! AN WHERE DOES IT SAY ANYTHING IN THE BIBLE ABOUT A LITTLE DRUMMER BOY!!)

                      woah..I guess I really do need sleep....even more than I thought!!

                      WEll, I can get plenty, seeing as tomorrow is out last day before Christmas break, we have a half day with Mass, which really means we have like an actual hour of real school which will be filled with gift exchange (Advent Angel) and possibly a movie. I love the holidays!!

                      WEll, I have to go to Choir practice now to practice for the Christmas Eve Mass, which I though we weren't going to do...

                      Happy Holidays!!

                      (I'll be back around New Years to breath more life into the bestestester topic place in da world) (wow that sounded kiddish....ummm...see you at the end of the beep: BEEEEEEEEEEP!!)
                      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                      • Wow...I've had an interesting week off so far. On Wednesday, I went to a cookie party at the guy I like's house. I had to leave early because of some...problems. Anyway, the guy I like kept asking me what was wrong and stuff, and I'm not going to tell him...but other than that, it was great. His girlfriend didn't come to the party...or, maybe she isn't his girlfriend and he just hasn't updated his myspace in a really long time, I don't know. I'm just trying to...ignore the fact that he has a girlfriend, because it makes me want to hit something.

                        Last night was the family cookie party. I had sushi for the first time. I don't think I like sushi very much. It tastes funny. But I did eat a lot of cookies...I ate more cookies than anyone else in my family, and I still didn't gain any weight. Urg. Mom thinks I need to see a doctor about my weight, because it keeps fluctuating, and it's bugging her. I don't see why it bothers her. I eat what I want, and never worry about my weight. I don't care if I'm underweight or whatever, I eat as much as I want (which is a lot.) Anyway...yeah.

                        We're not going to have a white Christmas, unless a miracle occurs. *cries* We had all the snow on the wrong days; weekends, and stuff like that, so we couldn't have snow days or a white Christmas. Oh well.

                        My cousin gave me my Christmas present yesterday: a pair of gloves, and a Barnes & Noble giftcard. I already spent the giftcard; I bought a book there today. It's good. I couldn't find it for awhile, then I asked this salesperson for help, and she was really mean about it, so I told her to forget it, then I watched her help the next customer (who was an adult) and she was really nice. She was nice to the person ahead of me too. Maybe she's age-ist (sp) or something, but I'm getting sick of being looked down on by adults because I'm a teenager. It's annoying. Oh well; I still got my book, so who cares?

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • I am just gonna point out in here since I did in Chat that I am a snoop at what I get for
                          x-mas and I was wondering if y'all could give me some advice for "How to not Snoop for Cristmas Gifts" I get my gifts on x-mas eve so I am kinda happy...although I want them NOW NOW NOW!!!

                          <3 Monkey


                          • Monkey: Sorry, can`t help with the not snooping. I want my presents NOWNOWNOW too! I can`t wait til tonight and tomorrow... Tomorrow I`m getting a late b-day present from my granny. And tonight I`m going to open presents too! I like opening presents 3 times a year.....

                            I already know what my little sister will get, she`ll get SOCKS! She loves socks. Oh, yay here comes mr. annoying bro. Okay.... MY SISTER STOLE SOMETHING FROM MY MOM! Sorry, I just needed to yell. Atleast I told her to put it back. Okay, now I`m going to try to find out what my presents are without ripping the paper off. Toddles!
                            "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                            Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                            • Merry Christmas eve, all! (And I think hannaka is tomorrow, too). And happy holidays and seasons greetings. Wish you all hot chocolate, good music, and fuzzy-warm feelings.

                              You silly.

                              I'm not so crazy-hyper as you two; the only thing I *really* want is an iPod, and I can wait. I got my dad a board game called Imaginiff... okay, maybe you could say I really want that too. :P It's a family game where it has questions like "If ___ were a monster, which would he/she be?" and the options would be things like "the blob" or "cookie monster." It sounds similar to "Who knew (but it has a weird spelling...?)", which is a game we love to play on the street. In that game, one person is a judge, and everyone else has to put out the card with the thing the judge likes the best to get the most points. Apples to Apples is another game in the same area. :P Maybe I should've listed this weeks ago when people were still looking for gift ideas (or maybe you are...? slacker XD ).

                              My mom shakes her gifts... she loves jigsaw puzzles.

                              Later, I'm going out of state to my grandma's house, but we'll be back for Christmas. Her small condo is my favorite place to be. <3

                              Rammstein rammstein rammstein rammstein system of a down system of a down system of a down good books good books ipod!
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Ah, grasshopper (ok then, Monkey), you must learn patience. I always liked the suspense of not knowing, so I was never that tempted. Ok, once, but then Christmas Day itself was disappointing. (I was about 17 that year, I think.)

                                Anyway, I'm off to my sister's house this afternoon, and I'll probably be back on Tuesday, though we didn't really decide about that. So Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday to everyone!
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

