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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Heh, all I can say is... POWER TO THE BUNNY!

    I have updated my qoute list, oh and, I HATE shcool, but I only get one week of vacation
    lucky stiffs... anyways, I do get another week off next month, which isnt half bad, and I still will never ever ever forgive the monkey, evil is her new name
    (+'.'+) This is Bunny. show his image
    (")_(") to help him conquer the world.
    in other words, feel free to copy and paste everywhere, ALL HAIL BUNNY!!

    "I reject you reality and substitute my own"-Adam Savage

    "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, seriously

    "the one who lives in darkness has the least trouble finding the light" Monday's Dusk, from Mister Monday, book 1 of the Keys to the Kingdom series, by Garth Nix

    Edited to merge two posts - Peter
    "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


    • Woot! I just got back from vacation yesterday. My family and I went to Charlottesville for winter break. It was a lot of fun, but I am SO glad to be home. I toured U.Va. and Washington & Lee University. W&L is really neat.

      I love my bed. Hotel beds suck. So do train beds. We came back in a sleeper on the train, and it was really hard. And I didn't sleep at all. I've come to the conclusion that I love my bed.

      I'm so glad to be back! I've missed YW!!!! *huggles to everybody*

      Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak! --Albus Dumbledore

      I <3 Jamie Lawrence!!!!!! *squee*


      • Hungry:
        It was a bit scary, because Mom told me on the way to go get pizza, and at first I was afraid she was going to say that he had cancer or something like that.
        Whenever mom or dad avoids answering something, I _always_ start guessing the very worst things that could happen. Like... ohh, I can't think of an example right now. Say mom were to say something like, "grandpa is in the hospital," and I ask why. If she says something like, "I can't say," I'll assume that it's cancer or MS or he's gonna die -- y'know? And it'd turn out to be something nowhere near as serious.

        We say Narnia today. It was really good.

        Aaaaannddd.... now for Gryph's overdue music pushing. Rammstein? AMAZING! Entirely worthy of obsession. Better than System of a Down and Slipknot! As good as Franz Ferdinand's new CD, though in an entirely different genre :P . I got the live CD, and the sound quality is amazing. The fact that it's a live perfomance doesn't take anything away from it.

        By the way, if you're a Franz Ferdinand fan, you need their new CD. Not kidding; you will die of regret if you have to go without this one. WOOH

        Aww *huggles Emilie* I hope everything works out with your dad too, Hungry. :/

        The teachers at my school have got to be joking. Exams are coming the week after this, and they're trying to fit in new chapters and tests before the exams. There's no way in hell we'll be able to pull it off -- espescially in biology. We worked all of Thursaday and Friday in that class on a lengthy packet, and just from that work, I can tell you that I'm gonna fail. Almost the same story for history, but I think brit lit'll make the Paradise Lost test a part of the exam... which is even worse than forcing it onto Friday. Ugghhrhrhrhhhakldasklaks

        Lisa: Maybe he's actually trying to be your friend? I don't know, but I think he's going through a few too many troubles just to annoy/stalk you. Try to open up to him, even if before, you thought he was an ass. It could just be that you've misinterpreted his attempts, which is what sounds likely.

        House of the Scorpian was the book about the clone kid, right? I recommend that to everyone else too. My brother was reading it for language arts, and I just picked up his school-owned copy when it was lying around and burrowed into it. I loved it.

        I'm reading Shadow-Walker by someone someone (maybe I said earlier in Togr? I don't remember). At first I thought it was kinda average, y'know, but now I like it. It's not unbeleivably amazing, but if you're searching for a good fantasy book, and don't know what to pick up, this is one. I think my standard for "amazing" might also be a little too high, but whatever.

        Science fair? I <3! I don't think I actually placed -- and I kinda hope I didn't; I want it to be over finally -- , but the entire time, I spent wandering over to where other people were standing by their posters to chat. The guy next to me did a project wayyy over my head, and he was in my class. Something about something with big words and its affects on other big words. When he presented in class, I completely zoned out, but he'll probably do great. I told him as much. I love making people feel great.

        Erk -- BP, your signature is wayyyyy too long. It should be a max of 4 or something, including blank lines.

        Poor Monko. I hatchu. Why've you gotta have a full week and a day more than I do of vacationing? phhhhhhhhhfffffff
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Every two weeks, I love Sunday night. You know why? Because of youth group. Now, I don't really like youth group that much. It's more the fact that this guy I like is in the group, and he talks to me a lot, and yeah...I think he has a girlfriend, but...he never sees her, so...yeah. Anyway, this Thursday's his birthday, and a whole big group of us from the group were going to go out to dinner with him and his mom to celebrate, since his sister's back at college, and his dad and brother are in some other country. It should be fun though. He's really nice...and cute. XD Also, the other people going are fun too. Yes, SB does have a little crush...*dances around and recites some lines from Elf* I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it! (lol, I don't think it's love. I just think he's really nice, and he seems to like me,

          Ah. Forgot my Algebra 2 homework at school this weekend, but I went on the book's website, and found some Adobe files of the worksheets, only I couldn't get the English version to open up, so I had to print the Spanish version and do that version. The problems are the same though, so it doesn't matter. But it was funny.

          I had a donut, so I'm a bit hyper. Donutsdonutsdonutsdonuts are goodgoodgoodgood. XD

          I don't dad's doing good? I can't think of anything to post right now. Dad is doing fine, he's going back to school tomorrow, where he will be beseiged with questions from his students about why he was out all week. I don't envy him.

          Aw, poor Gryph. *huggles* exams are no fun; I only have one this semester though, because I only have one semester class. But at the end of the year, I have buttloads of exams, which is going to be fun. I don't even want to think about all the studying I'm going to have to do for Algebra 2.

          I love it when I was in science fair, and I'd look at the board next to mine, and it'd be something really cool, and I'd feel dumb because I'm not that good at science fairs. But it's fun to walk around and see everyone's projects.

          INDOOR TRACK! I'd forgot! It starts tomorrow! *dances* We runners are crazy; if you go to my school and you run both track and cross country, you only have two months of the year where you don't have a sport, since we have indoor track from the beginning of January, then normal track starts in March, then right after track ends and school starts out you have pre-season cross country, then you have cross country, then you have November and December off before it all starts again. I think it's BRILLIANT.

          Okay. I'm going to go finish my homework, because...well, I don't really know why I'm because-ing. Adios amigos!

          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


          • YW was down a few minutes ago. This is actually a pretty good thing for me, because I went and started a VGDawn post. XD I really want to start posting again, but my creativity... arghh.

            The death of wf's muse, Act I


            PM: NaNoWriMo!

            WF: Yeah, okay.

            WF'S MUSE: You IDIOT. *dies*

            [cutscene to END OF NOVEMBER]

            WF'S WORDCOUNT: Lalala, I am nonexistent.

            WF'S NOVEL: I suck!

            WF'S SANITY: *British accent* If you need me, I shall be in Australia.

            Act II


            WF: Yeah, so... I think I'll finally get the whole war thing going again.

            VHEROU: Look at me, I'm a git!

            VHEROU: *is knee'd*

            WF'S WAR: *does not happen*


            GIGO: Post!

            WF: Next year!

            [cut to 12:01, 2006]

            WF: year!

            Act III


            WF'S MUSE: Hi, I'm making a brief reappearance to let you know that I am, in fact, dead. Still. Also, my name is Sasha.

            WF: wtf?

            WF'S CREATIVITY: I got you through a sucky play thingy. I'm outta here.


            *tacklehuggles Nita, Diego, and Emilie*

            God, it seems like everyone is getting snow. IT WAS 70ºF HERE TODAY, PEOPLE, AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT SNOW.

            Christmas was good. 2GB black iPod Nano is good. Still need to use the $30 gift certificate to iTunes, and read the... seven books I got. And despite the unusual warmth here, I have worn my Errantry sweatshirt. ^^'

            Apparently mom can hear my music through the headphones. *grumbles and turns Everclear down*

            Karate is great. I can't do combos (downblock, headblock, reverse punch is one) to save my life. When we started going faster, I just kinda stood there. XD It's hopeless. Pretty much like this post. Yup, this is my creativity for the day...


            • Omg...I'm so bored. This is my second day home sick this week. Yesterday I was puking all day...I never want to be sick again, that had to have been the most miserable day of my life. I couldn't watch tv or go online because the screens made me want to puke. Reading books made me want to puke too. So I sat on the couch for 16 hours straight...which is so wrong. I never sit still. Never. Anyway...yeah. I think I want to eat something right now, but Mom won't let me, because she thinks I'll throw up again...but I won't.

              Wf: don't worry, you're not the only one with weird weather. Normally, we have a few feet of snow at this time of year, but it's not happening this year apparently. On the plus side, the less it snows, the earlier I can get my learner's permit...yeah.

              AH! *switches channels* Dukes of Hazzard...I hate that show. You know, there's nothing good on anytime before, like...4 PM.

              You remember that donut I was talking about in my last post? Well, my cousin thinks that's what made me sick. She wants to go ask everyone else who had donuts if they felt sick after eating one.

              Okay, I'm bored, so I guess I'm going to go do something...I don't know what. What am I supposed to do? I really want to read a book, but the words still make me feel a bit sick. These have had to be the worst sick days I've ever taken. NEVER AGAIN will I be sick...NEVER!!!!!!!!! (watch, I'll be sick again next week.)

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • I'm baaa-ack! Not like ya'll prolly even noticed I wasn't lurking about as usual, but whatever. Fweesh! My poor computer was in the shop for like, two weeks! *faints* But now it's back, and I'm not having withdrawals any more. *sigh*

                It was really loaded down with viruses...hehe. Probably my fault. Anyways, yeah. I've only been to the public library ONCE in this long time without my computer. School computers are monitored, so can't do much besides school work there.

                Yay, rant time! Fwee! I got stuck in a group for our Spanish project that is possibly the worst group of all times. First, there's Eddie, Edward, Ed, whatever he goes by. He's like, six foot three. Rather large. Deep, deep voice. Football player. Sophomore. Obnoxious. Now, he's not so bad in small doses, but in a project... Next, there Jake. Jake is definitely not someone you could mistake for Einstein. *snort* He's dim, putting it lightly. And of course, where we're supposed to be doing research on the computers at school, he's playing games. *fumes*

                Ah well, I must meander away now, for I have homework and horseback riding to attend to, as well as a snack.

                Meh. No more ranting...except about science fair. I might rant about that later.

                *angelic smile* *huggles all* Fwweeee! My computer livvves! *dances*
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • ANGEELLLLLLLLLLL! *tackles* XD I was actually talking about you yesterday or the day before, saying, "Has anyone seen angel brains lately?" And it was depressing that angel brains didn't mean anything to any of the newbies, the poor things.

                  Can you beleive this weather? The beginning of December was freezing, and it even snowed a few times. Now? It feels like fall, and there's rain dripping from tree branches outside my window.

                  Yesterday? Art club. And yesterday in art club? Ginger bread houses. They were made out of graham crackers and all of the candies imaginable, including blocks of solid brown sugar, which we stuck to the bases of our houses and declared modern art. It was awesome. I was eating the sugar as I built my house, too.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • GRRRYPH! *tackles back* Fweesh! Apparently, that's the sound of me going over to Lamorne...uh, the role-play that Lovey, Emily, and I set up...another attempt that is doomed to fail. Lovey made up what "fweesh" meant when I randomly said/typed it. Anyways, sorry about not being on VGDawn. I just don't want to get involved in something and then not be able to post for a week and mess everything up. *loathes school*

                    Oh yeah. I've got homework to do...lovely.

                    Oooo science fair! Okay, so like, we all present in class, but only so many people actually go to the science fair at school in the gym. Well, my demonic teacher is making me go. *seethes* I don't wanna! *sobs* We have to miss all our classes and make up any work. We get JUDGED and the judges give us our grades and I have to TALK TO PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW! It's bad enough in front of the class, but I hate judges. *shudder*

                    End of rant.

                    So yeah, besides that. We're reading the abridged version of Great Expectations in English. I started the unabridged in sixth grade...made it through maybe two chapters before quitting. I might pick it up again, but not now. I've read about three other books these past two weeks, but I've still had too much homework to go back to my usual book-a-day stuff.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • ANGEL! Havn't seen you in awhile...anyway. Yeah...what was I going to post. I'm not sick anymore? That's probably it. I went to basketball today, so that's good. Very good. Some ghetto (I don't like to generalize about this, but he was definitly ghetto. Continueing...) guy walked past me while I was waiting for a ride after school today (since, you know, I still haven't gotten my learner's permit) and I was standing next to a puddle, and he just looked at me, then jumped in the muddy puddle and got me all muddy. Then, he laughed, and I called him a bad word...but still! That's kind of mean, even for some of the kids at my school. Oh well. It's only mud, and at least I was wearing a black jacket, instead of my new one that's white and blue...anyway. Why am I talking about this again? Good question.

                      My brother recently read Great Expectations in English. He's in 5th grade. I think his teacher's crazy. That book is on the normal English 11 reading list (not advanced, normal.) Still...he said it was boring. I have other stuff to read though, like Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. I like Shakespeare, it's fun to read. Normally, I start reading it out loud without even knowing, and then someone tells me and I stop. Later on in the day in conversation, I'll accidently say "doth" or some other weird Shakespeare-ian term that we rarely use today. It's sort of funny.

                      Tomorrow's the guy I like's birthday. We're all supposed to call him at midnight and tell him stuff. Midnight is in...20 minutes. I don't know if I'll call him; he might have been joking. On the other'd be funny to wake him up. I'd have to change my voicemail message though, in case he called back. Wow, I'm weird. You know what? He also just broke up with his gf today, her choice. How mean can you be? It's the day before his birthday; at least it's not Valentines Day though. Yeah...

                      Okay. Going back to Julius Caesar. See you all whenever I get out of this mountain of make up work...

                      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry *chants* I will never be absent again, I will never be absent again, I will never be absent again...


                      • to summarize what would otherwise be a long story

                        I made a forum, it took 3 days to figure out how to work it, I have 4 members, I need more, and i need moderators.

                        the address is

                        there you go. a long story made short.

                        Oh and something school related now.

                        I'm in the middle of two completely unrelated projects and somehow against all probability both ended up being power point presentations.

                        and that's kinda weird.

                        and something completely unrelated to all this
                        i changed my signature.
                        YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                        "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                        • It seems like if you read Great Expectations in 5th grade, you wouldn't get the point. *ponders* Bad day at school. Or more like, after school. In QR (you can't spell ***** without qr... Meh. It's quick recall. Nerd Herd.) we played St. X, a catholic guy's school that has weirdly smart people. Or maybe we just don't have much experience. I dunno. Well, we lost. Badly.

                          Anyways, one of my friends kind of started saying "We should've answered (insert question here). You all should have known that one!" And she kept harping on us, until one of the other people got really upset and started...well, I dunno if he actually cried, but he was really upset. Well, two other people are trying to get him to calm down. He was already feeling bad about not answering any questions. Well, anyways. I went up to her and told her that she needed to watch what she said, 'cause she was hurting people. She was like, "I was just explaining to Lee that we should've known the questions, like the one (insert name of upset kid here) missed." And I was like, "Well, you missed some questions yourself, so you can't just get on to everyone else." So then she was like, "I don't have to take this (insert word for junk here)," and stormed out of the room. Meh.

                          I probably shouldn't have said anything, because I knew she'd react like that. I just couldn't stand seeing her treat people like that... I guess we just have to realize not to take what she says to heart. It's hard though, especially for me. I take things hard...kind of sad. *sigh* I wish I didn't care so much.

                          Edit: Wow. It *'d out the word for odd. Hmph. *snicker* I find that highly amusing. Q. U. E. E. R.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Aw, poor Angel *huggles* I'm sorry you had a bad day at school. Seems like everyone I know's had a bad day, or week, at school this week. It's sort of depressing me...oh well.

                            Haha, so I ended up calling the guy at midnight, because, well, I wanted to? Who knows...but I saw him tonight (at dinner) and he had a good birthday. He's really nice...anyway. Ignoring that fact...(seabiscuit has a problem with it when her friends blabber on about guys, so she is now trying not to be a hypocrite and do the same thing that she hates.)

                            Ah...had an essay test today in history. Very hard. I didn't know about it because I'd been absent, and no one told me. I'm mad, because the teacher still made me take the test. Grrrr...And I have homework I should go do, don't I? Yeah...I do. Of course.

                            I had cherry coke for dinner, so that's why I feel kind of hyper. Shouldn't have done that, I hate coke, and it always keeps me up all night. And last night I only got about 5 hours of sleep. I'd better be sleeping over MLK weekend.

                            Okay, going to go do some history homework, because, you know, even though I missed 2 days of school, I still kind of have to make up the work (DUH! That's why it's called make up work! lol)

                            -hyperhyperhyper seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • Muse = spazz. Yeah. I've said it a billion times, but... yeah. XD She was just like okay, write now. Write. Now. So I looked at VGDawn, and she was like no, don't write VGDawn unless you write a necrophiliac charrie. So yes, I'll do that later, but now she's yelling togr at me and I don't know why. And November is like. Really far away. And muse is like "have Nano idea! Nano. Now." and I'm like argh because I haven't done anything like write notes for the five scenes or so I've got half-planned out. o_x;;

                              newbies think they're sane... typo demon ate my socks. Green penguin socks. Can't find them.

                              I have decided that I am going to go search for that time Gryph said wf was a random number generator, at least until my attention span goes flying off to the side yelling "potato!" at me. Yeah.

                              Lesse if I know what this button in iTunes does! Want to see if I can get this song on repeat, because I keep forgetting to click the previous track button when it ends, and then I don't notice that it isn't playing. Oh good, it did work. Now I'll just listen to this until I get sick of it, and then turn repeat off and change something faster than the song after this one.

                              I love it when members come back after vanishing. *tacklehuggles Angel (and Rysade, wherever he went)*

                              Foundations... I want a new one. :/ I thought my current foundation (tell the newbies about the injokes) fit with the loads of newbies who don't know who Poot is, but... some things are actually painful. Not naming anyone in particular, but after seeing the Save the Topic Foundation in a signature with alternating caps...

                              Ahahaha gingerbread houses! I wonder if we have any mint chocolate M&Ms left over from my brother's gingerbread house. Now I have to go look for some. Eight? Eight. We have eight M&Ms. [???]

                              "[Gigo] "In the beginning, there was nothing...which exploded." - the shortened Big Bang theory says:
                              I would love to stay and continue this philosophicaldfsalewa discussion, but Ihy ds Ito do t. It's really really tired. So byebye! -tries to pull face muscles into smile- -_-" " - Gigo in MSN

                              Heh, I wrote all of this last night, and then decided not to post it because it was six thirty in the morning and posting would've taken another half-hour because I would've kept writing and... yeah.

                              *pokes the censor* It stars quee.r? Wow, and I thought it overreacted to other words...


                              • Oh my gosh, I haven't been on here in ages.... So, (as if anyone will really answer...) what did I miss? Anything important? Maybe besides the traffic when book eight came out? Was there any? Oh man, I was about to ask about the new book, but I can't... So I will go off to the WAW forum... Do we know what book nine will be called? A wizard of mars, right? And if it is, would it be book nine?

                                So I've decided to tell the world that Betty Crocker was actually a man. You see, the recipes that are from Betty Crocker were mostly invented by a guy. But When people started sending in ideas and questions they thought it'd be best to portray the person as a woman, so when they replied, they named her Bertty Crocker.

                                And there you have it, the ever-waited for sotry of Betty Crocker.


