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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ahahaha gingerbread houses! I wonder if we have any mint chocolate M&Ms left over from my brother's gingerbread house. Now I have to go look for some. Eight? Eight. We have eight M&Ms. [???]
    MINT... CHOCOLATE... M&Ms... You guys have mint chocolate M&Ms??? I'm insanely jealous... whoever invented the combination of mint and chocolate was a genius!

    Aaanyway, after that moment of spazz, I now return to the original programming.

    I'm baa-ack ... ok, so I was only gone for a couple of weeks, but I haven't posted in TOGR for aaages. I was going to wait and compete for the first post on the 500th page, but I have got impatient.

    Holidays was alright. Not too exciting, not too boring (the wonders of endless free movies on pay TV ) I have a question though - why do geeks/nerds never seem to go on holidays. My brother and cousins (who belong to a sporty/surfer classification) never have any problems finding friends to talk to - and to be themselves around, but I always find myself having to pretend that I can fit in with that sort of crowd too... I have never once been on holidays and found myself someone to talk to who shares my own interests and that I can sit there and discuss books/movies/internet stuffs with. *sigh* anyway... fishing was a bit of a non-happening for me this year I caught all of four fish - none of them keepers, but I did replenish my tackle - and I bought a new rod and reel, which is much nicer to cast with than the previous setup that I was using.

    Anyway, to top the holiday off, I got burnt on Friday, and I also have an earache its really bugging me at the moment, but I got some antibiotics for it and the doctor reckons that it'll clear up in 5 days or so .

    Other than holiday wise, I've been able to find out my timetable for next semester at uni - I only have 15 contact hours That is like the minimum amount of hours that you can have and still be classified as a full time student - and I'm doing the full four subjects. *grins* its going to be a cushy semester, but I have to make sure that I do study when I don't have classses. I need to bring my GPA up a little bit - well... I want to bring my GPA up a little bit.

    Oh, book hunting wise the holiday was a sucess I now actually have a copy of The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffery, which I have been hunting for for a while. I also found a copy of the Ship who Won, and Magic Steps.

    Dai Brennick, and welcome back

    Well, I'm going to wander off now... do some reading, do some knitting and possibly dredge up my notebook from year 11 and 12 german... I need to brush up on a few things.


    • Whoa... something's wrong with the forum, or at least this page right now... *refreshes page*....ooh, now it's better.

      We got a new dog yesterday. XDD He's only 7 months old, was at the shelter for only three months until we adopted him. And he's a mutt, but mostly Australian Sheperd and brown/grayish mottled with blackish spots. He's very nice too, but doesn't know any commands (like "sit" or "stay" or "come") and kinda stinks (well, it's rather dirty at those shelters). My third generation Asian Leapord Cat, a bengal cat (as in, he's not purebred, and larger and different than a normal cat), actually ROARED like a lion or something and attacked the dog numerous times.

      I should be studying for finals right now...*urk*... We even have a final in chorus, but I'm not gonna actually practice for that >_>. Math and science, I might fail, but for French (we already took the oral, which I did good on) and English/World Histor will be fine.

      MINT... CHOCOLATE... M&Ms... You guys have mint chocolate M&Ms??? I'm insanely jealous... whoever invented the combination of mint and chocolate was a genius!
      O_o Mint...chocolate?!... Ahhh!! *has similar spasm* Chocolate, and mint, in one m&m candy?! I must eat one those! But I bet if I did, I'm become totally addicted or something...

      Oh yeah! Kaiba, my brother got one of those roboraptor's funny. I don't think it likes me, as he keeps waking me up with it all the times of the morning...
      RoboRaptors are so cool! I want one of those. XD I've got this wierd obsession that's gone on for like seven years with velociraptors and theropod dinosaurs... XP Yeah, and DDR is awesome. You can get a better work-out from playing that game than actually going on a treadmill or bike.

      5. Hawksong/Snakecharm/Falcondance by Amelia At(oneword)water-Rhodes
      6. House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
      I loved the Hawksong series! But I'm waiting for the sequal volumes to come out in paper-back, first, if they ever do. But I really did love those books. ^_^ And I think I own House of the Scorpian, but have never read it, so tell me if it's good or not.

      I read the book Princess Bride last week. It's like the first actual "book" I've read in like forveer (I read, ALOT, but it's always manga...and more and more manga...). Princess Bride anyway, was a REALLY good book, and the dude who wrote it went to my highschool and lived in my town. He mentions it, too, in the book.


      • Look at the SIZE of this topic! Man, when I left it was pushing 80 pages. I suppose here is as good a place as any (bettet) to make a comeback post, as it appears that the size of the post and the aimlessness of the content is of no concern!

        Point the first: I have only 700 posts left! wow.


        Waitaminit. How may was it when I left? 2000? or was it actually 700? This is what happens when you forget and then try to remember again...

        Point the second: Ahah! Newbies! Mmmm. Yum.

        Point the third: I bought all the books! Now I can look up anything I need to be as nitpickky as I want! Yay. Just ask if you need something referenced, etc.

        Point the fouth: What RPGs are running right now, which ones are still up? Are the new ones good? Caitlin must know about this!

        Point the fifth: I've got new socks on, and I'm upset with Firefox muchly.


        • Myth, what's your forum about?

          Lovey, that Q word is slang for gay. And, well, you know how our forum censor is. XD

          Necrophiliacs and pigs... all wrong. Bad images, people! Rawwrr Clone.

          My mom said I was a random number generator on the ride home from karate, and I thought, "WF!" That's your word assosciation.

          Heyyy Brennick *huggles* I don't know, everything? Or nothing? Ohhh, now you have to sign up for DD chats, so go ahead and send in an e-mail for the next one. I think this'll keep happening for a while, but I don't know.

          The Nancy Drew books were written by guys who passed themselve off under a female pen name. That's messed up how stuff like that works. XD

          Wow, scary cat, Kaiba.

          Heyyy Rysade *huggles* It'll say how many posts you really have in your My Space thing. And for RPs? There's Caitlin's Playroom, which is still alive. It's been getting some devotion from the newbies, last time I checked up, and supposedly I'm the admin, but... slacker is me. I run VGDawn -- this one isn't YW, but it's medeival fantasy, or should be, if it weren't for the appearances made by iPods and things. We even have a plot, but no one's written about it in forever; instead, fun topics spring up all over the place like neon-colored mushrooms. Emm... and I think there's a new one started by a newbie? And another something by Mythbuster? I don't know, but VGDawn is great. (Which means join it if you can XD ).
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Random-essing is my way of procrastinating doing my I'm random-essing.

            Hmmm...three day weekends? I love them. I have one next weekend too, since it's semester break...wait, semester break is in 3 days!!!! OMG, I COMPLETELY forgot my plan for semester break!!!! I'm going to go downtown to the all boys high school my dad teaches at, and use their library to work on my history project. (And I might go find the guy I like who goes there. I'm such a loser.)

            We won our basketball game yesterday, 51 to 23. The other team never had a chance, it was insane. I don't know...I didn't think my team was that good...we never really do anything at practice,'s a big change from my high school's team, which is what I played on last year. I'm used to dribble dribble shoot shoot, run down court, run back, etc, etc, at practice, but we are all "dribble, pass, let's go find the boys team!" I'm surprised we won, and surprised that the other coach thinks we could make it to the play-offs...the other teams must be pretty bad if he thinks we can make it.

            MINT M&MS! I love those things, but I couldn't find any in the stores here. They had some last Christmas though...I wonder where they went?

            Aw, poor Char. *huggles* Forget about prom, it's no use dwelling on it. Just like it's no use dwelling on basketball...which is what I'm doing right now. Oh well...

            I'm hungry all the time now. I don't understand why, as I'm eating mammoth amounts of food, but I'm still hungry. It's sort of becoming annoying. Now I want some more of Mom's coffee cake, but it's lunch time, so I'll probably go get a sandwich or something soon...

            Let's sister's having friends over in exactly an hour from now. I hate her friends. She always invites them over when I have schoolwork to do, and they act like the biggest bunch of four year olds I've seen (they're 12, not 4.) They're rude, and dude stupid stuff like run into my room and try to steal my laptop, or my iPod, or my phone. I usually end up throwing something at them. Gr. I wish I had a lock on my bedroom door.

            Guess I'd better start stockpiling food in my room for while they're here, since I have no intention of coming out (except to use the bathroom) until they're gone. Adios!

            -starving seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • DARK LORD OF DERKHOLM 4EVER YEAH!!!!!!
              its awesome book, you guys just not random and silly minded enough for it, if you are then you liked it
              thats that simple
              "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
              Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


              • I read Dark Lord of Derkholm too! I liked it, but I read it so long ago I can't remember too much about it. Such an odd mix of fantasy and Sci-fi...


                • I read that because it was the sequel, of sorts, to Tough Guide to Fantasy, which I'd read and liked. I think they're still the only two Diana Wynne Jones books I've read.
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • "Tough Guide to Fantasy," Huh? I might get that one...


                    • I read Dark Lord of Derkholm, it was very good.

                      Damn Rysade, haven't seen you in a long time, since I was a newbie.

                      Comradely, Diego

                      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                      "Be a real


                      • Help me! I am so bored! I something to do! In canada is is totally raining! In Januray! How crazy is that? Nowing it raining harder! I am totally panicking because it is sppose to be snowing! I am suppose to be skiing! I am suppose to get my blades out and go to Glen Eden (a local hill)! I heard that France even has more snow in Canada! BTW if you didnt know where Canada is, well it is up north and around December it is suppose to be snowing. Who ever is controlling the weather is totally going waked out now. I WANT SNOW.

                        Besides that, I am so bored. I need a new book. I havent got W@W and i am really sad. But I've been reading some works of Meg Cabot. Not the princess diary. That is way to girl. The lightning series whatever its been called. Oh and Christopher Paolini's work. Eragon, Eldest, and soon Empire. I finished Eldest, it was okay. I had to read Eragon all over again because her repeats some concepts over. Its confusing. Any suggestion of Fantasy, fiction, Adventure, help me. Oh and if you know anything like Duan's work or the Da vinci author. Totally cool. Help cure me of boredom ppl!



                        • PM, what the heck is up with your avatar?

                          ...Okay, now that I've said the only relevant thing I'm going to say, let us move on to the irrelevant stuff.

                          I'm so hooked on Ender's Game. I, four Orson Scott Card books checked out from the public library. And one from the school library, and I just returned one. And I re-read the two I already own. Which brings it to a grand total of 9. Nine books? Wow. I'm obsessed.

                          The yearbook teacher was a bit frustrated with me today. Well, not me in particular, but my yearbook-parter person and I. We insulted a teacher on one of the yearbook pages. But I can't help it! Neither of us get along with that teacher, and we can't find anything good about her! She's so CLUELESS and PREJUDICED against certain people in the class. If you got in trouble once in the first month of class, you're marked for life. If you didn't, you're in the clear. *mutters about injustice*

                          I went to dad's on Saturday. Not much more to say, is there? It went badly.

                          My iPod has 595 songs! Yay!

                          I should be doing homework. But meanwhile, I'm looking at this. I swear it's science-related! (Click on the "Candy-O-Matic" and keep your sound on.)

                          I had so much fun at this library meeting on Sunday! My friend and I were elected (we were the only two running, I think) the "Friends of the ___ Library" Teen Representatives! Plus we got to think about the Summer Reading Program, National Library Week, and redesigning the teen section of our library. AWESOME!

                          BTW, any of you know any cool "teen library" sites? We're trying to convince the county that basically "You want teens at the library. websites are cool. Teens like websites. If you let us have a cool website, then more teens will come."

                          I had donuts! Chocolatey donuts! And I skipped second period for them!

                          ...School's not fun. I don't like school. It's getting boring and repetitive.

                          On the other hand, there's my science teacher, who shows us stuff like this. (Don't click if anyone in your house is asleep. And keep the volume ON.)

                          ...Bored...time for homework. Chow! (How do you spell that?) Bye!
                          Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                          "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                          "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                          • Lisa said we could rant about a teacher so that's what im going to do. This event will be with me forever. When I was in third grade everyday at the end of the school day my homeroom teacher, let's call her Satan's spawn, she would give us a piece of paper towel and make us get on our hands and knees and clean up the floor. Well one day she didnt like how well we cleaned the floor so she took the garbage can and trhew it all over the floor and made us clean it up. I am not lying this is a true story.
                            "Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance!" I would rather be hated for who i am than be loved for who i pretend to be!
                            "People...stop being mean to each other.
                            Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane in chat.


                            • Yay, i just got Sabriel. I have read a couple other books by Garth Nix but i have heard Sabriels suposed to be great. Ii think ill go read it now
                              (\__/) "Be amazing"


                              • Korean music! s'all Clone's fault, y'know. XD tteot-ta geu-nyeo !! (There she is!!) and Cake Dance (There she is! step 2)- the songs from those in mp3 form. I keep wanting to switch windows and watch the flash movies, but with mp3s the compy's faster. And they're on my iPod, too. Heh.

                                <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">alla:
                                MINT... CHOCOLATE... M&Ms... You guys have mint chocolate M&Ms??? I'm insanely jealous... whoever invented the combination of mint and chocolate was a genius!
                                O_o Mint...chocolate?!... Ahhh!! *has similar spasm* Chocolate, and mint, in one m&m candy?! I must eat one those! But I bet if I did, I'm become totally addicted or something... </div>[quote]
                                They're in Christmas colors. I don't know if you can get them any other time of year. I'd send you some if I had more than four...

                                Point the second: Ahah! Newbies! Mmmm. Yum.
                                It's gotten so I'm afraid to take a break from YW for a week now, for fear of not recognizing anyone when I get back, we have so many. x.x;;

                                Dark Lord of Derkholm was great. So was Year of the Griffin. ^^'

                                PM, what the heck is up with your avatar?
                                That'd be Capricorn, because it's his birthday soon. Tomorrow, I think. [And because he likes editing people's posts in order to clarify things, rather than posting himself, I shall take advantage of this situation to make use of the 'slightly paranoid' emoticon: ]

                                ...what the...? I didn't think I'd ever listened to this song on this compy, but it's in temp files.
                                Or this song, either. This is really odd.

                                Lisa again:
                                My iPod has 595 songs! Yay!
                                ...I have like, just over a hundred. XD Still have to add several CDs and whatever I wind up getting off iTunes, though.

                                And SW? Wow. That's just, um, wow.

                                *pokes MM* Capitalize a little? Capitalization and punctuation are good.

                                Ahahaha, wildflower needs to lay off the music that's not in English. Languages besides English make wildflower more incoherent than usual. And it took her like, five entire tries to spell incoherent correctly. Wildflower has abandoned random Korean pop and has started listening to Rammstein.

                                My mom just walked up and stuck an orange post-it note on the laptop screen. It's upsidedown and says meatloaf on it.

                                Whee... I remember the Phantom of the Opera obsession that swept the forums like, six months ago. I kinda missed that. Wow, I'm late. But yeah, Phantom of the Opera is great. XD

                                I love VGDawn again. The other night I posted everywhere, and now that I don't have an entire month's worth of pressure to post, it's fun to reply again.

