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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • It's gotten so I'm afraid to take a break from YW for a week now, for fear of not recognizing anyone when I get back, we have so many. x.x;;
    heh ... I took a two week break... all thats happened is that there is a whole bunch of new threads that I probably wouldn't have read otherwise - all the shipping stuff oh and I missed a DD chat.

    MM said:
    Yay i just got sabriel. i have read a couple other books by garth nix but ive heard sabriels suposed to be great. i think ill go read it now
    Sabriel is good. I read it for the first time years ago. I now have the audio book too *grins* Read by Tim Curry. tis cool.

    MM again:
    Beware my army of lemings. Bwahaha.
    your army of lemmings can take on my army of tumbleweeds


    • I wana wana sweetie!

      But I'll settle for a new NDS game. Has anyone bought a new one they liked recently? Or even one of the new GBA games?

      To recap - I already have Animal Crossing Wild World (enchanting and addictive), Mario Kart DS (barrels of fun), Advance Wars Dual Strike (brilliant update of the GBA TBS that broke the established wisdom saying Strategy games wouldn't work on such small screens) and Mr Driller Drill Spirits (cause it was only NZD$9.99 on special). Plus I just bought Fire Emblem Sacred Stones for GBA (though i now play all my GBA games on my NDS due to the far nicer screen) which I'm LOVING

      One other thing - are there any other Peter F. Hamilton fans here?
      Frog blast the vent core!


      • i'm tired... it's only wendsday and it feels like a monday after christmas break...i'm in school...

        the very last place i want to be tired in.

        i'm also hungry lunch is soon

        *cheers up* MMM... my favourite sandwich, Peperoni, salami, american cheese, and lots and lots of mayonayse maybe some bacon or turky too.

        My eye keeps twitching and it's giving me a headache.

        the last weekend was cool
        sunday i stayed home all day and watched the entire orriginal star wars trilogy...and used the computer. and my message boards got three new members YAY!!! now i have 8 members.

        more people join. only one person from here joined... artemis wolfang...

        more people join!!!!!!!!!
        YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
        "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


        • Wildflower:
          That'd be Capricorn, because it's his birthday soon. Tomorrow, I think. [And because he likes editing people's posts in order to clarify things, rather than posting himself, I shall take advantage of this situation to make use of the 'slightly paranoid' emoticon: ]
          Paranoid? Over little old me? Aw.

          What I do tend to do (if I see people in Chime) is answer them there. Lisa was in chat yesterday when I read her post.

          Wow. I have 1346 tracks in iTunes, mostly from old CDs or cassettes, and 74 bought from iTMS (not all by me - some were a gift).

          I got Shrek 2 for my four-dozenth birthday . I'd seen the film before when I was staying at my sister's house for Christmas 2004, but the extra stuff is new to me.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • Lisa:
            My iPod has 595 songs! Yay!
            XD 1199 songs here

            History and math exams were done today. I think I might just survive this week... espescially with the fact that I'm getting home at noon each day, so I have the house all to myself -- I can turn Slipknot or whatever else that's crazy as loud as it'll take or draw without being interrupted.

            Auggh... a lot of teachers have problems, so I'm not gonna talk about it. I have this one history teacher. He's awesome, enthusiastic, loves what he does, and is loved back by the students. People have even gone out with photos of him and got shirts made with his face on it. Hist teacher isn't even the crazy sort of guy -- in fact, I bet he was a loser who got picked on all the time when he was in school, but it's not like anyone cares. XD

            Woww, Shads... your teacher sucked. Wayyy back when I was in kindergarten (I don't know the name of the school), I had this evil gym teacher. I can't even tell you what she did (I don't remember), but I have one memory of her trying to get me to dribble a basketball right, and she was hurting my hand. She was old like a cockroach too; my mom had her for gym when she was in school.

            all the shipping stuff
            Gotta love that shipping topic. XD It's definitely Nita/Ponch.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • I spotted this on the Newbie page 'injokes:'
              Originally posted by wildflower:
              <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
              <LI>Newbie roasts

              Wasn't here for this, but from what I've heard, Rysade used to eat newbies.

              Judging from a recent togr post, he still does... we've got about a million newbies now, too.[/list]
              Just so you know, WF, Roast does not refer to 'making fun of.'

              More like making MEALS of...

              *big toothy grin*

              Call me crazy, but I've never been able to get around to stuff that wasn't written by adults ever since I burned out on Amelia A****er-Rhodes. I thought about Eragon, but did little about it.

              MMm... Card. I like card, though the first book is always super, the next book good, the third book ok and after that ... I'm like: "huh?" Look up Treason.
              If you're looking for YA websites: YALSA

              I LOVE my iPod. I try to keep the songs on it to a minimum, because the music on my Mac won't fit on it. Too many songs!
              "mostly from old CDs or cassettes?" PM, from CASSETTES?! The sound quality must be awful! You've already bought those songs! Get them for real, man!
              Now, I'm not one for Acquiring things. But that program simply rocks.

              Ah, but I also beat you all on the iTunes track number: 5855 Tracks. Play time on the whole Library is 13 days, 19 hours, 25 minuites and 30 seconds with no repeats!

              If anybody wants to trade tips on how to build an effective Smart Playlist, feel free to message me.

              So what if I like to brag about my music?! It's all I've got some days...


              • I suspect some of the cassettes may be too obscure.
                <LI> Soundalive: Music of the Middle Ages
                <LI> Carnyx: Sounds from Norman Times
                <LI> Tom Smith: Who Let Him In Here?
                <LI> Joe Ellis: The Dream Is Alive
                Cassettes I've read in so far have sounded Ok to me (old ears, you know). One is too quiet, so I'm going to have to do that one again.

                And, due to the passage of time, the Capricorn avatar has been replaced by another one from the same site. This one should be easier to see.
                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                • Ah. Those I've never heard of...


                  • I should be reading for homework, but instead I'll post here. Yeah, procrastination

                    well first I need to find my power cord. I'm down to 64% battery alreaady and have class at 10, so yeah.

                    Uh, problem, no power cord. That wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if I didn't remember packing my power cord, meaning I'd have to have lost it somehow. Though I've not opened my bag since home....other than sitting here.

                    College scheduale is so awesome. I am so happy about my scheduale. 10-1 and I'm out of classes. Only problem is I still need to wake up like if I had a class at 8, 'cause of carpooling, oh well I'll sit here reading TogR. I've gotten bored enough to debate trying to copy wf and read all of TogR. Haven't started doing so yet, but would if I had power. Well after I finish this random ramble if nobody gets on msn. (ok, most likely person would be Rad).

                    Gotta love that shipping topic. XD It's definitely Nita/Ponch.
                    I personally was thinking that Kit/Ponch would be more likely XD though Nita/Ponch works too I suppose.

                    59% battery, running down fast. ick. I want at least until 10, I think after 1 I can beg borrowing a powercord off of a friend.

                    My watch thinks its 12:55. Its so messed up I don't even know why I'm still wearing it. Other than that I'm too lazy to take it off.

                    Oh look, classmate got here. Then walked away before I could ask to use the powercord . Need power.

                    Only an hour to last if necessary. Two hours on this low power, annoying to read screen of state are possible.

                    I don't know what to write about, but I need to waste time somehow. Uh, yeah...random typing random typing.

                    Poor wf about the messed up muse. At least its only mostly dead. And mostly dead is still partually alive. And didn't I try to revive it in ced already? Heh.

                    Llamas own you. Pwned.

                    Oooh, another person's birthday today. She just came down into the campus center. Happy Birthday Tuttle's Classmate.

                    *turns on llama song* After I listen to this I'll listen to the Dalek song. Lol. But the llama song is more stuck in my head.

                    *sings along*
                    here's a llama
                    there's a llama
                    and another little llama
                    fuzzy llama
                    funny llama
                    llama llama

                    llama llama
                    llama llama
                    llama llama

                    i was once a treehouse
                    i lived in a cake
                    but i never saw the way
                    the orange slayed the rake
                    i was only three years dead
                    but it told a tale
                    and now listen, little child
                    to the safety rail

                    did you ever see a llama
                    kiss a llama
                    on the llama
                    llama's llama
                    tastes of llama
                    llama llama

                    half a llama
                    twice the llama
                    not a llama
                    llama in a car
                    alarm a llama

                    is THIS how it's told now?
                    is it all so old?
                    is it made of lemon juice?
                    now my song is getting thin
                    i've run out of luck
                    time for me to retire now
                    and become a duck

                    Is it sad I will randomly type that out...out of memory.

                    Ooh SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                    Tuttle got mail yesterday
                    two letters
                    from college
                    she was already accepted before
                    but she got $12,800 of academic scholarship from them yearly. Promised. Up to 4 years. Need to pass 11/12 classes.
                    And she got anoher $3,000 or so need based

                    but yay

                    That actually knocks it down to if I get a few more scholarships I'll be able to go to a none state school without argument.

                    Haha, my friends are planning scheduale for graduation, making like 20 minute speeches so the principal can't talk during it.
                    He's an evil principal. Evil. I don't have any recent stories, but he is.

                    I feel sick My dad tried to make me have a weird apple muffin for breakfast, and its rather...strange. And I have no money now so can't go buy food. But I need to eat.
                    And I have only lunch for food.

                    My classmates are being akward for me. Its like...they don't know what its like. They don't understand. I agree with some of their statements, but they don't understand anything else.
                    They're talking about the juniors. And were like about how they needed to break out of ther shell, because they are antisocial and stuff. And they don't understand at all. They don't know like its hard. They don't know what its like to be hard. But I agree with their other statements, about how they are way more...strict than we were. No sense of humour. But they can't be talking about them being antisocial. They don't know. They don't know at all. They were popular before even. Its...I don't know what to say. Its hard to even hear. *sigh*
                    I <3 my laptop. I'd be sitting here like, not able to do anything. Instead I'm at least typing this.

                    Wow, I just noticed this is really getting long. Ish at least.

                    But yeah, I don't know what to do. How to react. I know I'm different. I don't want to be normal. But people don't understand how much pain can come from a few simple words. Because they don't want to hurt people, but they don't understand.

                    Does that make sense? Its like, they're acting like all the social stuff is necessary. And I can't help it. So am I less than good? Thats what they're saying. Its hard. Especially when they're talking about arragance of like the principal and the necessity of like, making yourself have fun. Avoid stress. Have some sort of socail life for them. The juniors do need to work on that. They need to for their sanity. But there's a difference between having a sense of not overworking constantly and being socaily.

                    The hardest thing is that its people who are good people. Would stop if I said something. But I can't. And I know this. So its my fault that its hurting me. *sigh*

                    Now this seems too....serious. So yeah .Umm...llama!

                    Need to go eat some of my lunch. I need food.


                    P.S. 36 percent battery now
                    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                    • if you are totally board i suggest you go to see "where's waldo". Makesure your volume is totally up high! It'll give you clues *laughing*. Just don't play this around parents, don't want to give someone a heart attack.


                      • Ehhh, Rysade... don't waste your time on Eragon. It's overrated, and you can tell that it wasn't written by an adult. XD

                        Rysade: *shock* That's almost 6,000...

                        I might've failed my _Spanish_ exam.

                        The where's waldo link? I've done that one before... umm... just for the sake of your eardrums, turn your volume down, just... ummm... yeah. I'm not gonna "spoil" it, but I actually wouldn't wish a minute of that waldo link on anyone.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • i know, isnt' Eragon so advance for someone who wrote at 18. Man, I like the plot and everything. but god, when I red Eldest my best friend was the dictionary.


                          • Wow...hmmm...another 3 day weekend for me! w0ot! I love semester break. I'm going downtown with some friends tomorrow, and we're going to hang out and go shopping, and go to the farmer's market for lunch, and then walk 3 blocks to the school my dad teaches at, and crash his history class-hopefully the one with seniors in it. XD My friends are awesome.

                            On iTunes I have 1220 items, as they call it on the bottom of my screen. That's...3 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes and 35 seconds of music. That's sort of a lot, compared to how much I had when I got my iPod...let's just say that's about 1000 songs more than I had back then.

                            Teachers have issues. I should know, I'm around them often enough (my dad's one, so I see all his teacher friends every single day.) My Adv Algebra 2 teacher has BIG issues with me. She thinks I'm an idiot because I don't talk in class, and I don't understand how to do some's not my fault she's a bad teacher. Oh well...I'm not thinking about her, because it's a 3 day weekend, and I'm not thinking about her...

                            I haven't been able to see PM's avie on my computer for several months now. Just noticed that. That's weird...

                            Wow. Newbies everywhere...and suddenly, I'm in the injokes section. That's INCREDIBLY weird to think about, no offense. I don't really know why it's weird, but it is. It's also incredibly cool.

                            Wow...I don't know. School's good, I get to start another semester. I start Health class. *plays creepy music* I don't really want to learn all that "stuff" again.

                            I'm in the mood to...I don't know. What am I in the mood to do? I really could go for some pie right now...we were at the grocery store, why didn't I ask Mom to get pie?! Oh well...I guess I'll end this now, since I can't think of anything to post anymore.

                            -blah seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • Gryph: I thought the same thing about Eragon, I just didn't want to say it.


                              • HOLY...!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS FREAKY
                                balthasar you are messed UP CRAzy.
                                im glad i listened to gryph, freaked me out
                                anyof the others that bad?
                                truely evil evil evil YOUR ON THE MONKEY LIST
                                MY MONKEY LIST, STARTED FOR MONKEY(she not on it anymore though) and your at the top of it now thatw as EVILEVILEVIL
                                *aschiel: it almost scared me... but it didn't*
                                I would also like to point out that Graths Nix's book Lirael is better then Sabriel, and that his Keys to the Kingdom Series is also AWESOME
                                "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
                                Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett

